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406465 No.406465 [Reply] [Original]

So, do we all agree that FSN is the best VN released in english?

>> No.406477


>> No.406478

Shitsunami brewing off the east coast.

>> No.406479


>> No.406482


>> No.406485

I don't think so Tim

>> No.406489

so we all agree that Archer is the best english VN character?

>> No.406491


>> No.406492
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FSN was never released in English.

>> No.406496

Ever17, Tsukihime, maybe even Planetarian, all beat FSN easily.

>> No.406502

I doubt many other people will agree but I say mabye.
It will be decided when HF is translated. Not before

>> No.406506
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Not even close

>> No.406523


He's not even the best char in his VN, so no.

>> No.406534

who's the best in your opinion, then?

>> No.406537


Lancer was a much better character, and on Archer's own route no less. Much better.

>> No.406548

I thought he might've been better with more backstory.

>> No.406550

That's just because Lancer's motivation didn't get spelled out for 9001 pages.

>> No.406554

A Drug That Makes You Dream is the best.

>> No.406558

And spoiled a billion times before hand.

>> No.406567
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It's kinda impossible for a few hundred people to conclude on a single best game, much less character.

A favourite group of characters, that would make some sense.

>> No.406571

So, do we all agree that this/these threads are retarded and should never be posted on /jp/ or anywhere near 4chan?

>> No.406572

the spoil really killed it.

>> No.406574
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1- Phantom of Inferno. EPIC and AWESOME in one game, the only downside is the DVD format

2- Clannad. A VN that managed to constantly make me cry, laugh and give me a really heartwarming feeling, really long and solid.

3- Ever17. BRICK SHITTING, if the whole game was as good as Coco's route it would be first easily but it isn't, still fucking great though.

4- Tsukihime- Really endearing and engrossing story, I pretty much played it straight and loved all the character.

5- Planetarian. Managed to create a "believable" and likable characters in such a short time, it was pretty well written and the ending was a killer.

That's my opinion, if you don't agree... well you don't agree.

>> No.406582

Being spoiled isn't a problem if the thing is well executed, I was spoiled about Tsukihime, Planetarian and Ever17 before playing them, I still loved Tsukihime, cried at the end Planetarian and shat thousand of bricks during Coco's route in Ever17.

>> No.406583


Even if they kept the TIME PARADOX insanity down to acceptable levels, Lancer still would have gotten my vote. 'how do i became future emo Shirou' is not very compelling, I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD or no.

>> No.406587

>>406574 Clannad
You must be trolling. No don't reply to this, it will just make you even more obvious.

>> No.406590

only emo mode was the storytelling.
I don't think you get the impression the guy was a suicidal pussy before his death.

>> No.406593

You obviously didn't even play it, trolls are fucking retarded these days.

>> No.406597

not troll, but aside from making you sad and cry, does anything really happen?

>> No.406603


Eh? Newb here, but I'm halfway through CLANNAD and it's pretty engaging. I'm liking it alot more that F/SN despite not having any H-scenes.

Or is hating on clannad cool at the moment? If so, forgive me.

>> No.406605


>> No.406610

I think Clannad took all of us by surprise. There was no hype before its release, and it turned out to be superb.

On the other hand, F/S N had shitloads of hype.

>> No.406612


lulz. emo doesn't always equal suicidal bitch, but whatever.

Besides, that whole route didn't make any sense. He said he was tired of the world summoning him to kill people, but yet, aren't his memories supposedly reset each time he is brought forth? Then HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW? Also makes his ending pretty pointless too.

>> No.406613

clannad doesn't look like anything happens, it seems just like "life simulation".
haven't played it though, actually, that's my reason for not playing it.

>> No.406616

I still find F/SN way more interesting than Clannad. Yeah, Clannad had some amazing routes, but it also had a LOT of shit you had to go through to get to the best part (After Story).

>> No.406620

he is a counter guardian, he keeps his memory permanently.
like Saber, she remembers too.

>> No.406621
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I played it.
Only one main route and 2 side routes were really good for me (were characters and situations seemed neither forced nor cliched).

Better than most I've played doesn't mean good.
But I generally hate eternal love stories in highscool environment and forced drama, so I am a little biased.

>> No.406622
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So, do we all agree that Utawarerumono is the best VN translated into English?

>> No.406624

There isn't much tragedy in Clannad actually, most of the time you'll cry of happiness rather than sadness.
It's also really funny, seriously.

>> No.406632


Saber remembers because she isn't a whole Servant yet.

>> No.406635

Maybe in Australia it is, but not up here.

>> No.406637

It's at least one of the best since it features Godzilla and battles.

>> No.406643

FSN could have been the best but it was really too bland for me, it could have been executed in a much better way.

>> No.406644

this is pretty much what is considered to be a counter guardian, Archer too is a particular case since he's from the future.

>> No.406645


Even if he remembers his dirty work as a Counter Guardian, they make a big point about how when summoned as a Servant, you won't remember shit about the war in question. So, at the very least, what little growth Archer managed to salvage is pretty much pissed on. Saber's situation is covered elsewhere.

>> No.406651



No. She's not a Servant because she hadn't actually died yet. She never goes to the Throne of Souls or w/e the big reset button is called.

Big, BIG difference.

>> No.406653

Yeah it needed more highschool drama and less action

>> No.406662

>>406651 *sigh*
GTFO retard

>> No.406661
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So, do we all agree that Phantom of Inferno is the best VN released in english?

>> No.406665

Let's write to Nasu about it!

>> No.406666

didn't Archer become a heroic spirit before his death ?

>> No.406667


CRY MOAR, butthurt sagefag.

>> No.406664

Dude, these problems are serious!

>> No.406673

In theory, no.

>> No.406675


He made a contract with ZA WARUDO before his death, but it only kicked off after he died. And die miserably he does.

>> No.406677

Saging this thread suddenly became fun

>> No.406685

CRY LESS, notbutthurt sagefag.

I'm joining in.

>> No.406686

Besides Saber, aren't ALL of the Heroic Spirits Counter Guardians? Most of the time, in order to become a heroic spirit, you have to make a pact with the planet that you will become a Counter Guardian once your life ends in return for gaining power. Nasu made it seem like this was the normal case for becoming a hero, but I guess there is exceptions like Saber.

>> No.406683

thought it was written somewhere he made a contract to become a heroic spirit later if he could reap the powers now.
never happened?

>> No.406692

oh, that's what I misunderstood, I thought he had been stopped in time from there somehow.
must've been mixed up with Saber's story in my head.

>> No.406688



>> No.406701

Proofs that the Type-Moon fags are the cancer who are killing /jp/
You guys were annoying in /a/, you are even more annoying here, enjoy discussing insignificant plot point from your shitty eroge

>> No.406702

No, they're Heroic Spirits because they are recognized by humanity for their accomplishments.

>> No.406704


No, the rest are just... Heroic Spirits. You know, folks who were legends even in life, many of whom were demigods or other such supremely badass people that regular folks never stopped passing on their stories, even after death. They became Heroic Spirits automatically just for being that cool.

Archer the Counter Guardian and Saber the Almost-Heroic Spirit are different cases.

>> No.406705

nah, servants are simple gardians.
they become heroes through miracles they accomplish throughout their life.
they're never actually given the choice to become heroes, I believe

>> No.406770
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You guys that are hating on Archer clearly did not understand him or his story. "Emo"? Wow.

>> No.406774

The only requirement is that they have to save at least one person that was fated to die. Archer did it by making a contract with the world and Saber mentions (in Fate, I think) they she became a hero by her own power. I believe that Rin also mentions that Heroic Spirits continue to defend the world after their deaths, but I don't remember her saying any specific about Counter Guardians.

No idea how people like Medea and Medusa became spirits of any kind in the first place though.

>> No.406780
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You guys that are hating on Makoto clearly did not understand him or his story. "Emo"? Wow.

>> No.406781

A wizard did it.

>> No.406783

We just pity Makoto because he couldn't even keep his bitches in line.
They all abandoned him in the end but one.

>> No.406786

Makoto is a useless shit.

>> No.406799
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>> No.406804

Makoto was much easier to understand compared to Archer from the looks of things.

>> No.406814

I get what Archer's doing. Honestly, if I wanted to become a superhero and ended spending eternity killing Nazis, I'd probably want to go back in time and kill myself, too. Still, that doesn't change the fact that Lancer was the most badass character in Fate.

>> No.406826

Much easier? More like there was nothing to read.

>> No.406832

God, /jp/ really is full of retards nowadays.

>> No.406840


stop trying to look cool by being different.

>> No.406845

Ever17 is better. Tsukihime is better.

I could go on.

>> No.406852

I never said it was deep. I thought it was easy to understand, but from the looks of things, I was wrong. But from somebody like you who is only looking for ways to insult somebody, I guess it would seem "deep".

>> No.406873


>> No.406868

Not everyone thinks Archer is emo because he is actually angry for ruining his life and losing faith in everything he believed in his whole life.

>> No.406905

No, he's right.

If I saw my past self, I'd want to kill him, too.

>> No.406922

Honestly the best things about FSN were reading the summary and seeing all these discussion in /a/ when a translation of the game was still a far away dream.
The game was surprisingly uninspired, the battles weren't exciting and the "slice of life" portions were really boring.

>> No.406957

I don't understand how you faggots can dislike FSN, I've played alot of VN and compared to them FSN is above average easily.

>> No.406972
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Opinions on the internet: very "cool".

>> No.406974

It's cool and edgy to hate it now. Didn't you get the memo?

>> No.406978

Anonymous is a tsundere.

>> No.407019

I don't hate it, I just don't think it's the best thing ever or even the best VN available in english for that matter.
And yes it was a little disappointing after all the hype but I guess it's my fault.

>> No.407088


Hey, every superhero kills Nazis. It's in the job description.

>> No.407143

Archer's goals are just retarded. He knows that killing Shirou won't release him from his self-made Hell, unless he somehow causes a time paradox and fucks over ALL EXISTENCE. It just seems like a last-ditch bit of murderous whining for having willingly screwed himself over for ideals he know are bullshit.

Oh, and acting like a MASSIVE COCK during the entire arc gets him no sympathy points.

>> No.407179

Erasing all existance is not metioned at all during the course of the game.

He just hopes to erase Emiya Shirou(thus himself too).

And of course he acts as a dick, it's kinda hard to achieve his goals (which include to pass as a traitor) if you are not one .

'Sorry Rin, I go with Caster, but I'll have a special place for you in my heart' or 'Hey man, whose existance I loathe and reminds me of my mistakes, how fare thee this fine morn' would make it look stupid.

And finally, Shirou was a fucked up person, he couldn't just realize 'What I'm doing makes no sense, not everyone can be saved'.

>> No.407235


It was mentioned at least once that what he was up to had a slight chance of causing TIME PARADOX and fucking everything up.

Doesn't sound at all like something Shirou would risk, even disillusioned and cranky Archer Shirou.

>> No.407269

I don't remember that. I remember him saying that there was a slight chance that it would erase his own existance and free him from being a Counter Guardian, but nothing about destroying the world.

>> No.407284
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The Time Paradox is what he was AIMING for, so that his existence is erased.

The chances that it works is small ,since in theory hero Emiya will always belong outside timelines, so killing Shirou shouldn't affect it, but if he does it himself, it may work.

And if that doesn't work, he will at least take out his anger on Shirou.

Possibility of ruing reality,time/space or whatever: NOT MENTIONED HERE.

>> No.407294

It is generally believed that at time paradox would destroy reality.

>> No.407300

It is generally believed that a time paradox would destroy reality.

>> No.407320
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And it's generally believed that King Arthur was a man.

>> No.407333


Somehow I don't think Saber's lack of penis is in the same league as TIME PARADOX. For one, the second doesn't lead to it being boned by our main character.

>> No.407340


Nature always tends to follow the path of least resistance. A river flows downhill.

It is easier to correct a paradox by voiding the entire scenario or altering causality so that no conflict exists than to destroy reality.

Thus, a time paradox will not destroy reality.

>> No.407342

You are equating history with theoretical physics.

>> No.407347

And for another, Time Paradox is something that only EXISTS in fiction, and anything we hypothesize about it is without a proof or remote evidence.

So, general beliefs about it are moot.

>> No.407348


You're forgetting how fucked up the Nasuverse tends to be.

>> No.407352

While talking about an universe in which people can reverse causality by pure awesomeness.

>> No.407361


Can't be said often enough.

Fuck yeah, Lancer.

>> No.407363

That's complete bullshit.

>> No.407366



>> No.407369

I still like Tsukhime better but I've only completed Fate thus far. I get the feeling I might really like Heaven's Feel and maybe even UBW

>> No.407376


HF seems pretty awesome.

UBW is overhyped, but it's not bad. Read it for Lancer antics, at least.

>> No.407694

did they fix all those bugs and translation fuckups? Been wanting to get into Phantom of Inferno.
