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File: 32 KB, 300x300, aburgerspendstimewithmurderers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4097578 No.4097578 [Reply] [Original]

So, uh, anyways, what's the dumbest Umineko theory you've ever heard? Mine would be the one where Ange is the culprit, and only faked being ill so she could kill everyone on the island.

>> No.4097585

Whatever your theory is.

>> No.4097586

Just go to a random anime forum and read a random theory by a 13 year old.

>> No.4097589

InB4 Shkannontrice

>> No.4097598

OP here, I actually read the Shannonkanontrice theory about a year ago, on a deviantart page. Take that for what you will.

>> No.4097609
File: 143 KB, 400x605, ARGHWHATAMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong, too DEEP for you?

>> No.4097626

See, I love how Ange is a teenager in this picture, and yet Maria is a kid...

>> No.4097649

Isn't Maria older than Ange?

>> No.4097667
File: 33 KB, 848x480, Takano - just as planned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takano stretched her hand across worlds to fuck up people's shit.

>> No.4097683


>Just go to a random anime forum and read a random theory by a 13 year old.

>Go to /jp/
>Read this thread

Okay, I have done as you requested. What now?

Don't tell me to kill myself.

>> No.4097686

animesuki forums, animefags that just watched the anime
''so, we still don't know who Battler's mother is, so she must be Beatrice''

>> No.4097691

Mine was that the reader/audience (us) was actually the culprit because our sin was wanting the story to continue and thus prologning evry character, including beato's, misery.

>> No.4097699

Conservation of Detail, after all. Witch means Battler's mom doesn't exist, and Battler is part ghost.

>> No.4097703


>> No.4097704


>> No.4097709

You f/a/gs seriously think that this is Takano?

>> No.4097714

OP here, no need to be a jerk. Relax, man, just trying to spark some discussion....

>> No.4097726

Maria is the culprit theory. I was rolling.

>> No.4097736

....Haha, oh wow. That's like that wrestling movie, the condemned.

>> No.4097740


>> No.4097747

there was this theory that said that Eva had changed her name to get rid of her past, overcame her illnes and hadd platic surgery-> Eva=Kasumi to some animefags

>> No.4097749
File: 100 KB, 600x492, 8073616_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read or hear this theory by the way..
It was mine. It still is, maybe, just a teenie bit.

>> No.4097764

You aren't that far.
Bern and Lambda are obviously supposed to represent the readers.

>> No.4097775

But it's freaking stupid. The reader isn't doing anything bad, the reader just wants to know what happens in the story. The reader is neutral, he doesn't affect the story, he just is along for the ride.

>> No.4097786

Oh god, not this whole pretentious WE ARE THE MONSTERS for reading bullshit again.
We aren't, we never made anyone into hamburgers. we aren't magical lolis who take marshmellow baths, we don't have a cat tail, and hopefully we don't enjoy killing and/or torturing other people for fun.

>> No.4097794

>we never made anyone into hamburgers
You wanna bet?

>> No.4097801

but we've grown apathic of the characters death, and that's bad, every game is just 'who's gonna die and how, Ryu made a great dehumanization effect on his characters to the point we don't even care if they die

>> No.4097814

Well, personally, I rage everytime a character dies. When George and Jessica got trolled in episode 4 I cried, seriously. But being apathetic is not the same as being Bern and Lambda, who are downright MALICIOUS towards the pieces. And I doubt anyone here would be happy if the final game is a BAD END.

>> No.4097824

To be fair, death is cheap in Umineko, Battler and Meta-Battler get better very often, so you can't call it death as we know it.

>> No.4097835

yeah, but to that 'world' the character is dead
34 is just neutral to it, Bern is evil

>> No.4097846

Yeah, but superscription of data solves that issue quite nicely, just ask Ber-oh, crap.

>> No.4097860

>got trolled
Except they didn't. One of them killed the other.

>> No.4097881
File: 64 KB, 640x480, samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know, Kanon totally killed George and Jessica there.

>> No.4097891

bombtrice - as in she's an actual bomb in love with battler will never be topped.

>> No.4097902

Well the bomb has been proved at least.

>> No.4097904

I prefer Teatrice, myself.

>> No.4097916

Actually, I wouldn't mind if the game ended with a BAD END. Especially in the meta world. Personally I dislike how every episode has new witches and magical characters and we find out so much about that character, but the human characters just sit there and do nothing but say their generic lines until they die off.

I also really didn't like that trial shit they pulled in EP 5. It killed the mood of the game for me. Yeah magic scenes are sometimes awesome, but to just line up the humans like that in some meta-and-a-half world and explicitly show that they're just pieces on the game board rather than actual people while the magical characters are running around pulling accusations and magic fights was pushing it.

>> No.4097920

Can we get back to the discussion we always leave:
How Kanon helped Battler to escape from the room and then there was no one, you can't say Kanon wasn't there, Erika searched everywhere and didn't find ANYONE, not just, she didn't find X, there was no one in the room

>> No.4097940

The characters aren't literal pieces, dude. The trial scene in episode 5 was great BECAUSE the witches treated Natsuhi and the others like a piece in the game, while you and everyone else were horrified at the thought.

And trust me on this, the culprit on the gameboard will be more of a monster that Bern or Super Hanyuu could ever hope to be.

>> No.4097946

Shkanontrice, etc...
R07 using a plot device no respectable writers would use.
And he built his entire game aroute it.

>> No.4097951

Kanon spontaneously combusted.

>> No.4097968

You guys sure are hard on this Shkanontrice thing, huh?
I won't make too much of a ruckus, as it doesn't hurt my theory any, but I'd still advise being SURE that it is true.

>> No.4097973

Except Erika lost her detective authority the moment she killed off the fake-dead people, so what she searches for doesn't mean jack shit. She can't just reclaim it and search again, because she's already the culprit, so the moment she does that she would be holding the titles (so to speak) of "culprit" and "detective", therefore violating Knox's rule.

>> No.4097977


>> No.4097983

Stated in red that Kanon was nowhere in the room
Stated in red that he didn't leave the room.
Stated in red that he did enter the room

>> No.4097991

Shkanontrice can't explain it, you know it, another personality can't be in a room while the main body is in another, it doesn't work
He gave her 'from that moment on' detecive rights, so what she had previously done didn't matter, proof of that is the super duct tape

>> No.4098014

Stop trying to argue when you didn't play the game.
The only ones who could have helped Battler were Shannon, George, Kumasawa and Hideyoshi.
EVERYONE ELSE (that term is stated in red, important) were in another room and couldn't have left (stated in red once again).

But the one who saved Battler was KANON.
Solve this without Shkanon(trice)

>> No.4098035

I played the game, for you ti know, and that's why I say I don't get how it can be solved with Shkanon, Kanon entered the room, Battler got out, how did Kanon leave the room with Erika's seals blocking the exits is the question. I admit Shkanon, but it can't solve this room, because a body can't just vanish

>> No.4098041
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>> No.4098042

You can solve it easily.
Kanon switched back to Shannon or Beatrice, and then played cat and mouse with Erika.
See, easy.

>> No.4098053

Eva is the culprit

Yeah, even after EP3

>> No.4098058

yeah, a Erika who searched the whole room and there was NOBODY there, I'm not saying KANON wasn't there I mean NOBODY wasn't in the room since you can't fool Erika when she has her detective rights. Someone entered the room and vanished, it's impossible to fool rika like in Kinzo's room because that wasn't in the detective's presence, it was Natsuhi's
see, it doesn't work

>> No.4098065


>> No.4098074

Was Kanon stated to be alive while the whole room puzzle was going on?

>> No.4098077

You can fool her.
And it wasn't stated in red that nobody was in the room, only Kanon.

>> No.4098079

Anyways, I hope next episode's game is mystery, no magic, no furniture, system 0 only.
I want a return to the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU of Episode 1. Scares the crap out of me, it does.

>> No.4098093

you CAN'T fool the detective, that's it, if the detective is in a room,she will find ALL the evidences, you just can't fool her when she searched the room and she didn't find anyone.
The detective has absolute perception of everything and could just be fooled, as she said, inthe bathroom scene when she was concentrated and keeping her breath, so Battler scaped ad Kanon entered, after that it's impossible to fool her without her noticing

>> No.4098100

Devil's advocate here, a detective is not a mary-sue and can be tricked. Battler sure was fooled easily in episode 4, with the shenanigans Moon-chan, Kyrie, and er, ahem, "Beato" were pulling on him.

>> No.4098116

Jessica obviously killed George.

>> No.4098125
File: 104 KB, 850x632, jessica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, be fair Anon, you clearly saw that Gaap killed George. Really, it was quite blatant too....

>> No.4098140

Was Kanon's life or death status confirmed at all during the closed room sequence?

>> No.4098146

I think the Erika loophole is that despite the fact that she was the detective, we never got to see her reliable point of view.

It makes sense; do you really think that magical detective powers could knock Battler on his ass?

>> No.4098149

Shut up, Moon-chan.

>> No.4098150

Battler got tired of this shit, created another logic error to get out of it. Then he denied Erika and killed her off before she could bitch about it. The end.

(I tried posting this a while ago but it didn't go through, sorry if this message ends up coming up twice)

>> No.4098162

Jessica doesn't like creepy, gentlemanly virgins either.

>> No.4098166

A bomb blew up, thus making the room not exist.

>> No.4098174

I thought Erika wasn't the detective in ep 6.

>> No.4098176

Is Kanon a virgin?
4 out of five Kinzos will say NO!

>> No.4098185

Considering he's Shannon, definitely no.

>> No.4098191
File: 33 KB, 499x480, Ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George is a creepy virgin.

>> No.4098194

Well, in episode 6, isn't she in RAAB with Kanon, or something?

>> No.4098205

The dumbest theory I've heard is that Kanon killed everyone due to his love for Battler. Not anything to do with Shkannontrice. Kanon, not related to Shkannon in any way, just loved Battler so much that he killed everyone.

Best theory I've heard is Teatrice. No, honestly. I can't find any fucking gaps in it.

>> No.4098211

Everyone is a touhou is disguise.

>> No.4098213

>The dumbest theory I've heard is that Kanon killed everyone due to his love for Battler. Not anything to do with Shkannontrice. Kanon, not related to Shkannon in any way, just loved Battler so much that he killed everyone.

I can only imagine the type of person who seriously considers this theory.

>> No.4098223

because teatrice HASN'T holes, it's the perfect theory Ryu wouldn't had thought we would guess ever

>> No.4098224

12 year olds on Animesuki.

>> No.4098232

Well, according to the fantasy explanation, she is. Then again, her love is doomed to failure at the end of the fantasy explanation, so that take for what it is. Moon-chan is very annoying to pin down....

>> No.4098238

Genji = Sakuya
Kinzo = Reimu
Beatrice = Marissa
Bern = Patchouli
Kyrie = Tewi (?)
Maria = Chen
Eva = Meiling

Wow I think we can actually do this one guys.

>> No.4098241

Everyone died because they broke their neck when they slipped on fish oil stored in a jar for 6 years from the mackerel Kumasawa used to rape a loli Beatrice after Battler suggested it 6 years ago.

>> No.4098246

No, Kinzo = Remilia

>> No.4098252

Battler is Cirno, because of incompetence and endless (9).

>> No.4098254

I need that Shkannon theory explained to me again. How did they both appear on Ep 4 in that Kuwadorian prison cell?

>> No.4098256

Battler killed everyone.Beatrice is a being created by Battler's imagination so he could put all the blame on her but the good side of Battler want to admit his wrongdoings.

>> No.4098267

Yeah, this one always was one of the more grating ones. Battler IS a good guy. Possibly the ONLY good guy....

>> No.4098268
File: 156 KB, 373x480, 1250906131115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...that works surprisingly well.

>> No.4098270


Everyone in the cell lied about them being there, either because they were being threatened or were in on it.

>> No.4098274

Worst theory I ever heard was one I saw on /a/.

Maria is the culprit - she somehow convinced grown adults to do all the murders by promising them gold, even though there is no evidence she even solved the epitaph. She moved all the bodies to the shed in the 1st twilight and smashed them herself.

not even kidding, someone really thought this shit was a good theory.

>> No.4098279

Hideyoshi is a good man, fuck you.

>> No.4098288


I take it you havn't clocked that he's almost as bad as eva, only he's much better at hiding it. Well, when i say bad i mean conniving/planning.

>> No.4098293

>implying Hideyoshi is not the nicest guy on the island
>implying that, even though he is retarded, Krauss is not at least somewhat okay
>implying Rudolf does not care about anything other than getting laid, when its stated that he did apologize to Battler for the affair by going on his knees and did cry when Kyrie and Battler were found dead in EP 6.

>> No.4098294

34 is canonically Curno, is general knowledge

>> No.4098298

>Battler got tired of this shit, created another logic error to get out of it.

He didn't create it, someone else came up with that idea.

>> No.4098304

I highly doubt he would go fucking nuts and turn into a witch if George told him about his engagement to Shannon.

>> No.4098306

No matter what, the result will be fucking dumb in the game itself.
How the fuck will R07 manage to make us swallow as George, Jessica, Krauss or Natsuhi never realized that Kanon was only a crossdressing Shannon?

ShKanontrice is pretty much 99% sure now, I read the episode 1-4 quickly just to look for things against it, and there was nothing, actually it has a lot of foreshadowing in retrospect.
Doesn't make it any less dumber or shittier though.

>> No.4098309


>> No.4098312

What were the red texts used for EP6's closed room?

>> No.4098313

Opposite way - Shannon is the one disguising as Kanon.

But yeah its still retarded

>> No.4098322

Also as a dude who made his own business I doubt he'd be too hard on George. He doesn't care that much about family image.

Eva on the other hand when confronted by dead Shannon cared more about the ring than her being, you know, dead.

>> No.4098324

>I think the Erika loophole is that despite the fact that she was the detective, we never got to see her reliable point of view.

That still doesn't explain the Erika Paradox.

Last game, Erika had detective authority. That means her POV was correct, even if we never saw it ourselves.

So the question becomes, in the beginning, when it was stated in red that everyone gathered in the room, what did Erika see?

If she saw both Shannon and Kanon, Shkannon is denied. If she saw one person, then she should have been able to solve the locked room in EP6, because she would know that Shannon and Kanon are a single person.

Of course, this could have just been Ryukishi making his own logic error, but it's weird.

>> No.4098326

We should popularize the touhou theory and somehow make it reach Japan. Maybe RK will pull it off since it would be 100x better than Shkannontrice or Jessitrice or Bombtrice, or any of that bullshit.

To add to the list, Nanjo = Erin

>> No.4098328

the trice part is still pending though, I can use Jessica for that for example and even makes more sense

>> No.4098330

Really, Shkanontrice only works with Jessica as the mastermind behind her. Any other way is impossible to imagine.

>> No.4098336

I think Moon-chan takes care of that issue.

>> No.4098341

>ShKanontrice is pretty much 99% sure now, I read the episode 1-4 quickly just to look for things against it, and there was nothing, actually it has a lot of foreshadowing in retrospect.
That's funny. I read through 1-4 and became convinced it was totally impossible.

>> No.4098342

Since it's Ryukishi, I'm sure he just wrote himself into a corner, and is hoping no one remembers, or mentions that part.


>> No.4098346

Evidence that Jessica is a delusional nutcase. Aside from her tarot card, please.

>> No.4098354

We don't know what really happened in episode 5, it was just bullshit from the beginning to the end.
With Erika using the red in the real world, dead guys flying and all.

>> No.4098356

again he KNOWS the end, knows how everything happenned and doesn't add unnecessary shit that could be bad for him
Easymodo: Erika was originally a meta existence and has seen Shannon and Kanon as a meta witch, she didn't even doubt it

>> No.4098361

Except that the events of EP5 are referenced. Regardless of what you think, Umineko has a continuous narrative, and nothing implies that EP5 can be written off in its entirety.

>> No.4098371

Wish you would point out any flaw in ShKanontrice present in episodes 1-4.
I didn't see any.
Actually episode 2 can be seen as DID FOR DUMMY as a whole.

>> No.4098379

>Easymodo: Erika was originally a meta existence and has seen Shannon and Kanon as a meta witch, she didn't even doubt it
Erika wasn't originally a meta existence. She exists on the board too.

>> No.4098413
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Perhaps I can clear things up here.

Evidence of insanity? Well, first off, evidence of a character being insane is reserved for when they catch said character, but I can give you evidence of her being the culprit, if you'd like.
Throughout episode 1-4, she talks to Battler about Kinzo, telling him about how annoying Kinzo is, how she hates eating meals with him, and how'd she like him to just go away.

Now, that's all very well and good, but, considering Kinzo is dead, what once was seen as casual dialogue between cousins becomes lies.

This in and of itself is suspicious, but episode 4 solidifies it. We know she knows that Kinzo is dead, but then, when Kinzo kills her whole family, she runs off to confront him. She DOESN'T tell Battler or George the deal with Kinzo, she just wanders off. With this action, the train of thought that she was just supporting her parents goes out the window, as we see she is hiding Kinzo's death for more than just that reason. After this, George ends up dead, and she ends up making a call to Battler. Oh, and Piece-Beatrice comes out on the balcony on the floor she was on(Not endorsing Jessitrice here).

There is MORE than enough foreshadowing and susipicion to have her be a culprit. As for her being delusional or insane, you got me, but motives are only fully revealed after the fact. I am of the opinion that she is not delusional nor insane, but just a bitch.

>> No.4098439

People don't like my flaws because they involve characterization issues. Nevertheless.

1. The creator of Beatrice imbues her with the title of "ruler of the island." Absolutely no evidence Shannon would have ever held a title like that.

2. Shannon's interactions with Beatrice are too complicated. Beato shows up where Shannon wouldn't, says things she has no implication of knowing.

3. Shkannontrice makes the entire Moetrice interlude in EP3 pointless, where Ryukishi has said that all the scenes must have a meaning. Explaining the Lolitrice flashback becomes a ridiculous, convoluted headache.

4. Beato is specifically mentioned as nineteen years old. There must be a reason for this, and if Shannon is older than her given age, then there must be evidence in the text. There is none.

5. Shannon and Battler have absolutely no meaningful interaction or scenes except for the single beach scene in EP3, and even then it has no emotional impact on Battler.

6. Absolutely no indication in EP2 that Shannon has ever been interested in someone romantically aside from George. The reason Battler and Beato has emotional impact is because of the story that's been built between them. That care has not been given to Beato's "supposedly" human counterpart.

>> No.4098458
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>we aren't magical lolis who take marshmellow baths

>> No.4098479

Well then, good sir, if you won't fly the banner of the Maid, is it Moon you serve? Pony?
Answer well, as your life depends upon it...

>> No.4098486

The problem is, if Shannon and Beatrice are indeed separate personalities, then none of the things you've mentioned are a problem.

>> No.4098487
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>> No.4098495

>Now, that's all very well and good, but, considering Kinzo is dead, what once was seen as casual dialogue between cousins becomes lies.

Just because Natsuhi and Krauss knew Kinzo was dead and had to fake his existance, that doesn't mean they told Jessica. As a matter of fact, there's no indication whatsoever throughout all of EP 5 that suggests Jessica knew about Kinzo's death. Krauss and Natsuhi's relationship with Jessica seems more formal than anything, and all they do is tell her to study, which suggests even further that she doesn't know shit about Kinzo being dead.

Even if she's in on it, she could've left to support her parents alone because she's the only one out of the four cousins who knows Kinzo is dead, and knows how important it is for the sake of her dad's success and the stability of the family to keep it a secret.

While I'm not saying you're wrong, I am saying that the thing you pointed specifically in this post out doesn't really raise suspicion, since there's no indication that she knows anything about the incident.

>> No.4098509

Marshmallows are what comes out of a girl's butt. /red

>> No.4098517

>Well then, good sir, if you won't fly the banner of the Maid, is it Moon you serve? Pony?
I think Beatrice existed. She's probably dead.

>The problem is, if Shannon and Beatrice are indeed separate personalities, then none of the things you've mentioned are a problem.
Then there has to be evidence. I recently got done reading a murder mystery that had a person with DID personalities (and only one of them was a murderer) and a mysterious past with the main character of the book. While the DID came out of pretty much no where, we were given ample example of the person in question being fucked in the head and reaching out to the main character subconsciously.

Shannon and Battler have no major scenes together, seem utterly uninterested in one another. Even in EP6, where Battler should know the truth, he pays absolutely no attention to Shannon.

>> No.4098534

>>where Battler should know the truth, he pays absolutely no attention to Shannon.
Because, in the meta-world, they exist as 2 separates entities.
It's not like he payed any special to anyone on the gameboard.

>> No.4098539

>Because, in the meta-world, they exist as 2 separates entities.
Doesn't matter. If your girlfriend is living in the maid's head, you're going to be emotionally invested in what happens to the maid.

>> No.4098541

>I think Beatrice existed. She's probably Nanjo's ill granddaughter.

>> No.4098543
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Well, first off, the notion that Kinzo would be dead for more than a year and Jessica, who lives on the island, would not notice, is ridiculous. Suspension of disbelief can only go so far.

But it's simpler than that. Look here, this is but a sample of Jessica indicating to Battler that she has interacted with Kinzo, she tells him about his mood, she tells him that she wishes he would just stay in his study, etc, etc, basically, she gives Battler the impression that he is alive, and she has been there to see it.

If she truly didn't think he was dead, she'd tell Battler "OH I HAVEN'T SEEN THAT FUCKER FOR MORE THAN A YEAR BECAUSE OF HOW SICK HE IS". Right here, we see her words are tricky, and well-picked. It's subtle, but it is there. And thus we can conclude she knows he is dead.

And as for you saying that she is supporting her family.... well, do remember, in episode 4 she hears that Kinzo had just iced tons of people, in addition to her mother being dead. If she were keeping up the lie JUST to protect her family, she'd tell the truth now that people are dying everywhere.

And if it were just that, I could see room for doubt, but then we have George dying, and her making the phone-call to Battler. A few of these events can be written off as random chance, but all these things combined, implicate her.

>> No.4098548

I don't get it, why not just wake up and rape the maids?

>> No.4098568

Beatrice exists in someone in the island in some way, it's pretty much a fact.
Battler didn't pay special attention to anyone except Beatrice in episode 6.
So what? You think Beatrice isn't one of the 17?

>> No.4098605

Your pic shows quite clearly Jessica believes he's been shut in his study all this time. She think he's a crazy old far; so, I don't think she'd find it odd if she doesn't see him.

>> No.4098608

>Beatrice exists in someone in the island in some way, it's pretty much a fact.
Prove it. Who is the nineteen year old ruler of the island, as she was defined in this EP?

>> No.4098625

sup chronotrig. gonna translate EP 6 anytime soon?

>> No.4098637

Shannon, she's actually 19 and not 16.
Come on, I cannot be the only one who finds it suspicious she's been 10 years in Rokkenjima, when your average servants only lasts there for 3 years.

>> No.4098647

when she began to work for the family she was 6.

Three years later she would be 9.

Do you think they would let a 9 year old leave to fend for herself?

>> No.4098657

Look closer, she says he's shut himself in his study again. Not "he's shut himself in his study this whole entire time". She's talking in the present tense, because Kinzo is dead, and everyone is asking where he is. If she honestly believed he was alive, she'd mention how she hasn't seen him in a year. And yet, she doesn't, and tells Battler how Kinzo has been doing since last year. His moods, and how she hopes he doesn't come for dinner. Basically, downplaying Kinzo not being there while giving Battler the impression that Kinzo is alive.

Clear and clever deception is being pulled off here. In fact, the comment "same as last year" is hysterically dark.

She's extremely susipicious.

>> No.4098658

Beatrice doesn't have to be really 19.
She just has to think she is 19, mental age, symbolism, etc...

>> No.4098660

>Shannon, she's actually 19 and not 16.
Evidence from the text, please, not baseless speculation.

>> No.4098667

I agree. Jessica doesn't seem to like Kinzo that much at all. And I doubt Natsuhi and Krauss would let such a thing slip to her, considering their circumstances. She doesn't even want to go near his study because of the weird smell of absinthe. Jessica is very emotional when upset...letting something like that would just make matters worse at each conference.

Look at Gohda, although he's been working there for only 2 years or so, he doesn't have a fucking clue about what happened to Kinzo.

>> No.4098675

>She just has to think she is 19, mental age, symbolism, etc...
Why would Shannon do that? Even Kanon is at least the same age as her. There's no reason for her to think of herself as nineteen years old. No symbolism regarding Shannon has anything to do with the number nineteen. Nothing is said regarding her mental age being higher than her physical age, or any reason given why that is the case.

>> No.4098680

To begin with, why would Kinzo hire a 6 year old?

He was always characterized as a person who valued profit over benevolence, I can't imagine he did it for charities sake. Shannon is as suspicious as Jessica.

>> No.4098682

Good point, but she could have left 1 or 2 years ago.
Also, why would she have been brought to the island when she was young, and from Fukuin House of all places?

>> No.4098686

Not Shannon, the Beatrice inside Shannon.
You know the delusional personality who believes she is a witch and who is killing lots of people.

>> No.4098707

Well, Gohda's never been allowed close to Kinzo. That's why he doesn't have the wing on his suit. He's just the cook. Jessica, however, lives on the island, and is Kinzo's grandaughter. The two are on completely different standards.

>> No.4098715

>You know the delusional personality who believes she is a witch and who is killing lots of people.
Why does Shannon believe this? Evidence, please. We should be able to solve the mystery by EP4, so there should be plenty of hard evidence of Shannon believing HERSELF to be a witch.

Also, why was Beato chilling with Natsuhi in EP5? Personality transfer?

>> No.4098725

>Look closer, she says he's shut himself in his study again.

Kinzo has been shutting himself in his study for more than 20 years, in fact, his alienation became even worse after the baby from 19 years ago died.

>If she honestly believed he was alive, she'd mention how she hasn't seen him in a year.

She basically said that much when she said he hasn't left his studio. In one of your pics she even said he doesn't show up for meals any longer.

>> No.4098727

You're not getting it. Why would "the witch" think she was nineteen years old if her body isn't nineteen years old? Shannon was able to meet Battler when she was ten, it's not like she had to be thirteen.

>> No.4098755

Hold on here, I already explained that. It's one thing to be shut in your room OFTEN, but for her to never, and I mean NEVER see him for more than a year and not mention that is ridiculous.

Look at the picture.
She says he's shut himself in his study AGAIN.
She then says that she wishes he'd never leave his study. Her wish is already granted, because he HASN'T come out for a year. If she was totally ignorant, she'd say "He hasn't been out of his room for nearly a year, I never see him, he's really sick". But instead, we have her wishing he'd stay in her room, thus indicating that he HASN'T been in his room. You don't wish for something you already have.

And for the dinner issue, of course she's explaining why he's not coming out for a meal, because he can't, because he's dead.

>> No.4098779

Additionally, we know the age of "the witch". "The witch" is repeatedly stated to be a thousand years old, not nineteen.

Nineteen is so bizarrely specific and seemingly arbitrary I have no idea what to make of it.

>> No.4098789

No, you're really reading too much into what you want to read. Take a step back and look at it from a different perspective.

>> No.4098795

The first Beatrice could have been 19 when Kinzo first met her or something
It's obvious a question of symbolism.

You guys take this thing too seriously.
You guys that the Beatrice of the gameboard doesn't look like "Beatrice" at all, right?

>> No.4098805

The first Beatrice was not the "master of the island". Beatrice only got that title when her human counterpart bestowed it upon her in her current incarnation. Doesn't work.

>> No.4098808

Every theory posted.
I like to wait for the author to lift the curtain and not take wild stabs at who or what might be inside.
However, if R07 ends his story without explaining jack, then I'll follow the one most backed by evidence.

>> No.4098812

I have tried to look at it from the perspective of her not knowing, and her comments don't make sense under that logic. Trust me, I've spent a long time thinking this over. And of course we have her other sketchy actions in episode 4, but that's not what we seem to be debating here.

So yeah, I'm pretty sure she knows.

>> No.4098825

Kinzo was the one who created the myth of Beatrice.
He is the one who made her the master of the island.
He obviously modeled the myth of the witch around the one woman he loved above all.
If she was 19 at that time, he would obviously make the witch 19 too, eternally so.

Or something, it's not even that important to find the culprit, you guys are looking too much into it.

>> No.4098838

Except the number was stated to be important.

And the witch's age has been repeatedly defined as "a thousand years old". She has a given age which is not "nineteen". We have never heard about a Beatrice being "nineteen" before now.

And no, sorry, the monologue makes it obvious that Beatrice's creator is the one who decided Beatrice was master of the island. "You are no longer only the phantom of Rokkenjima who only plays tricks. You are now master of the island, waiting for Battler's return and for him to keep his promise."

Unless you're arguing that Beatrice is Kinzo.

>> No.4098871

I don't thing the whole 19 deal is mere symbolism. If it doesn't have any important meaning (as in, we can use it as a hint, or something useful to understand the Beatrice we're dealing with right now), then I don't see any point to show that at all. And the whole 19 deal was mentioned as if it was something really important.

>> No.4098872

>If she was 19 at that time, he would obviously make the witch 19 too, eternally so.
Then why would Shannon internalize that number? To her, the witch would be one thousand years old.

>> No.4098875

>Unless you're arguing that Beatrice is Kinzo.
Kinzo went around asking all his grand kids what type of sexbot they wanted, obviously.

>> No.4098882
File: 53 KB, 733x1023, 1252957580278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kumasawa is killing everyone so she call take the next day off

>> No.4098893

Daw, Kinzo is a nice guy!

>> No.4098895

We need some OH DESIRE pics here now! >:(

>> No.4098902
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>> No.4098913


Now that Kumasawa has been brought up...anyone feel like the deal with the chapel has been left out? There was an inscription over the doors, but other than what was mentioned in Episode 2 and 4, no information about it has shown up.

>> No.4098921
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>> No.4098928

A lot of theories have figured out that it's important for the epitaph. It's the most likely case.

Or counting to that number is a spell to make Kinzo's mother always love him, and that's what he had been doing in his study all that time.

>> No.4098961
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>> No.4098973

He's been uu-uu-ing in his room?

>> No.4098996

I've just spat my entire drink on my monitor.
Thank you.

>> No.4099011

Well, the B0MB theory incorporated it by saying it was a hint for the epitaph (Kuwadorian sounds similar to quadrillion)

>> No.4099021

Uh, now I can't help but be reminded of that scene in Higurashi with Satoko counting in the bath.... but now I see Kinzo counting with Satoko.

>> No.4099038

Fuck, I need to get through Episode 6 faster for shit like this. Just got done the candy battle between Maria and Erika (Fucking bitch)

>> No.4099051
File: 141 KB, 760x740, HNGGGGGGGGGGKRAUSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Krauss is a good man. A stupid, stupid, stupid man, but good. Same with Natsuhi. Same with Rudolf(Although being a player does not work well with having a yandere wife), and same with Hideyoshi.

As for the rest of them.... well, they can just DIE!

>> No.4099061

Natsuhi is a good man?

>> No.4099070

I hate Erika. I mean, every other battle was cool, George becoming Goku, Moon-chan using HELLFIRE, Shannon compounding a five year old, Kanon having a discussion with Rosa, but Erika is such a slut.

>> No.4099073

Since we're on the topic of "19 years", perhaps someone could refresh my memory. I remember Ep. 5 saying that Rosa still lived on the island when Natsuhi had to take care of the adopted child, but was that before or after Rosa supposedly "killed Beatrice" from Kuwadorian?

>> No.4099077

Dude, she takes on people with shotguns and doesn't fear shit. Manlier than Kanon, at any rate.

>> No.4099097

So how exactly was this MARIAxErika candy battle?

>> No.4099098

EP6 stream is starting up again.


>> No.4099110

No clue. But Rosa indeed was still living in the mansion at the time. Natsuhi said during the time when she was given the adopted baby, Rosa was away on a trip with friends.

But the exact time of year when Beatrice fell off the cliff wasn't mentioned at all..

Oh wait..now that I think of it, wouldn't Kinzo's wife still be alive? Rosa mentioned she was scolded by her mother after her tutor said something about her complaining.

>> No.4099131


Yeah, his wife too, that's another reason I'm trying to remember all the 19 years ago stuff. Seems like it was primetime for just about everyone associated with Kinzo to start dying or disappearing, and he became a shut-in.

>> No.4099155

If I remember right, I remember it being around when Rosa was still very young (like her early teens or so)

>> No.4099183

It's still pretty obvious Jessica is the culprit, guys. Really fukkin' obvious.

>> No.4099247

Don't think people are against that so much as they are against the idea of her not being an idiot...

>> No.4099265


What's the motive

>> No.4099269


She wants to fuck her cousin and he "abandoned" her, perhaps

The way Battler reacts when he finds out the truth at the end of EP5 seems to suggest to me that Beato is someone pretty close to him.

>> No.4099276

inb4 yandere lesbian kinzo rape OH DESIRE

>> No.4099277

>She wants to fuck her cousin and he "abandoned" her, perhaps
Proof, please.

>> No.4099278

That, or money, power, disgust, tons of reasons to kill someone. But motives are only explained when we get an insight into someone's mind.

>> No.4099287


Or it suggests he loves Beato....

>> No.4099296


But she doesn't exist.

>> No.4099297

Well, devil's advocate here, Battler spent roughly a week with Meta-Beato. You don't fall in love with someone you've known for a week. It's gotta be someone from his past... or a gigantic bomb....teaset....thing.

>> No.4099308


What's she need money or power for when she's next in line to be head of the family? The only person in her way is her father, who she wants to be head of the family. Makes no sense to me.

>> No.4099320

So, the murders would be inconsequential for her, righ-oh... shit.

>> No.4099323


In the end, I'm simply saying the game is suggesting Jessica is up to something. Her behavior in EP3 (only her and Nanjo could lock George out, and I don't think Nanjo did it) and EP4 (phonecall, knowing George was killed and where, disappearing,) is terribly suspicious, and the aforementioned Kinzo-lying.

She could be a red herring

>> No.4099322


She exists to him

>> No.4099329

>you don't fall in love with someone you've known for a week.

His bawwing roleplaying in ep. 6 disagrees with you. If it's about someone close to him, why didn't he show any concern for anyone but his imaginary waifu?

>> No.4099342

Keep in mind that Beatrice was created as Battler's perfect woman. So there'd be something wrong with him if he DIDN'T fall for her.

>> No.4099344

I doubt it. We really never "knew" Takano's motives, only that she was up to something. The same concept applies here.

Besides, have you seen the other "motives"? Shkanontrice's motives are that she's killing people.... to get Battler to remember a sin.... so she'll stop killing people.
Yeah, kinda convoluted, that.

>> No.4099345

So our brilliant protagonist is as delusional as Natsuhi, no wonder he's so incompetent.

>> No.4099354

It's just bizarre for someone to discover that the person they have fallen in love with is basically a figment of someones imagination, and not mind too much.

>> No.4099359

>If it's about someone close to him, why didn't he show any concern for anyone but his imaginary waifu?
In fairness, he also flipped out when he found out Erika had chopped all the heads off of the "corpses." So it's not like he didn't care. He was trying to create a board where no one died.

>> No.4099363

This. In the end, Jessica is still sketchy. And I for one doubt she's a red herring. She's sketchy, not SKETCHY like Kyrie. There is a difference.
