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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 160 KB, 540x773, noel hungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40988490 No.40988490 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.40989037

You guys are fast making a new noel thread

>> No.40989437

I randomly came on /jp/ and saw the old one archived so I figured I should make the next one.

>> No.40989569

Is it really a Noel thread when all you're talking about is Canan

>> No.40989612
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Yeah, last thread I suggested we should make it a Canan thread again but I guess you weren't there.

>> No.40989705

Always next time. Just dont use a real picture of her like that one person did.

>> No.40990143
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The japs on 5ch really think making it 5k would have stopped piracy and that the ones sharing are people that hate her so much they would pay 5k just to share.
So fucking inept, that bug is definitely never getting fixes.

>> No.40990561

I actually sent her a streamlab explaining the bug and to look into it. Of course I'm overseas and the character limit made me sound like a crazy person but I hope she saw it and will look into it. Maybe consult other people she knows who use the site. I don't know how she is in those circles.
Yes I am a snitch. No I'm not fun at parties.

>> No.40990827

People are free to discuss Noel here. It's just most choose the /vt/ thread. Speaking of which, made a new one

>> No.40991500
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>> No.40991538

Yeah, neither of me, but you can keep guessing, you won't get it because I don't post on twitter.

>> No.40991622

You making this post is gayer than the snitching, to be frank

>> No.40991650

Just letting fellow Cananites know that I made the security hole known to her. Not like it'll get patched because it's up to Dwango or that she even understood what I was saying.
But you shouldn't steal paid content, it's not fair for the creator who put a lot of time, money, and effort into their work. Imagine if you ate at a fancy restaurant, perfect food, perfect meal, and then just ran out without paying. Not only did that food cost money but the chef spent time and effort making it perfect and your response was "I wasn't going to eat here anyway." But you did, and you should pay for it.

>> No.40993531

imagine if food analogy

>> No.40995758

nobody asked but also people will pirate it anyway (I'm literally seeding right now)

>> No.40995885

If Noel is 150cm irl how short are Ayame and Aqua?

>> No.40995892

Probably around the same height. Noel is pretty average in Japan.

>> No.40995948

No 150cm is still considered kind of short and Aqua and Ayame are apparently shorter.

>> No.40996248

Fucking nerd.

>> No.40996326

I'm only protecting something I love and clearly the piracy upsets her. Lytexx quitting was the best thing for her. Nobody uploaded her last NND stream, patch the security hole on the Fanclub and she'll be safe.

>> No.40996388

I did on /t/ and will do the next earlick on sukebei too, just didn't bother with that one because I feel normal ASMR doesn't fit in sukebei, never liked Lytexx uploading those there.

>> No.40996419

No that's still really short.

>> No.40996567

Not even the ones where her tits are out? I get the normal audio ones, which I want because I like to put them on my phone to listen to in bed but no one uploaded the one with the Yoshi PJs.

>> No.40996626

No I meant the ones where she doesn't show anything.
Right the Yoshi one isn't on sukebei either, well it got posted on /jp/ by someone else so I never bothered.

>> No.40996901

what's the date on the Yoshi one?

>> No.40996927


>> No.40996952

Do she like or care about western fans?

>> No.40996972

Yeah, she has a bunch so of course she'd like them. The hate people say she has for them is only because she see her stuff get uploaded to western porn sites and 5ch never talks about piracy so she probably doesn't think it's them despite a lot of IPs on the torrents being from Japan. Probably a don't ask, don't tell kind of policy.
See >>40990143
They really think people are paying 55k a month to steal porn. They must not know about the security hole or they're just pretending to be stupid because they know Canan goes to 5chan.

>> No.40997796

I remember when Japs complained about sad panda piracy but was second behind american in site traffic

>> No.40998159
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>> No.40998227

Did someone really make a bar graph for this?

>> No.40998534

>y so she probably doesn't think it's them despite a lot of IPs on the torrents being from Japan.
In fairness unless you're torrenting it yourself or looking at the metadata, you wouldn't KNOW that without someone telling you.

>> No.41000888
File: 173 KB, 1899x1137, 1655606934615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noel's Potion (Gin) is now going to be sold in Taiwan
>Hoshinegai is in Taiwan
I wonder if this has anything to do with her. She sent her signed goods for the Pop-Up Store and uses her art for everything on Noel and Canan so she clearly favors her and Hoshinegai watches Canan so she might be a lesbian.

>> No.41000998


>> No.41001025
File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, FO8JG9qVkAIP0Im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist that follows Noel and Canan and has done a lot of art for her for events on both. She's the one who did a lot of art for the Pop Up Store and she's done posters for Noel's Lives.

>> No.41001052
File: 216 KB, 960x1520, Fa68jUxakAAIWF_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her favorite NND streamer got one.

>> No.41001114

Given her recent behavior, this is likely true. >>41001016
She's probably looking to have sex.

>> No.41001139

No your headcanon is not true

>> No.41001174

why would she fuck her fans of all people? they could easily dox and expose her one day. With her body she can just go to the club and find dick in 2 seconds flat.

>> No.41001181

She wants someone she can be comfortable with for her first time. This will also help her stream to be more sexual, she knows she needs experience now and she will look for it. This is what the FC did to her and her perfectionist nature causes.

>> No.41001190

You aren't fooling anyone schizo.

>> No.41001248
File: 654 KB, 1440x805, Screenshot_20220825-023511~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uploaded her 2020 Christmas bath stream to Fantia.
Pretty awkward, I can see why she didn't do this again. Plus it's 2020 so she looked a little thicker.

>> No.41001285

Why does Canan like pigs so much? I mean sure, pigs can be cute, but she always seemed to be more of a fuzzy animal kind of girl.

>> No.41001296

Someone probably called her a pig so she used it as a mascot and her sign instead of an insult.
Same thing with Noel and cows. Can't be insults if you're making fun of yourself.

>> No.41001322

Unironically, she just needs a male friend that's willing to take her virginity just so that she feels safe and ok.
Which may sound strange but it used to not be uncommon, my friend lost his virginity to a good female friend of his that one day just decided to have sex with him because well, she just kinda felt like doing it.

>> No.41001358

Can I have that friend?

>> No.41001373

Except people watch her because they think she's a virgin and not having sex with men. If suddenly she was acting like she knew what she was doing people would get suspicious and angry. Just look at the boyfriend shit. Her having sex would be a death sentence.

>> No.41001380

No no I get that, I mean if her thirst is really driving her up the wall. Of course I mean she wouldn't tell anyone about it, I'm saying she doesn't really HAVE anyone to fuck in her life...aside from Flare with a strapon, and we both know that doesn't count.

>> No.41001416

I'm sure more people would be okay if she had sex with Flare than an unknown male. If she's pent up sexually maybe she should try with Flare or another friend or Holo. I feel like she doesn't even masturbate alone anymore, it's all done on the FC streams.

>> No.41002265

>She wants someone she can be comfortable with for her first time
Then her fans are the last ones to look at

>> No.41002289

Maybe, but she doesn't think that.

>> No.41002958

She probably feel trapped in a bubble while everyone else from her childhood have kids and or got married. She need to travel outside of japan and see new places and shit.

>> No.41002997

Probably don't have male friends she can trust to do this.
It would be awful for her because it won't live up to the fantasy of it. Paying a professional to fuck the shit out of her would be better.

>> No.41003681

Wonder what'll happen to the NND and FC streams next month, the way she's talking about it she won't have the soundproof room for two weekends, so she'll need to do 5 streams in two weeks.

>> No.41004164

No other FC has done this yet right? I can see Macoto's previous months' streams are already hidden but I don't see anywhere to rent them, unless it's only visible for people on a plan.
Wonder how much it'll be, the same 5k?

>> No.41004276

Nevermind, I just checked M again and it does have something
>11k to rent
>need to be in a plan first
>low tier plan gets it for 4 days
Holy fuck, well Macoto's stream plan is 11k so for Canan I guess it'll be 5500 to rent the video, still pretty ridiculous when it's only for a limited time.
And with this broken shit site just accessing the page to rent it lets you rip it for free, so fucking retarded, why even load the player for people that haven't rented it?

>> No.41005016

Another reason for her to only blame foreigners, this is something she's actually likely to see, unlike torrents.
Though she should be making her pleading tweets in Chinese instead of English then.

>> No.41005490

Yeah I can understand that reposting on Western/foreign porn sites is more annoying than just torrents floating around. I feel like porn sites aren't the best place to enjoy the videos anyway.

>> No.41006833

>She need to travel outside of japan and see new places and shit.
Yeah but she's always so busy. She's always doing something, it's part of the reason she's been sleep-deprived.

>> No.41006857

I can't remember the last time she actually traveled for a vacation that was years ago. I think the trip with Flare out in the country. Don't even know the last time she went out of the country.
But with the pandemic still going on and Japan still having restrictions plus with how busy she is, I doubt she's planning anything. Just look how much moving is taking her and how much time off she needs for that.

>> No.41006951

>and Japan still having restrictions
That's only for foreigners, Japanese people are free to travel as they please, they're afraid foreigners will bring in covid. No, it doesn't occur to them that Japanese people could just as easily bring the coof to Japan with unrestricted travel, that would be silly.

>> No.41007253

I've heard such a mix of different people getting different reactions from Japanese people. Some are welcomed and loved saying they are the nice people. Others say they do experience racism. Usually the most negative response are from ones living there, probably more time to experience while others are visiting and get treated kindly. Also it comes from every age group.
But really, you'll get that wherever you go if you're an outsider. I don't think Japan is unique in it, they're human, everyone is different. If they hate foreigners they'll treat you negatively while others will be kind. I've never been to Japan, I want to go someday but I'll probably wait for the full opening and then way a year or two for things to settle down. Going right now just seems like a bad idea.

>> No.41007949

>the dude with the sunglasses and italian flag mask
Beyond based

>> No.41008339

I wonder if she'll still stream on Canan during her Noel break or if she'll take a break too.
Maybe she'll rent a space or use a friend's? I mean. If she spaces it out enough she could do 2 streams a week and just do her drinking chat without the room or camera. She could do it off her phone if she needed to. She'll probably say something on her next stream or Twitter.

>> No.41008509

At the very least one can be the planned cooking stream, and no way she would use anyone else's house when she even decided against moving into the same building as Lamy and Marine to protect them.

>> No.41008957

Am I really supposed to believe a woman this voluptuously hasn't had sex? There is just no fucking way. Then again I think to myself... she doesn't show her fucking nipples or anything.. so maybe she is.

>> No.41008971

In Japan it's not uncommon for women to go into their 20s even 30s without having sex. Males are so busy with school then work and all that work culture. There's a reason their birthrates are dropping and otakus and such surge because it's easier to have a parasocial relationship with someone or something that you think loves you unconditionally than actually putting in effort in a real relationship.
She streamed since she was 13 and preferred doing that than going out with friends and things after school than went to an all girls university. So her not dating or having sex isn't unbelievable.

>> No.41009030

Also what is the consensus here on /jp/ ? Is Canan without a doubt Noel? I've seen on multiple jap sites they think it's the exact same person, but I want to know what you all here think.

>> No.41009193

It would be the wierdest set of coincidences in the world if they weren't. The evidence is enough to build a mountain with.

>> No.41009223

If you're a woman in Japan and you didn't get laid in high school or college, you're not getting laid until you have a boyfriend unless you're the clubbing type. Guys have an easy way out, prositution is "illegal" in Japan and dirt cheap so if they just want to bang then they can do that, especially with there being far less social stigma to it compared to the west. Women have a lot less luck because understandably, less of an industry to cater to them on that front.

>> No.41009675

Ok but how hard is it for a woman to find a BF when she looks like Canan? Like even if she doesn't go out there is the internet where you can meet people. Failing that she could get hit on by some tourists since she's hardly living as a mountain hermit.

Personally I doubt she's a virgin, but if she is her just jumping on the first guy she finds and not waiting until marriage is kidna sad. Not only because of the romantic element you get with that, but it's just extra leverage she could use to find a guy who won't just hit and quit, because if that happens I bet she would go nuts about feeling used.

I also hope that other anon was wrong about her possibly dating a fan, because holy shit that is a recipe for disaster. Never date your fans, I have never seen a case where it worked out well.

>> No.41010237

>Ok but how hard is it for a woman to find a BF when she looks like Canan?
Probably easily. But a functioning relationship? Very hard. They'd have to be ok with her streaming like this and ok with her masturbating on camera to thousands of people or they'd make her quit streaming all together and she'd just go back to being unhappy and working a 9-5 job and hating her life like before she joined Hololive. She might be lonely but she's happiest I've seen her since those dark times.
Plus a boyfriend is suicide given her job so it's best she avoids that. There's already times where she acts like the chat is her boyfriend so I think the parasocial relationship is going both ways.
>Personally I doubt she's a virgin
Then you haven't watched her videos or you're a virgin yourself or haven't seen porn. If she's faking it, then she's a very good actor but I doubt it because she's a terrible actor. She's very inexperienced when doing things as simple as a handjob. She has no idea what she's doing and if she had a boyfriend they would let her know how to do it correctly, it's not hard.

You need to get over this notion that every girl has had sex before 18 and that even someone with an amazing body like hers is a virgin. This is Japan we're talking about, entirely different culture. She was unpopular during school, she considered herself unattractive, and she grew up poor where there's already a stigma. You have no idea what her face looks like but she's very insecure about her nose and cheeks.

>> No.41010379

Why do these threads always become cuck shit? Cut it out and just fap to her. You don't want her to have a boyfriend because either way, her job is over. So fuck off.

>> No.41010401

>They'd have to be ok with her streaming like this and ok with her masturbating on camera to thousands of people or they'd make her quit streaming all together and she'd just go back to being unhappy and working a 9-5 job and hating her life like before she joined Hololive.

They would just have her stop the ero shit, she could still do ASMR or Noel, and some people say the reason she does the erotic content is sexual frustration due to no BF, so she would probably have no desire to do it anyway.

>> No.41010445

>Is Canan without a doubt Noel

>> No.41010448
File: 755 KB, 975x1004, 1659989359176003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her community streams.
I miss her cleaning up while talking to chat. I miss her working signing cards or planning.
I wish the idiot chat didn't drive her away, she doesn't do them anymore because she's avoiding them. Fuck them.

>> No.41010464

>They'd have to be ok with her streaming like this and ok with her masturbating on camera to thousands of people
fake masturbating but yeah

>> No.41010493

Community streams were pretty much the only reason I watched C.

>> No.41010519

Idk bro. I don't lurk here as much as I used to because the thread does devolve into it at some point. While it was fun for me to engage in this type of conversation the first few times, it got old real quick. I do see some merit in these convos though, because realistically, it's the only way this thread survives. Yeah, anons could try to be more varied with their posts but those never get the same amount of You's as the cuck discussions do. I personally don't care if she has a bf or not. As long as she doesn't talk about him or bring him on stream, I could care less. It's kinda sad that other anons here don't share that same sentiment.

>> No.41010583

I hate it because the last one ended so badly that she left angry and just cut the stream because she wanted to discuss FC but then some idiot asked if that's all she wants to talk about. Clearly people are upset she's doing it or upset they can't afford it but 500 yen a month for 4 streams she was underselling herself.

>> No.41012042

Why post this here? It'll just get sent to her and she'll try to take it down.

>> No.41013165

>if she had a boyfriend they would let her know how to do it correctly
Wrong, some dudes are just happened to get their dick touch and will never correct a woman on her skills.

>> No.41013191

Learn English

>> No.41016348

The more I think about it, the more disappointed I am with the latest FC stream. And almost all of it comes from the thumbnail. It's bait. While the bra was there, I was also excited to see her bare legs spread wide show off her panties. Did she do that? Nope. She kept her pants on the whole time yet pulled them down enough just to expose them. And she was never spread eagle. She's gone spread eagle in previous streams so I don't know why she couldn't here. My other disappointment is the lack of bj noises and the lack of titty fondling. The latter is something I've been waiting for ever since the FC streams started. She needs to get a handful of those puppies and really go at it. She's done that in the past and doing that would be low on the list of lewd things she's done on the FC streams already.

>> No.41016452

She had that tweet a few hours before how she "couldn't wait any longer" and during the stream she said said she didn't masturbate but honestly it felt like she wasn't horny anymore, or in the mood.
It's like she became afraid once the turn for actual "masturbation" came, she said she didn't have any experience with actually rubbing her pussy and also maybe was scared of the panties becoming see through.
M today did a full spread eagle but it looked like she had padding on the panties, if Canan still isn't up to it she needs more preparation beforehand like that.

>> No.41016793

Man, if she didn't want to rub her pussy then that's fine. Fuck, even if she didn't go spread eagle I'd be fine. But goddamnit the outfit in that thumbnail was godly and I was expecting to see that on stream. But we got her with her pants on. She's done streams where she's just wearing panties and a bra (the wolf girl one). Hell, that stream IS ON THE FC SITE. On that stream, she even was in the same position as the FC thumbnail giving bj sounds. I don't know why she couldn't do that on the FC stream.
Honestly, it irks me a little that she and her JP chat are so focused on her masterbating on stream when she could incorporate positions and movements that she used in the NND streams before the masterbation. You know, the foreplay before the main event! (I submit this as even more evidence that she is a virgin and doesn't know what the fuck she's doing. Not only does she not know how to do a lot of sexual acts but she doesn't know how to pace everything together).

Sorry about the rant. I was so looking forward to that FC stream. I saved up for a few days for it. This is actually really hard for me because I'm the type of guy who jerks off 3+ times a day. And for it to be a disappointment is just a major letdown.

>> No.41016820

Here's hoping her plan for a succubus stream next month goes better, she should take some pointers from Riz

>> No.41017300

>the lack of titty fondling
Imo she should drop those fucking toys and just use her hands.

>> No.41018134

Preach man. It's clear she doesn't know how to use them. I actually skip over the parts where she's using the dildos because those moments aren't as good. Plus, more titty fondling and nipple rubbing can lead into the masterbation.

>> No.41018626

>It's clear she doesn't know how to use them
I'm starting to understand that other anon now.. She doesn't know how to do anything... she really is a goofy ass virgin ahahaha. Good for her honestly, still being able to garner an audience based on looks alone.

>> No.41018672

>Good for her honestly, still being able to garner an audience based on looks alone
I mean, it's not surprising. She was blessed with the thing that most Japanese girls are missing from being 10 out of 10: big, fat, tits.

>> No.41019015

Well, at least she updated fantia with a bunch of new pics in the Calvin Klein outfit.

>> No.41019176

I'm stroking, C-chan!

>> No.41019349

Someone is reporting stolen content via Twitter?

>> No.41019398

Got liked this probably >>41005016

>> No.41019407

Good for him. Win her heart by making her happy by striking down pirates. Be her white knight.

>> No.41019445

This guy apparently
>full of Noel stuff an got a reply from Canan
Kinda funny to look at

>> No.41019473

Jealous, Canan doesn't even ask me.

>> No.41019513

Anybody here used to use a Mastercard on Fantia but no longer can? Or is it just my card? I read on this board that Mastercard has a new stance on porn now and is preventing users from using porn sites. And while Canan isn't using Fantia for porn, a lot of other girls on the site are so I wonder Mastercard considers Fantia as a porn site.

>> No.41019550

You're forgetting good teeth.
Also how many of canan's 200k fantia followers are actually paying?

>> No.41019605

Actually bad teeth is a thing in Japan. Some kind it cute and a fashion thing. Like sharpening your tooth or something so it looks like a fang from anime. It's weird but different culture.

>> No.41019616

I have the same problem with my Mastercard but its not just Fantia, its Japanese stuff in general. It works on my Visa card though.

>> No.41019670

Man, you've been having this problem for months. I feel for you, wish I could help but I have only Visa. Maybe contact your CC company or Fantia or even Canan. It's not fair for you, they should just accept Paypal, everyone else does even if it's porn.

>> No.41019796

>Maybe contact your CC company
I've been dealing with this issues as well and I already contacted my CC company a few months back. Their fraud detection went off so that's why my payments weren't going through. I told them that it wasn't fraud but my card still doesn't work on Fantia. Then I saw the Mastercard changes on this board so I figured I should ask you guys. The fact that you and >>41019616 have been having issues tells me it's Mastercard's issue. So I'll just go get a Visa. My credit score is pretty good so it works out.

>they should just accept Paypal, everyone else does even if it's porn
It's fucking retarded that Fantia doesn't accept PayPal.

>> No.41020153
File: 278 KB, 381x533, 1659897560061816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of infuriating that she doesn't want people to report things through her tags and to DM but she has DMs closed and no way to contact her or did she supply a way to contact her.
I get why she has DMs closed, I can't imagine the shit she would get from either overzealous fans or unhinged schizos, she did mention at a time all the dick pics she got sent so she had to close them. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.41020187

>Never date your fans, I have never seen a case where it worked out well.
I can think of one instance where it worked out (Youtuber Ross Scott married some girl in Poland that was a fan of his) but they're both kinda wierdos.

>> No.41020213

That's not how they get the fang, it comes from tooth overlapping another tooth in a place where few people get braces.

>> No.41020252

>she did mention at a time all the dick pics she got sent so she had to close them
Well, she's using dildos in her ASMRs now, so I hope the thought of dick pics don't bother her as much. Saying this because I want to send her one.

>> No.41020282

She talked about wanting people to tell how many times they fapped and cummed to the FC streams, but I think dick pics and cum tributes would still be too graphic for her

>> No.41020443

I think she only went once out of the country
It was USA if i remember correctly
Dunno if she liked or not

>> No.41020652

Why does it always fail?
Only reason I think it would fail with Canan is she's so used to getting love from tens of thousands of people that getting love from one person wouldn't be enough. Yeah she would get a relationship and the skinship but for her that might not be enough. Not to mention she's a bit of an exhibitionist now and getting a little too perverted for my tastes but that stuff could get reined in.

>> No.41020721

She closed DMs back in like 2020 after Noel grew more mainstream and people were catching on who she was. They've been closed for a long time and so there's no real way to communicate with her unless you've popped up on her radar or she follows you. You'll notice she'll always replies to her favorites. I actually used her tag to report stolen content so I thought the post was about me but she didn't say anything to me just that ゆうみん guy.

>> No.41020800
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, ab993b12-aa6c-47ca-b286-0e39f997a2fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think her tummy looks a bit weird in the new Fantia pictures? Not sure if she's sucking in her stomach or she got work done.
This is the free one so no one get offended.

>> No.41020948

Her tummy is just like that I think. If you watch the wolfgirl stream (where she is also wearing just a bra and panties) when she's in the same position as the the one in the pic, you'll notice that she has that same "line" right above her belly button.

>> No.41020956

>No pants here
>Uses this pic as the thumbnail for FC stream
>Has pants on during FC stream.
Holy fuck I'm triggered again. (Yes I am the anon who wrote >>41016348)

>> No.41021045

These photos she takes when making the thumbnail. They're all rejected so she just releases them. They don't take any extra time or effort out of her schedule

>> No.41021064

A little bit chubby
Worked on pc with forward posture
which pushes her fat and makes that line

>> No.41021123

Yeah, I went back and looked. Maybe it's just her gaining and losing weight constantly. Or that's just her body, I get it, everyone's different.

>> No.41023196

She hates piracy but does she know about k*m*n*?

>> No.41024319

That site is still only pics right?

>> No.41024425

I doubt it unless someone from here linked it to her.
Anything that can get posted on Fantia and other sites like that

>> No.41024447

But can she do anything? It's not a domain that seems easily accessed. Plus there's others on that site that I feel have tried and failed. Not sure who you would go through to take it down.

>> No.41024482

Well the same site has a version for onlyfans, if even those bitches can't take it down then nothing can.

>> No.41024506

Looking at the other pictures, yeah on kemo I'm not paying a third subscription, I think she's sucking in her tummy, might also be part of why the last stream felt so awkward when she stated taking off more clothes.

>> No.41024828

>Anything that can get posted on Fantia and other sites like that
Yes but I mean she only posts pics on fantia afaik?

>> No.41024835


>> No.41024847

She posts full NND videos on Fantia at better quality. She just put up one from 2020. >>41001248

>> No.41026587

I doubt she knows about the site, but even if she does, perhaps she just doesnt care about piracy if the content is a couple years old

>> No.41027365

You guys think she'd ever go topless for her Fantia pics or the FC streams? I figured as long as she has pasties it's fine. And in streams like the wolfgirl stream and the two most recent FC streams, she had her tit(s) out fully. Wouldn't be much different if she just took the clothing off. Imagine her topless doing a grinding segment on stream. Perfection

>> No.41027436

She's probably too self-conscious of her boob sag to do that.

>> No.41027649

She doesn't sit upright so there's a crease line on her stomach where it naturally folds from the bad posture. I have the same.

>> No.41027913

There was that female streamer that got banned off twitch for only wearing a see through top with pasties. But looking at it, wouldn't be a bad idea for C.

>> No.41027925

>She doesn't sit upright
Man if that's true her posture has got to be that way because of her tits.

>> No.41027929

that a pornstar

>> No.41027952

She's been streaming for over 13 years. Hours upon hours a day sitting in front of a computer, yes it might be because of her breasts but it's also because, like all of us, she sits in front of a computer all day.
I think this is why she moved to the floor. She used to have a desk with a chair but that might be because of her room setup too.

>> No.41028011

Or shes just lazy like me. Right now I'm basically sitting on my taibone, near the edge of my chair, feet up on the edge of my dresser and leaning slightly back in this office chair while typing. Feels great but is terrible for my posture.

>> No.41028056

I mean... what is Canan at this point?

>> No.41028067

She doesn't even show her nipples

>> No.41028080

And she never will until someone else does first because she said no boy will get to see them before her bf.
So once we see them on-stream, pack it up boys, it's over.

>> No.41028101

We'll see, people used to say she wouldn't masturbate on stream or show this much skin but here we are. I'm not ruling anything out anymore. I was one of those concernfags posting about worrying about this and saying she'll never do it and all that shit. But I was wrong, so I'm not saying anything anymore.

>> No.41028159

But she's not ACTUALLY masturbating on screen, she's faking it for the most part.

>> No.41028307

I don't know anymore, man. The way her voice was cracking, the crying, the way her leg was twitching. She might actually be touching herself. She's not that good of an actor. Unless she's pinching herself or doing something off camera the crying is pretty convincing too. I can see her just doing it because either she gets too into it and horny or it's maybe just easier for her. She might fake it at the start but I really think she excites herself and gets into it.

>> No.41029502

>She ended up not doing limited edition signed cards
She probably got through Canan's and didn't want to do that again.

>> No.41029627

What do you mean? It's not limited but she'll be signing every full set.
So she's doing even more than Canan

>> No.41030028

Limited Edition ones had personalized notes on them. She opted out this year, usually she does those too.

>> No.41036135

Wonder what the outfit is for tomorrow.
She's still on Noel so I guess we won't get the thumbnail today.

>> No.41037358

>So once we see them on-stream, pack it up boys, it's over.
I'd hope nobody watching her unironically thinks they have a chance.

>> No.41037540

A chance of seeing her nipples or a chance of being her boyfriend? I really don't think the former is that impossible, she already said she wants to stream the rest of her life but Hololive won't last forever, it's not too crazy too think she might just stop giving a fuck 10 years down the line.

>> No.41037820

The anon is obviously talking about the latter. C'mon man, context clues. Use your mind.

>> No.41037854

It doesn't really make a lot of sense for the latter, >>41037358 only said that if we see her nipples on stream it might be because she got a boyfriend, not that it would be any of us.

>> No.41037919

Yeah it was usa and she ate a Steak there and went to Victoria secret for underwear

>> No.41037938

>not that it would be any of us
what do you think "pack it up boys, it's over" refers to?

>> No.41038000

Refers to the fact that he believes she would only show nipples if she got a boyfriend? So pack it up, she's not a virgin anymore.

>> No.41039193

I'm not so immature and self that I don't hope she finds someone and finds happiness. I'd just probably stop following her at that point because that's not what I'm into.

>> No.41039340

I don't believe there's any of us who deep down actually don't want her to find happiness or someone to make her happy. So you're not that special anon.

>> No.41039352

You'd be surprised on this site.

>> No.41040009

Dreams that are seemingly unattainable are the most beautiful

>> No.41040048

Most anons feel that way but mosts can't admit it without getting called a cuck or a unicorn

>> No.41040052

Bro you are not on reddit

>> No.41040073

Maybe not "don't want her to find happiness" but if it were to happen people would want her to just say it and disappear from the internet for ever, plenty would be angry if she got one, hid it, and continued doing what she's doing.

>> No.41040286

I know I'm not. I just don't want that anon to feel special.

>> No.41040306

Just curious, would you want her to disappear if she got a gf? I personally don't care. Just keep the guy out of streams, don't talk about him or couple shit on stream, and keep making good content. If she does any of the things I listed, cool, I'll find someone else. I mean shit, pornstars have partners IRL so I don't know how continuing to watch their content makes the viewer a cuck. Maybe I'm trying to do the impossible and trying to understand the mind of an incel (not calling you one btw)

>> No.41040355

It's not about what I want, I too would just stop watching but I mean yeah, she can choose to not disappear, just that she won't have any fans left.
>Just keep the guy out of streams, don't talk about him or couple shit on stream
She meet that but her streams would still be completely different, she's not a pornstar, she's selling emotional attachment on top of the lewd videos, her entire content would have to change if she one day went on stream and said "I have a boyfriend"

>> No.41040356

>if she got a gf?
You mean a boyfriend?

>> No.41040421

>Just curious, would you want her to disappear if she got a gf?
No but she has said she feels almost obligated to since she'd want to be a normal gf.

>> No.41040451

Unironically what's a "normal" girlfriend? Because I don't think she knows.

>> No.41040482

Where does she get everything else she thinks she knows?

>> No.41040502


>> No.41040510


>> No.41040530

Little does she know it mostly consists of stuff like "watch a movie and then fuck"

>> No.41040651

From that drunk night on her birthday where she cried all night, it sounds like that's all she thinks a boyfriend is good for.

>> No.41040801

It's pretty great honestly. Even if you can't afford to go out or do something special, you can always fuck.

>> No.41041063

This. Holy shit this. With how she behaves, she's anything but a normal gf. She'd be a needy, emotional trainwreck gf. The guy would need to train her in the bedroom to get her up to speed. Because with how much of a menhera she is, her body is a big reason why someone would want to put up with her shit.

>> No.41041130

She's not stupid. She has friends and people she gets along with, she knows how relationships work. Just not romantic ones but she could learn, what is a romantic relationship but friendship with extra benefits.

>> No.41041201

In her defense her interactions with others from HL don't make her seem to menhera since everyone only has good things to say, mainly how kind she is. Obviously friends =/= dating, but she doesn't seem that bad. The main issue is how she would handle a guy dating her when most guys won't be ok with their GF getting their tits out on the internet meaning she would either do Canan behind his back or she would stop, and given how she already earns money through Noel but does Canan anyway I think it's more of a psychological thing than finanical, so no diea what she would be like after.

>> No.41041226

>I think it's more of a psychological thing than financial,
It's both, she has a very high standard of living and even though Holomemes make a lot of money, they don't make that much and certainly not enough to keep up with Noel's cost of living. She supports her mother and pays for her place. She then pays for two apartments, one that's basically storage at this point. Then there's her equipment and tech because she's a perfectionist and only gets the best. Not to mention with how much money she's getting, she could retire young or invest in things that she wants to do, I recall her wanting to open her own recording studio or company.

>> No.41041227

>The guy would need to train her in the bedroom to get her up to speed.
I don't mean that part, I mean just you know, hanging out with your bf. I can imagine her just sitting in the room, thinking "I'm supposed to do something but I don't know what", not knowing she doesn't have to do anything, he's probably just happy that she's there.

>> No.41041322

Her workaholic nature would make it the most difficult because she doesn't seem to know how to just chill out and relax. She's always doing something for either Noel or Canan. Maybe she'll take a day off and read manga or watch anime but I almost bet she's doing something that day. She works every day of her life.

>> No.41041343
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>> No.41041451

The answer is always snuggle

>> No.41041641

Anybody else starting to want some of these NND outfits on the FC streams? The purple yukata and now this? Goddamn. Fuck showing off skin, do some kinky roleplay stuff in these outfits and I'm good to go!

>> No.41041740

That Jiangshi outfit she wore last year in October will probably never be topped, for me.

>> No.41042790

I don't know why she picked tonight to do this with the Hololive Summer Festival going on. Seems pretty depressing to be with your friends having fun then have to leave so some fat fucks can jack off to you. I rather her move it to another night so she can be social and have fun.

>> No.41042851

There's been big Hololive events all weekend, and tomorrow there's something in Rust plus 31st is the live, there's no other night for it this month.
The summer festival will be over by then anyway.

>> No.41042867

She could be hanging out with Shiraken again. She doesn't need to do Canan stuff. Being social and having friends is more important.

>> No.41042966

Well it's times like this where Canan becomes the job and Holo the hobby, she promised 4 monthly streams and people are paying for it, she has a duty to met.
It's only going to get worse now that she has to do 5 monthly streams, and going to be particularly bad next month.

>> No.41043719

She has no one to blame but herself. But not much she could do. Could you imagine the backlash of she removed a NND stream for the FC?

>> No.41044746

>still on Minecraft
She won't have time for a YouTube stream at this rate.
Or getting ready, wonder if she's just been wearing the cop outfit this whole time already.

>> No.41045379

Yeah it has to get delayed at this point, wasn't the last time she had a late NND stream also because a Minecraft thing ran for too long? Sport fes I think?

>> No.41045607

Lets see how fast she can get ready

>> No.41045666

>started right after
Holy fuck she's been wearing the outfit the whole time, imagine the muskiness.

>> No.41045694
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>on a date with Flare
>comes to us right after for sexual relief
Is this NTR?

>> No.41045711

Elves are destined to be cucks. You should see what Botan does to Lamy.

>> No.41045881

>The guy would need to train her in the bedroom to get her up to speed. Because with how much of a menhera
What is with anons believe every men is a magical alpha male that can fix everything.

>> No.41045914

she would be the husband in the relationship?

>> No.41045919

She's definitely better when she tries to get into a character instead of the "realistic girlfriend" from the last FC

>> No.41046109

Well this is great, she should drop succubus for next FC and make it a continuation of this with the cop becoming mind broken or something.

>> No.41046423

or a similar concept like a military officer or something

>> No.41046469

Holy fuck that ass.

>> No.41046858

>thinks her boobs are getting bigger because using toys on FC activating her hormones(?)

>> No.41046880

Is もりまん something lie puffy vulva?

>> No.41046942

So there's a lot of holidays on September? Seems like she's planning for those days and we might end up with multiple streams in a row

>> No.41046995

Damn I didn't know yamanote doxed her.

>> No.41047012

There are two long weekends in Spetember (17-19 and 23-25)

>> No.41047026

Oh, and she said she would for sure return by the 17th
Hopefully she plans them better, instead of an earlick NND the day before FC like before.

>> No.41047042

Meanth for >>41047012

>> No.41047301

>don't masturbate to the DLsite manga she buys, it's just to enjoy reading
So what does she masturbate to?

>> No.41047459

She really just has all those sex toys laying around the room all the time, really hot when you think about her doing Noel streams there too, like today.

>> No.41047537

What happened at the end? She was reading some information from streamlabs and discovered something?

>> No.41047743
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>Noel wasn't in the group photo because she had to stream as Canan.
That's just sad.

>> No.41047823

She really fucked up the scheduling, today wasn't a holiday right? It would have been better if she did it tomorrow and missed the Rust thing they're going to do instead.

>> No.41047881

I wonder how the other girls feel, they must know by now but probably don't want to say anything. The thing is if it effects company events like this, then it would probably fuck with any schedules they have IRL "Sorry guys I can't make the trip on X, I have to cam for some coomers" must really make her and her friends feel kinda shit, like Nenechi wanted to go to Spain with Kiara iirc, if Noel did similar would she just have to do it from the hotel and tell others to stay quiet or just not be offline for that long due to obligations? She could do pre-recorded I guess, but it makes things pretty clear it fucks with schedules when she lives two lives.

>> No.41047903

I'm still really surprised quality on NND didn't go down after she "got it out of her system" with the FC, I expected her to get less horny, not more.
Like, when was the last time she showed so much ass? Yeah it was just an extra at the end and she was wearing tights but stil, I don't remember seeing her ass in a t-back before.

>> No.41048007

The entire moving thing is already an example of it, it all got delayed for a month and messed up all her plans just because of a problem with a single Canan stream, it was the first FC stream but still, that's the importance she gives to it.
It's like her "hobby" has more expectations than her job, she HAS to do 5 monthly Canan streams, and she has to update the Fantia, that's he promise, but looking at Ayame and Aqua she could just completely forget about Noel and Cover wouldn't say anything.

>> No.41048009

I'm sure she could just take 2 weeks off FC/NicoNico if she really wanted to go on a trip. Just announce it some time in advance and then halve the price for a month?

>> No.41048046

It was at 03:25:30, she said something about 紐付け, is there some new account linking in streamlabs? It's like she discovered the identity of someone giving her donations and got awkward, someone she knows in reel life?

>> No.41048063
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Maybe she thought the summer festival would be over by the time she had to stream as Canan. She's never been good at planning this stuff out like having that stream right after the Golden Week tournament and having to delay it by a couple of hours because it ran over. Then apologizing over and over because she was late.
Maybe she thinks the Rust event would be more fun and important plus get higher numbers on her channel, she didn't even stream her side of the summer festival. Probably because she was wearing that outfit and she didn't want to wear out her throat. I just think she should have more fun with her friends and the NND/FC streams can fuck off. She's too nice and too scared to piss off her members, she's afraid to lose any members. The fact is she has such a dedicated following that she could just tweet out "I'm sorry, I'm going to miss a stream this month due to work, I'll make it up to you in the future." or something like that. The fact is she should be able to do whatever she wants with these streams and if you don't like it you can leave. She needs to realize she has more power over these incels instead of caving to them every time and apologizing and stressing herself out.
But honestly, I think she just loves doing it and gets a kick out of it herself. To answer >>41047301
She says she doesn't masturbate off camera and saves herself for FC/NND streams. Up to you if you believe that or not.

>> No.41048141
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I'm a little more understanding of that one because she broke out in hives and couldn't stream and it was an FC stream which people are paying 10x or 20x more than NND. So I got she had to delay the move for that because I think more people would be upset that they're paying that much and didn't even get a stream.
The NND ones should be a lot more flexible because you're paying 500 yen a month for 4 streams, that's insane. That's $3.60 USD and you get 4 streams that are 2-4 hours long a week. And she was doing this for years and people still have the audacity to say she's charging too much for FC. I think she's just trying to catch up lost revenue because she was selling herself short for so long.
She should just make a new schedule and just remove a NND stream, we don't need 2 earlick streams a month. Knock NND down to 3 plus the FC.
First week: Sleep Time ASMR
Second week: Earlick ASMR
Third week: Zatsudan
Final week: FC stream
There, saves her time and if people don't like it they can fuck off.

>> No.41048231

They know, I mean they've been to her house. They just don't care because it's not shunned in Japan like it is in the west. She's still one of the most popular Holos and everyone loves her in the company. To the extent of which they know what she does is another thing. Matsuri/Nozomi knows everything about her and watches her and is in love with her. So it just doesn't have the same stigma.

>> No.41048280

I'm not a biologist but I don't think that's how it works.

>> No.41048293

She literally gets all her thoughts and ideas from otaku culture. Doujins, anime, manga, hentai, etc. She'll say anything she thinks is sexy because she has no real world experience. And her fans eat it up because they don't know any better either to them Canan is a real life anime girl with big tits.

>> No.41048298

I was checking the NND channel and unlike Fantia and FC there's no "official" description of the plan, other than some blomaga but they also said she would so 4 blomaga a month and she dropped that with no problem.
Reducing NND would be the easiest and it's entirely up to her, anyone that complains wouldn't really have a leg to stand on since the number of streams isn't part of the terms, but she would never do it, specially not now that with her new place she plans to do cooking streams and stuff on the "normal", non-soundproof room, she really does enjoy this life a lot too, and it's things she can't do as Noel.

>> No.41048357
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If she's fine with it now then there's no problem. We'll see how September goes, if anything she'll cut back on Noel next month and make up for it in October and onward. There's probably a lot of events and stuff getting into Fall and the Holidays for Hololive. She already said there won't be a Christmas stream on Canan because of work, so there's likely another Hololive Christmas party or concert happening, we'll see.
If she starts showing signs of stress or overworking, might be a time to suggest fixes but I'm sure she'll do it herself. After the hives breakout she knows she needs to be careful with her health. And like you pointed out with the bromanga she's dropped stuff in the past because she couldn't keep up.

>> No.41048529

It's not how it works but she's not entirely wrong about hormones since pregnancy increases breast size even after puberty ends. But she isn't going to get that from sex toys.

I'm doubting the truth about her biology degree.

She probably avoids Christmas because it would drive her batshit. She cries on her birthday about no boyfriend, yet Christmas in Japan is pretty much a lovers holiday at this point.

On the introversion/extroversion scale Noel was rated as not being that much of an otaku desu. I don't get how you can be so out of touch with your sexuality you don't even know what turns you on.

>> No.41048562

>introversion/extroversion scale Noel was rated as not being that much of an otaku desu
I know what you speak of and I can probably say that the scale is bullshit. Noel is a huge nerd, she loves anime, manga, she watches and read many things ero. She bonded with Flare over their shared interest in anime and Flare recommends lots of manga to Noel. She might not be an otaku in the sense Japan sees it but Noel is into a ton of nerd culture.

>> No.41048573

>I'm doubting the truth about her biology degree.
She obviously said that in an effort to try to be sexy. Did it work? Probably on someone. It's shit you read in a doujin or something. "I'm getting so horny my breasts are growing."

>> No.41048592

Nah it was during kenja time, she wasn't trying to be sexy, she was talking about her cosplay outfits and how some don't fit her tits anymore.

>> No.41048595

Her breasts might be growing but that could just be her putting on weight again.

>> No.41048606

>cute and small
>big boobs
>has a degree
>went to university where alot of presentations in teams are
>knows how to manipulate his viewers
>lies alot

People still think she is sooo pure never had a bf and is a virgin?? Damn you guys are delusional
Dont let your glass heart be shattered if it comes out

>> No.41048624

Don't you ever get sick of posting the same thing over and over?

>> No.41048636

Its the first time im Posting something like this
I just find it disgusting

>> No.41048642

I always thought those kinds of lines were written as comedic elements to make it more dumb and cheesy, the Japanese equivalent of "stepbrother I'm stuck" or it gets bigger when I pull it". Porn always had dumb dialogue.

>> No.41048652

Ok well read the thread
Even if there are doubts about her virginity people really aren't the type of people you're picturing where they freak out about her having a private life.

>> No.41048656

What got me was when she was first messing around with dildos and she said she came from just the tip. Pretty sure I read that line from a doujin.

>> No.41048667

>She probably avoids Christmas because it would drive her batshit
Nah she would never miss a Christmas stream if she can, no matter how bad she might feel during them.
She already said there's a work thing so if the day comes and there's no Noel or Canan stream, or a big Cover event, there'd be a massive shitstorm.

>> No.41048673

>>went to university where alot of presentations in teams are
She went to an all women's university and studied science. So no presentations or men.

>>knows how to manipulate his viewers
>>lies alot

>> No.41048681

>On the introversion/extroversion scale Noel was rated as not being that much of an otaku desu.
That scale was made by Coco while she was drunk. So its complete bullshit.

>> No.41048727

If she had self awareness she wouldn't risk having her birthday breakdown 2.0. It's just better to avoid streaming on dates where she thinks about relationships/being single if she's going to have breakdowns. Her mental health will only get worse as she gets closer to 30 and starts to believe the "leftover women" memes and thinks she'll never marry/find love. So Christmas streams are a bad idea imo.

IMO alcohol makes you more honest and it was pretty accurate about most girls. Maybe the issue is everyone is some degree of otaku to be a vtuber, so we already start with a pretty otaku baseline.

>> No.41048780

>IMO alcohol makes you more honest and it was pretty accurate about most girls
Alcohol may make you more honest but it does cloud your judgement.
That list was all over the place.
Also Coco ia definitely NOT an otaku
Choco, Marine and Haachama are not bigger otakus than Noel.

>> No.41048798

This. Marine and Choco are fucking normalfags. Marine only reads normalfag manga like HxH and Jojo. She got filtered by fucking CCA, thats how much of a normalfag she is.

>> No.41048803

Marine was an artist that drew anime characters and porn. She's a coomer who reads BL doujins and faps to Holos. She's very much an otaku.

>> No.41048816

>and faps to Holos.
No she doesn't. Marine only faps to men because she is straight as an arrow.
Aslo artist /= otaku.

>> No.41048824

Marine is just a normalfag who knows how to draw.

>> No.41048853

Marine literally made and RPG maker game inspired by Higurashi.


How the fuck is she a normalfag?
Choco has a fucking library of BL and is so pornsick she literally complained that molestation is bad because the guys molesting her couldn't even make her feel good. She's not normal.


>> No.41048854

Marine is just larping, go watch her collab with Hayase Sou who is an actual oatku fujoshi. Its obvious how much of a faker Marine is.

>> No.41048887

There is no proof Marine actually made that game. It could just be some cringe she found on the internet.

>How the fuck is she a normalfag?
She got filtered by fucking CCA of all things and even admitted herself that its a classic otaku film.

Yes, straighter than Noel thats for sure.

Thanks for exposing yourself once again Noelschizo.

>> No.41048888

It's funny that this schzio is in this thread too.

>> No.41048902

Noelschizo always comes here and makes posts about how she is not a virgin.

>> No.41048917

If it were something someone else made there would already be accusations like Nene tracing. Marine made the game.

I never claimed Noel was straight, only that Marine wasn't.

>> No.41048943

>If it were something someone else made there would already be accusations like Nene tracing. Marine made the game.
No because Nene was an obvious case. This is different.

>> No.41049083

Is that a fair assumption to make when you can only see her through the facade of a Vtuber/lewd ASMR streamer?

>> No.41049333

Noel is more of an otaku than Marine

>> No.41049348

Go back to /vt/

>> No.41049358

I don't post there

>> No.41049398

I just want to see a full footjob focused FC stream now, with tights and maybe tipping them off at the end.
Probably too niche though, for something that's only once a month.

>> No.41049431

She might combine it with something else, like she did with that first official one where she did 3 phases. She's always taking suggestions and advice so just let her know.

>> No.41049510

If she's gonna go that route, I'd like her to use a stick or something with more rigidity. She is clumsy has fuck with the dildos, so I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up putting the dildo in a 90 angle with her feet which would cause me to flinch at the sight of it. Peyronie's is real and that shit terrifies me.

>> No.41049667

She'd probably sit in her chair with the dildo on the ground stuck to something and use her feet.

>> No.41049806

Man it's sad that an outfit this good is never gonna see the light of day again. And in the FC streams we'll just get lots skin. Skin is sexy, but godammnit sometimes things left to the imagination are so much sexier than baring it all. File this as more evidence to the "she doesn't know what she's doing sexually" cabinet.

>> No.41049884

>She got filtered by fucking CCA of all things
If you mean Char's Counterattack, that movie still filters mecha fans to this day so that's not surprising

>> No.41050156

> I don't get how you can be so out of touch with your sexuality you don't even know what turns you on.
It very common with women with no sex life, low self esteem, and/or self conscious about their body.

>> No.41050191

Should recommend a doujin or a jav for her to study

>> No.41050221

As a guy with no sex life or self esteem I still don't see how this is possible. Given her owning a female blow up doll she's probably going to get a BF then find out she's gay or something.

>> No.41050588
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Seems like I misunderstood, it was more like she found out someone how is a fan was also doing anti donations, she did sound kinda sad at the end.

>> No.41050648

except she isn't a virgin

>> No.41050649

She never did an after stream tweet or goodnight tweet like she usually does, I wonder if this has anything to do with it.
I wonder who it was.

>> No.41050697
File: 62 KB, 508x413, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's a combination with what I thought and said fan-anti is also someone she knows, as far as I can see the accounts you can link in Streamlabs would lead her to another streamer, or a real life friend (do japs use facebook?) instead of something more anonymous like twitter.

>> No.41050858

Maybe she recognized the email or something. I wonder if it's a personal friend or just a long time fan that's had enough and doesn't like the new content.

>> No.41050877

Probably took that anons advice about being an anti to stress her out and then swoop in with an alt to make her feel better in an order to win her over.

>> No.41051139

women repressed that shit and don't explore their own bodies and fail to learn how to masturbate. You can easily find stories about women learning how to get an orgasm in their late 20s and early 40s.

>> No.41051532

Noel wasn't filtered by it. Thanks for proving my point that Noel is more of an otaku than the reddit pirate.

>> No.41051863

wtf is with luna doing dick sucking asmr

>> No.41053424

When is she doing a female knight cosplay?

>> No.41056939
File: 89 KB, 1200x800, img_0685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to go all the way, full plate armor with a bascinet where the hounskull muffles everything she says except when she lifts it.

>> No.41057013
File: 48 KB, 599x800, chink in the armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd watch that stream.

>> No.41057471

Da Last Knaito....

>> No.41057976
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1856874357842346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New pictures
Mmm, that tummy.

>> No.41058071

The picture sets are getting better, they don't feel like just "thumbnail rejects" anymore but something she went out of her way to pose for.
Really looking forward to them on the new place, with the "normal" room she's dedicating for it with furniture should help for even more varied poses.

>> No.41058103

Same, I'm looking forward to seeing what she does. It's a shame she'll never show her face so it'll always be a little awkward and cut off at the neck but it should be interesting to see what she does. Be nice if she could get a professional photographer but again, she worries about her privacy.

>> No.41058545

The thing I wish for the most is pics of her laying on her bed. I know it'd be difficult to set up a tripod but just imagining her in different positions (like the ones on the lewder sides of dakimakuras) gets me hard.

>> No.41058642

Do you think she's just sucking it in?

>> No.41060154

She can suck something of mine in :)

>> No.41060263

What a fucking whore.

>> No.41060609

Wish she used different angles. She's almost always facing towards the camera

>> No.41060656

Because these are rejected thumbnails that she might have used. Hopefully in the new place she can do real photography.

>> No.41061517

does this bitch still talk about ayame? i hate it when she talks about her

>> No.41061639

Well, a new place won't help if her poses are still meh. She needs to study gravure models more.

>> No.41066141

She's talking about the thing that happened last NND stream, guess it really affectted her.

>> No.41066158

>being sad at the anti made her sad and then got horny to forget about it and made a 20 min video for the FC
Holy fuck, based anti, thanks!

>> No.41066205

>guy sent a donation saying her costume was shit and another right after saying it was great
Now that's schizo.
And now she's talking about they sent her DMs apologizing, she'll never forget about them, just goes to show that going anti always ends up giving you the most attention.

>> No.41066262

So you're saying more antis mean hornier streams.

>> No.41066263

This is gold, it was two guys doing that shit and they started sending her videos doing dogeza.

>> No.41066384

Ahhh I missed these streams so much, she sounds so genuine.

>> No.41066436

Thought her DMs were closed.

>> No.41066448

Not if they're mutual follows, and she follows her big fans

>> No.41066476

The video is with the cop outfit by the way, nice that it didn't get shelved after just the stream. Hoping for some feet stuff or something with that ass angle at the end, being 20 mins she could try a lot of stuff like Riz's fantia videos, but I doubt she did.

>> No.41066556

>she follows her big fans
She used to hold streams where if you donated to her she'd follow you. She stopped doing those, maybe around the holidays.

>> No.41066638

That's fucking stupid. I would have kicked them off the platform and unfollowed them. I might as well go be an anti now to get attention.

>> No.41066728

Wait what is she saying? She fucked up the move and it might take longer?

>> No.41066846

As far as I understood it's like she hasn't contacted the moving company for a reservation because she scared of speaking to strangers on the phone? She's just like me!
Also she's scared of them finding her dildos and sexy cosplay outfits.

>> No.41066872

The way she talks about turning the sadness and anger into "ムラムラ" to get horny and distracted making the video makes it sound like she would cheat on you after any fight.

>> No.41067515

I can understand why they did that, and I doubt it was only two like she said.
That donation she mentioned where someone complained about the pajama was precisely something she spent multiple minutes arguing with, while compliments just get a thanks and move on.
And if you're an old fan that gets recognized by name it's probably hard to send criticisms, so you would rather do it in a separate account.

>> No.41068379

I can see that. I'm one of those people, I praise her and say nice things but it feels like I'm in an ocean of the same thing. You say something negative or rude and she reads it and dwells on it. If you want her attention that's how you get it, it seems.

>> No.41068458

Are you serious? That's why you put them in boxes and don't mark them. Or just move them yourself. Jesus Christ, this woman. Not to mention I'm sure movers have seen it all before.
Then you have a tweet like this.
I thought she was doing better but she's falling into old habits.

>> No.41068612

After seeing Laplus charge 50k yen in her Fantia, I want to say I'm thankful Noel isn't like this when she very well could be.

>> No.41068728

Well, it's not like that's her only plan, just an extra for the supreme simps that doesn't actually offer anything significant.
Canan FC also has the 10k plan that doesn't really offer anything special.
I guess it's good that she doesn't have a 30k plan like Macoto which actually offers literally nothing extra.

>> No.41068765

Lapu certainly can't buy all those $6k outfits or whatever on her own...

>> No.41069361

Except the 10k plan had perks like exclusive videos and that signed postcard I haven't gotten yet. She struggled to find ways to justify that price and it's still cheaper than 50k yen.

>> No.41071762

Why is she like this?

>> No.41071812

>get a call if you don't go to the dentist in 3 months
What? I go like once a year unless something hurts.

>> No.41071888

>"Sorry guys I can't make the trip on X, I have to cam for some coomers"

This is one of the funniest things I've read in /jp/

>> No.41072305

I haven't gone in almost 2 years but I both brush and floss every day and I go out of my way to avoid sugar so I should be fine.

>> No.41072736

That implies she would have the guts to go out and find a guy to cheat on you with. It might just end in hate fucking with you.

>> No.41074276

So she's not doing a stream this weekend before the break starts? 5 streams on the second half of the month is going to be pretty hard to accomplish, might need to almost drop Noel.

>> No.41074877

my insurance does twice a year

>> No.41075299

There are 2 long weekends in the 2nd half of the month. She can use those to get the fan club plus the 3 ASMR NND streams done and then do the zatsu some time after.

>> No.41075778

It's interesting comparing the two tweets and the things she leaves out and says.

>> No.41076240

Yeah, I didn't know she had hospital visits this month on top of everything else.
Or maybe that's just an excuse on Canan for the lessons and recordings on Noel?

>> No.41078150

Probably just a routine check up. They probably go once a month or every other month for her throat.
She's talked about work before so I don't know why she would hide it.

>> No.41083114

>watches latest FC stream
>At the part where she cums on cam and has a titty hanging out
Damn bros anybody else notice how perfect her tits are? Not just the size but there are no noticeable veins that stick out (very impressive since she's so light skinned), there are no marks or moles anywhere, the skin is smooth, and they are perfectly shaped. We are truly fortunate that she takes care of her tits so well.

>> No.41083494

Nah bro thats Filter and makeup
Her skin is brown yellowish there are some photos on Twitter Taken with her phone like the one time where she got bit by her hamster
Look it up to see her real skin color

>> No.41083523

That's lighting, dumbass.

>> No.41083797

Yeah, not going outside will make your skin light, go figure.

>> No.41084092

She's finding strange things?

>> No.41084220
File: 92 KB, 400x300, cali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Package from Calli

>> No.41084273

Everything Mori needs in one place

>> No.41084307

I bet in her sick little mind she thinks the movers would have their way with her.

>> No.41084740

Even on Noel she pays more attention to antis than fans.
