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40839531 No.40839531 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>40718141


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>> No.40839565
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>> No.40839857
File: 6 KB, 457x86, Screenshot_20220810-091541_Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very close to buying that epic paper doll, bros. Should I spend my Epic Paper Doll on Blue Reimu (Level 80) or Hawaii Yukari (Level 70)?

>> No.40839892

I decided to try rolling for beach Yukari, but only for 100 rolls to keep my cube reserves healthy.
I didn't get her, but now I have 100 exchange points and don't know which spellcard/s to buy.

>> No.40840117

Mansion of Memories imo. Party effect cards are really good as they allow you to extend buffs.

>> No.40841386

Doesn't make much sense to walk around with an 7 sp unit. Use both of them for low SP farming and wait till you have enough dolls to MLB one.

>> No.40841786

It's kinda split on who is actually better. One one hand Reimu is the best attacker in the game and has super strong skills, spells and breaks but Yukari is one of the few characters who can deal with locks. In a funny twith though, Yukari can still end up being locked herself because unlike Toyohime she does not have a 100% lock clearer on self. The power of characters also constantly grows so it is very possible that Blue Reimu will be outclassed in the future by some other character. Cyber Marisa was at some point the absolute strongest character in the game but nowadays multiple characters outrank her.

>> No.40842011

Funny thing I noticed when finding friends to be designated 8 SP farmers: Futo and Hecatia have the same element spread, order, and Bullet type on their Last Words.

>> No.40842936

yukari beast reimu's setup damage (she set ups easily)

>> No.40844183
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So are we ever getting lunar war Eirin or what? It's bizarre that she was mentioned so much but never showed up even once

>> No.40844778

It's wild how Rei'sen got a Superfes unit ahead of the likes the SDM crew bar Sakuya and Yukari. On that note, RIP Ringo and Seiran; Lunar War outfits relegated to shop costumes.

>> No.40848553

she cant be in the simulation if she is the simulation

>> No.40851211

In 2 days things should be quite interesting again because that is when the jap version is going to reveal the next update. Beachkari and Music Alice both end with the start of the next update. Most people seem to expect Reimu as the next beach character.

>> No.40851559

Time to learn how brutal August is gonna get

>> No.40851602

Curious if all the summer characters will be egirls or if Yukari was just a special exception.

>> No.40851637
File: 350 KB, 600x624, 91ef9gv3e8e46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't kid yourself anon, efes is the new sfes

also is it just me or is affection growing slower now?

>> No.40851815

Please don't say that ever again

>> No.40852344

I still find it hard to believe that they'd flood the zone with efes. All that will accomplish is making everyone a cube hoarder because you can no longer plan out your spending and are forced to have a sizable cube buffer in case things go wrong. Then again jp side has been inscrutable for a while now.

>> No.40852444

Fuck beach (bitch) characters. Gimme sfes Koa and Patchouli.

>> No.40853123

gimme Shanghai

gimme Miyoi

gimme PCB Yuyuko

>> No.40853431

We are THIS fucking close to a Heca-tan alt
You will not take this away from me

>> No.40853444


>> No.40854227

So it seems like relic discs being given out in events will be a regular thing but do we know if the same will be true for epic paper dolls?
I know there's one this time but I don't know if that's just because Beach Yukari is available now or not

>> No.40854354

I'm pretty sure that they already said that it won't be regular thing, some reruns/events gonna have epic doll, others just won't. You're right though, It will probably be tied to new epic units being added in the game most of the time?

>> No.40856007

All I want is the alternate baku. Hope she is just SFES and not epic tier.

>> No.40856142

Is the upcoming B3 Reimu worth rolling on?

>> No.40856153

yes unless you have pissen

>> No.40856167

I just realized we essentially skipped the retro kappa and nobody cared. Not that I really care either, I just find it funny.
Nitori is really getting the short end of every stick possible in this game.

>> No.40856183
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don't have her sadly. Oh well, there goes my cube that was supposed to go to the bikini hag

>> No.40856706

>skipped retro kappa

Well we apparently skipped a lot of L1 units as well, see Parsee

>short end of every stick for nitori
deserved. after we have to see her mug in almost every event as commentator, i enjoy grinding on stages that feature her

>> No.40856731

Best cat (wolf) girl Kagerou is also still missing

>> No.40856939

Out of curiosity, I just checked to compare global and jp L1 units pools and we have "skipped" : Fish girl, Kagerou, Sumireko, Raiko and Tojiko.
The release schedules are obviously not the same. Global is almost up to date with jp regarding fes friends and higher rarities while standard pool is kind of one year behind except for some units we got super early (Takane, Kutaka, Mystia, Ichirin). Hard to say what is a real "skip" anymore.
Funnily enough Parsee was only released in october last year so we didn't "skip" her if we follow the one-year-behind logic.

>> No.40856979

I wish they just through in regular friends with FES units instead of speeding through all the rarities. It would’ve been a prime opportunity to include Tojiko with the retro Miko prayer.

>> No.40857343
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60 GC mwahahaha

Big Value!

>> No.40857463

Good luck sparking your 3 next units.

>> No.40857616

Is there somewhere i can download my wife's voice files ? I want to have a backup of my wife's voice lines bros

>> No.40857721
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Woah, got her too

>> No.40860061
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Paru-anon don't look!

>> No.40860190

Is the Yuyuko event card any good? I’ve been collecting a few just because 50% HP recovery sounds nice on a tank

>> No.40860285

If you're using 50% hp recovery on a card you're using it as a bailout.
Which means this isn't a farming setup and it's a stall setup. Who the fuck stalls in this day and age.
If you're using it to make your setup consistent and allow someone to tank a hit (Remi classic EX had this), you're better off with Def up/enemy Atk down/Focus down

>> No.40861449

if you want someone to tank a hit just use a damage down card like human village

if you want to stall (the best strategy), just rely on natural healing from your tanks

>> No.40861753

Why is this interlude just closeups of 2hu belly?

>> No.40861802
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Minor character love.

>> No.40862278

Wait, Koa has her rebirth already? Did I miss her costume or nobody posted it yet?

>> No.40862388

>if you want to stall (the best strategy), just rely on natural healing from your tanks
This. I just get through tower with Otohime/Yukari/friend with 0p breaks on one of their regular shots.

>> No.40862858

JPN are pretty behind of rebirth costumes. I know Suwako has hers before Koa, with at least one more I think.

Also pretty off topic, I find it strange LW didn't do anything for the EoSD anniversary.

>> No.40863493

Smol demon is in the most current batch of reincarnation characters right now. Not gonna have an outfit for a long time.

>> No.40863759
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>> No.40863986

Damn, that sucks. I want to marry her so bad.

>> No.40865705

It'll be a while probably but I bet you can ring her as soon as they reveal her outfit in JP. I don't think Global has ever released a unit that could be reincarnated without an outfit.

>> No.40866405
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>> No.40866538

Do you guys know if there are any more edits like this?


>> No.40866775

game must be in freefall
time to roll out the swimsuits and beach main story to salvage as much as possible

>> No.40867359

Why is Yukari pretending to be a succubus?

>> No.40867980

Got Yukari with the free rituals. Too bad I already MLB and rebirthed her.

>> No.40868012


>> No.40868367
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>> No.40869437
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It is time.

>> No.40869764
File: 28 KB, 755x600, sfes patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bankrupted myself on Scarlet Patcho and now this. Fugg :DDD

>> No.40869976 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 754x600, sfes_fugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgibb me gob for I hab sinbd :DDDDD

>> No.40871223

I thought you were talking about the beach version for a second

>> No.40871326
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>> No.40872157


>> No.40874369

New floors on Monday (JP), wonder who they'll show

>> No.40874390
File: 1.25 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220813-191642[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I don't have to spark Patchouli. All the new characters are on the horizon and I also want Hecatia Blue. But I can not skip Patchouli. I am in too deep now.

>> No.40874441

Oh shit, based
Hope you get her early
Do you know what role she'll be? I'm bad at analyzing shop deals but she seems like an Attacker? Probably wrong though

>> No.40874613

I think Orange and Yellow scrolls was mostly for attackers. It would fit because original Patcho is technique and her EosD version is Destruction.

>> No.40875099
File: 523 KB, 768x617, pkbb4oh7dh781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original Patcho is technique and her EosD version is Destruction.
Yeah she's surely going to be attack then. I don't know what it is but she really looks like an attack character.

>> No.40877095

Cleared the tower with 1 full heal and just setnding sending people to their doom 3 at a time and full auto.
I've made it. Head empty. I only had to manual to LW spam the extra health bars

>> No.40878955
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>> No.40880270
File: 181 KB, 728x410, Eyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try to not be jealous of others who have their favourites and alts already, anon

Buy my newspaper! Its good! Bunbunmaru Newspaper!

>> No.40881375

Errand rewards x2, my beloved

>> No.40881483
File: 131 KB, 720x900, patchers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Padshoori Noredchuu

>> No.40882018


>> No.40882028

Great, right after I had to spark Miko.

>> No.40882129
File: 2.51 MB, 1345x2048, 1643052305183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every week you spend apart is gonna make your reunion that much sweeter.

>> No.40883436
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God I hope Patchouli has freeze break on her AoE spell because it inflicts 3 freeze barriers to all enemies. The whole inflicting status and instantly breaking it mechanic is one of my favourites. Cake and EosD Patcho have it too.

>> No.40886230


>> No.40886326
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>> No.40888884
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>> No.40889015
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After maintenance tomorrow the jap version will have 3x drop rate, Tower, Kokoro's silly band event rerun and the next manga all running at the same time. I am glad that the devs realized that just having tower of a manga to unlock isn't actually something that keeps anyone busy. Everyone is just clearing tower on the first day anyway and unlocking manga chapters takes 5 minutes each day.

>> No.40890073

Is the Kasen card from the interlude part 2 worth a damn?
It's a pretty anoying node to farm.

>> No.40890089

crit acc + body bullet is pretty nice for how easy it is

>> No.40890194

Your options for body bullet buffs are Eating Contest (+45% body bullet), "華扇の仙界" (+3 yang atk 3T, +25% body bullet) and the interlude pt2 card (body bullet +50%, crit accuracy +2)

Eating Contest gives the least amount of atk buffs, but it's not far behind at all and it's easy to get.
Interlude pt2 card is really just a +50% body bullet card because +2 crit accuracy is quite useless. Only character I can think of that has high crit + body bullet LW is MoF Suwako, but she usually prefers "華扇の仙界" (https://東方ロストワード.com/?p=9937) because she needs the yang atk buffs.

>> No.40890260

>Only character I can think of that has high crit + body bullet LW
Ah wait, forgot about Red Marisa. She can give herself +6 crit hit, and the new card would take her up to +8, so a 2.2 multi to 2.6. That would take her LW crit rates from

Looks like Yuugi and Ichirin also have that same LW layout, though Ichirin's crit rate is a bit low for a destruction character so she won't benefit as much.

>> No.40890697

does upfront damage even matter at this point

>> No.40891259 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.59 MB, 960x1708, Akemi.Homura.full.1788558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been catching up with the story and this is honestly pretty shameless
So let me get this straight, Dark Youmu is

A mysterious, traumatized character in black clothing. She lived a peaceful life until she came across a foe who she just could not beat and her special one fell victim to it. She went back in time and tried various strategies to save the girl she loved so much. She tried convincing her to stop, but she did it anyway, she tried convincing others to help, but they just turned hostile so she decided she didn't need anyone anymore and would shoulder the burden herself, she eventually took drastic measures and became ruthless, but even that was still not enough. Trapped in this time loop of her own creation, she spiraled out of control, failing each and every time to save the one she held dear.

Now where have I heard that one before...

>> No.40891272

Who is this

>> No.40891402

It's certainly less important than it used to be. On high difficulty modes you're either going to be setting up or having some really good buffers around. But in arena weekly you want to clear ASAP so it's still relevant, and in tower you may find yourself without a good buffer.

>> No.40891660
File: 613 KB, 1255x1052, lost word homura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like really now

>> No.40891668

Yes I haven't watched because of how overrated it is, but Mahou Meguka invented time loops and universes getting erased over and over like in a bad trip

>> No.40891709

Her LW gives her 3 shield. Weird

>> No.40892381

Might imply that she has good regular shots and can still do things after losing all her spells. Either that or it is one of those weird random design choices that absolutely no one understands.

>> No.40893955
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It is time to pray to the gacha gods for Patchouli.

>> No.40893981
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Exactly 100 rolls.

>> No.40894050
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What's the character relation in this floor? Did they ever show up all at once? Was this some Horny Hermit stuff I am not remembering?

>> No.40894096

....theres a relation for lineups? i thought they were random

>> No.40894103
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>> No.40894138
File: 1.38 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220815-112647[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap version has been pairing up character with some relation or gimmick in mind for a while now. It is always cute to see how characters get thrown together in the end, like the doggo floor or the dangerous oni gang floor.

>> No.40894224

Tower story doko?

>> No.40894300
File: 19 KB, 400x300, 1656781285893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot about the 5 attacks thing and got 98 points in arena

>> No.40894436

Where the fuck are the farming videos for these new stages? Usually, people are on point with the team set ups. Surely someone has a team for the final interlude node.

>> No.40894570

>dangerous oni
But Kasen is clearly just a hermit!
Why aren't you saving her from the scary oni?

Kasen's arm/Ibaraki-douji friends when?

>> No.40894626

Did anyone new get revealed in the tower?

>> No.40895156

This is my Blue Heck summoning ritual

>> No.40895166
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I'm dumb

>> No.40895398
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UM cast showed up in JP

>> No.40895417
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Tsukasa too

>> No.40895458
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And another new Flan and Remi because fuck my wallet.

>> No.40895462
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Extra bug boss with the BGM reminding me of the Pepsiman theme aside, they're not that remarkable to me desu
pic related's face looks exceptionally derpy too

>> No.40895563
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>> No.40895586

We're not stopping until we can have a full party of Remi+Flan
We're 1 off and MV Flan will finish the job

>> No.40895957
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>> No.40896039

The mystery Remi and Flan are together with the edgy Marisa who was revealed a few threads ago so they will probably be the start of the next big group of themed characters.

>> No.40896403

You again? Urobuchi stole it from Higurashi first.

>> No.40896530
File: 43 KB, 493x467, FLnBOsGXoAEpeXk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i wonder if someone´s worth MLBisn here

Level 70:
-Eiki Shiki
-Kanako L1
-Yamame Kurodani
-Hag Junko

Level 80:

Level 90:
-Kutaka (Chicken)
-ZUN Patchi
-ZUN Aya

Im also sitting on Shaman Reimu (70) and Dark Myon and loli Yuyuko (80)

I have 7 regular dolls and 6 divine dolls. Should i waste some of them or rather keep them? i dont "NEED" any units right now, but i was wondering if i should upgrade them

>> No.40896543
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>> No.40897166

Remember to not spend dolls on general pool units if you have non generals that you can spend on.
Shikieiki and Mayumi are both pretty good
Loliko is kinda meh so go for either B!Youmu or reimu.
(At the end of the day, this game has so much powercreep that any new unit is often better than old units so I would just keep the sfes dolls and use them on whatever broken unit comes next)

>> No.40897215

we're either too busy farming L1 reimu ex, recovering from sp deficiency from farming L1 reimu ex, or using one of the numerous comps in the doc

>> No.40897218

She has auto-breaks on both of her spellcards
SC1 inflicts 3 freeze and breaks it @ 3P
SC2 inflicts 3 poison to target and breaks it @ 2P
LW doesn't inflict anything but breaks literally everything

Lots of other good things as well. Great P generation. 1.75P from skills, 1.4P from SC1 and 1.2P from SC2. She has Gensokyo slayer everywhere. Inflicts 3 burn to all via skill. Party yin/yang atk +3 (3T), party yin/yang def +3 (3T), party accuracy +3 (2T), and party +0.5P. Damage is similar to sfes Sagume.

>> No.40897301
File: 395 KB, 1548x829, スクリーンショット-5344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they haven't even released the retro variants yet

>> No.40897405 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.44 MB, 2048x2048, freezeflan-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40897419 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.42 MB, 2048x2048, demonremi-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40897434

Not the SDM again...

>> No.40897435
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>> No.40897454
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mixed sucks but at least the burn/blind break should overflow to the start

>> No.40897567
File: 953 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220815-174959[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone skipping Meiling because of all the beach content but little did they know that Meiling is useful for grinding the next story card. She will not be forgotten in all that new content.

>> No.40897616


>> No.40897630

shinki announcement any day now.....

>> No.40897648

Does the stage require para immunity?
>IN Eirin

>> No.40897688
File: 733 KB, 2208x1242, boundary-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40897927

The fight is mostly just getting your stuff locked up. On the final HP bar you can not use shields, boosts or skills. But you can still switch so if you really wanted to be lazy you could just bring 3 8p characters who have strong LW without set-up, like Retro Yukari, and just use 3 LW over 3 turns.

>> No.40898147

Is it just me or is there Koumajo inspiration here?

>> No.40898258
File: 825 KB, 982x1200, d5f14dk-2b63c343-3b3a-41bd-8181-fdf38b64c287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it

>> No.40898263
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>> No.40898310
File: 1.03 MB, 1497x2400, 1632006387275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Koumajou designs as much as the next guy, but I don't see it other than the grin.

>> No.40898435

Please give higher resolution Chimata thigh sprites pls I beg you

>> No.40898460

Yeah, that plays nice with her 3x burn skill. She'll be hitting 3 breaks right at the start. Shame her ice break on SC1 is 3P but she only needs +0.25 more to reach it turn1 and the card itself gives her quite a bit.
Search youtube with jp terms
>or using one of the numerous comps in the doc
Could you please post the link?

>> No.40898469
File: 1.85 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220815-151804[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40898487

>19 on the first line
They know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.40898504


>> No.40898515


>> No.40898528

What the fuck, they feel kinda wrong

>> No.40898553

actually never mind i read it wrong, the freeze/paralyze break should be the first one overflowing to the start, but the burn/blind break should happen right after

>> No.40898555

desu I was more or less talking about the overall feeling of her art especially the huge amount of detail on the outfit. idk how to describe it but this and Edgy Marisa & Flan feel like a slightly different artstyle than the rest of the characters

>> No.40898562
File: 1.42 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220729-121420[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean they straight up have dragon tails and the Marisa version has the dragon from the Forbidden Scrollery on her back.

>> No.40898584

If I'm understanding this correctly, if all the extra bullets gained from boosts exceed the total bullets on the 1st line, the effects such as breaks etc overflow and apply on the 1st line.
This means that for Cape Patche, if you do 3P LW, it'll break every anomaly first instead of nearing the end when all the damage is already dealt.
Someone less fortunate is Belmont Sakuya, where her AoE SC has 18 on the first line and 15 possible as bonus from boosts, meaning that the fire break on the last line is the last thing that happens, also meaning that if it's someone weak to Sun + with fire anomalies, the sun breaks will remove the barriers with the fire anomalies so you don't get to double dip.

I am also an idiot who can't count and 20 for Patche on the first line wouldn't have mattered since she can get 24 bonus total.

>> No.40898636

Flan's design is nice, but I don't like Remi's.

>> No.40898986
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>> No.40899013

>You again?
No? This is the first time I've posted about this.
Sounds like more people have called out this story then...

>> No.40899136

I hate arena so much it's surreal

>> No.40899548

Why is Chimata so popular?

>> No.40899562
File: 741 KB, 496x634, tastetherainbow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cute and colorful!

>> No.40899749

Holy shit STOP

>> No.40899847

Oh my god I'm really running dry on the spirit point front
150 rare currency for the epic doll
60 for the music
250 for the fortune dust
And to top it all off the next event has a 150 relic disc

>> No.40899855
File: 1.35 MB, 2312x1080, mimichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ten rolls, my wife and I are connected by fate

>> No.40899971

Felt the same until I got gud

>> No.40900108

I like her theme despite a lot of people shitting on UM's soundtrack in general

>> No.40900128

8sp farming really did wonders in farming this event. I got 1000000 points 300 rare points and I'm still up like 10000sp

>> No.40900213

I never really understood the hate for UM’s OST. Aside from the first two stage themes being somewhat meh (at least IMO), the rest of the soundtrack ranges from good to legitimately fantastic, with Chimata’s theme at the top for me.

>> No.40900311

I just go head empty on hard
Not gonna bother with lunatic

>> No.40900784

scratch that i thought 4 x 4 = 20

>> No.40901512

Is the daily arena worth trying or it's just better stick with the weekly arena?

>> No.40901534

The Phantasma stage is more annoying than it's worth and even doing the lunatics is alright at best considering how easy it is to get super incense now. I would say every now and again it's worth it

>> No.40901686

Not really comparing the time and stamina cost.

>> No.40902123
File: 362 KB, 588x644, 472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullet line #1 will not always be the first to hit the enemy. See pic related, new Patche's SC1. She has 15 bullets on line 1 and 20 in total in the other lines. The rule is that if the number of bullets in line 1 <= the combined total of lines 2-6 some of the later lines will "overflow" and hit the enemy before line 1. Let's look back at her SC1, this time focusing on the total # of bullets in lines 2-6.
>line 2: 4 bullets
>line 3: 8 total bullets
>line 4: 12 total bullets
>line 5: 16 total bullets
>line 6: 20 total bullets

Remember that line 1 has 15 bullets. Lines 5 and 6 are at a total count greater than 15. So these lines will hit the enemy first, and the other lines will follow in order. In this case this is very good for Patch, because it means that her freeze break will hit very quickly.

5sp is even better. I've been letting beach fiend Yukari and a 6sp space bun take turns beating on Toyohime.

>> No.40904098
File: 383 KB, 950x770, 1645988947020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grinding the 150 rare points from the event for just 1 Epic doll has been such a hassle. Am I going to have to do this 3 more times before I can level 100 an Epic? Do they not hand them out in a more manageable way?

>> No.40904402

She's a dork (this is a good thing), has a cool ability, nice theme and charming design.

>> No.40904549

She's an egotistical dork goddess. She has a good theme, and goofy outfit that no doubt leaves a strong impression (when she was first revealed, people HATED her for how goofy she looked. And now it's a complete 180 in opinion).

I think a good part of her charm is that, funny dork jokes aside, she's like an underdog. UM's story is about her being taken advantage of. And people like to root for the underdog, even if they're theatrical.

>> No.40905780
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Oh no they're ticking my monstergirl boxes.

>> No.40908816
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>> No.40908823
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>> No.40908844

Paru-anon, ____ look!

>> No.40908968
File: 602 KB, 836x1182, kai_877283621__e724d2752d384b07b08b2aabcf4c072b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is going to be so happy very soon

>> No.40909034

He killed himself after losing hope, Phantasma released her in memoriam.

>> No.40909105
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MV Loser too

>> No.40909132
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I'm more interested in seeing Shinki translated.

>> No.40909205

So what’s the story with these relic friends? They all talk about loosing their Gensokyo but in what way?

>> No.40909226

No one will roll for Alice.

>> No.40909260

With Remi at least it's implied their lost word incident got out of control and their world collapsed.

>> No.40909459

Only took almost an entire fucking year

>> No.40909564

Unnecessarily rude desu

>> No.40909665
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That's our paru-anon, ever miserable.

>> No.40909945
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>> No.40911351

I will offer her my daily roll, and maybe a 10-pull for the sake of it.
Sorry Alice, your MV was nice, but can't afford much more in this economy.

>> No.40911558

So...what do you do now?

>> No.40911730
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>> No.40911770

But she's one of the best L1 units, Parsee anon! She was the most requested unit with those cards.

>> No.40911776
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>> No.40911785
File: 422 KB, 984x250, chapter 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global and jap version will actually be at the same main story point after that. All the extra characters people posted some time ago were from this chapter. There is a chance that the jap version will get more plot at the end of the month because that story chapter is actually super short in terms of number of battles but that is all just speculation.

>> No.40911793
File: 92 KB, 500x500, 1644842660379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, I know! She has yet to have a zun alt or Ultra fes version!

>> No.40911855
File: 88 KB, 961x717, 1635883894651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Reisen 2 did get one Super fes so there's a chance there and the ZUN alt isn't that far fetched but I would rather have the wedding dress first

>> No.40912115

Brainlet here. Just cleared fire EX. Are there drop rate increases for EX stages now that theres no exchange?

>> No.40912192

....they aid APPARENTLY there are some minor drop rate increases....BUT... i dont believe this.

>> No.40912908

This guy is the only reason I came back to these threads.

>> No.40913145
File: 184 KB, 828x830, 1648903822176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got 2 characters in my guaranteed 100 roulette Yoshika and L1 Reisen (not Udonge)

>> No.40915254


>> No.40915805

12% chance to get two friends or less in 100 rolls. That's still somewhat sad.

>> No.40915890
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Around 100 battles for each card with 3 times drop rate active. Sometimes I feel like the newest story cards always secretly have their drop rate lowered.

>> No.40919809
File: 37 KB, 362x346, 1649317096081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the interlude and I still don't know why they evacuated the youkai for what seems to be trivial

>> No.40920062
File: 278 KB, 376x477, FRSwol2XIAMxVmx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an excuse to get you introduced to the rest of the cast. That's basically all interlude is for, an infodump. Why do you think they're giving us Ch4 so soon after it?

>> No.40921808

managed to get beach bod yukari in under 600 cubes, feels good

>> No.40922062
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global maint

>> No.40922454

Blonde bitch week

>> No.40922646

>parsee only added because of her outfit
lol, lmao even.

>> No.40922880
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Couldn't even get her own, has to share with 2 more popular touhus

>> No.40923424

Phantasma was actually pretty open about it being his intention quite early.
Every 2hu would be released at the same time as their costume if possible.

>> No.40924191

Just started playing. I'm on the eng version, what should I prioritize getting for the current event?

>> No.40924350

Right now? Beach Yukari by far, even though you probably won't max her for quite a bit.
MV Alice is coming soon, and she'll be quite powerful if you manage to get her.
The Miko banner right now is solid, in both offense and defense. As a side note these "zun" units (if it says there from A(X) as opposed to L1) are usually great and worth to roll.
The event festival prayer coming up looks good. Yuuka, Shion, and Parsee are all great, but Shion kind of requires the right setup to use. She's a debuff unit as opposed to brute force.
We're at the point where there's actually quite a few great general pool units. Reimu, Aunn, Nazrin, Okuu, Orin, Murasa, Mayumi, and Sekibanki are just a few.
Remember that you don't need the strongest right now as you're beginning.

>> No.40924416

>Just started playing
Do you like Yukarin? If so, reroll your account until you summon the current Beach Yukari >>40694751, she's worth it.

>current event
Normal points:
Paper doll > summon tokens = event story cards (for completion) > 100 coin stack + spirit points > tile medicine > X books > whatever else > 10 coin "scamcoin" stack
This is focused on upgrading your 2hus and having enough stamina for playing and prayers.

The rare point priority is: !!!EPIC!!! doll > gay dust >whatever else > 50 coin stack. The ƎℙYℂ doll is a rare item to upgrade Beach Yukari and girls of the same rarity, these dolls work as dupe replacements so you really want them. You probably won't be able to farm the rare points now as the event goes away in like one day, so farm it for the next event.

There is no meta but there is powercreep. This means that old 2hus are weaker relative to new ones, yet this only applies for hardcore challenge quests (which you won't be able to do soon anyways, due knowledge related to the game mechanics + 2hu diversity + timelocks). These challenge quests are also not obligatory either, it's to give old busted players something to farm, so don't feel pressured on doing them this early.

>> No.40924580

Thanks a lot for the advice, I've been playing for like a week so I can't reroll for Yukari, but I've farmed a fair amount of event points so I know what to spend it on now
I also have an ema exchange that let's me get a unit. Is there any stand outs? I have Youmu already

>> No.40925856

>only gotten 1 fucking arena act 3 card in 500 runs total

>> No.40926594

How many story parts does it have though?

>> No.40926636

The atai gang.

>> No.40927794

Nazrin's pretty good as far as general characters go. You could also just hang on to it until Parsee gets added soonish.

>> No.40933586
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>> No.40933790

I wonder if she knew those chickens when they were alive.

>> No.40934496

They were her children

>> No.40934545

Kutaka doesn't have a vagina she only has a cloaca same as Aya, Megumu, Hatate, Mystia and Okuu.

Would still fuck her

>> No.40934700

By that logic Ran, Chen, Tewi, Reisen, Seiran, Ringo, Rin, Nazrin, Shou, Mamizou, Ebisu, Yachie, Saki, Yuuma, and Tsukasa all have genitals based off their respective animals'

>> No.40935337

Cats, rabbits, mice, tigers, raccoons, deer, horses, goats and foxes are all mammals and have vaginas. Ebisu I'm not so sure about. Isn't she a jellyfish fetus?

>> No.40935431
File: 441 KB, 667x1200, 1659236558049916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have finally got mommy Yukari without bleeding my wallet. I can die happy now. Game could EOSD tomorrow I wouldn't even care at all

>> No.40935605

Anon no! Not more EoSD pandering!

>> No.40935837
File: 745 KB, 939x748, patcholist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patcho-tan in the same tier as her friends.

>> No.40935896

Why is Swimsuit Yukari a thing? Like, how does she fit into this different dimension storyline?

>> No.40935927
File: 92 KB, 840x128, 16403453611394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but I don't care because she is so hot. Her voicelines sound like moans when in battle

>> No.40935948

There are only 3 battles in it but there are plenty of cutscenes everywhere. There are 6 cutscene only nodes in the selection in addition to the scenes before and after the battles. No one knows how long chapter 4 will be in the end in total. Chapter 3 ended up being super long in the end.

>> No.40936094

Belmont Sakuya is the only E1 not even in the image!
A stain!

>> No.40936124

What would you do if you woke up one day and find yourself turned into Swimsuit Yukari

>> No.40936282

Gap unsuspecting anons into my swimsuit dimension

>> No.40936310

Not him but I would try start gapping people and concepts away, also being obsessed with beaches or something in order to keep the façade

>> No.40936661


>> No.40936696
File: 701 KB, 4096x2975, __yakumo_yukari_yakumo_ran_and_chen_touhou_drawn_by_amafumi__d7c041f480cc7d8265a9f25a56001a30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abuse gap powers, fondle my tits and then be a lazy bitch and sleep all day.

>> No.40936703

i can help with that

>> No.40936794
File: 925 KB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20220819-074850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's from the beach world. Based on the maintenance summary, it will be the focus of Chapter 4 of the story.

>> No.40937534 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 2160x1440, 1646704035504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we were the notebook all along? We have the power to correct timelines by retrieving the Lost Word from our records and Sanae describes us as a "primordial being" so we seem to be some demiurge-tier deity that was summoned to fix every timeline.

>> No.40937664
File: 450 KB, 1000x800, 1630424161851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put on some actual clothes
affect the border between commercial success and failure so magia record is actually the hugest game of all time. it's now beloved by the entire world. move aside mario and mickey mouse, my wife touka's the new face of media
manipulate boundaries to make it so every human dies at the age of 20 and watch how society falls apart
nuke the world
gap myself some power armor and an mp5
fallout time

>> No.40937726

The only other primordial being so far is Junko, so yeah? Lossy would be the diary's projection into each world, more specifically a random embodied "memory" that glitched or was read by someone else. This would explain why has lots of abilities that belong to each Touhou: naming things, affecting reality through dreams, using "shikigami", moving through time, etc. It's not Lossy doing all that but the recordings of each Touhou... although this doesn't explain why she had touch-regression, reverse-praying and reality-phasing abilities in each Hifuu.
How is Hecatia's world-sim console related to all this? Why do events seem to happen in the L1 future?
Hopefully this won't be another "you were the author of the diary all along!" story.

>> No.40938393

>touch-regression, reverse-praying and reality-phasing abilities in each Hifuu.
I think the "memory" part is central to each ability, since it was described in E9 that even objects have memories. If Lossy's notebook contains records of all timelines then her consciousness can be projected into any individual's or object's memory, though the only ability that she exercises complete control over is summoning "shikigami."

>How is Hecatia's world-sim console related to all this? Why do events seem to happen in the L1 future?
Still have no clue how the events fit into the story progression, but Hecatia's game is a direct analogy to the B2/B3 simulations we've seen, only with less dire circumstances. It remains to be seen how, if at all, the events play into the main story.

>Hopefully this won't be another "you were the author of the diary all along!" story.
In a sense, (You) are contributing to authoring the diary, but you're not necessarily the only one. There are records in it that seem to have been penned by someone else before, but we have also seen the Hifuu MC fill out E9's record with (You)r character's name as proof.

>> No.40939423
File: 1.05 MB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20220819-030619_Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it's 3 AM why am I like this

>> No.40939431

I'm happy for you Parsee-anon.
I am now going to spark Parsee and do unspeakable things to her.

>> No.40939491
File: 1.20 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220819-102204_Touhou LostWord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you 60GC summon

>> No.40939516
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>> No.40939695
File: 247 KB, 850x1280, sample-7b5b92a1313cda3efaf262809f921f05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this new event
And the last event
And the event before that
And the event before that
All had something in common

>> No.40939811

She'll be the only one in my Gensokyo to be shamed with a purple heart

>> No.40940560

I love me some good old Kogasa bullying dialogue.

>> No.40940739

For me the biggest bummer is the confirmation that we're a literal child in the L1 mainline.
Like we're not even 10 years old or something.
It explains the dialogue, but I would've preferred Lossy just being an airheaded dork instead.

>> No.40940941
File: 149 KB, 1080x1697, FB_IMG_1656429310175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like we're not even 10 years old or something.
I got the impression Lossy is around the age Remi would be if she wasn't an immortal and unaging vampire. So like 12-15 range, younger than Reimu or Sumireko but not full on child.

>> No.40941781

Nice Facebook image dude

>> No.40941866

I'll have you know I got it secondhand but also who cares.

>> No.40941938
File: 3.13 MB, 2270x1080, 1660916871320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat the game

>> No.40942277

Joon you have issues

>> No.40942511
File: 1.77 MB, 1072x1500, 1637731764747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like how they characterize Joon, but isn't Shion pretty accurate except maybe more pathetic?

>> No.40943071

I like Lossy, she is cute and smart. The fact that we could have been summoned to Bluemu's world from the start instead of L1 is a compelling reason to leave with the F1 girls. Makes more sense than "I just saw Reimu do something scary so I'm going to abandon her despite solving those incidents with her" but no doubt that was also a factor in Lossy's decision.

Hints at Lossy's age so far puts her somewhere in 10-12 range (Kosuzu's age). From the Tower dialogue, she can't be much older than Kosuzu and Akyuu since she fits in their clothing size. Hifuu MC's age is somewhere in the 20s if that's more your style.

>> No.40943440

Motherfucker the Yukari banner is down. I thought these things lasted til after the day of expiration.
Does anybody know if they reran it yet in jp or am I shit out of luck?
Nothing in this game is canon. L1 means this is the Lost Word incident world. That's the workaround the devs came up with.
I don't like it either. Many of the girls would be more assertive and aggressive. Instead we get a lot of friendly faces who all want to protect Lossy.
It's bullshit, but we'll play it anyway.

>> No.40943485 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 1700x1200, illust_73423385_20220819_184359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I like characters acting as canon as possible I do like Joon being friendly with Shion

>> No.40943496 [DELETED] 

Delete this, spoiler NSFW is still NSFW

>> No.40943498

That's kinda gay anon

>> No.40943548
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>> No.40943550
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Roleplaying as a janny again are you anon

>> No.40943621

>does anybody know if they reran it yet in jp or am I shit out of luck?
Not yet, that banner is/was really new in JP too.
But if epic friends have the same pattern than SFES friends, we will probably get a rerun in 3 months.

>> No.40944532
File: 100 KB, 537x537, 1657386978616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up getting 3 day'd for that post

>> No.40944849

In which event did JP start getting the 500000 total points SFES dolls?

>> No.40945486
File: 255 KB, 353x308, 1636789241145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming soon
Nice content

>> No.40945664

Kaguya rape

>> No.40945676

I feel bad for the translators.

>> No.40948380

I think it was somewhere around the 2nd anniversary. It is only for the big new events and not the reruns.

>> No.40950506
File: 212 KB, 620x465, 1641096606553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any setups that can farm the last 2 story cards?

>> No.40951384

Is it me or does chapter 4 feel "endgamey"?
Lossy's identity & role immediately questioned
All of a sudden all you have all these different universes conglomerating and competing in a single spot
Even the hiffuu ones
Plus you have all these parties making their move
Plus you have the big bad announcing their victory
Just has that air of finality.

>> No.40951741

I gave up with the story after Chapter 3, but do we have any idea of who the mastermind behind the incident is?

>> No.40951900

>I gave up with the story after Chapter 3,
Me too

>> No.40951969

It's just your average written work symposium.

>> No.40951977


>> No.40951989

The answer to that question is always "depends on your characters" because obviously there are set-ups, there are straight up images of people grinding the beach stage in this very thread.

>> No.40955538

Jap version is going to reveal the next character tomorrow but it is not the end of the month so going for whoever it might be will be dangerous. It's probably only going to be some retro character anyway. I hope it's not a surprise Koakuma to close out the EoSD gang.

>> No.40955818

Satsuki Rin

>> No.40956162

Recently I've been thinking about how we don't have L1 Miyoi when we've gotten both Kosuzu and Akyuu complete with a handwave to explain them using danmaku. Anyways, my prediction is UM character > Ultra Koa >>> Miyoi.

>> No.40956376

Speaking of endgame, theoretically if the game story finishes with the culprit dead or whatever, what happens after that? Do we just get a bunch of slice of life events from then on or do they asspull a new bad guy.

>> No.40956404

Frankly speaking killing the BBEG shouldn't restore all the fucked worlds. At some point someone said that each universe affected by the Lostword could affect nearby universes, there should be plenty of worlds to visit, maybe some with their own bad guy.

>> No.40956467
File: 77 KB, 441x272, 1658816666832256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true I suppose. I guess after the main story is done they could shift to a "lost word of the week" format where they do clean up duty after killing Super Mima/Satsuki Rin/Omega Genjii.

>> No.40956820

they are releasing pcb yuyuko, next week koakuma

>> No.40959533
File: 48 KB, 590x545, Everyone+s+face+when+geckosandcheerios.+The+chance+to+post+this+was_c2c6b9_4387349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MV Alice is a Doll made up of smaller Dolls filled with the memories of her friends ?

So wheres the reason we dont get shanghai as playable unit? FFS I WANT MY BABY GODDAMIT fuck alice sideways who even cares for her....

And the Shinki was real? i thought this was a fake...

>> No.40960205

So uhhhhhh Shinki as sfes or efes when ?

>> No.40960569

>MV Alice is a Doll made up of smaller Dolls filled with the memories of her friends ?
It's more that she's like MV Remi in that her world got obliterated but a fragment of Shinki became her Grimoire, like how MV Remi has the Gungnir Muspelheim.

>> No.40960679
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Not gonna roll for Satori when the end of the month update is next.

>> No.40963408

>MV Alice is a Doll made up of smaller Dolls filled with the memories of her friends ?
This is pretty cool

>> No.40964167
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very unoptimized

>> No.40965313


>> No.40965334

>not pcb yuyu
Thank god. Still need to recover cubes after baywatch youkai ate them all.

>> No.40965483

>Graze lock
>SC lock
>Switch lock
>Lv10 focus down
>Bullet resistances? I can't tell
>Oneshots everyone
>Constantly switching elements and resistances
What the fuck is this stage and why is it just a generic one?

>> No.40965770

>recover cubes

Heh, im sitting at 5174 GC and 3185 SC´s and by far not a single unit in sight that i want... Miyoi and Shanghai are too far off...

>> No.40965789

I'm sitting at 50 cubes, I sure hope we don't get the new Hecatia out of nowhere

>> No.40966112

Anon... I don't think she'll be a unit. Miyoi maybe since they justified Kosuzers and Akyuu.

>> No.40966163

Let me hope and cope.

>> No.40966979

Hope global expedites her, Koishi needs company
Downside is this probably means MV Satori isn't next. These dolls are going to waste until then.

>> No.40967244

Remi -> Alice seems to suggest that they're releasing MV characters in the same order the music videos hit https://東方ロストワード.com/?p=14682

So going forward it should be Sakuya -> Mokou -> Satori -> Kanako -> Youmu -> Flandre -> Marisa -> Kaguya/Reisen -> Sanae -> Reimu -> Yuyuko -> Kasen -> Meiling

Wonder if Kaguya/Reisen will be combined into a single unit.

>> No.40968128

>Wonder if Kaguya/Reisen will be combined into a single unit.
if so, i hope they have 10 spell cards

>> No.40970786

Should I focus on MLBing MV Alice or Beachkari next? I need one more doll for both of them but only have enough dust for one.

>> No.40971071

I have 230 out of 350 on Alice's banner. Is there a chance of me reaching 350 before she disappears? I still haven't done the final part of chapter 3 or chapter 4.

>> No.40971165 [SPOILER] 
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But of course anon!

>> No.40971591

Sex with Zunturi

>> No.40971775

that lw is actually kinda spooky

>> No.40974139
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>unit with lower agility and with no quick attacks before the unit with higher agility
What is this trash

>> No.40974711


>> No.40974733

>Boosts/Grazes affecting agility
>Passives affecting agility
>Storycard stats
Probably missed a few possible factors

>> No.40974735

The LW > Spellcard > danmaku priority brackets?
Hiidden agility boosts on grazes/boosts from abilities?

>> No.40974766
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Already figured out what was wrong, but it's too bizarre to explain.

>> No.40974768

No it isn't. Share with the rest of the class.

>> No.40974789

Apparently B2 Junko's skills make either her slower or other units faster

>> No.40974861

One of her skills gives her charge.

>> No.40974880

Her S2 has charge.

>> No.40974886

Yeah, charge to self, yet for some reason Reisen acted first, after I used it

>> No.40974892
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>> No.40975627
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I'm sorry reimu

>> No.40975641

So after playing the Alice MV story what I gathered is that Makai Alice is a personification of her Grimoire, almost like a tsukumogami, and our Alice is almost like another incarnation made of magic.
I can only assume Little Alice is going to eventually come... after Shinki eventually makes it. I really wish the devs would realize that people would roll so much more for the PC 98 characters rather than the recolors.

>> No.40976150
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Her profile has more details. Little Alice is a "system" which includes the smaller Alice doll and the Grimoire of Alice, which contains a bunrei of Shinki. MV Alice controls her own body through her threads because she herself is a "doll" created by Shinki. Her existence is maintained through the Little Alice system, while the dolls of her friends were made by Alice trying to retrieve her memories of them.

In Chapter 4, the main villain upgraded the Lost Word to be able to annihilate the entire existence of someone or something whose name was taken away. This is what happened to the L80 2hus whose existence became "nothingness" and they had to be recreated using the memories present elsewhere (the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and the Grimoire of Alice).

>> No.40976413
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Ohhh, I get it now. Thanks for clarifying!

>> No.40976947

>I really wish the devs would realize that people would roll so much more for the PC 98 characters rather than the recolors
I'm sure they'll release Shinki, she'll do amazingly, then they'll realize the power of pc-98. I for one HAVE to go for Rika if they ever release her.
I just wonder what happens from there. Of course there's the big ones like Shinki, Mima, Yumemi, but what about the other ones? Will we see Rikako or Orange? HRtP has the really weird crap, what about Kikuri?

>> No.40978205
File: 474 KB, 800x1131, __yuki_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_heran_hei_mao__8aef1d27daef5dad87e1ccf38363773d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one plan on bankrupting for Shinki.
>Of course there's the big ones like Shinki, Mima, Yumemi, but what about the other ones
Probably do like they do with the Windows games, start with the big ones then work their way down to the less prominent ones. Hoping they do all the Mystic Square bosses personally. At the very least I'd like Yuki, Yumeko and Louise.

>> No.40978333

Plot twist: Lossy is Louise travelling from Lost Word world to Lost Word world

>> No.40981500

Reimu EX is disappearing in 3 days
Anyone have any decent setup for it, I just need to clear it once.

>> No.40982238
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>> No.40982474

That's not Reimu EX, anon

>> No.40982483

>those card requirements

>> No.40984021


>> No.40985255
File: 839 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220823-182116[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug Satori's LW has a 100% chance to stun all enemies which is something no one else can currently do. How useful this really is is hard to tell but it is basically a free turn without enemy attacks.
