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File: 541 KB, 806x632, Planetarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4060772 No.4060772 [Reply] [Original]

"Why... Did everything break?"
... Fuck ;_;

>> No.4060786

I still don't understand why everyone cried. It's kinda sad but not enough to cry. I mean the games like 3 hours. I was like "O she died, that sucks"

>> No.4060790 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 800x565, 1219678638402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, the Machine Spirit sings within her.

>> No.4060809

I remember when I played this game a while back. I didn't cry through the whole thing, just felt sad. Right after I finished it and closed it, I just sat there at my desk. And thought about it. I remember that my dorm room door was open and the sun was coming in and the wind was blowing. And I thought about it, and when I realized that the whole time she knew everything about how everyone was dead and how she knew that the junker was going to be her last customer, and how she died and shit, I just fucking started crying man. The tears just wouldn't stop.

>> No.4060813

I don't know, I guess I kinda just downloaded this not really knowing what to expect, I certainly didn't expect what I got anyways.

>> No.4060819

Creepy, living machines that need crazed men consumed by cybernetics to sing songs to them and tell them what good little spirits they are in order to get them to go into battle are not reliable.

>> No.4060837 [DELETED] 

Sooo... When will we see this in a Fallout 3 mod?

>> No.4060845


Fuck yeah, Reverie gets her revenge.

>> No.4060850


Best thing Key ever produced.

>> No.4060858

That's not Clannad

>> No.4060869

What a brilliant idea. A Planetarian mod.

You have to protect Reverie from the BoS trying to hijack her and Jena.

>> No.4060881

"Please excuse me Mr.Customer, but as I currently lack the appropriate imaging device required to project the stars by conventional methods, I will proceed to hit you over the head with this super sledge until trauma induces visual anomalies that my data bases have previously recorded as resembling stars."

>> No.4060907

Well, its not just that they are spirits, you have to dive into the fluff to understand what happened that makes the machines in 40k different from machines and computers in our world. At the peak of humanity's scientific development during the Golden Age, we developed powerful self-aware AI that held the collective knowledge of humans and began to surpass it. These AI used the technology that we developed to try and destroy us. That was the Iron Men. Mankind retaliated with information and cyber-warfare in addition to physically trying to fight the Iron Men. So basically you have countless self-aware viruses and programs running around infesting everything that is capable of containing them. Then the Horus Heresy happened. So basically, the universe's machines got fucked over twice, and when the Adeptus Mechanicus had its civil war, you had loyalists and heretics alike releasing all kinds of new shit into every database and machine that they could find. The problem is that this time, you've got demonic shit from the warp mixed in and possessing machines.

When they pray to the machine spirits, its for a reason. Because there really is a "machine spirit." Fragments of those countless programs exist in the machines, and many of them are somewhat self-aware. If you are lucky, it may just be a lasgun that stops firing because it doesn't like you, or if you are unlucky it could be a computer or grenade that actually tries to kill you by exploding. And if it has been touched by the warp, then you are REALLY in trouble, and you get shit like tanks becoming hosts for daemons and killing everyone in the factory. They pray to the machine spirits to placate them for safety's sake.

>> No.4060920

