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File: 575 KB, 1052x744, Cirno_Peaceful_sleep_in_water__by_Harukim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4086530 No.4086530 [Reply] [Original]

Help, /jp/. I have this huge urge to come inside Cirno. Unfortunately, she doesn't exist. What should I do? Should I see a psychiatrist?

>> No.4086531

1. Go dress a little girl up as cirno.
2. Rape
3. Come inside

>> No.4086536
File: 159 KB, 852x591, 1261866196325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw comics featuring yourself fucking her
Soon you'll really be a part of the 2D world

>> No.4086540

1. Buy a fleshlight
2. Put it in the freezer

>> No.4086541

Gensokyo exists. Your denial only makes it stronger.

>> No.4086546

This would be inaccurate. You see, Cirno is actually warm. See Hisoutensoku for details.

>> No.4086553

You can't do that. She's only 60.

>> No.4086554

So Gensokyo is like Satan?

>> No.4086585

Go see a Freudian psychiatrist. Let's see how he interprets this.

>> No.4086621
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>Unfortunately, she doesn't exist.
Bullshit. If you believe she exists then she certainly does. Or can you prove she doesn't?

>> No.4086633
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>> No.4086640

>I have this huge urge to come inside Cirno.

Who doesn't?

>> No.4086656

Maybe Cirno's a name she made up. Her real name might be different.
Also, she might exist in a different world. It might be possible to travel to that world and find her.

>> No.4086664

Not me. I want her to be my daughter.

>> No.4086668
File: 563 KB, 3125x1771, 1210296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen if Cirno meets Fuuko?

>> No.4086670

No. Traveling to different universes is a no-no, even if they do exist. Sorry.

>> No.4086675
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 1241316205056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4086685
File: 29 KB, 300x398, FA9__Kingdom_Hearts__Sora_by_mazjojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. My name is Sora. Donald, Goofy and I just had a nice orgy in Gensokyo.

>> No.4086700

Their combined stupidity would cause the universe to implode.

>> No.4086709

Pursue life of genetic engineering.
Make Cirno exist.

>> No.4086716
File: 45 KB, 225x221, 1262130687343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4086733

I was about to reply that this was stupid until I realized that ZUN's Gensokyo is DISNEY shit.

>> No.4086929
File: 26 KB, 193x187, 1262346195928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4086998
File: 280 KB, 560x784, 1260473700196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instructions on making a Cirno onaho.
"Now you too can enjoy the pleasure of taking Cirno's virginity time and time again!"

* A Pringles (or similarly sized) tube.
* Foam rubber.
* A freezer.

1. Clean the tube.
2. Cut the foam rubber so that it has the length of the tube.
3. Role the foam rubber until it fits snugly into the tube and there's a hole in the middle about the diameter of your pinky finger.
4. Fill the tube with water until the foam rubber is soaked. Throw away the unnecessary water.
5. Place the tube in the freezer for at least 24 hours.
6. You're done!

1. Look up チルノ on Pixiv until erection is achieved.
2. Jam it into the the hole.
3. While holding the tube, make oscillating movements with your hands. Alternatively, keep your hands still and make piston movements with your hips.
4. Continue until ejaculation.
If blood comes out after use, do not worry; this is part of the virginity simulation.

>> No.4087069

I was an idiot for almost following this through up till
>If blood comes out after use, do not worry; this is part of the virginity simulation.
Good gracious..

>> No.4087080

Actually, Cirno is warm. The freezer is unnecessary.
