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4110534 No.4110534 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here still playing Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst? Still annihilates all those shitty Korean grindfests some of you love so much.

>> No.4110545

After playing PS0, I can't go back to PSO. I can't stand those old graphics, they drive me nuts.

>> No.4110590

By PS0 do you mean the DS game?

>> No.4110597


>> No.4110601

Yes. It's so pretty. But the new PSP game is like, a million times better.

>> No.4110611

So you trade better-than-xbox graphics for DS 3D? What? But anyway, I haven't tried PS0 yet, it's actually good?


Phantasy Star Portable 2 is looking pretty nice too. The Japanese version has Asuka and Rei plugsuits, and a Saber costume as well I believe.

>> No.4110621

I don't know about xbox, but if you say PSO has better graphics than xbox, then it must be a pretty shitty console. But seriously, the game is too old by now. But even DS 3D graphics are better compared to that old horse.

>> No.4110628

>he still plays psobb

play portable 2 faggot

>> No.4110643

Have you played Blue Burst? It still looks nice. DS 3D looks like shit, even compared to the original PSO on the DC.

Teach me Japanese faggot

>> No.4110649

Portable 2 is awesome. Bad thing the non-moonrune ver. is gonna be ruined by that fucking dub.

>> No.4110668
File: 266 KB, 1024x768, psobb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played it on PC.

Look at this screenshot, looks like shit. Might have been awesome 5 years ago, but not today. On the DS characters feel alive and not gray skin.

>> No.4110671

not to mention force sucks shit cocks

>> No.4110696

How is wi-fi play on PS0?

>> No.4110711

looks better than ps0

>> No.4110735


>> No.4110749

No it doesn't.

>> No.4111008
File: 132 KB, 480x272, snap036-0031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Portable 2 is awesome. Bad thing the non-moonrune ver. is gonna be ruined by the removal of all content that isn't Sonic.

Fix'd for unfortunate truth; as bad as dubs can be, in the moon version I wanted to ram my fist through the screen every time this bitch opened her mouth because of all the overdone loli and moeshit. I'd think an actual human-sounding voice would be a welcome change.

>> No.4111022

but she is my waifu

>> No.4111029
File: 111 KB, 480x272, snap026-0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But who is this she's embracing then?

>> No.4111108
File: 164 KB, 480x272, snap040-0035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point being, there's really no reason to play BB anymore when PS:P2 recycles enough shit to where you're basically just playing an upgraded version of PSO.

The only thing you'll be missing out on is thousands of TTF runs.

>> No.4111324

But TTF makes leveling so much faster...

>> No.4111611
File: 113 KB, 480x272, snap029-0024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But TTF turns leveling into a repetitive grindfest and subtracts all hint of fun.

Fix'd for you. Besides, does it have CAKE SHOPS?
