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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 253 KB, 398x556, Picture 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4111840 No.4111840 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever been to Japan as a sex tourist?
What was it like and do you have any tips?

>> No.4111844

Wait... a what?

>> No.4111850


>> No.4111856

Japan sucks for sex tourism, go to Hong Kong instead.

>> No.4111855

>do you have any tips?
American law applies to you even overseas. Stay away from those schoolgirls.

>> No.4111867
File: 200 KB, 566x800, 81342d03c9ed3abaa8d0860a2aa0ce73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, but I'm planning a trip with the hope that I will at least hook up with someone while I'm there.

Also, another pic from the same series.

>> No.4111871

>In Thailand, though the exact numbers are not known, it has been estimated that children make up 40% of prostitutes in the country.

>> No.4111877

Gaijins are blackballed from any whorehouse worth its salt. Go to Thailand instead.

>> No.4111883

Also, loli is easy there.

>> No.4111898

/r/-ing tips on getting to fuck a loli in Thailand

>> No.4111905

Everyone in Thailand has AIDS. That, or syphilis.

>> No.4111908

But this is /jp/, we wouldn't know.

>> No.4111909
File: 51 KB, 480x640, 1263068647097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should make a country with predominately white people and set the age of consent real low.

>> No.4111915

But then someone who likes them younger than you would always have screwed them first.

>> No.4111917

like canada?

>> No.4111914

1. Go to poor looking neighbourhood
2. Wait to be approached by loli-whore
3. ????
4. Robbed at gunpoint by her keeper, left to die in alleyway, bad end.

>> No.4111912
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>> No.4111910

Well asking is worth the try.

>> No.4111920

go to a bar/massage house
engage in small talk with the tender
ask for service
tell him you're looking for something young

>> No.4111921

That faggot of Bangcock probably knows because he lives there.

>> No.4111922

You call 14 low?

>> No.4111924

Why are they so long and narrow?

>> No.4111928

Canadian faggot here,
I'm pretty sure it's 16

>> No.4111936

I heard the PVND at the Netherlands wants to legalize child prostitution. For children aged 12 and up, that is.


>> No.4111940

this is an ideal fun time girl

>> No.4111943

Thailand is the AIDS capital of Asia. That's some bad advice.

>> No.4111949
File: 57 KB, 1393x628, AoC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can't have everything.

>>4111922, >>4111928
See this minimum age of consent chart.

>> No.4111948

Even worse.

>> No.4111954

There was some faggot crying about them in the paper yesterday. "Why do we even allow these parties to run for seats in the government?!?"

I hate the anti-pedo movement for how they want to take away or restrict everyone's rights based on their morals. They're as bad as Christians.

>> No.4111966

This charts are always full of shit. The only good chart is the pie chart.

>> No.4111970

Do they want to make it illegal to call teenagers children?

fucking 10 year olds is not a right

>> No.4111971

rofl@ "No law"

>> No.4111990

Most Christfags are anti-pedos, so yeah.

I love Dutchfags for how little dramafaggotry they have with moral issues and such. Such a party wouldn't even see its genesis anywhere else in the world, besides from countries where fucking lolis is already legal.

>> No.4111995

Didn't know that my country's age of consent was 13.. Oh god

>> No.4111998

mexico little brown girls

i can understand people concern about little children being used and understand the fact that they want to protect them, but putting someone in jail for 30 years because they downloading a picture is stupid.

i think the same rules should apply for everyone (age wise). consent, or its rape. its not like being 18 suddenly makes you responsible.

>> No.4112003

>fucking 10 year olds is not a right
Completely missing the point, as the anti idiots always do.

>> No.4112011

I remember some Anon made a comic of his experiences with such in Japan. It was not pretty (though quite funny).

>> No.4112012

>fucking 10 year olds is not a right
Learn some logic.

Freedom of speech is a right. Anyone has the right to say fucking 10 year old little girls should be legal. If they get enough power and influence to make it happen, then it happens. If they don't, then it doesn't. It's anti-freedom to deny them the change to strive for that change in the first place. Being a huge moralfag against parties you don't like is anti-freedom.

"Hurr, only parties we approve of should be able to exist"

That is not freedom.

>> No.4112015

2d loli images good 3d loli images not so much and i still say that you can only have sex with anyone with in 3 years of your age if your under 18

>> No.4112020

>fucking 10 year olds is not a right
Most people believe in the "right", if you wish, to a free sexuality. They just claim underage human beings should not be the exception to the rule.

Yeah. I saw a vid the other day of a mass wedding in Saudi Arabia. Guys of 20~30 years marrying lolis (which, on top of it, were virgin, according to good old Jizzlam tradition). So cash.

>> No.4112027
File: 551 KB, 683x3984, 1261310659497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4112030

>how little dramafaggotry they have with moral issues and such
You should've seen the shitstorm when the PNVD made its first appearance.

>> No.4112033

Where are you from?

>> No.4112043

Do you happen to have any links to news articles, videos or such?

>> No.4112044


>> No.4112047
File: 191 KB, 566x800, 155219cea8a3355bdd6ef18412619352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone find this and post it.

In return, the last pic in the series (that I know about, anyway).

>> No.4112049

UNLESS you know enough Japanese to handle a simple conversation, and then suddenly it's easy.
Besides, who the hell goes to whorehouses?
Find yourself a service-offering 16 y/o on the net, there are TONS lurking around shibuya and akihabara.

Best spent 100$ of my life, i won't go into more details than that.

>> No.4112052

Hablo tu mismo idioma.

>> No.4112053

it seems as though little mexican children are the cheapest option (for usafags) so we should all start trying to figure out how to make it happen.

>> No.4112055


>> No.4112062

That chart is wrong, or atleast, 15 years old. Almost every country in south america has a 18 years old aye of consent. Argentina certainly has, now, that nobody cares a shit as long as the 16 years old one is ok, is a completly different matter.

>> No.4112078

I think everything I read about it was only available in Dutch.

>> No.4112110

lol wut?
Everybody will have the freedom to appear naked in public. (since 04-2004)
There are no valid reasons for prohibiting this. For hygiene's sake, nudists will be required to use a towel when sitting in public places such as in parks or at stations.

Citizens will not be obliged to carry an identification card. (since 04-2004)
Otherwise, it would not even be possible for them to walk in public naked.

>> No.4112120

just a little research
95% of the 13000 "street children" in mexico city have had sexual encounters with adults.


>> No.4112114
File: 210 KB, 683x1024, 1261706418048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r/-ing tips on getting to fuck a loli in Thailand
I've read about this on tor.

The trick to getting some kiddie crotch is to go to a poor nation like Thailand. Spend a few nights with the local prostitutes that are of legal age (you can find them every where). After befriending them, ask them where you can find younger girls. Once said prostitutes tell you where its at, you must stalk out the place for a few days to make sure its not a trap. If you see a fat white male come in and out of the building, it's legit.

I have absolutely no experience of doing this myself, whatsoever!

>> No.4112131


Were you the fat, white male?

>> No.4112139

Why the fuck would you want to fuck a kid.
You're all disgusting gerontophiles.

>> No.4112143

Sex tourists are the fat white males.

>> No.4112144
File: 58 KB, 624x352, DavisDoNotWantMaybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread confuses me.

>> No.4112149



>> No.4112165

A flight from the East Coast to Mexico city is only $550. I am going to guess that for $1500 you could spend a week relaxing in Mexico city on vacation and have one or two encounters with children.

If work wasnt an issue I would head on over there next week. ;=;

>> No.4112169


Fall? You're in the southern hemisphere aren't you?

>> No.4112170

Fucking 10 year olds is not a right.
It is not something you deserve.
It is not something that will happen even if the age limit is 5.

Sex is not freely given, it is earned or taken. No 10 year old will never love you. You will only coerce them and that should remain illegal.

>> No.4112180

You still don't understand the concept of freedom.

>> No.4112188

It's a troll, just ignore him.

>> No.4112190
File: 44 KB, 640x480, bscap2300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4112198

hotels are $50 a night in may, goddamn mexico is cheap

>> No.4112200

Coercing someone into doing something is a curtailment of their freedom.

>> No.4112203

Nope, our laws (I'm an argenfag) state that any sexual activity with individuals aged 13 and over is only punishable if it can be proven that the minor wasn't consenting it.

http://www.justiniano.com/codigos_juridicos/codigo_penal.htm (Article 119)

>> No.4112215

>Sex is not freely given, it is earned or taken.

>> No.4112225

Also, the age of consent of Mexico is 12.

>> No.4112236


Christ I need to go there ASAP

>> No.4112245

Read that thread, was funny has hell.
Poor bugger should have bribe the bouncer to choose the best one.

>> No.4112247

Yes. This isn't the hippie era. Every creature of every species must earn their lay.

>> No.4112254

Banada's AoC has been 16 for years.

>> No.4112305

I can go for this. Some people aren't to be trusted.

>> No.4112311

If you let those sandnigger lolis age 10 more years, not even camels would dare marry them.

>> No.4112329
File: 52 KB, 450x680, staringintoyoursoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4112350

>hairy arms, hairy legs, hairy feet, hairy vagina

only if i could take her home and spruce her up

>> No.4112389


the hairs ticking against your white male skin feel good bro.

>> No.4112393

Having freedom does not equate to having control over other's rights.

>> No.4112401

Germany. 14. And that's why we lost all our wars.

>> No.4112435

Get out. You're on the wrong website.
Also, Japanese whorehouse haet gaijin. China tends to like you fagits more. Suggest you go there.

>> No.4112476

>read PNVD page
>see this
Citizens will not be obliged to carry an identification card. (since 04-2004)
Otherwise, it would not even be possible for them to walk in public naked.

this is my kinda party

>> No.4112505

Why go all the way there?

Visit Amsterdam, smoke weed, get call girl to come to your room.

And all this without breaking any laws

>> No.4112833

because europe

>> No.4112867

Just to point out.

Though the national age of consent in Japan is 13. Most, if not all prefectures now have their own laws putting the AoC at 16.

That said, this is true (>>4111855). Regardless of where you go, you're still bound by the AoC laws of your own country.

>> No.4113278

Okay guys, new question.

What is a place I can go for cheap, given I live on the west coast of the US. Preferably a place that is regulated and wouldn't give me AIDS.

>> No.4113338

Reno, Vegas? I haven't been to either, but I'm pretty sure everything is regulated there.

>> No.4113348

Just throw the dice, your life is worthless anyway. AIDS will give you more character if anything.

>> No.4113356

I was reading the Wiki, and apparently prostitution is now illegal in Vegas.

Reno seems like an interesting possibility, I was reading about it last night on Wiki and on a brothel's forum. Seems kind of expensive though. They don't give price quotes because they are independent contractors, and apparently the pricing is extremely varied. Venturing a wild guess of a ballpark estimate, it would probably cost hundreds of dollars for a single encounter with a decent chick. So I don't know, I was hoping there would be cheaper alternatives around the world.

>> No.4113370

I'm okay, I'd rather not die a painful death from AIDS.

And if I died early, I would be sad to miss all the games released in the future.

>> No.4113494

>child sex tourism

Am I reading this right?

>> No.4113519

In Vegas prostitution is still illegal, it's only legal in the rest of Nevada. And it's a very weird scene indeed, one to be avoided.

>> No.4113525

Clearly you have dyslexia. Because if you read the thread, you would know the answer.

>> No.4113540

>very weird scene indeed

You're going to need to elaborate on that. You seem to be speaking from some kind of experience, whether direct or secondary in source. I might guess you live in Nevada or somewhere nearby.

If any of these are the case, please share your experience.

>> No.4113554

...of course, upon actually reading the rest of this dog of a thread, I suspect it's one of the least weird and ugly situations mentioned here.

>> No.4113571

Now now, you wouldn't happen to be a moralfag, would you?

That would definitely explain your alienation towards Nevada's prostitution industry.

>> No.4113601

No, your mom would.
