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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4089452 No.4089452 [Reply] [Original]

Some kind of new thread. Other one looks kind of old.

Hosting at, EC.

>> No.4089507

Didn't Hulk start wrestling again?

>> No.4089518

is he Mr. America again?

Oh god that was great.

>> No.4089528

TNA brought back every single fucking dude they could think of a while back, and they're all old as shit by now.

>> No.4089537

watching sting wrestle is painful these days.

>> No.4089980

Good games, Remi. I'm done for now, I'll be back when I stop sucking so much when people play keep-away. Way to completely handle me.

>> No.4090012
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You're making that sound so much worse than it was; it was really the other way around. From the worst to the best players, that's the first time I've ever had to adopt some tactic other than blatant keepaway, you were finding plenty of ways around it.

>> No.4090052

Sorry, it was just a little bit frustrating failing my 20th chickenblock against that tornado spin thing (is it 214B or something?). In all honesty, it felt like you were controlling exactly what I was going to do, and you would peg me with one of your quick bullets every time I tried to control the field a bit with a projectile. Also, Meiling's air game is one of the best, but you ruled the sky for those games.

My Sakuya/Meiling game relies heavily on strings, but I'll be damned if you didn't completely eliminate my momentum with both characters, ahaha. So yeah, it was frustrating, but quite interesting.

>> No.4090104
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I felt like if you put me into a corner, I would eat too much damage; your blockstrings are pretty solid. My whole game play revolves around getting people to chase me, then pegging them when they follow. Problem was, after about 2 matches against Aya you just stopped following my pace and waiting, exposing my actual horrible gameplay. I'd say they were all close after that, you have no idea how difficult that was to play that way.

>> No.4090411 ec

>> No.4090449

One day I will learn to actually play fighting games. This technical shit sounds fascinating.

>> No.4090484

What technical shit.

>> No.4090729


Someone host!

>> No.4090911


>> No.4090986
Hostan Canadia

>> No.4091005

>hosts during National Championship game

God damn you, Rabbit...

>> No.4091414 [DELETED] 

Not done, just gotta take a leak. BADLY!

>> No.4091447

Good games E-MAN! I have a very hard time dealing with your Sakuya knife fields. The way you play Reimu and Sakuya is both very solid, as your Reimu can crush my projectile type characters and your Sakuya stuffs melee types with her constant bullets. It was unexpected that melee with Patchy when I normally fireballed worked pretty well for that one match.

>> No.4091469

Ahah, I suppose its a good reason to call it a day for the time being. I should be working on a racing game engine right now, so let's continue our games another time.

>> No.4091526

Aww, over so soon? GGs

Funny thing is, your run-and-gun Patchi shoots my Sakuya dead, and I still have problems hunting down Youmu as Reimu. What a weird love-square we have here... Anyway, I think I'm going to spend the next few weeks or so focusing on my mains. Dunno, but today, I start doing some different stuff that worked in the corners and managed to throw out some nice corner-to-corner airstrings. Also, let it be know: This is the FIRST time you've gone 4 for 4 with Royal Flare against me! LOL, I don't know what the hell was wrong with me today, but that last one I was definitely holding back (w/ full orbs, no less) and still got hulled.

Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4091534

Good games again, nameless person.

>> No.4091584

Good games, I never played anyone who uses 4a to corner someone, wasn't sure how to get out of it.

>> No.4092001

What a baka tier.

>> No.4092264
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Anyone still around? Hostan:
"Figured out some pretty good combos, checked the wiki, and saw that they were already written down" tier.

>> No.4092357

Guess I'll try again later. Or maybe sleep, that could be good too!
