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4064943 No.4064943 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4064948

What slutty armpits...

>> No.4064961
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>> No.4064997
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>> No.4065006

How can I tell my little sister to shave her armpits without sounding creepy?

She is so cute, but the armpit hair is just gross, and my mother doesn't give enough shit to teach her how to be a proper girl.

>> No.4065014
File: 157 KB, 630x654, armpit riceball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4065018

Brush her teeth.

>> No.4065028


Learn to enjoy the hair, nibble on it when you're fucking her. Embrace your sister's glorious arrival into womanhood by getting her pregnant.

>> No.4065053

You know, it's kinda hard to shave your armpit. You have to move your arm to get at a good angle, and you always miss a small bit inside that crevice. Plus, I don't know if it's just me, but my armpit skin is kinda sensitive, so it always hurts if I shave over the area too much, meaning that if I don't shave all the hair off in one or three swipes, I just have to settle with what I got.

Oh, and don't get me started on leg hair. Goddamn, that takes forever.

>> No.4065067

Want to go out with me?

>> No.4065071


I actually enjoy it when chicks have a little bit of stubble.

>> No.4065078


Some "men" shave themselves too

>> No.4065082

Sick fuck.

>> No.4065087
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>> No.4065088

I'm a man and I shave my armpits. I don't understand how other men can be proud of their armpit hair.

>> No.4065092
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>> No.4065093


pics first.

>> No.4065101


Because grown men are supposed to have hair. You must take care of it, but not shave it all because that's not manly.

>> No.4065108
File: 14 KB, 200x257, 1227640686576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, huh?

>> No.4065109


I'm not proud of it, but I'm not ashamed or embarrassed by it either. If it ever gets out of hand I'll cut it down or something, but I'm not going to shave.

>> No.4065120

I once shaved my armpit. It became so uncomfortable to keep it shaved with the nasty prickly feeling I had no choice but to let it grow again.

Waxing or laser sound too good. But yeah, hair is useless and not very aesthetic.

>> No.4065121

I'm a guy and I shave all my body hair

and I mean ALL my body hair

Feels good man

>> No.4065135

You're excused only if you are a cancer patient or a swimmer.

>> No.4065141

Trust me, it feels good.

Fapping is at least 8 times better when your pubic region and your balls are as smooth as river stones

>> No.4065145


Well, you're a guy but I am a grown man and I have grown hair everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. It's not so aesthetic when you take good care of your hair, and it gives you a manly look.

>> No.4065148
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How do you get around with no eyebrows?

>> No.4065155

What razor do you use?

>> No.4065157

Eyebrows you say?

(You know what image I would've posted)

>> No.4065160

Some of us were not blessed with normal body hair. When I went natural, my pubes would try to rip my dick off or some other form of exquisite torture for me to endure. No more.

>> No.4065162

It makes you look like a fucking barbarian

Shave it then thank me.

>> No.4065163

I shave my armpit hair once every 2~3 months, simply because that pile of stinky matter is disgusting and uncomfortable. I don't have any problems in doing so, so why not.

The rest of my body is way too hairy and I don't shave it, though, because I don't know where to start. Goddamned hairy legs. Why am I so hairy.

>> No.4065175


Making a big fuss over something that is going to get dull in a week or so is fruitless

>> No.4065195
File: 45 KB, 587x800, fb96a6c9196edfb0cee64e5fa934420d1241681017_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I prefer to look like a barbarian if I can. At least I look like a real man, and strong if I look like a barbarian. I just try to not to smell like one of them.

>> No.4065545

I do not shave any body hair besides that on my face and even then often only once a week. Shaving is way too much work, especially when you got it everywhere, even on your fucking BACK.

I'm not shaving for anybody, I don't require them to shave either. And the women I'm attracted to do not have leg hair to begin with, and I don't care about a little bit of hair in the armpits, and I think pubic hair is hot. Fuck men who shave their chesthair, fucking pussies.

>> No.4065558

I swear, by my hair and my love of it, that I will never shave for the sake of another man, nor ask a man to shave for mine.

>> No.4065570
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>> No.4065579

>Shaving is way too much work, especially when you got it everywhere, even on your fucking BACK.

God, this. I hate back hair, and it's revolting, but how the hell are you supposed to shave it? If I were to shave my entire body, from toes to cheeks, it'd take me 3 or 4 hours, plus another 2 to shave my back just because of the weird angles I'd have to put my arm through.

Fuck, I wish electrolysis wasn't so damn expensive. Or that they came up with another type of permanent hair removal besides that.

>> No.4065587

>hair on your back
This for me. I used to shave everything not on my head until I realized I was missing a few whiskers on my back. Now I just let it all grow because I don't want to have a lone patch on my back, and I'm not about to ask someone to get it for me.

Not that any living thing sees my back anyway...

>> No.4065591

here, the true neet talks.
people who bother to shave could use this time to search for another pic of touhou.

>> No.4065593

Don't be such a fucking baby

Get yourself 2 disposable razors, and make a spot in your oh-so-busy schedule for a nice long 40 minute shower or something.

Unless you're some kind of unbelievable slowpoke, you'll shave head to toe with time to spare.

>> No.4065604

What else could be used as a permanent hair removal therapy? I mean, you'd have to go in and completely destroy the roots of every hair, which is what makes electrolysis so damn expensive and why it takes so long to do.

If you could find a way to make the electro-therapy faster, you could get pretty rich. Or you could try to find something that works just as well, but I can't think of anything that'd work as well as electricity. Fire? Deep-root removal with a machine?

>> No.4065608
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where do you get those awasomemarisa pics? make them by yourself or is there some arachive on the net?

>> No.4065621




>> No.4065629

I take hour long showers and still hardly manage to shave everything. I mean, you have to be damn slow shaving your pubes and balls, and I always have to go over my ass to make sure I didn't miss a spot, using my finger to feel for any hair.

It's actually not that bad after the first two or three times. But never shave your pubic hair against the grain.

>> No.4065630

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.4065635 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 850x293, b58553cb44ee15e1a52df69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.4065667
File: 399 KB, 1125x1600, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electrolysis is the superior solution.

>> No.4065677

What's this from, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.4065680

While I don't recommend shaving your armpits, the smooth feeling of your shaved balls is something you must try

>> No.4065689


>> No.4065691
File: 134 KB, 800x800, suigintou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4065713

>How can I tell my little sister to shave her armpits without sounding creepy?

"Hey sis, shave that shit, you look like a yeti."

>> No.4065725

Took long enough.

>> No.4065730

The funny part is, if you have a healthy relationship with your sister (as in, you hate each other) this IS the best way to say it.

>> No.4065735


I don't get it.

>> No.4065762

The best way not to sound creepy is to sound like an asshole.

>> No.4065773

pics or it didn't happen is just a way of saying "i don't belive you, i want proof" in this contest it is rathercynical humor loughing at the expenses of others.

the pic itself was how several touhous reactions to guy who had said experiance.

>> No.4065809

Shave it yourself

This is the only path

>> No.4065813
File: 156 KB, 1000x750, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waxed my legs a couple of months ago.

Nice at first but it's annoying to have to spend extra time shaving in the shower, every other day

>> No.4065829


I meant the picture, and I still don't really get it.

>> No.4065834

i just rip out my armpit hair with my fingers
and sometimes eat it

>> No.4065860

they are loughing at your manliness, what there is to get?
ok, ignore reimu.
