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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40594313 No.40594313 [Reply] [Original]

DeepL translation:
Dear MasterCard customer

Thank you for your continued support of this service. We have decided to terminate the agreement regarding payment by MasterCard at 14:00 on 29 July 2022 (Friday).

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and ask MasterCard users to switch to VISA, JCB, Amex or Diners.

>> No.40594534

Monero kills the jew, it’s time to force them to switch.

>> No.40594549


>> No.40595646

But why

>> No.40595907

a lot of card companies don't like it when you use them for buying pornographic material
i get the intention but i don't think the person buying cp or other sort of sex abuse material would be using a card, on japanese site, buying someones doodles of titties

>> No.40596132

Mastercard has been pushing increasingly stringent restrictions on R18 content worldwide, in all likelihood DMM just had enough and opted to drop Mastercard instead of complying with whatever new restrictions they were asked to implement.

>> No.40596199
File: 3.41 MB, 3012x3860, FX4T1cmaQAEuF_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's how the entirety of the Netherlands stopped paying for Eroges and Javs.

>> No.40596445

There are some things money just can't buy
For everything else, there's Mastercard
Unless that thing is Japanese porn in which case lmao

>> No.40596530

Most of the restrictions pushed by credit card companies through now have concerned themselves with how the website is presented, stuff like tags/search on the website, or ID/paperwork on AV type stuff, rather than the actual content of the product once sold. If DMM is flat out dropping MasterCard, have to think that they were pushing something that would have had a material effect on the type of content sold through the store.

>> No.40596558

Full on crypto adoption can't come soon enough

>> No.40596591

just change shitty american culture
no need to adopt a joke currency

>> No.40596605

In an interview, DMM said they were negotiating with MasterCard for the past three months, but no agreement was reached.

>> No.40596606

White people cannot be fixed

>> No.40596617

pornography has a high rate of charge backs which costs them money so they're happy to hide behind "moral" reasons that politicians speak out on.

>> No.40596634

i guess that makes more sense considering the ceos of these companies very well likely go against the thing they speak out about buying a bajillion child slaves

>> No.40597138

I have to think that Mastercard was making good money off of DMM considering its size though, even if smaller sites can be a headache for payment processing.

I wonder if the holdup was more on JAVs or 2D content?

>> No.40597447

In AmEx we trust

>> No.40598752

The internet thrived on porn. That can be the reason. This video is still valid.

>> No.40598755

how the fuck I buy Monero?

>> No.40599312

localmonero (dot) co

monero is the only crypto I like, all the rest suck

>> No.40599624
File: 129 KB, 640x360, putrid flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuke america

>> No.40599759

>No more Eroge and JAV for Mastercard User
more like no more porn for mastercard users. lots of porn sites have been dropping mastercard support for a while now

>> No.40599921

I legitimately don't know Mastercard is such a dick on hentai stuff. I wouldn't consider higher chargeback rate or "buying porn with Mastercard is bad for our branding" are good reasons.

I should be using my Visa and Amex more often. Cryptos are good stuff too. Satoshi Nakamoto should be happy to learn that we are using bitcoin to cum instead of money laundering.

>> No.40600255

That is one other potential option if it remains limited to DMM, there could be a disagreement over if DMM is a "high risk merchant" or not (with a significant difference in associated fees between the two).

>> No.40600719

kek nice one
but seriously will this affect my pirated doujin content since no one can buy it anymore (and share the content with us)

>> No.40600724

...or Russian stuff.

>> No.40601453

Buying with USDC or XMR is easier than changing an entire country's culture. I already do the former.
It even carries the benefit of not being traceable (at least in XMR's case) making it more like a cash transaction than cr*dit card payment.

>> No.40601479

Visa has already dropped support on other pornographic services, though not at the same rate as Mastercard. I think it's only a matter of time before it happens to DMM, sadly. Amex might be safe though, haven't heard of them taking any moralfag positions. I really should get one.

>> No.40601535

Christianity will forever enslave the gaijin

>> No.40601666

Why the hate on America when Amex is still A-okay with DMM
Also fuck off crypto shills

>> No.40601675


>> No.40602013

You will forever be a slave to the banks and payment processors whims. Funny how even governments want to adopt digital currencies anyway so you'll be using government regulated crypto whether you like it or not eventually

>> No.40602600
File: 25 KB, 679x193, 2022-07-21 03.17.31 www.google.com a9d93ef776fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet these rats still allow Kikecard to pay for Onlythots.
Because the degradation of western society is sacred for these parasites, but take it on the weeaboo buying anime drawings

>> No.40602619

That really annoys me the most

>> No.40602627

>cartoon porn bad
>women whoring themself good
Please understand.

>> No.40605056

You can take away my JAV but I'm still not buying cryptotrash.

>> No.40605824

It's funny because even if you want to believe the excuse of "We don't allow adult media purchases because we don't know if it's consentual or abuse material", there's a lot of women who are basically pimped out on there and men always trying to recruit others for their own porn networks
It's just hypocritical, maybe these CEOs are embarassed they got caught looking at tentacle hentai before

>> No.40608022

The weird thing is that it was dropped after failed negotiations network wide to both their all ages and R18 websites, the former of which still allows PayPal of all things. Perhaps there was some type of negotiation conflict over the relationship between the two websites, such as how points purchased on the all ages site can be freely transfer between the two and the R18 site probably has to deal with a bunch of terms and conditions and vastly higher fees than the all ages website, and MasterCard seeing it as exploiting a loophole? Or MasterCard wanting to apply the terms and fees to the R18 website to the all ages version of the website as well?

>> No.40610383

buying and using monero is nothing at all like supporting bitcoin or ethereum or all that crap

fuck bitcoin and speculative crypto ponzi schemes

monero is for anonymous purchasing, not for speculating or profiting

>> No.40611622

this monero nigger is in every fucking thread in any way tangentially related to money on every board
gtfo with your opaque inflationary dead shitcoin only useful for druggies and organ dealers

>> No.40612516

Fed hands typed these words

>> No.40612747

How is monero "dead" when it's the only cryptocurrency with any degree of adoption as an actual currency rather than a speculative asset?
Why would a Fed want to make their own job harder by encouraging people to use digital cash for completely legal purposes?
The IRS recently spent a million trying to develop a system that allows them to trace transactions - not even conclusively trace - and still failed. What makes you think Feds can do it when they have even less money and manpower?

>> No.40612836

I'm fairly confident it's about chargebacks

“These financial institutions probably haven’t found that juice is worth the squeeze,” Ted Rossman, analyst at Creditcards.com, toldFortune.“Is there a likelihood that a lot of customers would be disputing transactions? If that’s the case, that’s expensive in terms of time and money for the banks and the processors and the networks to investigate.”...

...The extensive fees come because the porn industry is beset by high levels of chargebacks and fraud, causing banks to avoid it for the financial—and reputational—risk involved.

“These financial institutions probably haven’t found that juice is worth the squeeze,” Ted Rossman, analyst at Creditcards.com, toldFortune.“Is there a likelihood that a lot of customers would be disputing transactions? If that’s the case, that’s expensive in terms of time and money for the banks and the processors and the networks to investigate.”

>> No.40612860

>gtfo with your opaque inflationary dead shitcoin only useful for druggies and organ dealers
They freak out whenever crypto is brought up and spew boogieman terms to get people to not use it

>> No.40613124

still fine on dlsite

>> No.40613152

GOOD. Credit cards are degenerate.

>> No.40613884

I don't understand the need to use it in the modern day for porn. Crypto is a thing, you know? It's not too challenging to educate people on downloading an app like coinbase or going to their local BTC atm. I want the payment process crypto to be simplified as much as the next person, and the sooner these platforms start mass adopting it the better.

>> No.40614171


Then I guess we still have PayPal, right? I don't know if this common knowledge -- but Paypal handles their own chargeback.

Basically, if I purchase something with paypal+credit card, and I'm not happy with it, I can dispute the charge with *either* paypal or my credit card company. If either party sides with me, I can get my money back. Paypal's chargeback is somewhat related to ebay's consumer protection, and Paypal are way more likely to approve the chargeback than your bank (unless you get Amex).

If those porn sites still accepts Paypal -- then the Mastercard problem wouldn't exist, as Paypal accepts Mastercard anyways -- but this would just be a temporary fix, because we would have to rely on Paypal not caring the high chargeback rate of porn sites.

In addition, I think I need to emphasize that *the merchant* (in our case, the artist/porn site) is the one who sucks the cost whenever the chargeback favors the consumer, not your bank or Visa/Master/Amex. Credit cards in North Amercia (frankly, anywhere outside EU) charge an ungodly amount of processing fee, usually 3% if not 4% for such scenario, and at least what I used to assume was, this 4% fee will act like a sort of an insurance, if a chargeback happen and it's not entirely the merchant's fault, the 4% fee will go to reimburse the customer for the product or service. But it's not the case. The merchant will suck the cost and it will get pass down to the porn artist. This is the shit part of the credit card system. The cost for "investigating" chargeback claims is bullshit. It's not going to cost four fucking percent of *everything* you are buying.

>> No.40614214

Let me put it like this: using crypto for porn is a good thing anyways, even if the porn site supports Mastercard and everything.

Mariott and multiple airlines, other companies had leaked their customers' credit card information, which is exactly what they need to do to allow recurring transactions (monthly subscriptions). And your *real name* is needed and stored by those sites to process transactions.

If pornhub, dlsite, or whatever had an accidental leak of all credit card info, you are screwed. This is a legitimate use of crypto to protect privacy.

>> No.40617551

Beyond Chargeback stuff, in practice, the overall difference between a low risk and high risk merchant account and be a couple percent and ten plus percent of the transaction. If MasterCard tried to force the latter on all of DMM's operations (including their non-R18 site) that would certainly be a reason to drop them network wide.

>> No.40621822

good point, do you really want your boss or coworkers or professor or classmates or wife or girlfriend's parents or anyone else really to know all the porn/gravure sites you subscribe to?

>> No.40623770 [DELETED] 


>> No.40633259

this is sad, we need alternatives

>> No.40646861

it is bullshit, just like all the woke bullshit that big corps participate in, they just like to jump on the bandwagon

>> No.40659035

nobody uses Amex because they charge so much

>> No.40659392

you scared glowboi?

>> No.40665404

Is it even possible to buy from dmm with crypto?

>> No.40665794

I don't think so. If you want to be really safe when ordering, you could use a prepaid, anonymous Visa credit card like Advcash.

>> No.40668863

In the future most of current and past porn works will be considered art.

>> No.40669489

maybe we will be on to AI generated porn that can be customized to any specs or fantasy you have

>> No.40680369


>> No.40691062


>> No.40694456

As an American, I think it's outrageous that credit card companies can and do attempt to police content online. No one voted for them to become the arbiters of speech. It's bullshit and anyone you talk to here would say the same thing. That being said, even in the OP, Visa, American Express, and Diners Club International are all American companies and none of them are doing this. It's just Mastercard that goes after porn online for some reason.

>> No.40699603

Laws are for goyim
Its their world, and you're their property

>> No.40702190

>anonymous Visa credit card like Advcash
sounds like bullshit

>> No.40705845

>As an American, I think it's outrageous that credit card companies can and do attempt to police content online.
If the country wasn't run by megacorps you'd be able to fill up a Govt brand debit card at the post office.

>> No.40706059

it would still go through visa or mastercard

>> No.40711408

I can do just that in my country and it still goes through Mastercard.
Also, even if the American government launched their own credit card operator, it would solve absolutely nothing. It would only change WHO is trying to police content online - a company controlled by politicians instead of one not controlled by politicians. In other words, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.40712831


>> No.40717838

This is how the all-ages future truly begins.

>> No.40726349

sadly payment processing and the international movement of money is something the governments hold dear in their quest for power

>> No.40727750

Oh no
