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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 24 KB, 388x309, european-union.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4097124 No.4097124 [Reply] [Original]

GDP (millions of USD)
1. European Union 18,140,000
2. United States 14,260,000
3. Japan 4,924,000

Money makes the world go around EU has the most money, Europe wins, and thats only the EU.

>> No.4097129

Did moot redirect /b/ to /jp/ or something?

>> No.4097130

Don't kid yourself into thinking you guys had any hand in it.

>> No.4097131 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 343x383, iuhidfkglhijikg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piss off with your trolling already.

>> No.4097132

We dont. Not yet ;_;

>> No.4097136

you copied my tread




>> No.4097149

Just continue making skimming tools and you'll get there eventually.

>> No.4097155

Are you implying culture is worth anything?

>> No.4097162


said the liberal weaboo who knows nothing

>> No.4097166

California 1,846,757
Croatia 69,332


>> No.4097169

I did because it got deleted.

>> No.4097173


And now, we take a trip to the future. I think 2050 should be fine...


>> No.4097174

Well, that's nice and all, but we're still fucking indebted. where the fuck is all that money going I wonder.

>> No.4097177

That European Union is spread out over like what. twenty countries, more?

The U.S. is spread out over one country, the U.S.

>> No.4097178

fagstatus: TOLD

>> No.4097182


>> No.4097185

This, you faggots.

>> No.4097187

You think I'm proud of my country? Fuck no....

I want a united Europe, I want my Yugoslavia back, I want my Austohungary back...

My country is a botomless pit of shit and I cant escape it for the next 5 year minimum.

>> No.4097188 [DELETED] 

American immigrant problem: Hard workers who speak a similar latin based language, typically acclimate to the country after twenty years. Third generation is completely native.

European immigrant problem: Hardline conservative fanatics. Speak a radically different language. Remain terminally unemployed in local ghettos. Actively hostile to acclimation and express a desire to seize control from within. Takes innumerable generations to become native.

How's it make you feel that we can step on and insult spics and you can't even speak a bad world about your Muslims?

>> No.4097189

Everyone owes money to everyone.
It's really stupid.

>> No.4097192

American immigrant problem: Hard workers who speak a similar latin based language, typically acclimate to the country after twenty years. Third generation is completely native.

European immigrant problem: Hardline conservative fanatics. Speak a radically different language. Remain terminally unemployed in local ghettos. Actively hostile to acclimation and express a desire to seize control from within. Takes innumerable generations to become native.

How's it make you feel that we can step on and insult spics and you can't even speak a bad word about your Muslims?

>> No.4097193


>> No.4097194



Back to your third world shithole please.

>> No.4097195
File: 279 KB, 1099x983, Freedom HELL YEAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA has singlehandedly higher GDP than every other country in the world.
Also, USA's GDP is greater than that of every country that uses the Euro combined, according to the World Bank numbers for 2008 (we should be getting the 2009 numbers within a week or so, which might be a different story)

>> No.4097200

>How's it make you feel that we can step on and insult spics and you can't even speak a bad word about your Muslims?

I'm a Muslim. Feels good, man.

>> No.4097201

We also have fusion power while america uses Biofules ahahhaa.

>> No.4097204

But EU is a continent. USA and Japan are just countries.

>> No.4097205


I rest my case.

>> No.4097207
File: 106 KB, 377x355, DKwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Austria + Belgium + Bulgaria + Cyprus + Czech Republic + Denmark + Estonia + Finland + France + Germany + Greece + Hungary + Ireland + Italy + Latvia + Lithuania + Luxembourg + Malta + Netherlands + Poland + Portugal + Romania + Slovakia + Slovenia + Spain + Sweden + The UK =

Edging out a single country, the US, in GDP.


Lol lrn2EU, Croatia isn't part of it.

>> No.4097209

oh god dont blow me up please

>> No.4097214






>> No.4097219 [DELETED] 

But if you blow you up I can get 72 eternal 2D lolis in heaven.

Won't you sacrifice yourself to help out a fellow anon?

>> No.4097218

>We also have fusion power

Uh, no you don't. You have ITER, which is an experiment.

>> No.4097220

A little history lesson: in any other part of the world, a state is a standalone country. USA was initially created as a union of states, much like the EU. The USA is the same thing as the EU.

We have 50 states, they have 20 or so.

>> No.4097221

But if I blow you up I can get 72 eternal 2D lolis in heaven.

Won't you sacrifice yourself to help out a fellow anon?

>> No.4097229


Like Jim Crow.

>> No.4097230

so you're spanish? It's starnge to find a person from my country here

>> No.4097232

>Edging out a single country, the US, in GDP.
>50 federated states of the United States of America
I guess you dont see the UNITED in the United States of America

>> No.4097235
File: 22 KB, 320x265, ranoutofVirgins..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4097237


I hope you are not a weaboo

>> No.4097239
File: 86 KB, 480x640, 1261881338613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that was her measurements. You only get one.

>> No.4097242
File: 7 KB, 150x180, _1050282_flag150afp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU GDP is going down the drain...

EU countries are getting poorer, weaker and older...

The US are still getting richer, stronger and are maintaining their age status quo

>> No.4097243

Is this actually what you're taught over there? Hahahahahahahahaha.

>> No.4097246

The USA is fundamentally different from the EU.
We fought a civil war over this, in fact. I'll let you think about it.

>> No.4097247
File: 39 KB, 800x1151, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know you were a /n/igger Croatia. At any rate, this old /n/ thread is an eyesore.

>> No.4097248

Except that's a semantics game and nothing else
The idea originally was to have separate nations joined as the "united states" but that's not the case today in the least. The "states" in the United States are not independent, they are all jurisdictionally just subdivisions of the United States, and are not separate entities.

>> No.4097250

You are a moron, and you should learn your history better. We are not a collective of mini-countries, we are a collective of former colonies that give the majority of our power to a federal government. We are ONE country. The EU is just an economic union between multiple countries, and the majority of the power goes to each country, not to a central government.

Seriously, it's two completely different situations.

>> No.4097251

Holy crap you americans dont even know your own history... Isnt that the only history you learn in school and you even dont know that? I mean I learned the history of europe asian and america here and I remember it.

>> No.4097253
File: 21 KB, 166x169, slovensko_2eura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EURO fuck yeah!

>> No.4097257


I came at that coin

>> No.4097260

ITT: AoC makes Europeans look like idiots.

>> No.4097261

Calling the USA a group of nations is like calling Russia a group of nations.

>> No.4097262

Wow, you fail american history forever. Seriously, like, wow.

>> No.4097266

Trying too hard

>> No.4097268

>I mean I learned the history of europe asian and america here and I remember it.

I guess everyone needs something to shoot for. Don't worry Croatia, you'll make it some day.

>> No.4097271

So you dont think the european union is going to have a central goverment and military and everything one day?

>> No.4097272

Obviously not, lol. Your instructors should be fired.

>> No.4097274
File: 594 KB, 640x480, 2cntn44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are either very, very stupid or a very shitty troll. On second thought, you seem to be a combination of both. Anyone who knows anything about local vs federal government will tell you that the EU and the United States are two completely different things.

>> No.4097282

When you're at the top, you don't waste your time thinking about the history/politics of inferior Nations.

>> No.4097287

The fucking EU is just a proto USA, it's going to become the USE in like 50 years or more. Remember the SOVIET UNION yes? You called that a country yet it was a union of federal countries.

>> No.4097291

We're aware of our history enough to know that we're not a collection of sovereign nations but instead a single nation with 50 subdivisions that are "states" in name and name only

>> No.4097296

Yeah why should you, you already wasted 160 billion dollars on killing random Iraqi people.

>> No.4097297

jesus christ croatia is trolling the shit out of you guys

>> No.4097299

The EU is more like the Soviet Union than the USA

>> No.4097304

>GDP figures
>meaningless penis-wagging that has nothing to do with the welfare of the people
>enjoy your Croatia

>> No.4097305
File: 13 KB, 268x50, yhbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow Americans, you've just been splendidly trolled by none other than myself.
How does it feel, responding like idiots to blatant bullshit that even a real Croatian must know?

>> No.4097310

The EU is not a proto-us, and with the diversity of cultures you guys have, I find it very unlikely that you guys will ever become as federalist as the US is. Heck, just look at British-French relations, for example. But whatever, not that it matters much, anyways.

>> No.4097317

Trying too hard

>> No.4097318

Quitting already? D:

Why be a winner when you can be a quitter?

>> No.4097319

One of them would correspond to blacks.

>> No.4097320

Believe me I dont... I hate it. My dream country is something like Finland or one of the Benelux ones.

>> No.4097322

God damn it.
Open tripcodes, not so good.

>> No.4097323


>> No.4097324
File: 31 KB, 349x642, 1251349182216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.4097326

easily solved with a couple of nukes or lots of riot police

>> No.4097330
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4097332

No that just someone using my trip.

>> No.4097334

Welcome to English Class. For today's exercises we'll be adding words to clarify sentences. First sentence:

>The EU is more like the Soviet Union than the USA

This sentence can be clarified in two ways, either of which will change the meaning:

-The EU is more like the Soviet Union than the USA is.
-The EU is more like the Soviet Union than it is like the USA.

>> No.4097336

Thanks, that's the one.

>> No.4097337

move to the capital
become a EU beurocrat

>> No.4097339

goddamn shut up.
The Icelandic way of English is the correct one

>> No.4097343

I cant, I'm a electrical engineer. I'd like to work in some Nuclear Facility to be honest.

>> No.4097344

Uneducated americans lol

>> No.4097346

ok... Lithuania has a nuke plant.. and its close to RUSSIAAAA!!!! OMG

>> No.4097349

I didn't post it for you or anything!

>> No.4097353


>> No.4097355

that's redundant

>> No.4097358

I didn't read the thread, did anyone mention you're comparing the conglomeration of like 30 eastern European shitholes and ALL the western European nations, to the individual nations of the United States and Japan?

I mean fuck, it makes us look embarrassing, not good.

>> No.4097363

Ahh Croatia, financial juggernaut of the EU.

>> No.4097366
File: 11 KB, 501x585, jew-bwa-ha-ha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT a jew >>4097129 that goes by the name Jones is pretending to be Anonymous of Croatia to make us fight. We Aryans shouldn't be fighting, instead we should unite to defeat a common enemy. The Jews.

According to athens, the Jews are behind the global recession.

>> No.4097371

no its Adolf Hitler

>> No.4097384

I'd like to punch Jones in his jew nose.

>> No.4097423
File: 207 KB, 320x240, out.fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I feel right now.

>> No.4097425

thats literally me

>> No.4097449
File: 446 KB, 500x568, usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously guys, Europe>US
Europe got the culture, the money, the women, the security and the happiest people on earth while the US got the... gangbangers and crime.
The rest of the world doesn't hate you because you are successful(as if), the rest of the world hates you because you are an embarrassment to it. That healthcare issue is pathetic... just like your show politics. Pic related.

>> No.4097468

The problem is that europe is not a country, shares no unified culture, and includes failures that relies on the E.U to subsist, like Greece.
The living standards are far more diversified than such generalizations may indicate.

>> No.4097479

Oh, please. "The rest of the world"... "show politics"... you speak as if these things are exclusive to the US. Protip, it's all the same shit, just in different flavors. Politics, since the dawn of human society, have ALWAYS been one big show. Don't act like this is something that doesn't apply to Europe, because it quite obviously does.

>> No.4097491

It sure does, we're having presidental elections here, everyone is diding out the others communist past and telling them we'll have a RED CROATIA. Funny thing the president here has no power at all he can VETO certain lawes and thats it.

>> No.4097499

Equivalent of American President is the Prime Minister (leader of the goiverning body)in most EU cases, President is the silly figurehead.

>> No.4097509

So, what about China?

>> No.4097510

When theres a presidential election coming up in the USA, I watch it for entertainment value. They fling shit at each other every turn they get. They try to make the others look worse, instead of making themselves look better. Really, its not the same.

>> No.4097518

I suck cocks. That was intended for >>4097479.

>> No.4097521

Indeed, they're like a counties king or prince that go around and represent the nation, something like a advanced Ambassador.

>> No.4097526

While culture and living standards are diversified, they still are there. Everybody in the EU has to have some kind of healthcare, and everybody in the EU benefits from welfare. The EU shares the problems of racial diversity and multiculturalism of the US, but even the poorest of poor have housing and food that won't turn them into whales.

Protip: Most European nations don't just have two major political parties that belittle each other through media. It is a lot more fast paced and complex compared to US politics, where every year the same shit happens. Billions of dollars wasted for media coverage, and the one that spent the most cash gets to lead the country. Things don't go like that in any EU country.

>> No.4097532

Yes they're doing the same thing here, example this one guy goes to the church and brags about how the other guy dosent, or this guy digs up shit the other guy did in Yugoslavia and calls him a communist...

>> No.4097550

I lived in the Czech republic it's the same shit ODS vs ČSSD
In Croatia it's HDZ vs SDP
In Germany it's SPD vs CDU
I'm pretty sure it's like that I most of the countries.

>> No.4097553

Croatia, are you handsome?

>> No.4097555

Well, I only live in tiny Denmark. It's nothing like that here. They just keep making new better promises that they mostly end up not doing properly, if at all.

>> No.4097573

You need to remember Denmark, Finland, the Benelux guys, Norway, Slovenia and Sweden are very civilized counties.

Compared to them UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy all the slavic countries are barbaric retards.

>> No.4097580

Very average, brown hair, brown eyes, 174 cm, 70kg

>> No.4097596

Kind of like a smaller version of me. Your weight is good at least.

in b4 some american making an obvious joke

>> No.4097601

Pretty much all European nations have two major political parties and second stringers that fight over the crumbs.
They just do not have that much money to spend on their campaigns.

>> No.4097603

You know i'd even post a picture if i didnt already know it would haunt me for ages.

>> No.4097608

Yeah, I wouldn't post a picture of myself on 4chan either, ever.

>> No.4097619


I'd like to be upset about this comment, but fact is it's true. Damn it. Well, I guess you have to be a little barbaric, it's in our nature.

>> No.4097620


>> No.4097624

America has a "democratic" history and places great emphasis on that and makes it a show, kind of like BREAD AND GAMES style.

For Europe it's like a necessary evil, sure they make a show but it's no way near the american level, most people dont even go to vote because they know it wont change shit.

>> No.4097628

So I have a question about Croatia, is it true you were all nazis during the war?

>> No.4097634

Well, the CDU and SPD went into an alliance this term. On other occasions, one side went with the FDP.
You'd never see the American dems and reps form an alliance, would you?

>> No.4097636

Funny how its the vikings that are civilized now. Maybe its sort of a rebellious age that every country has to get over?

>> No.4097645

Why the fuck are you mods letting this thread exist long enough to get 100+ replies? Holy fuck.

>> No.4097651

I watch a lot of German TV so i kind of know what you guys are like...
I know i shouldnt trust the TV but you can get a overall picture.

>> No.4097653
File: 19 KB, 707x353, 707px-Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina_(1992-1998).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Croatia is good compared to Bosnia atleast you dont have a tumor called Republika Srpska.

>> No.4097665

Well okay that never happens, but still the I've been watching german tv since i was like 6 years old and it's always CDU vs SPD and them hoging FDP or die Grunen or some random small guys...

>> No.4097670

It's still infinitely more interesting than the OMG KAWAI DESU NE threads that plague this board. It's not even used for discussion about Japan in the first place, might as well discuss Croatia.

>> No.4097676

No offense but you guys should have been divided between Croatia and Serbia. And maybe some leftover Bosnia that has real "muslim" Bosnians.

Like this you're in chaos...

>> No.4097689

We are Greece, we birthed Democracy or whatever, and do the exact same shit.
That's just the way it is on any country where Democracy or Republic enters the picture.

>> No.4097696

I'm pretty sure this board wasn't made to discuss japan.

>> No.4097693 [DELETED] 

Goddamit we lost 50% of our original territory to the turks after they redistibuted it.
Just leave what we have left or merge us with Croatia or something.

>> No.4097700

What if you end up with Serbia?

>> No.4097707

This is what I mean with fast paced diversity. US politics are ALWAYS just between two parties. IIRC, the only time a third party came into the final voting rounds in the US was in the 1820s. I might be out on ice here, but it was centuries ago that's for sure.

>implying /jp/ has mods
Oh you so funny.

>> No.4097711

Goddamit we lost 50% of our original territory to the turks after they redistibuted it.
Just leave what we have left or let us enter a union with Croatia or something.

>> No.4097724

We have to have one thread once in a while that dosent focus on touhou umineko 3d sluts and whatnot.

>> No.4097774

If they killed all vehabije or whatever they are called I would not mind it but Crotia would be preferable.

>> No.4097796

Thats what you get for betraying the rest of Christian Europe and converting to Islam. Enjoy your angry orthodox Serbs backed by orthodox Russia.

>> No.4097807

I wish we both lived in small prosperous Slovenia. Where they have like the average wage of
>Average gross salary amounted to EUR 1,416.40
Fucking hell... 10k Kunas a month or 2500 maraka if you will...

>> No.4097813
File: 109 KB, 507x827, knoe02_38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shut up you darn dickhead we have always been fighting for christians.

>> No.4097820

welcome to /cr/ - Croatia/General

>> No.4097838

Hell yeah I could buy a PS3 and not go bankrupt.
For now I have to bear with my 360.

>> No.4097841


Well yeah, but is it even possible to go any other way? Also we've got the aids filled Linke now. Honestely I don't even know what's good for our country anymore.

FYI I voted the pirate party last election.

>> No.4097876

I have 36k euros in the bank, and I'm on welfare.

How does it feel?

>> No.4097883

You just want cheaper PS3 games Croatia.

>> No.4097885

My whole family has less quite less. Average wage here 500~600€ a month.

>> No.4097887

Fuck you, I have not MADE that much money in 2 1/2 years.

>> No.4097892

I wouldnt mine expensive PS3 games if I had a wage of 1500€ or more.

>> No.4097895

>I voted the pirate party last election.
This anon did so, too.
>Also we've got the aids filled Linke now.
Compared to SPD, CDU/CSU, Grüne and especially FDP they are awesome.

>> No.4097898


What the fuck man, did you robb a bank or kill a rich uncle? Go dine in hell, k thanks bye.

>> No.4097914

We would highly appreciate it if you did not spam your shitty clones all over www.ànoñtálk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4097918


I just can't see em for anything else than a huge bag of hot air. Seriously, just what do you think they'd do if they ever were elected... well going as things are they just might be next time.

>> No.4097928

ITT AoC blogs about his shitty life. I am disappointed in you Anon of Croatia.

>> No.4097945 [DELETED] 

Nothing to blog about in my life, i just stay in my room dont go out and play games nad browse the INTAneto.

>> No.4097958

>I just can't see em for anything else than a huge bag of hot air.
Well, _overall_ they are closer to my political opinion than the pirates, so I hope they are not.
Who knows, fortunately the FDP has been nothing but hot air so far.

>> No.4097966

I refuse to believe that any of these political parties are worse than SDA

>> No.4097975

Errr, Social Democrats of America?

>> No.4097985 [DELETED] 

We would highly appreciate it if you did not spam your shitty clones all over www.ànoñtálk.com. Thank you.

>> No.4098039 [DELETED] 

Hey Croatia does the postal services suck in Croatia?

As in you clearly see that some fucking faggot has ripped the whole thing open to check if its someone sending money to his family or something?

>> No.4098055

They always rip shit open here and look inside if they can charge TAX on it or Import Tax.

So yeah they suck donkey balls I hate them from the bottom of my guts they took like at least 300€ from me with taxes and shit over the years.

>> No.4098061

Hey Croatia does the postal services suck in Croatia?

As in you clearly see that some fucking faggot has ripped the whole thing open to check if its someone sending money to his family so he can steal MONIES?

>> No.4098071

That's happened to me about four times and I live in fucking England.

Fucking Polish postmen.

>> No.4098078

Have you ever had anything missing?
once I got my package with the receipt missing and a half factory sealed game..
