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File: 294 KB, 948x638, 1186601246335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4074145 No.4074145 [Reply] [Original]

German SS loli looking cute

>> No.4074147

I can see some serious mammaries for a loli.

>> No.4074155

>Black Lagoon The Second Barrage

I don't remember any SS lolis in any of Black Lagoon, let alone season 2.

>> No.4074156
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>> No.4074160
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Croatian and Bosnian Volounteers looking cute

>> No.4074162
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>> No.4074167
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>> No.4074173
File: 140 KB, 1440x900, t59412_ss eidelweiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4074182
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>> No.4074188

Can someone explain or not? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.4074205
File: 146 KB, 742x492, 1205250918925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's part of a set made by BL's author. More lolis on a Tiger(or panzer?) tank.

>> No.4074214

is that an accurate representation of WWII? I sort of thought there were no underage women with the Waffen SS and I'd think their uniform actually included pants

>> No.4074221


Tiger right there. A marvelous piece of mechanized warfare history.

>> No.4074226

panzer is just the german word for tank (actually it's short for "panzerkraftwagen"). The tiger would also be called a panzer in german.

>> No.4074234

its just as accurate as saying thtat the holocaust really happened

>> No.4074257
File: 363 KB, 1054x982, 1254869285289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holocaust never happened because Jews are not real people

>> No.4074318
File: 97 KB, 500x706, 1224215869919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Although I know that was meant to be ironic... no, not really.
There was however an all-female non-combat support group - of which the name escapes me - connected to the SS, but they were never considered part of the "brotherhood" proper.

But artistic license is a juggernaut. It knows no bounds.
Here. Have a Barbarossa-tan.

>> No.4074356

That's not funny bro, my grandfather died in the holocaust.
Just kidding!

>> No.4074390


He fell from a guard tower at Auschwitz?

>> No.4074425

That's not funny, my grandfather killed a hundred russians and lived to be 99.

>> No.4074464

That's not funny, my grandfather was in an African jungle, minding his own business and had nothing to do with the holocaust.

>> No.4074479

That's funny, my grandfather was raping his way back to Berlin and nobody said a word.

>> No.4074500

That's funny, my grandfather was owning his way through a bunch of asshole Americans in Japan.

>> No.4074510

My grandpa killed yours

>> No.4074521

My grandpa can kill Servants.

>> No.4074533

That's funny, my grandfather was working in German officer garden.
Those pricks.

>> No.4074540

That's funny.

>> No.4074549

80 years ago, grandpa lost 30000 men in the blink of an eye, and the world just fuckin' watched.

>> No.4074577

My grandfather killed fifty men.

>> No.4074599

My grandfather received a diploma from the Swedish farmers' association for outstanding achievements in agricultural management and exceptional hygiene standards in milk production.

Not exactly awesome. But true.

>> No.4074603

My grandfather was a colorblind electrician.

He doesn't talk about the war, so I don't know what he did.

>> No.4074617

My great-grandfather killed two Turks.

>> No.4074618

My grandfather was an alcoholic who designed flying instruments of death for a living.

>> No.4074626

My grandfather deserted and spent some time in a British camp and then moved in with his mother after the war. He died alone

>> No.4074649

My grandfather was a reserve officer during the Korean War. He wasn't old enough to serve in WWII.

>> No.4074655

My grandfather fucked you're Touhou.

>> No.4074688
File: 27 KB, 195x500, Oni_in_pilgrim%27s_clothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your grandfather is awesome. Even though he died with his boots off.

>> No.4074690

My grandfather hid from Japanese troop convoys.

>> No.4074707

Other than it's slow turret rotation speed, painfully slow movement and it's high likelihood of breaking down if stopped right?

>> No.4074858

My grandfather was turned down at the recruitment office for flat feet.

>> No.4074947

You're fucked. I'm a touhou.

>> No.4075159

My great grandfather fought in the austro hungarian army on the eastern front killing russians then continued to kill Italians

Grandpa volounteered for the Nazi German army around 1943 he after the defeat his division continued toward the americans in fear of surrendering to the Soviets around may 12 they finally reached the americans.

And he lived happily ever after

>> No.4075178

Is this strike witches?

>> No.4075197

Seems to have been pretty cool guys.

>> No.4075210

That's not funny, both my grandfathers dodged the draft.

>> No.4075223


>> No.4075274


>> No.4075333
File: 411 KB, 1000x1148, Waffen SS danish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4075384


I love you fags that try to discredit something because it had flaws. /k/ is full of your kind.

PROTIP: Every instrument of war has/had flaws. Look up the kill/loss ratio of the SS heavy tank battalions who went up against the ZOMG T-34.

>> No.4075397

Nothing could penetrate the King Tiger and Jagdtiger bro.

>> No.4075920

Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.4075931
File: 119 KB, 595x840, 2698376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American SF loli looking cute

>> No.4075961

Oh yeah, you a big boy, meta-ing it up in here about /k/.

There's a reason why reasonable people don't actually jerk off to things because they're "german" and think they are godly things, with or without flaws.

You couldn't hold your own outside of /jp/

>> No.4076023

>Look up the kill/loss ratio of the SS heavy tank battalions who went up against the ZOMG T-34.

A 10:1 kill ratio doesn't do shit when there's 40 T34s for every tiger.

>> No.4076028

Dude just admit it, T-34 slavshit wrecked the fuck out of those slow fucks.

>> No.4076196

Yeah, if it wasn't the Tiger getting shot up the ass it was the Tiger getting stuck in a half-centimeter deep thing of mud, Panther was far superior, they should've made more of those instead of making shitty Tigers.
