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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4058506 No.4058506 [Reply] [Original]

DEEN's modified character designs so much better than R07's.

>> No.4058513

sup /a/.

>> No.4058542

Fuck off, I like R07's character designs better.

>> No.4058548

typical umineko neckbeard shut-in faggot in denial

>> No.4058559

You only like it better because it's the original and came out first.

>> No.4058565

agreed with op

>> No.4058581

No, I've stated before that I think they're more charming than DEEN's character designs.
The anime looks too generic.

>> No.4058587

forgot my sage

>> No.4058593
File: 422 KB, 716x378, 1262349396899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete your post and kill yourself for having such a shitty taste

>> No.4058604

Delete your post and kill yourself for loving generic weeaboo shit.
Just because it isn't
doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.4058613


>> No.4058623
File: 136 KB, 200x470, Rudolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're one of those who likes ZUN's hideous art. Typical weeaboo shit or not, it's still leaps and bounds ahead than this.

>> No.4058634

It's not like theres much to surpass you know. Ryukishi has some unique designs in mind but his execution of them isnt very visually appealing

>> No.4058631

You're right, Umineko's art isn't OMG KAWAII DESU NE
That has nothing to do with the fact it isn't good. At all.
You would really think they'd have gotten some artists that can do better than that garbage by now

>> No.4058630

You kill yourself for liking moeblob shit

>> No.4058645
File: 76 KB, 550x473, 1a8dba3acdde1da407b56e638437764b97c56941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said I like the anime art, just saying it's far ahead the VN's art. If you deny this, you're a biased fuck.

>> No.4058646

No. DEEN fails at everything. Even their successes are just a cover for one of their world-shattering failures.

>> No.4058651

I agree and I love the VN and thought the anime was meh. The biggest improvement was Maria, her outfits during the 4th arc were just way too cute, and she's ugly as fuck in the VN.

>> No.4058656

Animefags don't understand the glory of Ryuukishi's expressions. They're too busy refusing the VN because of its "shit art."

>> No.4058662

Deen's designs were rather plain. If they had the exaggerated look of the OP image, they'd be better.

A lot of people will rage about the anime, and while it isn't great, I don't have that big of a problem with it. I hope it leads other people to check out and appreciate the original games.

>> No.4058666
File: 22 KB, 853x480, 1257809344973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both outfits would look better on my bedroom floor.

>> No.4058668

>The biggest improvement was Maria
Maria turned into atrocious moeblob.

>> No.4058670 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4058675
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>> No.4058680

Speaking as someone who read the VN before watching the anime, I like all of the anime's designs better except for Kinzo.

>> No.4058681

Anime goes to /a/. Fuck off Uminekofags.

>> No.4058683

Are all the characters supposed to be aesthetically pleasing? It's like real life, some characters are uglier than others.

Other than R07's hands and the fact he can't CG, I really like the character designs.

>> No.4058687

I swear, umineko retards are the plague of this board.

>> No.4058686


Not just that, but you can only feel strongly one way or another about any given thing. No backpedalling, and no saying that "it was just okay".

>> No.4058690

No, those idol guys are.

>> No.4058697

Idolfags are not the nature of this board. Why don't they just go to /s/?

>> No.4058702

/jp/ is one of the shittiest boards on 4chan, is this news for you?

>> No.4058703

You have to keep in mind that R07 is still Japanese. However, MOST of his character designs are not kawaii desu ne.

>> No.4058714

How many times have I heard that?
According to everyone, every board on 4chan is the shittiest.

>> No.4058719

Most people know truly that /b/ is the shittest, but for the sake of argument they often won't admit it.

>> No.4058725

At least Bern, Lambda and EVA looked great in anime. Especially Bern.

>> No.4058734

At least they keep it in one thread.

>> No.4058735
File: 14 KB, 185x200, 1247680864422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beato looks great too. Where would Umineko be without R07's trollfaces?

>> No.4058739 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4058754
File: 51 KB, 848x480, snapshot20091005194404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4058763 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4058761
File: 149 KB, 364x467, dla_waraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree. I would have liked Beato's design if she looked like the OP though.

Behold the ultimate moe. DEEN would ruin Dlanor's majesty.

>> No.4058924


rika and young takano are hot there

>> No.4059036

If Umineko had moeshit super-beautiful sprites and CGs and shit, how many people do you think would dismiss it as an eroge? I mean, Beato's got cowtits, Gaap's a whore, Maria's there as the obligatory loli...there's 2984958 female characters and 8 male ones.

Ryukishi's designs, while charming as fuck, are not exactly the prettiest things ever. To some, they're laughable, but at least with them people can take the game more seriously.

>> No.4059055

>.there's 2984958 female characters and 8 male ones
That's pretty much existent in all Japanese media.

>> No.4059065

I don't think Deen's art is generic. It'd be better off if it was. It's just ugly.

>> No.4059068

All media ever, actually.

>> No.4059378

>how many people do you think would dismiss it as an eroge?

All of them, because it's not an eroge (erotic game).

>> No.4059404

The Sound Novel's character designs look too chunky.

>> No.4059406

>How many people would think Umineko was an eroge?
>All of them because it's not.

That's all I'm getting out of this.

>> No.4059516


If you were into guro, maybe Umineko could work for you as an eroge.
