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4067901 No.4067901 [Reply] [Original]

Onii-chan, Jessica Onee-chan told me you are still a virgin at the age of 19. This is a shame to the Ushiromiya's name! I shall proceed to solve your problem once for all.

>> No.4067912

cool story sis

>> No.4067914
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>> No.4067923

How old was Ange at that point?
0-6 is bad for me...

>> No.4067925

He could still have his anal virginity guys.

>> No.4067932
File: 181 KB, 640x480, 7989074_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Ange think about Batora's Beato obsession in ep. 6?

>> No.4067934
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Not a chance.

>> No.4067938
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>implying Battler still a virgin

>> No.4067942

She was completely cool with it.

In the past she pretty much said that as long as Beato stopped being a hooker about certain things, she'd even give them her blessing.

>> No.4067958
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>> No.4067967
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She was as confused as us.

>> No.4067980


>> No.4067983

She was a bit confused as to why Battler would have such feelings for someone who had "repeatedly killed his family", however.

>> No.4067987

Exactly. That's what she was being a hooker about. Constantly murdering his family.

>> No.4067997


Is that Kyrie?

>> No.4068005
File: 262 KB, 838x612, beabato4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of bewildered but not angry about it.

>> No.4068010

Joshua buttraping him.

>> No.4068017

Amakusa, actually.

>> No.4068018

What's Erika saying here?

>> No.4068020

I see Ange represents fans of the story who are not shippers.

>> No.4068025

But, how can one rape oneself? It's impossible.

>> No.4068027
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>feelings for someone who had "repeatedly killed his family"

I lol'd. Oh ryukishi

>> No.4068029
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>> No.4068034

Ange is an anime-only watcher

>> No.4068038

I would say that Erika represents them better since she was actually complaining that the beginning was focusing too much on love.

>> No.4068047

So Ryukishi just killed his own fanbase on his story. While offending them using his self insert character. (Writer bitch)

>> No.4068053
File: 96 KB, 750x1000, besides rifyu i mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about people who ship Battler and Erika?

>> No.4068056

Only if you think Erika really represents the majority of the fanbase

>> No.4068061

Ryukishi is pretty much a cunt. That whole expose on trust between writer and reader was just screaming "DON'T CRITICIZE ME, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND."

>> No.4068065

Is it true that Ange said she thought of George as a "disgusting virgin"? Or was that a mistranslation?

>> No.4068070


>> No.4068074

no it is true

>> No.4068078

So Featherine represents DEEN?

>> No.4068081

Can you provide a screenshot of the scene in which she said that, please?

>> No.4068082

I thought it was "creepy virgin" not "disgusting".

>> No.4068091

No Erika represents DEEN, just click Suspicion in the Music Box.

>> No.4068095

While the virgin part was totally uncalled for, George is indeed pretty fucking creepy, especially if Shkannon is confirmed.

>> No.4068097

And Erika had a boyfriend too.
Judging by his personality, they probably fucked like bunnies.

First Rosa, now Erika and Ange. They see me trollan'.

>> No.4068099

Erika: If you say 'Please, Erika-sama, treat me like a dog for the rest of my life, and I swear to abide by the collar you fasten around my neck' then I won't use this ring...

Battler: I'll...I...

Erika: Oh? I'm afraid I can't hear you.

Battler: I'll...never...never forgive...

Erika: For humiliating you like this?

Battler: No! I'll never...forgive you...for touching Beato's ring...with...your filthy hands...

>> No.4068102

Hopefully George kicks the bitch in the jaw and shows her how wrong she is afterwords.

>> No.4068103

Ange said she hates gentlemen like George because they're like creepy virgins

>> No.4068110

>Battler: No! I'll never...forgive you...for touching Beato's ring...with...your filthy hands...

Well, shit...

>> No.4068111

I wish Erika would talk to me like that ;_;

>> No.4068118

That's kind of mean.

>> No.4068119

Oh, so the whole wedding scene is a big "LET'S TROLL BATTLER" extravaganza? Excellent.

>> No.4068120

>Hopefully, George rapes her and shows her how wrong she is afterwards.

>> No.4068125

Well, fuck you Ange. Now you're officially in my slut list.

Erika? I think I can forgive her.

>> No.4068127

>Battler: No! I'll never...forgive you...for touching Beato's ring...with...your filthy hands...

Best husbando ever when he's not being an abusive asshole

>> No.4068128

Fuck, that's all Umineko is, Ryukishi must be an M type since his protagonist keeps being treated like a bitch.

>> No.4068129

I'd rather have Battler becoming a gentleman and raping her.

>> No.4068138


Erika is a slut too

>> No.4068142

Battler is the heroine, Japan agrees.

>> No.4068143

Can't rape the willing, etc. In this case anyway.

>> No.4068144
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Beatrice and Battler do their own bit of trolling at the very end, though.

>> No.4068152

Well yeah. She wants Battler's dick too. She's just even more of sadist than Beato so it doesn't work out. Plus she has to obey Bern.

>> No.4068154
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Why is that last frame so hot?

>> No.4068155


Fuck yes

>> No.4068160

She's never called anyone a creepy virgin. So, I'm cool with her.

Ange can go and choke on a dick, for all I care.

>> No.4068161

Fuck, who DOESN'T want Battler's dick?

This applies for real life also.

>> No.4068174

Kumasawa, Gohda, Genji, and possibly Kinzo. Oh, Nanjo too.

>> No.4068175

More like she'll settle for Battler because she can't have Bern. Lambda told her to step off her woman.

>> No.4068186
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Super Paper is the best.

>> No.4068187

For some reason, I thought of Sekiha Rabu Rabu Tenkyoken, but with red and trolling.

>> No.4068189


Writer Bitch isn't a deus ex machina nor is she Ryukishi's author avatar.

Wildly varying interpretations of what really occurred on Rokkenjima have been talked about for awhile. Even before that, Higurashi was called a novel even though we had Bernkastel and Lambda chatting each other up already.

Writer Bitch just also happens to be a witch who saw through Battler's eyes and wrote shit down accordingly.

Unless 4chan has lied to me. =D

>> No.4068195

>Lambda told her to step off her woman.

34 is really a white knight for Bern.

>> No.4068199

Ryuukishi is a virgin too.
He probably is having turnons while he writes his damaged goods calling him a creepy virgin because he's a fucking masochist.

>> No.4068210

Well, that scene DOES have Battler and Beatrice holding an antique pistol together with their fingers on the trigger...

>> No.4068211
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"...... Where is... Lambda... ?"

Just be saying that, it felt like I was admitting defeat... That rankled in me. Even though she was always there making noises and latching onto me when I didn't want her to... When I finally call her name, she doesn't answer...

Is she making fun of me? Where... is this?

Feeling that watching an ending I could already foresee happening was stupid. I left the great hall. Maybe I could find a cool terrace to spend the time while waiting for that farce in the great hall to end.

"Well, it's true that I kept on going in the direction where there were no people... But for there not to be a single soul here is too much..."

Am I, the great Bernkastel... lost?

As if this sort of miracle could ever happen.

Yes... There exists no miracles in this world. For a miracle to occur, there must be a "time that will never arrive" that is almost equivalent to an endless time. So for something like a miracle to happen in this place which has no such time... That is not a miracle, but someone's plan. In other words, I've been sucked into someone's plan now, made to walk this weird corridor...

A cat. It sounded like a cat. But there can't be a miracle of a cat in this sort of place...

This sort of miracle is "not allowed". If it's not a miracle, then it is a sign... to lead me in that direction.

Fine... It might be a new happening that will ease my boredom. If this turns out to be one of Lambda's new games... I'll make her use her tongue to cover her whole body with honey as a reward and stick parasols in her eyes so that she won't do it again.

>> No.4068213

The corridor is dark, but there is a presence.

Two emerald green eyes. Probably those of a cat. A black cat.

"Are you the one who called me? Or are you someone's messenger?"

Looking down at my feet, I could see bright red cat footprints leading to the cat eyes. An eerie footprint... as if it had stepped in some blood.

As my eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, it looked as if the footprints floated slightly in the dark. Not that it was glowing, but it served its purpose as a sign that I should follow it. As if asking me to follow, the cat turned and looked at me then walked off into the darkness.

What is this? This mysterious feeling. This feeling that I haven't felt in a long time, ever since I assumed the name of the cruelest witch in the world. Waht this feeling is... Somehow, I can't really remember. But... for me, who is tired of boredom... This must be interesting.

Walking down that dark corridor, I followed the cat. Forward... Turning... Sometimes going down stairs... And, I'm not sure because it was dark... I entered through a gap of a door.

"...... This is?"

I couldn't hear the cat footsteps, but the bloody footprints continued. In the distance, a white spotlight of light... The cat from before... was eating something frmo a bowl. I see... So that's your reward for bringing me here.

"Cat... I know I'm bothering your dinner... but why don't you get your owner to come... It couldn't be... You can't be the one who asked me to come here, right?"

>> No.4068215

>Higurashi was called a novel

A lot of people forget this but there was a Higurashi novel in Higurashi also.

>> No.4068218


You sound offend by something

>> No.4068219

Well, shit... That's awesome. I'd say I'd like to see that get animated but....

>> No.4068224

It didn't even turn to look at me. Well, it's just a beast. Maybe if I kick it, it'll run to its owner...

[kicking sound]


After kicking the cat, it flew against the wall like a stuffed animal and stayed there before disappearing into the darkness.

What's with this cat? An illusion?


When I looked down at the bowl, it was blood covered raw meat.

"What is this... This bad taste treatment."

"Kicking it... was not a nice thing to do."

When I heard that voice, all my hair stood on end. Then, the surroundings began to brighten. But before the lights turned on, Bernkastel already knew where this was.

AuAu: It is, you know... That cat.
Bern: ......
AuAu: A cat that eats flesh... A cat who's learnt how to choose paths... It's been a while.
Bern: If you didn't make me learn it... It is a path I wouldn't have chosen. You monster who taught me the taste of flesh... So you've revived... Featherine Auaurora.
AuAu: Augustus Aurora... How many times have I told you, yet you never learn. That's fine. That too is nostalgic... I heard a lot of rumours about you: how you've taken the name of the witch of miracles, Bernkastel, and how you've been playing with kakera in unpraiseworthy ways.
Bern: I was only doing things you would... But in the end, I am no match for you. If what I did was unpraiseworthy... You've done things a hundred times worse.

>> No.4068227

Fuck yeah, translation of the Episode 6 hidden tea party

>> No.4068230

Bernkastel sat in an antique chair in a manner that showed she was purposely doing things her own way.

AuAu: What are you afraid of? I am merely enjoying meeting with my longest serving miko again... Were you so bothered by the cat familiar just now?

Bern's actions looked as if they were relaxed, but to that Featherine, she seemed to be saying "don't be afraid". And from that expression on Bern's face... It seems Featherine had hit the nail on the head.

Bern: There's only so much insinuation I can take... A cat who eats blood-covered flesh and walks around leaving a trail of blood?
AuAu: ...... Don't be afraid... Look closely... Where is this cat whose dropping its face in bloody flesh? All there is is a plate of biscuits given to it as a reward for bringing you here.
Bern: ......

And as if it was a mirage... There was the plate full of cute biscuits.

Bern: Tcht.

Bern didn't bother to hide her displeased expression. Featherine shrugged her shoulders as she muttered,"You just never change, do you child?"

>> No.4068231

Isn't that the opposite of what he's saying?

>> No.4068232


DEEN wouldn't have them touching.

>> No.4068236

Bern: As usual, you're such an unpleasant person... But now I'm quite satisfied... Mimcking what you've done... was not really boring.
AuAu: Go ahead and tell me off as you like, like when we parted. That was the present I gave you.
Bern: That you like a bad-mouthed miko because it's not boring? Tcht... How stupid. If that makes you so happy, I'd rather stuff up my mouth... So, why did you call me here?
AuAu: Beatrice's game seems to have ended with Battler's victory. I've been watching... It's been very interesting.
Bern: ... You must have been interested in watching my clumsy role, haven't you?
AuAu: Oh no, it was a good performance. Even Beato must be thanking you.
Bern: ... Hmm... And? If you're here to ask me to recite Beato's game, I refuse... I am no longer your miko.
AuAu: I've watched all of Beato's games, Lambda's game, Battler's game... All of them have entertained me very much. I even have my own answers to all the mysteries... Culprit, motive, each trick... The riddle I haven't completely solved, but I have a deduction that I believe will be solved once I visit Rokkenjima.
Bern: And?
AuAu: Of course, as long as there isn't a single truth, my deduction is but one of many allowed possibilities. But that is within the scope of possibilities. It's just a matter of elimination.
Bern: What? You want me to debate Beato's game with you?
AuAu: No. Child, what I want you to do is reconcile the answers.

At Featherine's words, Bern had a slight reaction. But that slight reaction did not escape the notice of her former mistress.

>> No.4068240

DEEN would turn it into Battler pointing an AK-47 in Beato's face/cowtits.

>> No.4068242

AuAu: As an actor in a play, you've been through many different stories. Through that process, you've come to realize various truths, haven't you? However, there still remains some riddles that Beato created that even you do not know the answers to. Is that not so?
Bern: ...... I see... You want me to take up the role of biting into the innards and dragging them out, don't you?
AuAu: At the end of the play, reading a pamphlet and understanding the backstage happenings of the play, is as you say, like having tea after a meal. It's luxurious, but something that cannot be missed out.
Bern: When it is alive, you play with it and cherish it... Once it dies, you eat up its flesh to fill up your stomach... For you, a cat has double uses, doesn't it? Go die, you monster.
AuAu: I want to reconcile the answers... And don't you want to know?
Bern: ......
AuAu: Just think of it as if it's burying Beato's bones and I'm asking you to carry out that funeral rite. What about that, my child?
Bern: ... That's a way of requesting that more befits my tastes.

With a click of Featherine's fingers, a spotlight falls on the pile of books spread on the table.
And there... was a folded game board of Beato's game.
And there... was a stack of folded game boards of Beato's game. With
With a twirl of her finger, the witch of observation opened one of the game boards. On it, the black and white pieces slipped into their positions.

AuAu: The game board and the pieces are all here.

With a flurry of flapping, the book flipped from the first page to the last, closed itself and then flew to the side of the game board. There were all the movements of the previous games... All recorded.

>> No.4068248

Really? I haven't read the Higurashi SN yet, so...

>> No.4068250

Bern: ... I see... All that's missing is the player and the reciter.
AuAu: The tea is not enough. The dried peaches are also not enough, but those will be prepared.
Bern: ...... All right... If you'll add in some daifuku, I'll start...
AuAu: The discussion is complete.
Bern: I have one condition.
AuAu: Hohhh, and that is... ?
Bern: I am the reciter, you know... I have no love, so I might come up with all sorts of weird explanations... But how it is read... is all up to the reciter~
AuAu: All I want is to reconcile the answers. I have no interest in the story. I have no interest in what kind of tale you weave. I see... I finally understand what it is you want to do. All right.
Bern: ... You'll accept it, of course? The condition.
AuAu: That's fine. I want to know the answers. You want to vent your resentment. The negotiations are complete.

With another click of her fingers, a large chair appears. It was a throne... that didn't fit the room's decorations.
[picture of Battler's portrait appears]
No...It was familiar... that throne...

>> No.4068253

And then the tits bounce a little bit.

>> No.4068255
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AuAu: I accept your conditions. You may seat yourself. The game master is... you.
Bern: ... You're sure? You're really, really sure? [BERNTWISTEDFACEHERE]
AuAu: To vent your resentment, you can create any story you want. I have no interest in that. But I also have a condition. You must resolve all the answers I want. No secrets or hiding things.
Bern: Ufufufufufufufufuf... Leave it to me. Splitting up the innards and dragging out all that is inside is that I do best... It's what you taught me to do.
AuAu: I will make the tea... Not with magic, but by my own hands. The mistress will prepare tea for her miko.
Bern: Beato used to say that to enjoy tea, its best to have a witch as your companion.
AuAu: For us... it's different, isn't it? Fufufufufufufufu.

And without knowing when, the plate of biscuits disappeared in a whiff of red bubbles... and returned to a pile of minced meat. No... Not just meat... Innards. Intestines.

AuAu + Bern: To drink tea... it is best to do it with FELLOW MONSTERS."

>> No.4068258
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>It didn't even turn to look at me. Well, it's just a beast. Maybe if I kick it, it'll run to its owner...


>> No.4068264

And then, riiight before Battler pulls the trigger, there's a spontaneous cut to Lambda and Bern having a conversation while standing very, very far away from each other, not even making eye contact.

>> No.4068266
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>> No.4068267
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After the credits:

Bern: ... Let's begin the placement of the pieces. This would be the 7th game then?
AuAu: Yes... It's an auspicious number.
Bern: But not to Beato.

Bern slowly lifted up a black piece. That was the piece that represent Beato. A piece that is sometimes a king... Sometimes a queen, a knight... But that is only when it is promoted. Right now it is but a pawn... A garbage piece. So the placement of the pieces... From then on, the witches' game begins. And so Bernkastel slowly raised up Beato's piece.

Initial position...

D8 - Beatrice.


>> No.4068277

At the end of Himatsubushi-hen, Akasaka and Ooishi decide to write a book about the unknown events of Hinamizawa and name it "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni".

>> No.4068279


Bern sure is butthurt

>> No.4068281

> but I have a deduction that I believe will be solved once I visit Rokkenjima.
Wait, AuAu's going to Rokkenjima? Hm...

Well fuck, Episode 7 really is going to be a total trollfest. BERRRRNNNNNNN

>> No.4068290

Wow, so is 7 really going to be the end of Umineko?

>> No.4068295

Oh look. Featherine is 100 times for evil than Bern.

Fuck you, Ryukishi.

>> No.4068300


Probably not.

>> No.4068303

>D8 - Beatrice.

Is this...supposed to mean anything significant?

>> No.4068305

Oh god, I can never look at Higurashi the same way again;_;

>> No.4068306
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P-protect your waifu, Battler!

>> No.4068312
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>> No.4068313


No. 7 will be answers, 8 will be BATTLER FUCKING RUINING WITCHES AND WHORES.

>> No.4068315

Assuming ANYONE in Umineko is a virgin is a grave error.

>> No.4068316
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He'll fail I'm sure

>> No.4068318

d8 is the position on a chessboard where the black queen is initially placed.

>> No.4068322

D8 is the spot for the Black Queen.

Also Battler said he would kill Beato, right? Stop breaking your promises, Battler.

>> No.4068324

I wouldn't get your hopes up, Ryukishi seems apprehensive to make Battler do something badass for very long.

>> No.4068327

I'd say Bern is still more cruel. It's obvious Featherine wants the truth but is still content with playing around a little. Bern wants to completely crush and destroy any thought or mention of Beatrice, preferably in the cruelest and most disgusting way. If she takes down others during this, it is of no loss to her.

>> No.4068328

Oh god.

>> No.4068331

>AuAu: I will make the tea... Not with magic, but by my own hands. The mistress will prepare tea for her miko.
>Bern: Beato used to say that to enjoy tea, its best to have a witch as your companion.
>AuAu: For us... it's different, isn't it? Fufufufufufufufu.
>And without knowing when, the plate of biscuits disappeared in a whiff of red bubbles... and returned to a pile of minced meat. No... Not just meat... Innards. Intestines.
>AuAu + Bern: To drink tea... it is best to do it with FELLOW MONSTERS."


>> No.4068333

I came

>> No.4068335

More like get captured again or be on the verge of losing when Beato/Ange/Erika/Other female comes to save him.

>> No.4068336
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Nooo, we already went through that in ep5! Man up, Battler, Beato can't fight all your battles for you!

>> No.4068340

So... wait a tic....
Rika and Hanyuu are total assholes now?

>> No.4068342

So since Erika has been banished for all eternity is Dlanor on Battler's side now

>> No.4068353

>Rika and Hanyuu are total assholes now?
Now? Like they weren't before? You're kind of slow, aren't you.

>> No.4068354

I wonder if Ange and Moetrice talked about anything while Moetrice was in Featherine's library.

>> No.4068358

Wouldn't Dlanor be on Bern's side since Erika was Bern's piece?

>> No.4068359

Not sure. I assume we'll find out in Episode 7.

>> No.4068365
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There is nothing in the world that can make Battler competent enough to save anyone. We should just stop expecting him to do anything.

>> No.4068366

Hanyuu was never an asshole. Selfish, certainly, but she never enjoyed seeing people suffering.

And Rika =/= Bernkastel, fuck you guys.

>> No.4068367

"Bern" Rika and Hanyuu killed thousands of good little Rikas across the sea of kakera by taking over their mind with parts of Bern.

>> No.4068369
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We don't even know what role Battler will be playing. Last we saw him, he was celebrating being married.

>> No.4068370

Anyone else feel bad for Erika? Her fate feels more sad than satisfying, considering that she's the only one that dies in Umineko.

>> No.4068371

But Bernkastel is obviously not acting as Game Master in the traditional fashion (being present in lower meta, etc.). She's controlling the pieces from above.

>> No.4068374

I don't get it, Beatrice is a black pawn and Bern just moved it to where the Black Queen is?

>> No.4068376

Huh? I thought the wedding was interrupted...

>> No.4068377
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yeah, sure

>> No.4068383

She will probably be back by next Episode.

>> No.4068384
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Erika deserves more. She is the most attractive Umineko character. And she really loves Battler.

>> No.4068385

Yeah, but that's just because all the characters are turning very unsympathetic.

I don't even like meta Battler anymore because he's so fucking useless, as someone else said, he's basically the heroine of Umineko, the only characters I care about are piece Battler, Rudolf, and probably Erika and Dlanor.

>> No.4068386

That was Erika's wedding.

>> No.4068392

There was another wedding?

>> No.4068395

Yes. Battler and Beatrice get married in the Episode 6 tea party.

>> No.4068396

>And she really loves Bern.


>> No.4068397

After Beatrice crashed the party, Battler and Beatrice hot married.

It was as cheesy as it sounds.

>> No.4068401

Yes, after Erika was defeated all of the couples used the wedding setting to get married themselves.

>> No.4068402
File: 348 KB, 637x473, pawnsasqueens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But that is only when it is promoted. Right now it is but a pawn... A garbage piece. So the placement of the pieces... From then on, the witches' game begins. And so Bernkastel slowly raised up Beato's piece.

>Initial position...
>D8 - Beatrice.

>Bern is putting a pawn in the space that a queen goes in


>> No.4068404

I know! How could you look at >>4068099 and see anything but love? Clearly she's trying to keep Battler around as a slave so Bern won't just execute him, riiiiight?

>> No.4068406

Wait, she doesn't like Battler at all, the fuck you saying?

>> No.4068413

What are you on? Erika is simply yandere for hi, and she needs to pretend to be cruel because Bern does not approve of their love.

>> No.4068414

inb4 this level of reasoning is possible for a drunk anon copypasta.

>> No.4068421

Bern set them up.

>> No.4068422

Except Bern isn't putting Beatrice's piece on the white side of the board, so it's not quite the same.

>> No.4068423

I'm confused, Bern is putting Beatrice (a black pawn) in D8 (the place of the black queen). What could she try to accomplish by doing that?

>> No.4068424

I like that the theme of Uminekos is love, and yet every single person is a total bastard.

>> No.4068427

Evil Bern is so ridicuously evil.

>> No.4068431

Wouldn't the GM play on the white side of the board however? I seem to recall Battler and Erika dueling with the logic error room and Battler using white pieces for his moves

>> No.4068433


That's awesome and practical. No need to waste a good wedding.

>> No.4068435

Well, Piece Battler is a good dude. And Hideyoshi. Rudolf.... Kuwasama.... damn, that's about it.

>> No.4068437

He wed Beato.
Shanon wed George.
Kanon wed Jessica.
Eva was giving tips of how to waifu to Shannon.
Natsuhi blushed.

>> No.4068440

It sorta came out of nowhere though.

"So we just beat the episode's Big Bad - who wants to get married?!"

>> No.4068443


Not really. She was shoved in the middle of a story she didn't belong in.

>> No.4068444

No, the black pieces are the witch side, the white pieces are the human side.

>> No.4068451

I could have swore it was the opposite. Wouldn't the witch side make the first move, thus making them white?

>> No.4068452

>Well, Piece Battler is a good dude.

>> No.4068454

Oh wow Battler, you really WANT TO BELIEVE, don't you?

>> No.4068456

Ryukishi went for the shitty WHITE IS GOOD, BLACK IS BAD LOL symbolism over standard chess rules.

>> No.4068457

Jessica and Kanon didn't get married. He just came back and Jessica started bawwwwing.

>> No.4068460

And she's most likely lying about it. That fucking bitch!

>> No.4068461

Well no one is absolutely good and perfect. I think all the human characters are realistically portrayed at the least.

>> No.4068463


That's how I'm seeing it. Since Bern has control, we can expect one crazy game for EP 7.

>> No.4068466

Everyone either suffers from some kind of insane delusion, or are plotting to stab each other in the back.

>> No.4068467

Well, that was a clever play on his part.
Considering how many people fell for Trollkastel because OH SHE SAYS SHE'S THE CRUELEST WITCH AND SHE DRESSES IN DARK COLORS THAT MUST MEAN SHE'S NOT.....

>> No.4068468

> White is good
> Black is bad
No, that's just what he made it seem like at first. So far, it's mostly seemed to be the other way around, especially with Erika and Bern on the white side.

>> No.4068470

D8 is the position of the queen of the black pieces.

>> No.4068471

EP7 might end up like some of the earlier arcs of Higurashi and have all of the family members killing each other.

>> No.4068480


>> No.4068482
File: 10 KB, 172x172, 1255206026607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after going through Episode 5, the main thing that kept bugging me was why Erika would do things like tape up every window in the guesthouse, listen to Battler sleeping, or try to frame Natsuhi. Then it all came to me. She is legitimately Yandere for Battler. She genuinely wanted him to have the headship, and she would destroy anything that threatened this. Erika taped the windows because she knew that one of the other adults could make a move to take the headship from Battler. Erika listened to Battler sleeping because she is creepy and wanted to make sure that none of the cousins tried anything to harm him. Her big story about Natsuhi was a bluff to get her to admit Kinzo's death so that Battler could properly inherit the headship, otherwise Natsuhi could claim that Kinzo was missing and delay the passing of the headship for a long time. In addition, ruining Natsuhi would get another obstacle out of Battler's way.

Erika just wanted his dick all along. This level of reasoning is possible for a drunk anon at 2 in the morning.

>> No.4068491


>> No.4068494

she was crying because she realized he was Shannon

>> No.4068496


>> No.4068504

It all makes sense now

>> No.4068508

She's still in school and Kanon is underage. Shannon is underage as well, but I guess George can support her. Battler can do whatever he wants.
