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File: 184 KB, 656x518, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4101456 No.4101456 [Reply] [Original]

Oh man, they're at it again. Explaining so simple for such long time. And Hempel's paradox is thousands times deeper than that, why do you have to be so shallow, r07?

>> No.4101472

Hempel's raven isn't handled very well, but thankfully it barely ever comes up.

It's just an excuse for more DEVIL'S PROOFIN

>> No.4101477

He thinks his DID MEIDO is a good twist.
Don't expect good writing from him.

>> No.4101540

He's too busy slopping together corny love scenes to fact check.

>> No.4101564 [DELETED] 

We would highly appreciate it if you did not spam your shitty clones all over www.àñöñtálk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4101574 [DELETED] 

We would highly appreciate it if you did not spam your shitty clones all over www.àñöñtálk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4101603


Who ever said anything about a DID maid? Why the fuck everybody assumes, if they ever go with the theory that Shannon is Beatrice, that she has multiple personalities? Maybe she pretended to be Beatrice? Like, planned? Made a conscious effort to fool Kinzo?

>> No.4101623

Yeah, and the ONLY person who EVER brings up multiple personas is Moon-chan, anyways. This DID thing is kinda silly.

>> No.4101804
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This one doesn't even make sense...

>> No.4101811


Socrates wept.

>> No.4101817

Don't even mind it, it's not even used again, just for the fact: if the 19th person doesn't exist, the culprit is one of the 18, that's all

>> No.4101818

It's the common issue of people using applications of things they do not really understand.

>> No.4101833

Hempel's raven.
I am smart.
Therefore, you are dumb, as is everyone else in the world except me.

>> No.4101840
File: 31 KB, 349x642, troll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're trolling, see picture.

Otherwise you're a retard.

>> No.4101863

makes perfect sense to me.

if i assign theoretical numerical values to intelligence and (for this example) know for a fact that my value is 100 and know for a fact that no one else can achieve that high of a value, blah blah blah

of course there is no such absolute numerical value for intelligence in real life, since we have to start asking "intelligent with regards to what" "relative to who" "how do we even define intelligence" etc.

but the scene itself is simply an "if" scenario, and it holds true.

>> No.4101867

>complaining that it should be an simple explanation
>also saying that it is thousands times deeper than the explanation
You are fucking stupid.

>> No.4101874

> know for a fact that my value is 100
You get this from 'I am wise', okay, no problem here.

> know for a fact that no one else can achieve that high of a value
This one you pulled out of your ass. It's not mentioned anywhere in this scene and the scene doesn't make any sense without this assumption.

>> No.4101877

I was doing neither. It was satire of R07's explanation. I meant no offense to you, trolling or otherwise.

>> No.4101890

it is a given for beato's statement

>> No.4101896

I forgot a word when typing, "Explaining _something_ so simple for such long time.". Maybe that was what caused confusion.

Explanation of what they're talking about (!A, A&B <=> !A, B) should be shorter. But they're not talking about Hempel's paradox at all.

>> No.4101906

Sorry for replying so aggressively then, I am always like this when discussion is about logic.

I don't get the joke though...

>> No.4101909

No it's not.

>> No.4101946

Yes it is.

>> No.4102027

No, it's not a given, it's something too serious to be a given.

>> No.4103046
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>> No.4103063


>> No.4103074

Yeah I wasn't impressed when they brought up Hempel's raven.

I don't think R07 understood what the raven paradox is really about... but hey, at least he tried, I guess?

I mean he really could have just done well with the definition of "contrapositive" but he tried to drag a logical paradox in there to make it sound fancy.

>> No.4103082


>> No.4103083

I don't blame him. I've looked it up several times and still don't get it exactly. Like why it's a paradox.

>> No.4103122

It's paradox because it shows a case where induction, something we should think would work, clearly does not.

Hempel's paradox is beautiful.

>> No.4103138

It's pretty simple once you peel away the layers of fancy language. It's an illustration of the problem of inductive logic (you can look that up yourself if you're curious)

It goes something like this:

1) Ravens are black (raven = black)

2) If it's not black it's not a raven (not black = not raven)

3) I have a pet raven that is black (proof that raven = black)

4) I have a green object. It's an apple, so it's not a raven. ("proof" that not black = not raven)

The problem here is that obviously we could discover a rare breed of green ravens tomorrow and it completely invalidates this type of thinking.

This is a pretty watered down version, you'd be best served by mulling it over yourself until you understand it.

>> No.4103161

I can't decide if you are a troll or just have even less clue about hempel than r07.

In any case, if someone is interested in it, you should read wikipedia page and not that blasphemy I quoted in the beginning of my post.

>> No.4103186

R07 does a really piss-poor job of explaining Hempel's Raven. Had to look it up to actually understand it.

I wonder if he's ever taken a logic course before.

>> No.4103217


you are an idiot.

>>4103138 is right.

even though the apple has nothing to do with a raven, it still further validates the "raven = black" theory.

>> No.4103241

>>4103217 even though the apple has nothing to do with a raven, it still further validates the "raven = black" theory.

Even though >>4103138 magnificently did not explain that!

There's not a word in his post about how, by induction, seeing green apples should make you believe more that all ravens are black. Have you even read it?

>> No.4103249

So.....Hempel's Raven is basically describing the attempt to use detuctuve logic by those who are ignorant of some variables?

If I had already verified every possible variable of whatever it was I was trying to use deductive reasoning on, it would no longer be a paradox? Is this the sort of light-weight bullshit R07 is trying to foist off on my poor brain to make me call him a pretentious joker?

>> No.4103250

This thread is so entertaining.

>> No.4103252

Calm down, bro. I think you're getting a little worked up.

>> No.4103261

I'm not the one calling others idiots.

>> No.4103271

Look at the wikipedia article -- it's an algebra problem, not a logic one. Which fits, because R07 keeps trying to turn the mystery into a math puzzle which is incredibly annoying. He should just stick to love stories.

>> No.4103287

>He should just stick to love stories.

>> No.4103291

Sticking to the love stories would only make the whole thing even shittier.
R07 can't do romance.

>> No.4103301

It seems that he can't do anything

>> No.4103306

He can use the same blue-haired girl in a variety of roles.

>> No.4103317
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He can make retarded character designs.

>> No.4103327

Oh is this "ryu 07 shit is really shitty" thread? Like "Type Moon shit is really shitty" thread and "Touho shit is really shitty" thread?

>> No.4103328

>Why the fuck everybody assumes, if they ever go with the theory that Shannon is Beatrice, that she has multiple personalities?

Because that's what makes the most sense (leaving aside how DID actually works). We've seen Shannon and Kanon have conversations with each other, and they have different (almost opposite) personalities. Beatrice is also quite different from Shannon and Kanon.

Saying she was just disguising herself really makes little to no sense. Sure, the DID deal makes barely any sense on itself, but makes more sense than just Shannon posing as Kanon and/or Beatrice.

>> No.4103338

Not to mention they are all treated like completely different individuals in EP6, all involved in different romances.

Shannon is in love with George, not Battler. Kanon is in love with Jessica, not George. Beatrice is in love with Battler, not Jessica.

>> No.4103353

>R07 can't do romance.
Hey, fuck you.

>> No.4103356

Yet for some reason of those three couples, there can only be one.

>> No.4103368

Oh maybe none of them exist lol. They are all imaginary friend of the cousins, like everyone in umineko love to have imaginary friends.

>> No.4103381

In the end, Maria was the only one who was sane.

>> No.4103386

That would be hardcore trolling.

>> No.4103392

>Look at the wikipedia article -- it's an algebra problem, not a logic one.

WHAT THE FUCK AM I READING. Seriously, everyone in this thread should at least learn a bit about logic, especially symbolic logic. I took a course on it in college and it was one of the most interesting courses I've taken, and I usually hate philosophy.

>> No.4103393

So has anyone figured out which one of them is the guy?

>> No.4103402

Both are guys, and they'll fuck your ass like if thete's no tomorrow

>> No.4103412

>like if thete's no tomorrow

>> No.4103418


What? I fucking hated my logic course. Natural deduction was a bitch, Hoare Logic was retarded, Sequent Calculus was extra-stupid, and it only got better when we started dealing with Turing machines, which actually made sense.

Then we went to lambda calculus, which was retarded again.

>> No.4103419

solomon's key says Zepar, but Gaap was also a guy in it. So, just imagine one of them has the thing and you're fine, you can even alternate it
Ryu is able to troll about it, you know

>> No.4103420
File: 81 KB, 398x326, spy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4103424


>> No.4103431

Obviously, because the three - despite being different individuals - share the same body. So only one personality can survive in the end.

You can't have Shannon taking over the body and fucking George, then Beatrice taking over and fucking Battler 5 minutes later. Real life doesn't work that way.

>> No.4103435

Sometimes shit is just shit because it is.

>> No.4103458
File: 149 KB, 562x437, OhDesire!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more Kinzo

>> No.4103459

In episode 6 though, their genders are opposite to each other. It's just never made clear which is which. I still say Zepar is the male because they represent Kanon and Shannon like Ronove represents Genji, and Furfur is the 34th ranked, he could have been chosen because 34 matches Shannon's name Sayo. That would make Furfur Shannon and Zepar Kanon. Lambdadelta of course also means 34, but that is a reference to Miyo from Higurashi, as even though they're not the same person, since Lambda was the one who granted Miyo's wish, Lambda's character design is based off young Miyo's, and the same voice actor plays both.

>> No.4103473

>he could have been chosen because 34 matches Shannon's name Sayo

Sayo != 34
紗代 != 三四

>> No.4103478

Never said that. I said it could be a reference to her name. Yes, it's not the same kanji. So? Does that mean it can't be a reference?

>> No.4103485

>Does that mean it can't be a reference?

It's only a reference if you're retarded.

>> No.4103496
File: 26 KB, 411x376, Kinzo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4103505

Ronove's name is obviously a reference to Genji Ronoue. Is it so strange to have another reference back to a non-fantasy character in these two? After all, R07 picks demons mostly out of the blue and they don't at all match what they're supposed to be in lower key. Just because the reference is not blatant, doesn't mean it isn't possible.

>> No.4103561

sounds good to me.

>> No.4103875

And he sure as hell can't do mysteries.

On an international flight last year, I read a modern mystery _Case of the Dead Dog in the Nightime_ or something like that. It was trash, essentially a retarded kid exploitation book, but there was, nominally, a mystery to be solved. The problem was, the mystery was pathetic, the culprit was telegraphed well before hand, and even then the retarded kid detective didn't figure it out...until the culprit has an emotional breakdown and admits it. It was shit, a waste of life, etc.

There's a mystery here in Umineko -- the murders SHOULD be able to be solved via conventional means, but instead of actually trying to come up with plausible explanations that can't be disproven, we get MATH PROBLEMS.

>> No.4103891

Jesus christ, OP. Update your patch to 4.2

>> No.4103934

weren't we talking about hempel's raven?

>> No.4103935

Umineko can be solved by conventional means.
The only problem is that the solution is so fucking stupid that the majority refuses to believe it, despite its obviousness.

I would say that as a whole, Umineko is much easier than Higurashi, the only reason people didn't really solve it till now was because nobody wanted to think that the plot device could be that retarded.

>> No.4103973

I'm going to throw this out there guys.

What if, shannon and kannon exist. And are seperate physical entities. However they both can and do dress as each other as well as dress as beatrice.

Does that work?

>> No.4103994

No, ShKanon(trice) can only works if they were always one person.
Can't be Shannon disguising as a dead Kanon or vice versa.

>> No.4103995

It could have been awesome, at least.

>> No.4104083

It was easier to solve Higurashi in my opinion; Takano was obviously dodgy. On the other hand, "lol brain parasites" was a retarded idea.

>> No.4104139


>> No.4104191

Brain parasites and DID Maid, I'm thinking he needs to work just a little on his endings.

>> No.4104202

People only started to get Higurashi by Tatarigoroshi, the third game.
ShKanon was the most popular theory by episode 2.
I would say the plot device is more easily noticeable in Umineko.

>> No.4104217

He needs to work on the plot devices he uses.
In both Higurashi and Umineko, he built his stories around these plot devices.
And in both cases, people found the plot mysterious and hard to get simply because nobody could think he would use such a low twist, so everyone expected something really intelligent and brick shitting.

>> No.4104263

it's just a sound/visual novel, do you expect it to be at the lever of the mistery books? think about it like an anime, even if no-one has still animated Umineko

>> No.4104279

you could get the paranoia part right from Onikakushi, about Takano, you had enough info in Watanagashi

>> No.4104286

We were probably more ready to accept ShKanon because of Shmion in Higurashi, as well as droopy orphanage bitch.

>> No.4104318

Cookie cutter mystery novels manage to at least not be that fucking convoluted in their presentation.
It has nothing to do with greatness, just not fucking up the execution after the build-up

>> No.4104319

if by most popular you mean the most bashed that no one used in their theories, then yes

>> No.4104325

It was the most popular as in everyone knew about Shkanon. The problem is, everyone thought of it as a joke, because it was completely ridiculous, but alas.

>> No.4104343 [DELETED] 

It'll shock you fuckers when its not the maid.

>> No.4104383

This applies to me.

But at the same time, I immediately disregarded it as another red herring, because it's in bad form for an author to use the same fucking plot device more than once.

>> No.4104441

IMO, the designs up to EP5 were awesome. Most of them at least. The new characters' designs are terrible - why would he do that? Furfur and Zepar's look like some run-of-the-mill design from some 80's hentai movie.

>> No.4104456 [DELETED] 

We would highly appreciate it if you did not spam your shitty clones all over www.àñöñtálk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4104472
File: 128 KB, 656x518, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyrie is so awesome. I liked her most from the very beginning.

>> No.4104532

Aw hell...

>> No.4104567
File: 75 KB, 620x876, Nanjo did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4104576
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Either Nanjotrice or Gohda Brain Parasites
Much better than Shkannontrice end

>> No.4104590

There's a fragment out there where Gohda solves the epitaph.

Just think about that.

>> No.4104593
File: 32 KB, 210x192, 1262488037438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best character in the series.

>> No.4104602

If she's the best then how come she couldn't out-jealous Jessica?

>> No.4104613

It's going to end with the alledgedly oldest one in the book

Genji is the culpit because it's always the butler

>> No.4104625

Maid, Buttler, same thing.

>> No.4104641

my bet is that's she's still the ringleader, Shkanon is just being used, because they're FOOLs

>> No.4104648


yes, fuck the maid, and after fuck the butler. they're the same

>> No.4104657

no, they're FURNITURE

>> No.4104668
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There are slight differences

>> No.4104677

and the sky is blue

>> No.4104713

Actually she did out-jealous Jessica by 16 extra years.

Jessica only won because Bronove helped her out and the trap twins made her an immortal possessed demon. she cheats

>> No.4104734
File: 54 KB, 655x517, epicduo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EP 7

Rudolf-Asumu-Kyrie arc

We get flashbacks of Rudolf's life, get to see what Asumu looked like, found out how the baby switch happened, and solve the fucking game.

Also because Erika is gone a new detective is needed. Battler? Fuck that fag, Rudolf is now the detective and he's kicking ass and taking names. Except his wife is the true culprit. Epic showdowns between Kyrie and Battler ensue. Also Featherine is killed by a Battler and Ange team up.


>> No.4104744

can we add shkannontrice denial to that list

>> No.4104746


>> No.4104756

I see gun duels are in Battler's blood.

>> No.4104769

Asumu becomes the Witch of Stillbirths.

All the magic circles are drawn in menstrual blood.

>> No.4104782

Rosa becomes the Witch of Greatest Mother Ever.
Magic Circles are drawn with Maria's blood.

>> No.4104785

I wouldn't be surprised if Rudolf made him watch Clint Eastwood movies as a kid

>> No.4104786

The new detective is Gohda. The detective must be someone unrelated to the cast, he is the newest servant in the family so... who knows? Maybe his true job is unrelated to his Magical Chef skills, he was a detective all along!

>> No.4104790

>get to see what Asumu looked like
Given how Zepar/Furfur and Featherine looked, I'm guessing something over the top retarded for Asumu also.

>> No.4104792

Oh god why did I lol

>> No.4104793

Gohda can't be the Magical Gohda Detective

Because he's the Magical Gohda Culprit

>> No.4104810

Asumu will be pantsless.

>> No.4104817

The question remains: will she still be a MILF even if she was unable to have a kid?

>> No.4104829 [DELETED] 

We would highly appreciate it if you did not spam your shitty clones all over www.àñöñtálk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4104827

Gohda can be everything at the same time... but he is a hobo who couldn't do anything in his life, so he is living under the bridge now and telling his drunk delusions to his flatmates. You know, being an acknowledged servant in a rich family, where mystery and magic happens, so he saves the day. After that, everyone happily eats his meals and everyone is saved.

EP8 ending, you heard it here first

>> No.4104845

Yeah, she just sucked at having kids who didn't die. You could argue that she was kind of a mother at some point.

>> No.4104856

I feel sorry for Gohda. Just like Natsuhi doesn't get to wear the one-winged eagle. But instead of killing babies or talking to imaginary friends, he cooks delicious meals and climbs treacherous ladders.

Gohda is the true hero of Umineko

>> No.4104868

considering all that Battler says about her I doubt she was god awful.

>> No.4104871

Gohda cooks babies.

>> No.4104877

more like dead roses

>> No.4104879

Battler also thought Rosa was a good mother.

>> No.4104883


I'm on ep two at the moment and gohda is a true prick to anyone that isn't natsuhi and krauss.

When does that change?

>> No.4104891

It doesn't. Thought he does have some nice moments with Shannon in EP5.

He just wants his chance to shine, which he doesn't get because he's only Krauss and Natsuhi's servant, not Kinzo's.

>> No.4104896

read notes from a certain cook (google it with umineko wikia), you get his background

>> No.4104974

I wouldn't see it coming if Genji was the culprit. I often forget that he exists.

>> No.4104988

I doubt it somehow. Considering he can vulcan neckpinch his victims to death, a gruesome death like most we've seen seems to be unnecessary to him.

>> No.4105045

He based that on observations after 6 years of absence, rather than directly experiencing it like with Asumu.

Ryukishi loves to do this perspective shit anyway. To Kyrie she's a conniving, dorobou neko, but obviously she treated Battler lovingly, unless even that asshole has delusions.

>> No.4105060
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Pic related

>>4104734 Rudolf is now the detective

Fuck yeah. The only thing that would be better is if Kyrie were the detective as Rudolf fits the Watson role better than her.

>> No.4105069

>The only thing that would be better is if Kyrie were the detective
Which would also destroy the Kyrie culprit theory, since the mastermind cannot be the detective. Would be an interesting TWEEST.

>> No.4105072

Rudolf is a major player, Kyrie likes to think she's the smart one of the pair but he has her around his little finger.

>> No.4105075

But Rudolf is JACK BAUER

>> No.4105077

But the culprit can't be the detective.

>> No.4105079

>Kyrie were the detective as Rudolf fits the Watson role better than her.
As much as I love this idea, Knox's 7th...
You know it to be true.

>> No.4105081

>Rudolf is now the detective

We need more Jack Bauer references.

>> No.4105083

Kyrie is a good girl, I can assure you.

>> No.4105105


What's Kyrie's unique motivation for the Rokkenjima incident? The only person she'd want to harm is Asumu, who is already dead. While she is reminded of Asumu when Battler is around, she wouldn't want to do anything to him as Ange loves him as if they were truly blood siblings.

>> No.4105112

Battler's sin 6 years ago.
It MUST involve his direct family at least.

>> No.4105122

She doesn't want to go through the hassle of being the head of the family, she leads that to Kasumi.

She takes over the Ushiromiyas and gets her money that way, and considering they barely have a brain cell to share between them, she's got ample opportunity.

>> No.4105123

except he's pretty much scared shitless of her at the same time and doesn't like getting on her bad side.

Kyrie is clearly the dominant one. She has him whipped.

>> No.4105125

>>4105112 Battler's sin

Explain what his sin was and how it influenced Kyrie to cause the incident.

>> No.4105130

Not really.
6 years ago was the last time he was on the island.
His interactions with anyone there could be considered.

>> No.4105132

Battler raped Kyrie and Ange is his daughter.

>> No.4105141

Battler probaly just made an off hand remark to someone & Beatrice overheard/was told about. She took it personally.

>> No.4105145


>> No.4105168

Battler's sin was six years ago
Ange is six

makes sense to me!

>> No.4105169

If you're that scared of someone you do not get another woman pregnant then marry that woman, when Rudolf lays down the law she keeps her mouth zipped.

>> No.4105176

He's obviously a masochist.

Besides the game clearly says she only quiets down for the sake of his male pride.

>> No.4105184

This actually sounds believable.

>> No.4105185


Wait, are you arguing that Kyrie, despite showing nothing but disdain at the thought of being guaranteed the head of her own family, wants to become the head of the Ushiromiya family?

>> No.4105206

Well i can't argue with you there.
All i can say is whoever the flying fuck Asumu is she must be a VERY strong woman.

>> No.4105237

Not really. She was really just another member of the harem that Rudolf slept with at one point. Although she is pretty cunning.

in EP 6 Kyrie says that Asumu was never afraid of shakes - she faked it to gain a moe trait to attract Rudolf with.

>> No.4105243

I cannot argue with this. It's not like she was broke and resourceless. She's avoiding responsibility.
Perhaps she being the culprit or mastermind would be revealed with a very elaborate scheme.
Perhaps her reasons to commit murder are beyond normal understanding?

>> No.4105254

God i hope we get a Kyrie, Rudolf & Asumu arc soon.

>> No.4105276

even better if it turned out like this >>4104734

but knowing ryukishi we'll probably get an arc about more characters no one cares about, more grimdark batbeato and of course a load of superfluous new magic characters, rather than developing his already existing characters.

>> No.4105306

The Ushiromiyas (Except perhaps Krauss and Natsuhi) are quite intriguing as it is. I hope it doesn't become as you say.

>> No.4105307

That just happened with EP6. Why would it happen for the remaining games?

>> No.4105309

You know the next episode is going to be Genji & Nanjo arc then EP8 will be about how Eva really hates Hideyoshi or something stupid.

>> No.4105318

I'm hoping Bernkastel will get this fucking trainwreck back on track, but Ryukishi sure olev the meta world, so I doubt it.

>> No.4105341
File: 53 KB, 702x479, more like trollkishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't put it past trollkishi

>> No.4105378
File: 46 KB, 178x178, 1262940443566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm hoping Bernkastel will get this fucking trainwreck back on track

>> No.4105381

She'll put it back ont rack and derail it to hell again. Bern style.

>> No.4105394

actually it really happens with every game really. A bunch of new characters, they get the more focus than the original cast and all the meta stuff.

>> No.4105396

This VN has a big theme of lying to oneself or others to make life seem better so I thought that maybe Battler sin has something to do with that. Maybe he revealed some lie that he thought was nothing big in his mind, but in reality counted a lot to some people/person. This lie being uncovered caused the incidents somehow. But this is so roundabout so I don't take it very seriously even myself.

>> No.4105406

Negative, cap'n. Up until EP5, we get important backstory chunks.
I don't know anything about EP6, but the screens do not look like they reveal much, except 80's hentai gals.

>> No.4105414

EP6 seems to be about how the murders were carried out & explaining closed rooms.

>> No.4105419

But a lot of characters didn't even get much development despite that. Kyrie, Hideyoshi and Rudolf especially. All we knew about Kyrie was her envy for Asumu and her relation with the Sumadera family (which was told through the bias and bitter POV of her sister). Hideyoshi we knew pretty much zero about, despite a few minor things. As for Rudolf we knew he was a pimp.

>> No.4105425

>As for Rudolf we knew he was a pimp
Story of his life.

>> No.4105431

I trust R07 is not stupid and is quite aware Kyrie has a strong fanbase. Remember that he acknowledges Witch Hunt and thus, is aware of the international fanbase.
He might be saving the best for last.
As for Hideousyoshi, I don't know. He might be important, but I don't give a damn. He can get pierced by stakes for all I care.

>> No.4105437
File: 33 KB, 181x246, hideyoshi_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As for Hideousyoshi, I don't know. He might be important, but I don't give a damn. He can get pierced by stakes for all I care.

>> No.4105475

Yeah, ep6 was horrible for reveals. Kinzo doesn't appear at ALL except in a flashback to scenes we've seen earlier. We get some pieces of George's past, but only in broad overview. For all intents and purposes, I have trouble calling ep6 anything but a dark romance-comedy. Battler as the Endless Magician was...fail. He didn't even make it past the first twilight. The finale was much like ep5; Battler incapacitated by his own mental condition, with Bern and Erika about to do Evil, and with Beato coming in for the save -- it even takes place in the same damn location. So, I guess ep6 confirms that Battler's only power is making witches want to take his clothes off.

>> No.4105481

Why the hell everybody just took the most retarded theories and assumed them to be true while bitching how Ryu07 suck at writing? Remember how ShKanon was "killed" in Ep.5? Remember how aliens caused the great Hinamizawa disaster? And that we still have 2 episodes to go?

Have some faith.

>> No.4105486

>Battler's only power is making witches want to take his clothes off.

But isn't that the best power of all?

>> No.4105492

All you need to know about George is he's always stuck in the friendzone.

>> No.4105493

ShKanontrice is 99% sure at this point.

And brain parasites isn't much better than alien brain parasites.

Though personally I never had faith in R07 to begin with.

>> No.4105517

How do you explain Erika confusing Kanon for anyone else? She has photographic memory and a very fine eye for detail ontop of it. I'm not saying ShKanontrice isn't true, but to accept it you need accept magic IMO. Which, ironically, might be the solution which turned the mystery into a huge farce.

>> No.4105525

Only one witch wants to do that. And she's the worst one of them all.

>> No.4105526

Higurashi has a poor finish also.

That is why it is so easy for us to accept Shkannontrice, Ryukishi is certainly capable of such an impotent end.

>> No.4105536

We don't know what Erika saw in episode 5.
We only know what Lambda showed us aka a lot of bullshit.

>> No.4105576

>ShKanontrice is 99% sure at this point.

Bullshit. 60% at best and even then it's not certain it's the ultimate answer to everything. You people just stopped thinking.

>And brain parasites isn't much better than alien brain parasites.

Brain parasites only solved the delusions in Higurashi. And that was no more than 15% of the plot. Besides Higurashi was never stated to be a pure plausible mystery in the first place.

>> No.4105593

I get the feeling R07 panicked when fans hit the nail on the head some time ago and has been confusing shit up on purpose with the meta-world bullshit ever since.

And he's been feeling pretty pretentious lately with all these fans sucking his cock.

>> No.4105599

Only Beatrice wants to?

>> No.4105602

I never saw or read Higurashi. So one of the theories or explanations was having everyone infected with T. solium or some shit like that?

>> No.4105607


The best explanation that I've read is that she sees the two different personalities as real people, though not necessarily two physically different entities. Thus, no violations to the Red Truth occur.

>> No.4105608

You're kidding yourself if you still think Umineko is a mystery. Ryukishi jumped the shark huge.

>> No.4105632

I believe it is. At least, if it's not, it is a well executed illusion.
Don't go fucking around my belief that Umineko's a good starter level novel for the mystery genre. ;_;

>> No.4105701

It's not a mystery. But it's mystery subplot is supposed to be a 100% genuine and solvable mystery. Only time will tell if it's true.

>> No.4105935

From the very first statement
"Raven is black" does not translate to Raven= Black. Since All Raven are black but not all black objects are Raven. Instead you have an implication not identity.

Raven => Black instead of Raven = Black.
Using law of Boolean you can gett also
Raven AND NOT(Black). etc. etc. etc.

So your logic is wrong.
