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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4106904 No.4106904 [Reply] [Original]

Saturday. What are you doing with your life?

>> No.4106916


>> No.4106908

I'm browsing /jp/. And you?

>> No.4106917

I just woke up to a beautiful Sunday afternoon, what about you?

>> No.4106921

............browsing /jp/?

>> No.4106929

Fapping and browsing the web.

>> No.4106930
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Just got sick of grinding the day away in WoW, about to masturbate and watch some anime.

What are you doing?

>> No.4107215
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ayako doll, I wish you were more loved.

>> No.4107241

Attempting to snap my cat's neck. Bastard thinks I'm his dakimakura. Writing with a cat clinging to your arm and humping you is not fun.

>> No.4107244
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If sacchin where sexy and better looking she would be ayako.

>> No.4107246
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>> No.4107249

I got a haircut because I was told I looked like a girl.

>> No.4107256

How is that a bad thing?

>> No.4107268

Drinking, wanna make something of it, 'not good enough to get a route' girl?

Enjoy your Rider rape.

>> No.4107274

Hanging out with girlfriend, reading patronizing posts on /jp/.

>> No.4107277
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>> No.4107285


Sacchin is better looking. She is made of wholesome and girl-next-door.

Ayako is just... generic side friend character. With a bad haircut.

Wouldn't mind seeing a doujin with Rider molesting her though.

>> No.4107294
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>> No.4107305

I got a haircut and ate ten pounds of candy because people told me I was looking good and had lost weight.

In retrospect they might have been sarcastic but better safe than sorry.

>> No.4107307

Learn French, re-evaluate my FOREX trading strategies, fap, take a nap.

>> No.4107317

I don't feel comfortable going to college looking like a trap.

>> No.4107319

Saturday is haircut day on /jp/.

I spent the day masturbating to JAV and grinding a shitty MMO while simultaneously typing a journal (notepad, not Livejournal like a faggot) trying to make sense of the horror my life has become

...in other words, just another normal day for me!

>> No.4107380

Watching the Cowgirls roll the Eagles and avoiding going to a party with my aunt since there will be no girls, computers, or gaming systems there, only old hags playing cards and listening to 80s R&B. Oh, and they're all Cowgirlfags, an even better reason not to go...

>> No.4107388
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What's that? Have fun on your date?

>> No.4107400

Taking a break from college work.
I'll get back to it tomorrow.

>> No.4107426

>The last words of every NEET here.

>> No.4107470

What's so bad about her haircut? Looks better than Sakura's at least.

>> No.4107520


Stop that, Sakura's hair ribbon is delightful

>> No.4107538

Unfortunately, the same can not be said for Sakura's hair, nor any other part of Sakura.

>> No.4107550

a decade without a championship, I'm gonna go find a ledge

>> No.4107554

Skipping out on a college friend's wedding. 'Course the only people who I would know at the wedding would be the people I graduated with who were actually allowed to be successful. They were practically given jobs that pay $50k a year while going to grad school part time for free. And here I sit with an engineering degree and all it's done for the last two and a half years is collect dust. But am I jealous? Nooooo! I'd rather be stuck living at home, nearly penniless and griping about all the great things my friends have been able to do with their lives while I post on /jp/!

>> No.4107581


You did the right thing. Posting on /jp/ sure beats trying to come up with bullshit to tell other people about what you've been doing with your life. 'Uhhh yeah so I do a lot of online stuff now... yeah....'

>> No.4107607

She has pretty delightful tits.

Then again, so does Ayako.

>> No.4107660

Feeling like crap because of a girl, realizing just now I'm never going to get one, you know, the usual. Plus I just finished Umineko Ep.5 so blah, I'm way too bored.

>> No.4107703

Reading Ten, reviewing kanji, playing piano.

>> No.4107728


>> No.4107763

I like Sakura's exposed ear. I bet it's her only hole that's not teeming with worms.

>> No.4107801

no thanks

>> No.4107816

That would be a losing bet.

>> No.4107834


I just had a mental picture of Sakura laying on a giant penis worm's lap, getting her ear cleaned with a tiny penis worm held by the giant penis worm

We know what Sakura does on Saturday night, anyway.

>> No.4107899

Browsing /jp/. And will fap to Ayako.

>> No.4107939


Shouldn't you be raping your imouto? Mitsuzuri-san will just rejected you again.

>> No.4107947

drinking and gettin laid at da club

>> No.4108018

She's just hiding her true feelings. In reality, she wants to ride him hard.

>> No.4108095
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I was reading some beginners music theory and TRYING TO PLAY THIS.

I'm so frustrated. Fucking useless hands can play Dai's You just fine but not this.

>> No.4108752

Huh? Shit's easy, man. Practice more.

>> No.4108781

Not being a vampire.

God, I hate vampires.

>> No.4108786

wow, prolly another retard who picked up an instrument thinking it would impress ppl

btw, that shits easy, get good

oldpianofag here, since I was 8
22 now ;_;

>> No.4108810

I doubt it. Nobody would know where it was from or anything. You're talking to /jp/, here.

Been playing for 8 years, over here.

>> No.4108819

RTK-ing, trying not to think about the stuff I have to make up for school/exams.

>> No.4108824

Who the fuck am I going to impress?

I'm a fucking socially inept basement dwelling faggot.

>> No.4108825

I'm planning to throw away a long lasting friendship with probably the only person that keeps me sane and the only female friend that truly cares about me.

Then on monday I'm planning to go to my higschool and see what I can do after I dropped it 2 years ago.

>> No.4108832
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I'd be impressed if I saw someone pick up a piano...

>> No.4108840


>> No.4108847

He obviously realized friends are overrated shit.

>> No.4108865
File: 237 KB, 1333x1000, 1256992888514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helping my roommate upgrade his PSP to GEN 5.50 D-3 and practicing my Japanese some more before I sleep. My goal is to translate Flyable Heart when I gain enough proficiency, but that might take a while. It's good to have goals though.

>> No.4108869

Because I fell in love with her. I don't want things to change with her, nor do I want to get friendzoned and keeping this quiet has started to affect me.

I rather just tell her I can't see her anymore.

Most are, but is fun to have them around every now and then.

>> No.4108873

Wasted money on a strip club. Lap dances were nice though.

>> No.4108878
File: 328 KB, 800x1000, Mystia3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, right. I slept about 16 hours, same as the last 4 or 5 days, and spent the rest of the time watching anime and raging over fire emblem screwing every single character's strength/magic growths. Seriously, you'd think Oscar and Boyd would get at least one point of strength between them after they both got to level 12...

>> No.4108879

The heightened amount of normalfaggotry in this thread is indicative of have flooded we are with f/a/ggots.

>> No.4108883

Give me a break, I was out with friends until 2AM this morning.

>> No.4108897

I spent all day playing Alice 2010.
わいどにょ is so addictive
