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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4097123 No.4097123 [Reply] [Original]

What are we, /jp/?

What do you call a person who likes doujinsoft games, visual novels, figs, 2D girls, etc.?

>> No.4097134

A weeaboo. God, you're stupid.

>> No.4097133

Nerd, loser, shut-in, quiet unsocial person

>> No.4097143


>> No.4097145

What do I call you? Brother.
What do they call you? A failure.

>> No.4097147


>> No.4097148


>> No.4097150


>> No.4097151


>> No.4097154
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>Normal fag,
if you suppress you powerlevel and do normal fag stuff.

>shut-in, quiet unsocial person
If you stay at home and hide your powerlevel.

>A weeaboo.
If you go out do normal fag and weeaboo stuff and show it to everyone.

>> No.4097156


>> No.4097158

A person who likes doujinsoft games, visual novels, figs, 2D girls, etc.

>> No.4097176

Master race?

>> No.4097181

Christ people, if you like any of these things that doesn't automatically make you a weeaboo.

Weeaboo = wapanese = wannabe Japanese

If you adore JAPAN so much you wish you were one of them, THAT's when you're weeaboo. Signs include thinking anything from Japan is great, seeing no flaws in anything Japanese and wetting your pants when you spot a Japanese person posting on an English message board.

>> No.4097202

>If you adore JAPAN so much you wish you were one of them, THAT's when you're weeaboo. Signs include thinking anything from Japan is great, seeing no flaws in anything Japanese and wetting your pants when you spot a Japanese person posting on an English message board.

That's what a "wapanese" is.

A weeaboo is someone who only likes 2D stuff.

>> No.4097206

And don't forget randomly using japanese all the time.

>> No.4097208

Also: using Japanese words in English speech, studying Japanese language, wanting to visit/having visited Japan, wanting a Japanese girlfriend (pathetic!), doing Japanese things at home (eating ramen, making riceballs, etc.)

These make you weeaboo if you obsess over them. Someone who studies Japanese for business reasons is no weeaboo.

>> No.4097213

Newfriend, weeaboo was the wordfilter for wapanese. Weeaboo literally == wapanese. Lurk more.

>> No.4097216

Learning Japanese so you can understand untranslated entertainment is just being practical.

>> No.4097217

A personne which likes doujinsoftgames, visualnovelles, figurellos and 2d girls

We calle þem a SUPERMANIAC!

>> No.4097227

>studying Japanese language
I wouldn't say it's that weeaboo. VN translations are pretty limited, and if this happens to be your hobby, you might as well study Japanese. As long as you don't use it all the time and think that this is a best and most beautiful language ever.

>> No.4097228
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Guys, guys, I was talking about the Japanese fans, not the Western fans. Do they have a name for their 2D culture?

>> No.4097233

It's borderline weeaboo. Putting salt on your watermelon slice ("because I saw it in an anime!!") is worse.

>> No.4097236


>> No.4097240

Yes, I remember that wordfilter, but terms change with time and these two words don't mean the same thing anymore.

>> No.4097249

Yeah, you're right, what matters is the intention. If the intention is to learn Japanese simply because the person adores Japan, that's being weeaboo. If it is to understand entertainment you like, which happens to come from Japan, it isn't.

>> No.4097259
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Stop taking some word from a webcomic seriously.

>> No.4097256

I don't agree, but I don't think I can change your opinion.

>> No.4097270

You know, I know you will hate me for this, but I never understood the joke of that PBF comic. I understand most of his comics (some may take a while) but that one always eluded me.

>> No.4097277

The Perry Bible Fellowship is the greatest web comic on earth.

>> No.4097290

Proud weeaboo here. I'm taking back the term. Who cares if I like anime?

>> No.4097302

There isn't a joke to it. It's funny because it's not actually funny.

>> No.4097309

Some on here are full-blown waps, while others just wotakus. Well, most waps are on /cgl/ and /a/.
Yes, there are nice things coming from Japan, like technology and media, and their culture and history is nice too, but you've got to resist becoming a wap. I was a bit of a borderline wap when I was younger, but now I let the sage speak for me.

>> No.4097325

Hmm, okay. The best I could figure was that they had some word you couldn't "say" at work (like, I think, some offices have a game that the first person to use the word "coffee" has to get everyone coffee or something?) and the "joke" was that the word was something ridiculous which would never be used in normal speech.

Still doesn't explain the paddling of course.

>> No.4097360


kagami cosplaying as patchouli?

>> No.4097369

Damn /a/ kids giving a shit about labels.

>> No.4097421

What about the guy who MUST go outside because several reasons (parents, whatever), but he doesn't supress his powerlevel and act as strange as possible to keep people away from him?

>> No.4097438

I think you'd just go with DSM-IV labeling on that one.

>> No.4097440

But they removed homosexuality since DSM-III.

>> No.4097465

>Aspergers Syndrome:

> [] frequently displays an intense and narrow interest


>> No.4097473
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less talk, more patchy

>> No.4097475

If you have a headache that doesn't automatically mean you have a concussion.

>> No.4097492
File: 160 KB, 950x1355, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you let Patchy put a leash and collar on you?

>> No.4097508
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I'd rather put one on her.

>> No.4097513

Its either AS or OCD. I cant figure out why everyone on here is so butthurt about anime and manga.
Technically /jp/ broke the rules by spamming Touhou

>> No.4097568

fool why would you? if you have books then she might stay with you for some time.

>> No.4097579


...she'd be on a leash. There'd be no escaping. As long as she didn't use my penis as a bookmark.

>> No.4097632

I'd be fine with either.

>> No.4097664


There really isn't any real reason why /jp/ dislikes certain things. It doesn't have anything to do with the things themselves... /jp/ dislikes certain things based on the other people who like them. The actual thing itself is largely irrelevant.

If no one liked Halo and it was an obscure game, /jp/ would love it. In fact, they only gravitate towards Japanese-oriented stuff because they feel their own culture rejects them.

Before I return to /r9k/ from whence I came, there is one word that explains /jp/ in a nutshell: Ressentiment.

>> No.4097706



>> No.4098003

I'm pretty sure the fact that you're arguing over the terminology is pretty terrible in itself.

>> No.4098007


>> No.4098022

I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with learning Japanese. But most of you faggots (OP and his ilk) can't speak a word of Japanese, and that combined with your interests makes you pathetic weeaboos.
