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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.4079365[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4079368


>> No.4079369
File: 193 KB, 1158x863, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4079371

That's just the reaction the people who made this cheap crap is having.


>> No.4079373

Why the spoiler tag?
I doubt that its something "secret" within the game, right?
Or was that picture from the official walktrhough or something?

>> No.4079374

It's just to give you a more pleasant surprise.

>> No.4079378

What the hell is this?


>> No.4079384



>> No.4079386

The little girl grew up

>> No.4079388

Just because of this pic, I am buying 3 PS3s so I can play all 3 heroines simultaneously!

>> No.4079390

So flat

>> No.4079396
File: 15 KB, 642x358, 1261830229131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicious cocona

>> No.4079398

Black Rock Shooter?

>> No.4079401
File: 78 KB, 480x854, tomoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like your Reyvateil eutopia Mirfags ?

>> No.4079403


>> No.4079404

What game is this?

>> No.4079406
File: 243 KB, 914x380, wat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4079410


That's a T there. Mute.

Although my reaction is still endless screaming.

>> No.4079415

I'd still dive into her(?) if you know what I mean.

>> No.4079414

Has anything been said about the english release yet?
It's already sure that it is getting one, right?
I mean all the other games got ones so this shouldn't be an exception, right?

And with the ps3 then it can have full dual audio and they can have free online patches to fix any eventual bugs so that one doesn't have to burn fan made custom iso's in order to get rid of them.

>> No.4079421

If Cocona can tank, why can't they teach all Reyvateils to tank?

Then you wouldn't need Vanguards anymore.

>> No.4079423
File: 101 KB, 843x303, 3.4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4079424

They released the first 2, of course they'll release the third one.
But this will probably take longer, plus they still have to finish translating that Atelier game.
Don't expect it before summer 2011.

>> No.4079433

I might as well ask this here as this is a AT thread.

Is the save files compatible with the custom isos that fixed the bugs in AT1 and AT2?
And is it also compatible with the undub versions that also fixed the bugs?

Cause sadly I have played through roughly 70% on both games and I wouldn't want to start over from the beginning.

>> No.4079437

I tried it myself, as long as you use the patched US version there will be no problems.
Just be careful not to download the PAL version.

>> No.4079445

she looks exactly like that other purple hair girl

>> No.4079446

That's nice, then I mght as well start playing again as soon as I get my hands on some DVDs to burn them on.

>> No.4079452

What's her role in the game? Is she like a third heroine just like in AT2 with a cosmosphere of her own, or is she just a supporting character? Any info?

>> No.4079460

Eh, I'll grab it when I eventually buy a PS3. Hopefully AT3 and ToV will have an English release by then..

>> No.4079462

I dunno, she went there to give Harvestasya the "heart" Mir handed to her at the end of the 2nd game.
As for her role in the game, I somehow doubt she's going to be the third Reyvateil, either they'll surprise us with as fourth Reyvateil or she'll be some kind of guest appareance which will join the party at some point but you won't be able to dive into her.

>> No.4079471


Ah, that's too bad. But there's still hope, right? Perhaps she'll be the third, or fourth one?

Hopefully the PS3 will be hacked by then.

Hahaha, yeah right!.... >_<

>> No.4079473

shit goes in /v/

>> No.4079474
File: 245 KB, 700x728, 2c9912880ef604c172bd2f04aa487a0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't her cosmosphere broken anyway?
I can't remember shit.

>> No.4079482
File: 1.57 MB, 1700x1600, 7890251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they do fight now thanks to their transforms.

And I heard the battle system is suppose to be like Tales/Star Ocean (you can move your character around).

>> No.4079488


Well, she's an IPD. Does she even have one in the first place? Damn, it'd be nice if she was the third girl, but perhaps we'll see some old character as the third Reyvateil?

Hmmm, but who?

>> No.4079489

Only her boundary gate, but that shouldn't be a problem considering she's an IPD.
Chroche could probably just isolate her cosmosphere from the other to solve the problem.

>> No.4079502
File: 170 KB, 960x1160, 7998369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>she looks exactly like that other purple hair girl

Flat as an airline strip!

PS3 will be cracked this year! Or I hope it will be anyways; I always like to mod all of my game systems.

>> No.4079506

I think it's very likely she's Beta-6D.

>> No.4079526

>PS3 Hacked
>With an SPU that solely checks the integrity of games, and firmware at all times.

>> No.4079528

Why would anyone think that hte ps3 would be hacked this year?
Any news or are you guys just having delusional dreams?
As far as I know there has been almost no progress ever since the ps3's release, and that was quite some time ago now.
Anything supporting that progress has been made?

>> No.4079536

Right now people are cumming over a certain ZPack, but like all the previous "releases" this still looks very suspicious, most likely that's just another scam.

>> No.4079575

Enjoy being banned off Xbox Live?

>> No.4079584
File: 57 KB, 418x423, 1259668000629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checks the integrity of games
What games

>> No.4079587

Only if you don't use stealth?

>> No.4079597

That joke is too old to work now.

>> No.4079602

you still get banned.

>> No.4079607

Nah, been like this for over a year. Just don't connect when big games come out. I don't even care if I get banned though

>> No.4079616

my friend got banned even with stealth. of course it red ringed soon after.

>> No.4079622
File: 74 KB, 800x560, 1233744097860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took 5+ years after launch for the PSX and PS2 modchips to come out. It just something that eventually happens to every game system.


Being able to burn your own games >>> online play. If all else fails I guess one can just get a second console.

>> No.4079624

Really bad luck I guess.
Also some games just fail the stealth check.

>> No.4079625

I finally managed to get myself a sealed PAL copy of AT1 off eBay a couple days ago. For £40.


>> No.4079628
File: 74 KB, 480x854, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, Sasha.

>> No.4079631

>Being able to burn your own games >>> online play. If all else fails I guess one can just get a second console.
This, Playing free games>Buying games and playing with random morons.

>> No.4079634

Ah, k I googled it and it certinaly looks fake and it probably is like all the others.

In the videos I found the time the clock shows isn't consistent throughout the video which is rather suspicous if you ask me and then there is....
The simple fact that the ZPack window had the winXP skin theme for it's window and that theme shouldn't even exist in the PS3 thus it shouldn't even be possible.

Sorry if any of you actually thought that this oculd be legit but I can't really see it as such.
And if it for some reason would be then I would laugh at the one who wrote the code considering many unnecessary and stupid things.

>> No.4079636

You are pulling that out of your ass. There is no dedicated SPU for that.

>> No.4079639

キタ━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.4079641

which platforms will this game be on I assume PS3 exlcusive?

>> No.4079643

Your assumption is correct.

>> No.4079646

Man I need to get a PS3 soon.

>> No.4079652

Do I need to play the games before this shit to understand this shit?

>> No.4079656

I bet it isn't really neccessary but I am sure that you should either way.

>> No.4079659

It helps. AT2 made a load of references to AT1 and knowing some of background of song magic and revytails helps when understanding some plot points. It's not completely required to play the previous game to understand what's going on though.

>> No.4079662

I still couldn't play the 2nd game because it will crash during save on my memcard every fucking time and then refuse to save/load when rebooted. Seems like the game doesn't like 3rd party memcards like my 64MB from MAX.

Also which memcards did you use with AT2?

>> No.4079666

An official 8MB one. You can probably get them really cheap now.

>> No.4079671

Yeah I would have if we had some shops near here with PS2 stuff.
Don't know if you should order one because of one game where the shipping cost > device cost ....

Whatever man. Before AT3 comes out I bet I will do it anyway

>> No.4079687

I used a max 32mb and it worked perfectly good

also the max I bought said 16mb on it but it turned out to be a 32mb one strange but good.

>> No.4079692

Try eBay. As long as it's from a reputable seller it should be fine.

If you can't settle for that, you can probably go for amazon. You'll have to pay much more though.

>> No.4079721

Download the 1st one then buy the 2nd one.
Its near impossible to find Ar Tonelico 1 PAL verison.

>> No.4080005


u mad?
