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4111104 No.4111104 [Reply] [Original]

Little sister, i'm disappointed.

>> No.4111113

Worst route.
Also: slut.

>> No.4111121

Kouhei does everything at school.

>> No.4111129

nigga what?

>> No.4111196
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>> No.4111199

This was a bad game.

>> No.4111288

This route made for shy japanese boys who doesn't know what is it to have a girlfriend. Descendant dates, descendant fuck scenes in council room. I did the same thing before I opened imageboards for myself.

>> No.4111300
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>> No.4111312


They even went out of their way to make her 18+, why in the name of god isn't there a route?

>> No.4111322


AAAHHHHHRRRRGGG!! SHIT why they have a event section for her? she even don't have a own route

>> No.4111329

not enough time, which can be applied to Ilya and Sacchin's routes too

>> No.4111348

they even think about making a patch or something?

>> No.4111376

Nasu has the Ilya h-scenes on a CD in his basement. He's planning on selling them when the FSN franchise dies.

>> No.4111379

>They even went out of their way to make her 18+
As a joke, yeah

>> No.4111386

the first thing i tryed in this game is get the sister route
-they are not-blood related
-she is 18+
-they have a lot os cenes an a starting plot....

oh shit .... when i know what's goin on here i raged so much....

>> No.4111398

You missed /a/.

>> No.4111507

Do you even know what localization means?

>> No.4111520

She was 18 in the original too.

>> No.4111542

stupid question but sauce please

>> No.4111563


>> No.4111593

It will die long after he does.

>> No.4111981
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>> No.4112000

Didn't even finish this whore's route but I happily played the other two twice or thrice. Everything about her made me sick to my stomach.

>> No.4112073

what galge is this?

>> No.4112094


Yume Miru Kusuri.

>> No.4112099

thank you good sir

>> No.4112394

lol what's with all this hate tonight? and especially towards her?

>> No.4112450

Rich people aren't human.

>> No.4112568

ignore the trolls! Defend the honor of our waifu!

>> No.4112579

Rich people are better than humans. Poor people are lesser than humans.

>> No.4112583
File: 87 KB, 800x600, YMK_358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always hate for Mizuki.

You kids have no taste~

>> No.4112606


I'm new to visual novels, which one is this?

>> No.4112612

ignore those mountains and we are fine

>> No.4112639

>doesn't read the title of the game window

>> No.4112669


Well I'm retarded

>> No.4112700

Her route's going to be in the fandisc.

>> No.4112865

they have bad taste

>> No.4113570

I really enjoyed her route. I haven't played the other two and probably won't be for a good while. Nekoko is weird and that other girl just seemed...boring and generic.

I also felt that Mizuki is very similar to me in many ways, something that I don't really find often in VNs.

Also in before:
>Are you a slut?

>> No.4115735

people who liked her route = elitist bastards
people did not like her route = faggots

>> No.4115860


Mizuki just has an overall boring route. You can't really blame people for not liking it. Her route is basically Nekoko's just minus...Well,Nekoko.

I could honestly care less about her. Compared to the others she really feels unpolished. It would've been better if they removed her route to make way for Aya's.

>> No.4115884

best route ever.
like reliving high school again.

>> No.4116210
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>> No.4116221

I'm pretty sure her VA didn't want to do ero scenes either.

Which is amusing, signing up to voice an eroge, but opting out of moaning.

>> No.4116234

Didn't like Mizuki, possibly because I couldn't relate at all to the bitch.

Popular, beautiful, rich, and apparently intelligent, but ohhhhhhh it's so hard for her to find her true self! ;_;

>> No.4116242

>possibly because I couldn't relate at all to the bitch.
Funny, that's the EXACT reason I hated Aeka.

>> No.4116284

>relating to the women

Oh wow.

>> No.4116288
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Mizuki reminds me of this bitch

>> No.4116296


Is that the oneesan from Index?

>> No.4116309

...Now that I think about it, have any doujins with Aya been made?
YMK is just asking for it.

>> No.4116310

With the full on lesbian seiyuu.

>> No.4116430
File: 149 KB, 500x1249, ohaeka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Protip:You're not supposed to

Aeka's gone through so much shit that at that point it's useless. It's just your job to love her thats all you need to do to enjoy her route. Or if not that then let your inner moralfag take over. If Aeka can't be your girlfriend then she at the very least should be your friend.

And no good friend abandons another just because of a little social insecurity.

>> No.4116445

Sorry, I can't love someone as annoying as her.

>> No.4116454

Rape Aya please

>> No.4116476

having been with someone who kept playing the emotional blackmail card (imma kill myself if you don't blah blah blah), i couldn't stand aeka

having no interest in drugs, nekoko wasn't too appealing

having an interest in healthy girls, Mizuki was the best choice

>> No.4116484

One question, what's with girls calling their boyfriend's sister their lil' sisters?

>> No.4116485

Because it insinuates that they're a part of the family.

>> No.4116504

>having an interest in healthy girls
There is a spy amongst us.

>> No.4116509


On one hand you're right, the blackmailing bothered me as well at first.

But, if you look at it from her perspective, it's more like a second chance at life.

If you accept her offer, then she has something to live for. If not, she has nothing and feels she has to end it.

>> No.4116519


You can do drugs in YMK?

Oh shit, why did I not play this before? I've been missing out.

>> No.4116540

what she needs isn't pity-love, but to change herself

i suppose it could help her change, but from my experience, it's a bad idea to disguise pity as love, especially if you end up believing it yourself

>> No.4116561


I see your point, and it definitely ties into real life situations a lot of the time.

But, in this case, Kouhei actually fell in love with her and I don't think pity had any part of it.

>> No.4116578

The fucking name of the game is "A Drug That Makes You Dream".

>> No.4116599


By that logic, Fate/Stay Night should be about the Night Staying and Fate approaching.

It's not, obviously, so I assumed that this title was more Japanese bullshit. Seems like I was wrong. I'll give it a look-see.

>> No.4116611


Yep, you should really give it a shot This vn is making me want to read/discover new ones to experience.

>> No.4116614

You know who really needed a route?

That Russian Girl

Seriously what the fuck was with her?

>> No.4116615

The unidentified drug is more like a plot device. And the bullied girl route doesn't feature drugs at all.

Aeka - Bullying
Mizuki - Interpersonal relationships
Nekoko - Drugs

>> No.4116617

while i would've liked to help her, she's not a character i could 'love'

except for the part where she gets really pissed off about kouhei being bullied too, most of her 'appeal' is in her situation of being bullied rather than her character

>> No.4116621


Yeah seriously, that was totally random.

>> No.4116627


I guess we will have to agree to disagree, fine sir.

>> No.4116637

you are drunk, go to bed.

>> No.4117729

no u
