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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 155 KB, 972x616, rikaikun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4102175 No.4102175 [Reply] [Original]


rikaichan for chrome! firefox: uninstalled


>> No.4102176

What exactly is good about Chrome? It's basically a data mining program, only legal because you chose to install it yourself.

>> No.4102196

Chrome: It's like a botnet, only voluntary. Fuck yeah, Google.

>> No.4102209

I wish there was actually a browser that stood as god above all others with no flaws the others don't have even worse. Like CCCP+MPC. Instead it's just choosing your brand of shit.

>> No.4102214

Rikaichan was the only reason I haven't checked out Chrome yet. Gonna try it out now.

>> No.4102219


>> No.4102217

Does Chrome have 4chan extension too?

>> No.4102220

I guess I'll pass then.

>> No.4102226

Google Chrome: Goes perfectly with people who also have bought a Mac.

>> No.4102233

So what's wrong with Chrome exactly?

>> No.4102236

Google Chrome, works well, is fast, has a large amount of optional plugins and functions, and is free. Pretty much the opposite of a Mac.

>> No.4102243

Well, unless you use incognito mode and aren't a complete idiot.

>> No.4102251

It starts with a D and ends with -atamine.

>> No.4102253

So tinfoil hat paranoia?

>> No.4102257

Google searches google for your search terms, so each time you type something into the address bar it sends a packet to google. Google could be using that information for spyings. Thus is could be spyware.

>> No.4102259

(google claims this is only to provide search results for your search terms, but who knows)

>> No.4102264

What does that mean?

>> No.4102270

You know I sometimes wonder what google is going to do with all that information.

>> No.4102274

Nothing evil, trust me.

>> No.4102278
File: 178 KB, 617x1357, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me when it has all of these and I might be interested.

>> No.4102281

Not trying to herp derp here, because my preferred browser is Opera and I don't like Chrome... but what's the big deal about about Google datamining your searches and keywords and what-not? After all is said and done, how were you harmed? I would like to know. It's been bothering me.

>> No.4102282

Fuck, I need to get some of those. Especially the infinite replay.

>> No.4102283

Take over the world.

>> No.4102284

Over time it stores your most visited websites for "easier access". Of course, google will use those websites to blackmail me into giving them money.

>> No.4102288

I think some people are just paranoid and attack Google just because they are retards.

Probably the same people who say Google reads your mail. Newsflash: So does every other mail provider.

>> No.4102290

Because they're building a personal profile of what you search to determine who you are, what you like, weaknesses you have and what you're doing tonight then they'll sell that information to the NWO.

>> No.4102291



>> No.4102295

It amazes me how quick people are to throw away their privacy, sometimes.

>> No.4102301



I know that thinking that a big corporation is out to get you and is spying on you personally is a good way to deal with your insignificance and all, but at the end of the day it's denial. Nobody gives a shit that you read 4chan and granny porn websites.

>> No.4102302

And their freedom.

>> No.4102323

You're not very good at recognizing sarcasm, are you?

>> No.4102328
File: 16 KB, 254x93, Screen shot 2010-01-09 at 15.14.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot.

Typing things in Chrome's address bar is no different from typing things in Firefox's search bar.

Same goes for Google's main page.

I have no idea what the fuck are you idiots talking about.

>> No.4102330

Hey, it's your integrity. If you don't mind them gathering information about you, then by all means use it. But don't complain when some of us do have reservations about that.

>> No.4102332

You're living in the 21st century. You don't have privacy.

>> No.4102339
File: 23 KB, 600x400, img34102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of your freedoms

>> No.4102340

It's because each copy of Chrome has a unique ID that they can use to directly identify you. Of course, they claim they don't.

Also, a quote from Google's CEO: "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place".

>> No.4102344


Someone posted that on /g/ a while ago. I haven't tried it myself, but I heard a few complains about it. Take that as you want.

>> No.4102345

Are you British, by any chance?

>> No.4102348

Well that's definitely more malignant.

>> No.4102351

So what the hell do you use? Yahoo? Bing?

>> No.4102356

4chan X and associated userscripts should also work.

>> No.4102359

Protip: you get a unique ID assigned to you the first time you visit Google unless you're blocking cookies, too.

>> No.4102360

I thought we were talking about Chrome.

>> No.4102366

Using Google is the same as using Chrome. They get the exact same information.

>> No.4102369

Never heard of CustomizeGoogle, I guess?

>> No.4102385 [DELETED] 
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> He thinks he has outsmarted Google

>> No.4102396


Gentlemen, put on your tinfoil hats.

>> No.4102411

I'm going to take it easy, and use my mostly free software operating system, without relying on many cloud services.

>> No.4102423

Wrong. It's not a cookie. This ID is assigned to each Chrome install so they could track any website you browse, not just Google.

>> No.4102462



The terms and agreements clearly state that they don't do that. You have the choice to allow them when you first install Chrome, but any one with half a brain turns it off.

>> No.4102480


Chrome is open-source. You can look through it and surprisingly there is no way for Google to really mine your data except for Google searches.

The only times Chrome sends data is when:

1. Update Spellcheck with your preferred language
2. Crash Reports (If you enable it)
3. Google Search (You can change search to Bing and it will stop)
4. Check for updates (Again optional)
5. Anti-phishing site list
6. 404 Error Suggestions (Can change to Bing or Yahoo)

>> No.4102508

OP here, so you're saying google knows I like traps? great, now they can help me find moar.

>> No.4102504

Privacy sucks. The world would be a hell of a lot better off if everyone was spied on constantly and there were no secrets.

>> No.4102520

Communist detected

>> No.4102523

You have no idea what communism is

>> No.4102528

Chromium is open source, not Chrome.

>> No.4102532 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 584x559, LOL_WHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The terms and agreements clearly state that they don't do that

>> No.4102537

Communism is when the government takes away all your possessions and has a secret police that spies on you and kills anyone that thinks differently.

That's communism.

>> No.4102541

And you're a troll.

>> No.4102564

Wrong. Chrome's source code is open source.

Haha. Teaparty enough?

>> No.4102574

Get out communist!!

>> No.4102576

>Communism is when this bearded German guy writes this book about how capitalism devalues human beings and their ARBEIT and this crazy Russian dude gets all HIGH TENSION from reading it.

>That's communism.

>> No.4102593

>Nobody gives a shit that you read 4chan and granny porn websites.
If what you do is different from what ordinary people do, then you never know what public opinion on it will be in the future. Google will never delete their data, and in 20 years time governments might be having people lined up against a wall and shot if they had even just visited sites like http://www.littlewitch.jp or http://kodomo-h.com/..
Or even sooner if you live in Britain.

>> No.4102609

Keep that tinfoil hat on tight.

>> No.4102619

It's cute that you think the unwashed masses wouldn't want to hang you for your loli porns.

>> No.4102643

Chrome sucks!

>> No.4102653

It's cute that you think the unwashed masses will ever influence government that strongly.

>> No.4102656


>Or even sooner if you live in Canada.

Fixed since they're the only ones that bother to enforce that shit.

>> No.4102664


>> No.4102675

What version of Chrome should I install? Does something like Minefield exist for Chrome?

>> No.4102691

you need the beta version search google chrome beta in well.. google. derp. uninstall any other version of chrome first or it wont work.

>> No.4102720

See, this is someone who also has thought about this a bit further, and what's the best counterargument he gets? "hurrr, tinfoil hat"

Especially on /jp/, with people having interests that the majority of society disagrees with and that they try to keep hidden from the outside world, I'd expect them to be more concerned about their privacy.

>> No.4102754

This issue would be completely solved if google just made their data public and everyone could see what their neighbors are searching for.

>> No.4102761

Are you a retard? Who fucking uses Chrome? Do you even understand what google's main strategy is dumbo?

>> No.4102763

>No TACO add-on
You almost had all the good stuff.

>> No.4102769

Marx was overseen by the greatest Zionist and Lenin was an agent of the roundtable groups of the British Empire. Same with Mussolini who was directly paid by one of the British intelligence agencies

>> No.4102771

Smart choice. Hey,, yes, you. You read Ito Life, and browse g.e-hentai all the time, as well as 4chan. You are getting lynched.

>> No.4102795

That's not how it works. Google is selling the data to everone who wants to pay for it just like even government agencies sell the private data of citizens to corporations behind the doors, which should be obvious to you if you had read some news in the last couple of years.

>> No.4102805

lol let's take out our tinfoil hats guys xD

>> No.4102818

Tinfoil for what? The degeneration of the last two generations is just incredible. Intellectually they are close to being complete illiterates and this thread proves the point.

>> No.4102830

Newsflash: Anime pedophiles are not the only group that would be harmed by google making their data public. lol google

>> No.4102839
File: 20 KB, 513x214, meiryoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I change the fonts for Japanese text specifically in Chrome? I want my MeiryoKe back.

>> No.4102840

There is absolutely no reason to be alarmed by corporations having your precious data. Fucking nutjob.

>> No.4102843

Fight the system!

>> No.4102847

But we're not even part of the system.

>> No.4102858

I can see your underage

>> No.4102874

Wait a couple years (10-15 I'd say) until Chrome gets the same Japanese developer love Mozilla has.

>> No.4102877

What does his underage look like?

>> No.4102873

I'm pointing out the ridiculousness of his statement.

>> No.4102887
File: 212 KB, 500x953, 0e47fbae445cee867bae8c0dae5a43c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4102982

No, he's right. Chromium is open source, Chrome is not. They're mostly the same, but there are a few differences. That is, the name, the logo and Chrome sends an encoded string to Google every now and then, while Chromium does not.
If you're worried about its contents, but still want to use Chrome, just get a Chromium build from somewhere, problem solved.

>> No.4103126

i would be inclined to get this if rikaikun displays its overlays on top of flash. rikaichan does not do this.

so does it?

>> No.4103128

My guess would be no, but someone would have to check.

>> No.4103274

That's such an annoying problem someone do something about it please

>> No.4103622

The issue is likely caused by the rendering order (i.e. Firefox rendering plug-ins after everything else), so I don't think it's possible to fix on an extension-level and you'd have to change the sourcecode of Firefox itself.
Rendering Rikaichan in a Flash applet might work, but that would probably come with its own complications.

>> No.4103742

I think the rikaichan display works by just adding html to the document. The problem with that is that flash objects always appear above all html, regardless of z-index, unless they have wmode=transparent set.

In other words, flash sucks. Fucking adobe.

>> No.4103797

Is there some sort of RikaiDono for Opera?

>> No.4103804
File: 14 KB, 252x346, laughingelfmanhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viral marketing

>> No.4103874

While the Flash plug-in does need work (9 out of 10 Firefox crashes is caused by it), in their defence, it does this with every plug-in. It happens with Java too, for instance.
