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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 281 KB, 1221x660, 72C5999E-1FDE-4EC6-BE69-4CEEF31006B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40580727 No.40580727 [Reply] [Original]

Read more. and listen!
Ignore TATSUMOTO spam
Ignore TATSUMOTO spam

previous thread: >>40565179

>> No.40580734

Follow the DJT guide before asking how to learn Japanese tatsumoto.neocities.org

Make targeted sentence cards (TSCs) for maximum gains.
Read more. and listen!
IGNORE Animecards and Moeway spam.

>> No.40580735


the daily japanese thread will continue now at >>>/int/djt

come post, have fun, and escape the spam!

a message from our tomodachi, ぶんこ and ジャマル

see you there!

>> No.40580738

Tatsumoto is the best guide ever!

>> No.40580739
File: 365 KB, 1920x1080, 1559661150390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

important info for beginners.

>> No.40580744
File: 1.30 MB, 1092x1800, 99813301_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time
use this img

>> No.40580753

>Ignore Tatsumoto
Tatsumoto is unironically the best Japanese language guide out there.

>> No.40580793


True and based! Tatsumoto is the best thing to happen to the Japanese language learning community in decades

>> No.40580829

It's important that you use the correct katakana when typing to avoid embarrassing mistakes like this! The best resource to learn katakana is

>> No.40580835
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LMFAO ANALCREAM doesn't know Japanese

>> No.40580860
File: 11 KB, 437x283, nomorenew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what now?

>> No.40580875

Anki Drone Starter Pack, the most widely recommended deck for beginners.


Then start mining TSCs using Mpvacious

>> No.40580882

When will analspammer stop shitting up our threads with his spam? I thought he left /jp/

>> No.40580895

>escape the spam
the irony

>> No.40580949

10 of the 13 posts above are from you know who. do jannies even?

>> No.40580954

Japanese to English translators make an average of 70k a year! We're all going to escape NEETdom and enter the middle class!

>> No.40580980

Yes Analfag must be stopped!

I found this excellent place to network with other translators to find that job

>> No.40580999

Why would you want to escape NEETdom? I've spent the last painful 5 years ensuring I could enter and secure my NEETdom.

>> No.40581016

I just started my first serious attempt at learning JP. I have the hiragana memorized (mostly, and if you asked me to write them out, no chance). It’s late, so I don’t want to start on anything new, but I wanted to try and see if it could get through a page of a manga. The slightly different and way smaller font than I’m used to is rough. I imagine as I get more acclimated, it’ll feel more evident. Hopefully I don’t give up, good luck all.

>> No.40581029

That's not neetdom that's retirement.

>> No.40581047

i think you meant to post that here >>>/int/djt

>> No.40581050


>> No.40581107

what's your MXID?

>> No.40581287

I'm new to yomichan and stuff, but I've been using anki for a while and have a huge custom deck of simple word -> definitions/some sentences but I wanna use yomichan's auto add thing in the same deck. Is it possible to just have the new yomichan added cards on top of my basic deck?

Also, the words "Kanjium Pitch Accent" show up on one of my cards, but not the accent lines on the hiragana (the graph does show up, but I don't like it desu).

>> No.40581404

Stop making threads so early. I know your bedtime was approaching but the old thread will still be there when you wake up, and if not, you'd survive a day without having your patreon links in the OP.

>> No.40581435

I'm too dumb to be a translator. That or just unwilling to be a shit one.

>> No.40581530
File: 559 KB, 1058x848, 1564619273770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't follow the MoeWay guide because it's a scam run by a turkish tranny. Ignore his idiocy poor fuck is a mentally ill spammer trying to scam people with his site. If you truly wish to learn Japanese i would recommend you to read Tatsumoto's guide to learning Japanese so you will reach true fluency level.

>> No.40581570

Has the quality of these threads ever been lower than this guide faggotry that's been going on?

>> No.40581611

no, this is rock bottom. the entire thread is tatsu talking to himself, and it's not even one of he started.

>> No.40581617

Analcream has brought this upon us.

>> No.40581633

Tatsu doesn't use 4chan. Why do you think he would post here?

>> No.40581650

your replies are repetitive like anki reps. i can recognize every single one of them.

>> No.40581701

>i can recognize every single one of them
show me what you've recognized.

>> No.40581843

you can make yomichan add cards directly to your deck

>> No.40581936


>> No.40581937
File: 66 KB, 555x370, 1658226777990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memento is a FOSS, mpv-based video player for studying Japanese.


>> No.40581948

Memento bros keeps on winning!>>40581937

>> No.40581956
File: 7 KB, 349x125, hOrnf48Ev2pE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true!

>> No.40581991

only thing you are winning is the porn addicted doutei nerd loser who doesnt know japanese competition

>> No.40582011

this is djt. nobody knows japanese here.

>> No.40582062
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Reminder that tatsuhomo is a shill who plagues these threads and samefags so badly that we have to put up warnings in the OP.

But we don't use animecards or learnjapanese. The best guide has always been on itazuraneko(the only site that doesn't beg for donations).

>> No.40582083

tatsumoto reminds me of those snake oil salesmen with always shilling his stolen sentence cards or whatever, except he's not charming or smart enough to manipulate people lol

>> No.40582111

Tatsumoto never plagued anything. It's the official DJT guide.

>> No.40582149

Is it possible to learn 2 langauges at once?

>> No.40582226


Tatsumoto's advice:
>just use the fucking language!
>use whatever learning method, just keep using the language doing things you like!
>i give you a few good anki decks for free, but they are optional

Animetards and themoeway's advice:
>use my anki deck
>watch dolly's videos because I say so
>subscribe to my patreon for more!
>join my Cringecord

>> No.40582311

If I use the export feature in anki will that export my progress as well as my deck? I'm migrating to a different computer in a few days.

>> No.40582372

Then what's the point of the special template deck in the animecards site? Is there some setting I need to change on my current deck?

>> No.40582435

animecards site is a scam made by a mentally ill spammer. you don't need that template to use yomichan.

>> No.40582477

goddamnit I don't care about your fucking namefag drama, give me an answer faggot

>> No.40582556


>> No.40582984

What's the best extension for reading raw manga on tachiyomi?

>> No.40583199

When is it appropriate to use onegaishimasu and what does it really mean?

>> No.40583211

it means お願いする

>> No.40583222

Wow, thanks anon, it sucks that I already knew that, but thanks for trying anyway.

>> No.40583273

lol ngmi

>> No.40583333

This is not the beginner thread
Stop asking n∞ questions

>> No.40583612
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time for morning anki

>> No.40583652

戯言 - たわごと
戯れ言 - ざれごと
戯れ - たわむれ
hate this shit

>> No.40583686

this is the beginner thread, ask whatever you want

>> No.40583947
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also nice
also true
theres no answer anon, what does anything mean? meaning is an agreed upon collective delusion. you need to use your own intuition and cognizance in order to acquire that answer, yourself, it can not be given to you
generally its used when making a request, but not always and theres different levels of request politeness and relationships to think about, translators like saying it means please but that's not all it means.
anon is right that it means お願いする
an6way heres interesting reading on the subject https://docoic.com/55123

yosh its tako tuesday!!!

>> No.40583953

why does my piss turn red?

>> No.40583968

where the fuck are the good nukige at? it has been months since the last good one (tomefure 2)

>> No.40583979

rhabdomyolysis, see a doctor NOW

>> No.40583999


>> No.40584015


>> No.40584031
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>> No.40584047

I'm sorry I don't speak german

>> No.40584054


>> No.40584096
File: 355 KB, 372x415, 1657922675036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i love 羊

hmmmm maybe i should pick up rust in japanese anyone played it?

>> No.40584119

hitsujisaru ???

>> No.40584151
File: 576 KB, 560x590, 4e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey weebs, what is the general jist of this song?
I know not your personal army and all that jazz but I just don't know how to explain my infatuation with the song. I've listened to it so much but I'm simply not the skilled in the nihongos to actually understand any of it. The music video itself captivates me I guess. I have no expectations that anyone might look into this but if they do, you will have given an anon context for something they have spent probable days of their with.

>> No.40584153
File: 96 KB, 520x600, Garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heroine with Big Breasts

>> No.40584232

heres the lyrics https://qrics.com/japanese/%E6%83%91%E6%98%9F%E3%82%A2%E3%83%96%E3%83%8E%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AB-LET-IT-DIE-%E6%99%82%E3%82%92%E3%81%8B%E3%81%91%E3%82%8B%E6%AE%BA%E3%81%97%E5%B1%8B-3142
really nice song, added thanks
as to what it means? its music, it means whatever you want it to mean, you can mine and translate the lyrics if you want a machine interpretation
really liking this girl, thanks for posting the song

>> No.40584307
File: 71 KB, 675x450, helianthus-yellow-flower-pixabay_11863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, thank you for helping me. I greatly appreciate this. I will set aside some time to mine this.

>> No.40584323 [DELETED] 

tf when you rush to shit and the first log is almost out as soon as you sit down

>> No.40584325

no worries really like it

>> No.40584391

as for me its error

>> No.40584423

I doubt anyone here works out enough to get rhabdo
anyways, wew this thread is trash

>> No.40584436

i had it once, do not recommend

>> No.40584463

holy nice

>> No.40584496

that is why im learning japanese

>> No.40584528

want boing boing jk gf bros...

>> No.40584759

yoooo shes live!!

>> No.40584889
File: 491 KB, 1253x886, 537fe30c4971bcf85d19ab0437fad307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is why Im learning Japanese.

>> No.40584912
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This is why I'm learning Japanese

>> No.40584982
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as for me

>> No.40585187

analspam hands wrote this post

>> No.40585349
File: 29 KB, 736x314, 1621996439965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why im learning japanese

>> No.40585371
File: 1023 KB, 1000x1500, 1657263560079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why im learning japanese

>> No.40585404

im learning japanese because it makes me dokidoki when 熟女s say im 真っ白

>> No.40585450

as for me

>> No.40585476

Of course especially if both of those languages have the same parent language i.e. latin based etc.
If they are too similar it can get confusing though

>> No.40585504

love that song

>> No.40585518
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as for me
it's linnies

>> No.40585568
File: 329 KB, 608x491, 1658246527904077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the ultimate proof the advanced thread is on int don't miss autistic imbeciles arguing with a nip that the nip is wrong
advanced thread bros, its time to go home with all your favorite threadcelebs

>> No.40585582

just cuz someone has japanese flag doesn't mean they're a nip

>> No.40585590

saw that, reminded me of 4king arguing with a guy that lives in japan about the japaneses' guy cost of living

glad 4king found a new home

>> No.40585611

don't care keep it in your beginner thread

>> No.40585618


>> No.40585640

don't care keep it in the advanced thread

>> No.40585915
File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, 1655226170414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Japanese travel app where I can enter a destination and origin then it calculates the best route for me with public transport?
All I can find are apps for individual things like trains or buses

>> No.40585928

google maps?

>> No.40585957

I guess it will do.
In my shithole of a country we have an app that gives you options for every form of public transport combined though, its so much more clear

>> No.40585969

there are actual natives you can ask this question over at >>>/int/djt

>> No.40585989

ye native english teachers lol

>> No.40585990

check the beginner thread in /int/ !! we all are にほんぎらい here

>> No.40585996
File: 47 KB, 1920x1068, Screenshot 2022-07-19 125927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small question. I want to use Yukkuri Movie Maker 3, however it is in Japanese and I'd like to simply just modify the program and change the menu's text options to English for personal use and convince through file editing and a dictionary. How would I go about doing this, what files or file would I need to edit? Thank you very much if someone helps.

>> No.40586022
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>> No.40586025

thats the app everyone uses, if you are in any city itll work

>> No.40586038

I'm sorry, is this the wrong place to ask? I like those hand-drawn type videos like Horned Owl and Bat by Kawabug and I want to try my hand at making something similar. I apologize if this is the wrong place and I'm intruding.

>> No.40586045

both of these are great if hyperdia doesn't work for w/e reason

>> No.40586053

yeah I know that one but it doesnt allow you to enter addresses only stations, and its exclusively for trains.
thanks senpais

>> No.40586056

would help you but i dont know computer stuff

>> No.40586064


>> No.40586074

Oh, well thank you either way. I hope your journey to learning Japanese goes well.

>> No.40586108

no worries, jorudan is good but costs money, try the other one first, if neither work, theres google maps but those 2 should do and have bus stops and schedules on top of trains

>> No.40586152
File: 409 KB, 800x1000, 58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell me on learning radicals

>> No.40586163

it helps a lot with remembering definition of words quickly or being able to make good guesses, plus its not difficult and kind of interesting.

only learn the important and common ones though, and make sure you learn the true definitions. Meme definitions like wakani always fail at some point and then you realise just how retarded their definitions are

>> No.40586255

i won't because i believe it's a waste of time since you'll naturally pick them up as you acquire vocab
if you want to go full autismo and learn all their names and shit you can always do that once you actually know japanese
sure it *can* help you in discerning new kanji more quickly but the question is whether the time and effort spent learning radicals upfront is really worth the benefit here and i just don't see it

>> No.40586310

im with this guy, the important ones youll learn naturally and as time goes even kanji with minute differences will seem obvious
there's imho no point trying to bruteforce them, especially in english

>> No.40586370

thx whoever posted the milf sailor Moon cosplay ntr yesterday just gooned

>> No.40586390

my pleasure

>> No.40586566

yh thanks bro

>> No.40586578

yes learn radicals by their japanese names so that you understand your japanese wife when she critiques your penmanship and teaches you kanji

>> No.40586688



>> No.40586700
File: 2.91 MB, 852x480, 1658027820809.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me meeting my japanese wife and her best friend

>> No.40586754


>> No.40586822


>> No.40586873
File: 3.79 MB, 4882x3307, __tokisaki_mio_and_tokisaki_asaba_original_drawn_by_niliu_chahui__2e0a73066f0a1ed7433f9abedc3eb163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me meating my japanese wife and her best friend

>> No.40586897


>> No.40586917

How do I escape the trap of translating sentences in my head? I have a compulsion to make sure I understand what I'm reading but for some reason the only way I can do that is by understanding it in English

Sad that by the time most of us learn Japanese that will probably be lower middle class if that
I can't check because my cell is roaming rn but I'm pretty sure I've used rawkuma before. It's alright, but you can probably just download raws from nyaa. If it's a bunch of images, just put them in a zip file and change the extension to .cbz and tachiyomi should read it fine
You might just be out of luck. As far as I could guess those are probably baked into the exe itself. There might be some sort of text file that it's using to grab text from but I kind of doubt that

>> No.40586930

switch to j-j definitions

>> No.40586965

have you watched fullmetal alchemist? when you translate in your head, you're doing a complete transmutation. be like scar and just stop when you've done the important decomposition part.

>> No.40587018

you would probably need to search in the exe binary for the text you want to change with the programs such as ghidra or IDA Pro.

>> No.40587025

do j j definitions also realize why it is you translate in your head, it is because you don't understand the japanese, if you did, you wouldn't go further.
it really sucks at first but you have to accept the japanese as the truth of this world. you may think about it in pictures, colors, flavours, textures, or whatever it is you use to conceptualize things, but NOT ENGLISH WORDS.
maybe thisll help you, when listening to music or watching stuff, i used to visualize the way things were written (kana/kanji/we), in my head, then came images, now for most words its nothing
mind you i haven't made it but neither do i translate in my head and i feel like i understand the 4 or 5 hours of unsubbed stuff i listen to a day

>> No.40587130

I'll try it out, any dictionary recs?
Good point that I should start tying Japanese words to concepts instead of the English words that represent concepts, at least if I understood you right
Lel, noted and thx for the analogy

To follow up a little bit though,
If you're experienced in programming at all and have way too much free time on your hands, you could in theory disassemble the exe into bytecode and search for the snippets that correspond to the text you want to change, change those, then recompile it. The issue with that is determining if it's in little or big endian, properly disassembling it, and determining how the japanese text was represented (unicode or something else, probably) so that you can appropriately replace these portions with text that works
This might also be relevant, if you can figure out what language it was written in you might be able to decompile it in a workable manner:
My post was late because I had no signal but also yeah what this guy said lol

>> No.40587191


>> No.40587208

nta but i like https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp
it uses short, clear definitions, and i ended preferring it to the others i tried
also, you are right about associating nip words with japanese, also part of the point is that having a blank mind is hard, so by having something that is not english in it, you prevent it lingering there if that makes sense (ie, not thinking about a pink elefant is hard, thinking about something else and leaving no room for the elefant, is easy)

>> No.40587218
File: 230 KB, 526x600, 1619357150368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a repository for children books for like total beginners (even brain damaged level would help)

>> No.40587230

tadoku and hukumusme have some children stories

>> No.40587252

seconding hukumusume

>> No.40587258

tyvm anon time to get some reps in

>> No.40587290

why is it that japanese almost never use 5.1 surround, but their dubs often will?

>> No.40587317

japanese rooms are often tiny and using 5.1 would get them kicked out cause the soundproofing is also terrible

>> No.40587395

Thank you very much

>> No.40587399
File: 9 KB, 349x130, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miss anki for 1 (ONE) day

>> No.40587406

delete deck and start over

>> No.40587411

if youre struggling to remember or differentiate kanji it can help

>> No.40587418
File: 310 KB, 1131x1600, c5ed6e019a25897407ce403493f1499c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do it

>> No.40587444

Bro, those are some baby numbers. You're never going to learn Japanese like that.

>> No.40587452

Trips of truth but I've also only started out a week or two ago.

>> No.40587480

That makes it even worse. You're still learning the easy words.

>> No.40587486

wanna do her bros...
protip: external streaks are meaningless, set your clock to whatever you want and save it if its important to you, the only streak that matters is in your heart
you are gonna make it bro!

>> No.40587657
File: 4 KB, 134x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.40587750

think its a type of dog

>> No.40587783

it just means female dog

>> No.40587828
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>> No.40587874


>> No.40588022

You should be doing 25 new words a day minimum

>> No.40588028

I have a job.

>> No.40588034

correct, it's called anki

>> No.40588039

No no, I meant a real one.

>> No.40588060

So do I faggot. I can tell you from experience 25 words a day is like a 45 minute daily commitment. If you don't have at least 45 minutes a day to commit to anki on top of immersion and are already missing days you're never gonna make it. May as well go to reddit.

>> No.40588080

Just curious, how many hours of commute do you have in a day?

>> No.40588101

don't worry too much about it, its a lot, lot harder at the start, in a few months all the stuff that seems hard now will seem natural and youll be picking up so many words naturally that making cards for every word or kanji will be a hassle, there really are bo words or kanji harder than your first ones

>> No.40588118

lol (true)

>> No.40588292

Do you want to learn Japanese, or do you just want to bitch, whine, and make excuses?

>> No.40588303
File: 17 KB, 800x400, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do both at the same time.

>> No.40588436
File: 319 KB, 661x728, 1658205495370958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my man

>> No.40588457

鏖君, even tho you are a dick at times i appreciate posts like this guy

>> No.40588480

Bruh you need to relax lmao you dont know anything about this guys life

>> No.40588499


>> No.40588514

Still not gonna get anywhere learning 10 words a day, especially not if you're not doing it every day. Japanese isn't something you can learn spending 15 minutes a day on. Are you reading/immersing? I usually get my anki done during my lunch and other breaks at work and can just come home and immerse more or less. Although at your stage I'd probably recommend more reps over immersion for a couple weeks. Gotta know a couple hundred words before you can really start meaningfully reading

>> No.40588529

Hes learning 20 a day and he just missed one day lmao

>> No.40588531

I'm doing 20 a day on all the days I can do it, this was my first skip in a week or so. Haven't gotten into reading, I'm planning to get the Japanese Mushoku Tensei LNs and then start a mining deck out of that after doing a couple more weeks like you said. I've also still not gotten through Tae Kim's grammar guide. Should really prioritize that during commute over youtube videos.

>> No.40588563
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>> No.40588574

Impressive, very nice.

>> No.40588578

My mistake then, I interpreted the 20 as "10x2" from missing a day. 20 words a day is respectable.

>> No.40588582
File: 1.90 MB, 1300x1920, 1658248489314340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy nice time to celebrate

>> No.40588595
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x720, 1658268193400443.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40588636

No one here is going to get to a level where they can translate. Especially not by sitting around masturbating to VN's once or twice a week.

>> No.40588705

Anki doesn't add more new words if you miss a day...

>> No.40588860 [SPOILER] 
File: 252 KB, 1929x1365, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bros

>> No.40588864
File: 243 KB, 839x1204, 1553147601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gooning to vns when jav and manga exist

>> No.40589046
File: 18 KB, 653x226, ankk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I haven't done mine in a little bit

>> No.40589072

I wouldn't know

>> No.40589101
File: 46 KB, 256x365, 30179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, vns are nice too!

>> No.40589210
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>> No.40589292

Another day another chapter. 8 words mined.

>> No.40589407




>> No.40589434
File: 218 KB, 1212x1200, 5d92b2eef7c2e5d81069b36e3b9632c6-3139730078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.40589444

i can't read this japanese shit guys. please post in english.

>> No.40589453


>> No.40589454


>> No.40589464


>> No.40589488

started reading my first novel and got my ass eaten wtf? i thought i was close to making it?

>> No.40589492

w..wat.. w..which novel...? a..asking for a friend..

>> No.40589551

really hard to concentrate when that happens

>> No.40589572

same except i have trigger finger in my left middle finger and it annoys me

>> No.40589577

Hey fellers, am a little confused by the ni particle in this situation.
Sticking it into google translate gives me "when you laugh," and I know the umineko title has a similar translation. Is this accurate, and can you really stick ni at the end of a clause to mean when? Thanks.

>> No.40589645

yeah bro
t. n6

>> No.40589675


>> No.40589820

do i man up and use genki or is imabi fine?

>> No.40589863

structural functional japanese

>> No.40589870

>genki imabi
they are on the opposite ends of the autism spectrum from one another.

>> No.40589874

imabi is retarded dog shit.

>> No.40589904
File: 18 KB, 250x250, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then what

>> No.40590064



>> No.40590099

bitch accent. それ以上です。

>> No.40590112

it wasn't a disendorsement. learning grammar really depends what works for you. most people hate learning grammar, so tae kim is the most recommended because of how easily digestible it is.

>> No.40590130

everything is on library genesis and or YouTube and the rest of the net anon, if you want a resource, i will hand it to you, if i can find it (im good at finding things)
here is the answer you need though:
everyone in 4chan is to some degree, retarded. this is a fountain of information, try all things and see what works for you.
do not do things blindly that someone says or recommends
that said, cure dolly but really everything is about as useful as reading about driving or playing an instrument, although its not useless, for things to sink in you need to drive a fair bit.
here anon, learn grammar by immersion
reach out and grasp the answers you seek yourself anon!

>> No.40590142

tldr you dont know jack shit, got it 気に流れ

>> No.40590156

thanks anon great post

>> No.40590164


>> No.40590172


>> No.40590219

this bitch has two left ashi lol

>> No.40590240

yup, happens all the time these days
that's why you always should ask girls to show you their feet when you meet them to make sure they aren't freaky mutants

>> No.40590254


>> No.40590257

last time i asked a girl to show me her feet she told me to sub to her onlyfans
remember to gatekeep your interests lads

>> No.40590264


>> No.40590306




>> No.40590450

this site and this dudes games are all gold, check them out if you are looking for something to immerse, its all free rpgs
theyre really really good

>> No.40590503
File: 138 KB, 480x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im new here
i need your help djt
best deck to learn kana?

>> No.40590506

oh gee i wonder who will pen the reply and what will be recommended. do jannies even?

>> No.40590528

don't use anki for that
the quickest way to get kana is to hunt down a fellow beginner learner and eat their heart

>> No.40590535
File: 167 KB, 519x672, firefox_z2PpvUS128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend looking at Tofugu's ultimate guide for hiragana and katakana. The mnemonics will help you memorize them. I personally learned the old fashioned way and wrote them over and over though.

>> No.40590548


>> No.40590593

Go to realkana website
Quick and easy

>> No.40590612

Question about early Genki.

Is the structure X は Y です specifically applicable to statements or sentences in general?

So I’m at the introduction of other particles in lesson 3 and the formula is now like Direct Object を Verb, so that doesn’t really follow the same thing

>> No.40590616
File: 73 KB, 874x1024, 1643887834622m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this thread was a disappointment

>> No.40590618


>> No.40590622
File: 893 KB, 480x464, jOi931tp7433o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the anki version + audio.
thanks anon!

>> No.40590625

another spam prompt lol

>> No.40590635




>> No.40590641

i dont see you making good posts

>> No.40590696

>started reading recently
>spend a few hours reading at a snails pace
>starting to enjoy the story a lot
>finish studying and spend my free time reading the rest of the content in english
>dont feel like rereading it in Japanese
i'm disabled i need to find things that haven't been translated so my monkey brain cant do this to me

>> No.40590706

What medium are you interested in?

>> No.40590707

np good luck anon

>> No.40590713

what's interesting is that the translation wasn't so bad that you'd rather keep slowly reading in jp

>> No.40590717

play through those theres no engkish version and most are 5 to 20 minutes tops

>> No.40590739

I've only been doing manga so far. I think I'm going to look for some LNs/VNs that interest me though soon.

the fact that I can play these in a browser and be lazy is perfect. thanks anon

the only really awful ones that come to my mind are hawks translation of berserk. really old scanlations with bad translations are charming in their own way though

>> No.40590833



>> No.40591027


>> No.40591053


>> No.40591119




>> No.40591244

medium breasts

>> No.40591270

We usually recommend the official DJT guide for learning kana.
This is also the fastest and most efficient way to learn kana ever invented. Don't fall for other sites you've been linked, they use nonfree JavaScript and track you with ads

>> No.40591302

how do you guys keep up with this shit
literally feels like all i do is study these days

>> No.40591318

tatsu is so mentally ill hes spamming threads in /trash/

>> No.40591331

mind, body, soul
keep studying, but take care of the other two too

>> No.40591359

because eventually you'll reach the point where "studying" is just looking up the occasional word in danganronpa or something while you enjoy and read it. i prob read 3-4 hours a day minimum just because manga and games are fun

>> No.40591369

>start amagami
>the first 5 sentences of the game have me look up every 3rd word

>> No.40591373

Tatsumoto doesn't even post on 4chan, analcretin.


>> No.40591379

>give me the answer
Read Tatsumoto's guide to learning Japanese.

>> No.40591383

i'm motivated and enjoy learning and don't feel like it's a waste of time but i am burning resources pursuing this and it does make me anxious

>> No.40591392

dude there was a time like 10 months or so ago where it made my entire day that i could read
私はアンンです in tango n5, and now im comfortably reading danganronpa with only minor lookups. my listening is stitll pretty bad, precure and card captor sakura no subs are easy but kamen rider revice is a bit tricky at times for me. its just time in time out

>> No.40591398 [DELETED] 

All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus, everyday words used commonly in Japan.
Download Ankidrone Starter Pack https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/basic-vocabulary.html

>> No.40591405

Do you enjoy anime? If so just watch anime in Japanese and use yomichan+mpvacious to look up words. It is not something you can burn out of.

>> No.40591408

You would be burning less time if you used a more efficient card format like TSCs

garbage deck. uses sentence cards instead of TSCs

>> No.40591421

for vocab i already have randomized sentences that are 1T or 1T+1 based off terms i have already studied
my study flow is already pretty good, but hundreds of cards a day still eats time, then the need to immerse myself and mine some more

>> No.40591423 [DELETED] 

trash book. tatsu says to read all about particles

>> No.40591425

Based. If I didn't switch to TSCs earlier this year, I wouldn't be fluent by now.

>> No.40591429

I double this.

>> No.40591443

Just make sure you are following the official DJT guide for anki setup

>> No.40591446

which can be found here

>> No.40591483


>> No.40591556

newcomers don't forget to read the op post

>> No.40591597

She really have titties

>> No.40591684
File: 377 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20220719-020518_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love qt 受付嬢

>> No.40591691









>> No.40591715


>> No.40591729










>> No.40591858

the post below the op post.

>> No.40591935
File: 12 KB, 507x37, anki_DYVXikYnKL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done it!

>> No.40591991
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>> No.40592032

Please recommend me stuff to read.
My level is around "retarded japanese kid" tier.

I read the VN Hanahira! and the manga 黒 in the past.

>> No.40592112
File: 1.89 MB, 6020x4060, 1658038199143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

us just learning japanese like bros
hukumusume, orenoerohon, doujinmura, https://www.freem.ne.jp/brand/10667 are all great
yurukill just came out if into vns
stray in japanese for a japanese cat simulator

>> No.40592463
File: 476 KB, 1080x1080, o1080108014799982063-3202093711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.40592480

I'm not a pedo...
It's just that I know a lot of dirty words in Japanese and loli protags use simple language so its easy to understand those...

>> No.40592492
File: 616 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20220720-114822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes making it

>> No.40592541
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>> No.40592547

fuck now I remember why I stopped trying to play japanese games back then
i'm playing a game on the DS and the kanji is so fucking small i have no idea how to decipher it even from context

>> No.40592576

okay I figured out it was 繋
fuck my fucking life

>> No.40592600

acquired 繋

>> No.40592675

I know this is nothing compared to what most people here can read, but having just started about a week ago, I was able to read a sentence in the wild for the first time without it being completely in hiragana and katakana and it made me recall some super basic grammar points without needing to refer back to a grammar guide. It was just a simple YouTube comment, but it was still nice to be able to do that. Below is the sentence. Despite how easy it probably is, I feel good being able to read it and understand it.

>> No.40592690

What are the actual differences between themoeway and tatsumoto? They seem fairly similar to me.

>> No.40592698

see >>40582226

>> No.40592710
File: 64 KB, 772x341, 1655319995182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moeway is a patreon scam, tatsumoto is a japanese learning guide.

>> No.40592728
File: 411 KB, 648x928, 1658311278466991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based gmi

>> No.40592788
File: 187 KB, 927x274, 1642051245536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do the dots next to each character imply? some kind of punctuation or emphasis to how it's being said?

>> No.40592845

I'm guessing it implies he's speaking like this
いち ねん で いち ばん ひょう こう が たか い
like he's lecturing or something

>> No.40592908
File: 2.81 MB, 480x270, FRIEND SEX[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff5rrhd.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40593117

Whenever I try to watch anime or read I end up quitting after like 15 minutes because it's such a pain in the ass to look up every single word I come across and trying to figure out what the fuck the sentence is supposed to mean, especially since sometimes I think it doesn't pick it up right and ends up giving me something nonsensical, and other times it detects the correct word but I'm not sure if it's right because it's odd.
Should I just wait until I know some more grammar and have a basic vocabulary before bothering? I've only been studying for two weeks and I feel like the only thing I get out of trying to consume media is frustration.

>> No.40593133

try asking on >>>/int/djt

>> No.40593165
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>> No.40593280

emphasis yes, like underlining or italics

>> No.40593331

do the core2.3k then start mining animecards, 2 weeks is basically impossible to start reading

gakkougurashi, any kirara comic

>> No.40593363

>analtard is still spamming his patreon deck

i thought you left the thread?

>> No.40593374

All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus, everyday words used commonly in Japan.
Download Ankidrone Starter Pack https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/basic-vocabulary.html

>> No.40593397
File: 60 KB, 594x291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reps done, 15 new words. high new word count on stats is because I couldn't finish my reps for a bunch of days

>> No.40593401

I'm using the moeway tango n5 deck, which covers basically the same material as far as I know, just in a different way. I'm probably going to switch to the ankidrone decks after I'm done with it though because I really like the targeted sentence card approach they use, it's just that I'm deep enough into this one that I don't want to restart.

>> No.40593414

I hope you are using TSCs to maximize fluency gains


>> No.40593422

What's a LN or VN with a lot of katakana in it? I keep on forgetting katakana so I need to read and mine it more.

please help djt :(

>> No.40593431

The most important part about learning Japanese as a whole, no matter what deck you are going through, is using TSCs. Don't underestimate the significance of card templates.

>> No.40593439


not sure in particular but look for things with robots or aliens

>> No.40593445

Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary.

>> No.40593452

We usually recommend the official DJT guide for learning katakana.
This is also the fastest and most efficient way to learn kana ever invented. You shouldn't be reading VNs as they are proprietary and dangerous.

>> No.40593461
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1920, 1560052451632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally fell for the analspammer meme.

>> No.40593468

wish mods would add this site to the spam filter

>> No.40593480

mods should add the following sites to the spam filter
(don't click on them, they contain malware)

>> No.40593498

Why are these threads so schizophrenic?

>> No.40593506

Almost every thread on every board seems schizo to me these days.

>> No.40593517

Most aren't anywhere near as bad as this.

>> No.40593538

Bacause Analcream hijacked the OP, look at this mess >>40580727

>> No.40593539

mods choose to do nothing about tatsucuckold

>> No.40593573

I've been at this for 3 or 4 months now and I'm retarded, but yeah I was in the position as you. You're not confident with what words mean so you get paranoid doubts over whether jisho/yomichan is giving you the right words or not. DeepL helps, but having a grasp of basic vocab and grammar does give you a sense of whether lookup tools are right or not.

The earlier you start reading the better, tho

>> No.40593598

analcringe, you should be on /int/

>> No.40593608

he hasn't posted since march so it's not him

>> No.40593611

Sounds like you need the Anki Drone Starter Pack

>> No.40593649

He's ruining the /int/ thread right now. If you go there, you can see it in real time.

>> No.40593666

nope don't see it

>> No.40593770

has anyone ever gone through the trouble of compiling vocabulary lists for manga to study beforehand because i am TIRED of looking up kanji when i'm trying to immerse myself in a story

>> No.40593803

I know that exists for Yotsubato but I'm not sure about anything else

>> No.40593836

Yes. You need to use this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/basic-vocabulary.html
This should cover almost everything in your manga.

>> No.40593844

>almost everything
nigger i just told you i am tired of looking up kanji

>> No.40593864

According to Tatsumoto:
>Not all words are created equal. In Japanese, the most frequently used 1,000 words comprise around 75% of all written language. After memorizing the most frequently used 1,000 or 2,000 words learning vocabulary from immersion becomes easier. When reading you'll be able to recognize the majority of words in a given sentence.
Tatsumoto is near native level so I'd trust what he says and use the deck

>> No.40593874

He's right about doing ankidrone. Learn kanji with the words. When you finish it, you will know thousands of kanji words.
Don't learn just kanji, they don't mean anything.

>> No.40593890

look man i just want to read a full volume of manga without opening up jisho once, not at 75%, or at 98% comprehension, completely

just say no if you don't know a vocab list for any manga please

>> No.40593964

If you just don't want to look up kanji, here is how to use OCR so you can use a hover dictionary while reading https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/mining-from-manga.html

>> No.40593981

Guys, I'm too addicted to learning Japanese and my life is falling apart. Please give me some reasons to quit learning.

>> No.40594007

Thank you

>> No.40594046

kys analfag, get cancer. you have killed djt.

>> No.40594103

jesus fucking christ the tats spam in this thread is insane. his rent must be due

>> No.40594112

bump, still need help with this

>> No.40594124

Is Japan ever going to open up or are they just gonna a continue pretending COVID is dangerous or even real forever? Because at this point I'm thinking they will just keep pretending forever until the next super scary deadly global pandemic hits.

>> No.40594157

tatsu doesn't post on 4chan anymore. he left us last year... this must be some crazy fan lmao

>> No.40594185

true true. could be any of tatsugod's many fans

>> No.40594206

there's 2 of them posting from shitholes based on their int flags

>> No.40594252

miss bunbro

>> No.40594323

what do they gain by opening up?

>> No.40594333

smelly gaijin white pig english teachers

>> No.40594343

he's in the int japanese thread and pops into the int djt thread to tell everyone that they're not going to make it
he goes in phases, he did the same thing last year after getting doxxed

>> No.40594346

I'm almost convinced it's some elaborate falseflag at this point

>> No.40594373
File: 379 KB, 1536x2048, 20220720_114559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still here

>> No.40594378

welp 1000 years of isolation incoming then
a while ago he did say he stopped looking for a job because he made enough from whatever he is doing here, so he definitely relies on it, probably has something other than the patreon that makes him money on his website getting views

>> No.40594401

About 400 billion in tourism money? You're joking right?

>> No.40594404

Even if he is, the cultish posts in these threads probably do more to turn people away from his site than direct traffic towards it.

>> No.40594445


>> No.40594449

if my livelihood depended on making myself look like a fool in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator I'd kill myself

>> No.40594464
File: 149 KB, 1606x894, 1638333452812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.1 gdp
they don't care, that's worth it to appease their old population that value perceived stability and "health"
not having filthy waito piggu gaijin coming into their country and coughing on them is an excellent way to get votes from old people

>> No.40594500

fuck i'm blind meant 0.7% gdp

>> No.40594530

>he stopped looking for a job because he made enough from whatever he is doing here,
and you believed him?

>> No.40594554

well he obviously isn't working if he can spend this much time spamming, so yeah it checks out

>> No.40594555

That's true, but they will need that money at some point. They "opened" up to some tourism last month but it is guided tours and other boring shit like that.

Also in 2019 it was 7.5% of their GDP, that is a huge amount. I'm not sure what numbers you got but look again.

>> No.40594572

he's mentally ill, delusional, and lies as if he's breathing
he definitely lives off his parents/autism bucks

>> No.40594731

sounds like a good compromise for them
they get some money and the filthy waito piggu nigger cattle get herded around where they can't cough on respectable nihonjin on north korean-esque tours, there's no longer any point in opening up
great success!

>> No.40594733

on the contrary, he must be very busy, otherwise he'd post here
but he doesn't even visit this thread

>> No.40594744

there's no evidence he actually said that

>> No.40594769


>> No.40594832
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>> No.40595073
File: 6 KB, 310x77, 104026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the left most Chinese character

>> No.40595074

How do you look up words if you're watching anime without subs?

>> No.40595206

type them into a yomichan window

>> No.40595215


>> No.40595254
File: 611 KB, 1200x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40595271

or maybe 攻略速度

>> No.40595274
File: 29 KB, 755x465, 1635352383963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does anki say i have a bunch of cards due 35 days ago but there's no way i can do them and they have been there for quite a while

>> No.40595283

oh they were filtered for some reason never mind

>> No.40595377


>> No.40595480


>> No.40595620

yooooo todays koyoku!

>> No.40595639

jp subs are a pain, and you need something softsubbed anyway to use retimer, so dl the eng subbed anime and watch with subtitles hidden. if you hear a word you don't understand, but can transcribe it, then write it down and look it up. if you can't transcribe it, peek at the english subs and back into the word on jisho. if the english subs are fucked and you really want the word that badly, mark the timestamp and come back to it after you've found jp subs for the episode. or clip the line and ask someone better than you.

>> No.40595725

All DJT related guides have basically the same general structure
>1. learn hiragana and katakana
>2. use anki to acquire some basic vocabulary and use grammar guides to acquire a basic understanding of grammar
>3. consume a bunch of japanese media, look up words you don't understand make anki cards out of them (mining)
>4. repeat step 3 until fluency
The main difference is in the resources they offer, which is where I think tatsumoto comes out on top. He's also more tech literate, and while that does lead to some FLOSS autism it also means he has better guides on setting shit up and he recommends more software in general.

>> No.40595749


>> No.40595761

nice try txtsumoto

>> No.40595787

i've already studied 1k vocabs.
now i also picked up tae kims's grammar guide, but I don't really understand the stuff he is talking about. Is there a better/easier grammar guide?

>> No.40595791

drown in piss, analcringe

>> No.40595806

yeah if you're too retarded for tae kim just pick up genki

>> No.40595811

hello friends i am new learner of wondering regarding the guides
many good advice but it seems the tatsumoto wins??
yes yes truly he must be the winner i will be of using the chat room matrix as well inshallah

>> No.40595813
File: 259 KB, 461x447, cdFA8BB913148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choo Choo SEnsei

>> No.40595815

Tatsu says to read all about particles.

>> No.40595819
File: 524 KB, 1590x2121, 1658114326451399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want og to mlem on me bros...
nice site saved
saved! konkonsugiru!
love kiwawa good post
try jrpgs off the top of my head dragon quest is full of katakana
yabeeeeeee sugiruuuuu!
nice koyoku!

yoshi! today too lets do our best!

>> No.40595825

yup this anon needs cure dolly
hop on the grammar train bro

>> No.40595826
File: 202 KB, 1163x707, 1654807537858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay no attention to cure dolly spam >>40595813, he's a patreon beggar. want to learn japanese? read the tatsumoto guide for god's sake.

>> No.40595830

jannies please this is ridiculous

>> No.40595839

outputted earlier
gonna read now but だnめ its hot

>> No.40595840

dolly will kill all japanese in him

>> No.40595858

try the feedback link at the bottom of the page anon, theyre cool but not omniscient

>> No.40595860
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>> No.40595899


>> No.40595904
File: 2.08 MB, 2537x4093, 1658175494735416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoooo immersion desuwaaaa!

>> No.40595923

after she did that Ads I stop watching her

>> No.40595924

wow an eslut playing a game
im so compelled
maybe if i pretend shes my girlfriend the pain will get a little better

>> No.40595941

also a nice koyoku (less nice tho)

>> No.40595968
File: 239 KB, 1590x2048, 1658246279615676(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooooo nice love that game
yoo we got a really nice bed from it!

>> No.40596200
File: 308 KB, 2565x2104, 1658265498873840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im thinking its analcuck spamming to drive traffic to int, notice how theres no tatsugod spam there, but there are 10 analcuck posts back to back
he also hijacked two ops in a row with cringe trash instead of the usual lovely bijin op pics
one things for certain, tatsugod was right about analcuck
(that said, mine your own cards and give money to noone, especially the mentally ill spammers)
hope tatsugod finds him one day and thoroughly instructs him on proper japanese learning protocols inch by inch

>> No.40596268
File: 439 KB, 720x404, 1658123507163939.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and og

>> No.40596442

look i know it's cringe and all and not indicative of knowledge
but around how many words did it take for you to reach the point where you're not looking up words all the time and able to comfortably consume things like danganronpa, i'm around 3.7k words in and i'm constantly looking up words

>> No.40596458

Get fit
Create a family
Learn a more useful/generative skill

>> No.40596513

if i married a japanese woman and got divorced i would probably have to quit japanese

>> No.40596515

nta but it doesn't work like that, the more you immerse and try to think about/in japanese, the easier it is
don't get frustrated, nor count the words till fluent, it doesn't work like that and itll just blackpill you
might as well make it and pick up the pieces later, you already sacrificed this much, might as well get something for it

>> No.40596526

God shut the fuck up

>> No.40596534

do you quit english every time you break up with a gf?
yoooo theres little juice boxes but coffee

>> No.40596560

why do you think i started learning bro

>> No.40596569

he needs to be blackpilled to learn
14k words
if youre not working hard you are wasting your time and may as well quit

>> No.40596570

thought i was the only one

>> No.40596581

Wym wasting your time hes at 3.7k words hes doing fine
Keep grindin king

>> No.40596585

i've been through this exact experience. but now i study harder than ever before. it's more fulfilling to work hard on something to please myself than to please someone else.

>> No.40596600

i'm at 35k words and still look up like 15 words per linnie, 98% of the time because i have to clarify the reading

>> No.40596610

how many kanji is that at 35k words?

>> No.40596619

good news is you probably know way more words than that if youve been reading/listening to stuff
bad news is most of those words you acquired subconsciously and you cant really track, until one day you notice you know works you didn't look up anywhere, just you do with english/whatever other languages you know
just keep going, you are already past the annoying part (the very beginning), if you try easy stuff like hukumusume/童話, kids shows, youd probably understand a fair bit
just keep going and don't stress about metrics

>> No.40596663


>> No.40596679

wow bro beyond native

>> No.40596691

how long have you been at this?

>> No.40596739

should be around 4-5 years

>> No.40596760
File: 259 KB, 290x634, 165807716113879.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, very white pilling!
wagmi bros!

>> No.40596803

9k in look up a word every 5-10 mins of vinnies probably

>> No.40596897

she look so happy bro

>> No.40596940
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, 1658095521501516.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she showered and changed her clothes after

>> No.40596948

gonna be completely honest anon 0% clue
i have no idea how many words i know, i dont track that stuff. i just read a ton and listen a bunch

>> No.40596953
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>> No.40596958

This is not the Japanese manko I was promised.

>> No.40596959

Hello sirs, do you have any recommendations for a good action rpg. I'm burnt out on turn based jrpgs.

>> No.40596972

for me it is そふと

>> No.40596975
File: 2.89 MB, 1336x752, 1658333940802442.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing stray in japanese atm
its very good
elden ring is good too
oh! ender lilies, castlevania, both great

>> No.40596991
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1657605986102.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women loving bros we keep winning

>> No.40597000

you dont really love women its pretty clear

>> No.40597018
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>> No.40597047
File: 548 KB, 709x778, 1658041702390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the advanced women loving thread, you must have watched at least 15k uncensored javs to post here

>> No.40597055

you are though

>> No.40597059

Should I mine every new word I find?

>> No.40597064

lol this is what happens when you mine everything. ciaran said he looked up fewer words in a novel at 25k

>> No.40597065

Thank you for giving me an answer.
>If you're experienced in programming at all and have
I'm unfortunately a complete low iq novice and have never touched programming before. Would the steps you listed be plausible and somewhat understandable to do with a native Japanese program? IIs it similar to this >>40587018 Anon's idea, going into the program and just ctrl+f the Japanese text to change it?

>> No.40597068

should i mine every new woman i find?

>> No.40597082

yeah their names

>> No.40597083

for me its when they say 彼女はたくさん作らないでね

>> No.40597087

yeah their mankos

>> No.40597090

Only Japanese women for immersion

>> No.40597091
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>ciaran said

>> No.40597106

yeah the guy with a million reps in anki who made the ttgl jp subs people use when they search online. he knows his shit

>> No.40597108

bros what do you use for immersion i feel like im going to go crazy

anime is cringey as fuck
j-dramas have the worst acting i've ever seen, they are literally anime but in live action
japanese youtube is possibly the worst cesspit of garbage content ever

the only japanese youtube channel i like is Nakata University but even then it gets fucking boring listening to the same dude

recommend me good immersion content please or else im going to go unhinged

>> No.40597113

why do you want to learn

>> No.40597114

this guy is so mentally ill he treats namefags like confucius

>> No.40597116

I listen to news livestreams on youtube

>> No.40597121

i feel bad for him no lie

>> No.40597124

「aggressive twerking 」を覚えた

>> No.40597132

prove him wrong instead of seething

>> No.40597136


>> No.40597135

because i want to play a lot of japanese exclusive games and consume and also because learning languages is my passion

>> No.40597139

play those games then

>> No.40597147
File: 1.01 MB, 755x1077, 1658091816597299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vbijin, anime sometimes, vidya, reading (stories, i really like reading)
korone ch, pekora ch, 壱百満天原 ch, koyori ch, but really all are good

>> No.40597178

music, been really into this lately

>> No.40597214

what does と do here

>> No.40597319

elf onlyfans when

>> No.40597322
File: 340 KB, 1194x1469, 1658342676270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're a hero hei-type faggot obsessed with "muh sjws ruining anime," you're a poser who will never learn japanese anyway.

>> No.40597325
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, [Anime Land] Kiniro Mosaic - Thank You!! (BDRip 1080p HEVC FLAC) RAW [1386267D].mkv 00_09_44.751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a very hard time making out a buried line and hoping someone might have a better ear. It's at the very end of this clip:


After the lines 「甘すぎだろう!」「甘いです!」 Youko follows up with a line that begins 「まったく、アリスはシノに______」and the rest I can't make out over the crowd noise. My first impression was that it's something that ends with ~とられる, but after listening to it a lot at (at full and reduced speed) it sounds to me more like ~あんじゃねー.

Anyone else have a clue?

>> No.40597365

Alright lads do I also need to learn the kana combinations or is just learning the hiragana and katakana enough for me to move on to learning vocab?

>> No.40597380

learn the kana combinations

>> No.40597446
File: 643 KB, 500x439, 1655737122381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? Stop projecting on me faggot, I'm currently reading Kill Me Baby in Japanese. Go simp for your trannylators somewhere else.

>> No.40597463

was about to laugh at the guy for specifying that he was reading in japanese
but damn...
djt is nearly to that state...

>> No.40597464

>tfw no elf gf

>> No.40597473

>learning languages is my passion
yh dont even try urxgsmd ngmi

>> No.40597477
File: 2.82 MB, 480x234, 1658343978347675.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40597483

lole imagine if she accidentally pulled out a big ol dildo from the portal!

>> No.40597486
File: 206 KB, 800x900, 1658344613729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read and watch japanese media in japanese. meanwhile, i bet you don't understand 90% of shit you hear and rely on kitsunekko subs + yomichan for nearly every single line of dialogue. you probably struggle understanding baby shit like ccs, doremi, and precure.
i'm not simping for anyone by the way. i just ignore it because i'm not a retard obsessed with twitter drama. stop thinking about tranny cock 24/7. it doesn't affect you in the slightest.
you will never learn japanese because you don't love anime, manga, video games or visual novels. you love sjw cringe compilations.

>> No.40597492


>> No.40597498
File: 248 KB, 1164x835, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this got weird

>> No.40597504

yup this anon won
was about to ask you to say that in japanese, but i don't think the other guy is capable of recovering anyway

>> No.40597536

Learning the combinations is extremely easy and yes you need to do it

>> No.40597547

Nta but having an issue with modern anime doesnt have anything to do with learning japanese

>> No.40597584

>i read and watch japanese media in japanese.
why tho? you spent thousands of hours to learn a skill you didn't need. why not just rely on translators or MTL?
>you will never learn japanese because you don't love anime, manga, video games or visual novels. you love sjw cringe compilations.
Im not that anon, but i can hate SJWs and be a weeb. do (you) really love anime if you go out of your way to shame someone that hates how the medium they love is getting perverted by a bunch of agenda pushing trannies?

>> No.40597594
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>> No.40597608 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 512x507, 1642163479494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of angry words from someone supposedly not simping lol
Did I upset your mentally ill mind by saying tranny? Here's the thing, I don't give a fuck if you decide to mutilate your dick and delude yourself into thinking you're a women, I have a problem when you decide to forcibly push that shit into hobbies I like.

Pic very much related. You nutcases deserve the hate you get.

>> No.40597610

this is why im learning japanese

>> No.40597614


>> No.40597615


>> No.40597623

>noooo I didn't get owned!!

>> No.40597629

He didn't.

>> No.40597641
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>> No.40597644 [DELETED] 
File: 568 KB, 741x891, 1649772216811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owned by what? A retard that thinks it's okay to let mentally ill freaks dictate how my hobby should look like and I should just let it slide? Nah he can just go join the 41%.

>> No.40597653

i repeat poltard containment breach!!!

>> No.40597657

for once I wish I saved vtuber content
that retard siren or whatever would be perfect for him

>> No.40597660


>> No.40597666

gotcha senpai

>> No.40597673


>> No.40597674
File: 279 KB, 1282x2280, 1658346495624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why tho? you spent thousands of hours to learn a skill you didn't need. why not just rely on translators or MTL?
because machine translation still sucks. i have written an entire scientific study about how far mtl is from matching human translation. i'm getting a bachelor's degree in computer science because of it too.
as for human-translated material, there just isn't enough for it. no one translates obscure nukige or denpa songs.
>but i can hate SJWs and be a weeb. do (you) really love anime if you go out of your way to shame someone that hates how the medium they love is getting perverted by a bunch of agenda pushing trannies?
i don't give a shit about sjws at all and lots of trannies love anime. they are not a threat. of course you can hate sjws and love anime, but 99% of people like hero hei and other faggots who came to 4chan through gamergate/2016 elections never truly liked japanese media.

for example: before the whole gamergate shit, you could go to a loli thread and it'd be filled with proud pedophiles. now it's filled with poserfaggots going on about how anti-anime sjws like dr. pizza are "the real pedos", and they don't even know who lauraB is. meanwhile, alison rapp, a sjw who was bullied out of her job by gamergate incels, was a big supporter of loli and shota.
i'm a cis white male with a jk girlfriend. cope, retard. i'm never getting rid of my 7 inch cock or chest hair.

>> No.40597690

true true

>> No.40597698

yep this anon won

>> No.40597729

yeah i just got here i dunno but check out the beginner thread in /int/ bros

>> No.40597731 [DELETED] 

>starts pedo purity spiralling in a weird incoherent rant
not sure that’s winning bud

>> No.40597741

I love how so insecure the retard above is that he's listing off personal achievements on a taiwanese basket weaving forum as if we should be impressed lol

>> No.40597746 [DELETED] 

>alison rapp
>nintendo rep
>moonlighting as a cam whore and maybe prostitute
you kinda left something out, bro..

>> No.40597747

yeah just got here but the proper place for this kind of discussion is the advanced thread on int, all your favorite threadcelebs are there polbros!

>> No.40597754

ah, too bad but i'm N4.5, i'm a little too advanced for beginner material :^)
true true, it doesn't take anything to be above the pol tourists, he should have more self confidence

>> No.40597763
File: 884 KB, 1416x1000, [4218982 花宮なつか] 51599207_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I love the プラチナ outfit so much. I love Sakura.

>> No.40597781
File: 79 KB, 600x584, 1655514349358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't give a shit about sjws at all and lots of trannies love anime. they are not a threat.
Uhh yeah sure thing bub
They totally haven't been infiltrating and making egregious translations to fit their own political agenda. Either you're an ignorant retard or you're part of the twitter crowd.

>> No.40597801
File: 782 KB, 2500x3000, 1657601043058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same same

>> No.40597815
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ngmi all of you

>> No.40597845

>twitter screencaps of EOP problems
damn that's crazy
anyways, good luck with that i guess lmao

>> No.40597857
File: 416 KB, 1000x1394, 1658347617510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't it the gamergaters who "exposed" her for that? they hate sex workers for some reason even though they're the only people in the world who will fuck them. as an anarcho-capitalist/libertarian, i fully support prostitution and porn. although nintendo does have the right to fire their employees for violating their rules.
so? just don't read their translations if you don't want to support them. no one's forcing you to do it except yourself. if you don't like them "inserting their political agenda," then become a translator yourself and do it right. oh wait, you don't know japanese, so that's out of the question.

>> No.40597889
File: 216 KB, 680x1081, 1657873307605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.40597890

man if only there was a political board where you could be retarded instead of posting it here

>> No.40597913

change yomichans setting to target your other deck and fit the apropriate flieds to the card template you use for your deck.

>> No.40597915
File: 1.18 MB, 1261x838, image-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40597933 [DELETED] 

where is ciaran tho

>> No.40597953

deleted every card in my mining deck

>> No.40597967


>> No.40597968

good for you or sorry that that happened

>> No.40598030


>> No.40598043

What an egregious translation. Even someone who only watched anime a few times could come up with a better one

>> No.40598045
File: 1014 KB, 1230x704, image-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not based

>> No.40598048

only had ~1600 cards so not that bad i was just getting too frustrated to actually learn from it
gonna start only mining words i've seen a couple times and feel recognizable

>> No.40598058


This doesn't make any sense. If you don't turn the AC on the car won't just magically make cooler air. You need to turn on the compressor to start creating cold air. Even if you wait, the first blast of air will always be hot.

>> No.40598069

based chad making the tool work for him instead of working for the tool

>> No.40598119

Anon's idea is pretty similar to mine in concept. The stack overflow page I sent mentioned decompilation, which is basically a step above disassembly (depending on the language). As far as I'm aware, the prerequisite for decompiling a program is knowing what language it was written in. However, I'm not actually sure if ghidra is decompilation or something else since it's marketed as a reverse engineering tool.
There were a few tools for figuring out what language the program was written in listed in the link I sent. If you can decompile it, that would probably work best because it's at least in a human readable format. The issue with disassembly is that it looks like a mess of hex codes (example: 00 00 00 00 00 AA 5E 33). The example doesn't mean anything because it's not opcodes or text and it's also in little endian format (I think) so you read the bytes from right to left but there's no guarantee your program will be in the same format, there's also no guarantee the program will be 64-bit, so you may be working in 4-byte chunks instead of 8. The other thing is, you would need to convert the Japanese text to hex so you could actually search for it and this needs to follow whatever encoding method the PC was using at the time. I'm not sure if it's always been unicode or something else, I've only worked with English in the past. I'll also admit that I'm not an expert or anything, the majority of my experience with bytecode comes from analyzing disassembled C binaries to solve puzzles or """"hack"""" them for a class, so a lot of what I was looking at also required the program to be running in gdb, which probably isn't useful to you. My environment was very controlled so I could be way off the mark for some of my advice. Good luck if you try this out.

>> No.40598129

ye i don't get it

>> No.40598146

did he get cancer why is his hair like that now

>> No.40598291
File: 982 KB, 1024x768, NintendoDirect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't it the gamergaters who "exposed" her for that?
lol, more like Alison Brapp

>> No.40598298

never used my car’s ac

>> No.40598340

Yeah it doesn't make sense. The compressors efficiency is based on the engines RPM so as long as you aren't still there's no reason to not turn it on as far as I know.

>> No.40598459

what game looks kino

>> No.40598472

how do you rate your speaking?

>> No.40598484
File: 39 KB, 679x509, 71zpDy++TlL._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty cool all the routes are connected and you have to do certain things in one to influence another

>> No.40598492

Oh yeah I remember her. She only had like a 2 star rating as an escort iirc but I'd still tap her

>> No.40598572


>> No.40598577


>> No.40598664

it doesn't matter which guide you use or which anki deck. they are all the same.

>> No.40598689

the deck your hafu wife curates for you is best

>> No.40598704

my wife is a wholefu

>> No.40598716


>> No.40598770
File: 174 KB, 400x598, guide seller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my core deck is too strong for you EOP

>> No.40598792


>> No.40598827

train seller, I need your strongest grammar explanations

>> No.40598865

yep this vbijin won

>> No.40598910


>> No.40598914

using dolly is 反則負け

>> No.40598928

pachin is a weaker version of pan

>> No.40598945 [DELETED] 

check out the beginner thread on /int/ for more info !!

>> No.40598964

What the fuck are you talking about this is /djt/ dude /pol/ is that way

>> No.40598991


>> No.40599053
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>> No.40599067

what's wrong with that dog's feet?

>> No.40599068


>> No.40599079 [SPOILER] 
File: 342 KB, 680x382, 1658033608158.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry we are hard at work bringing joy to someone else right now, rest assured your call is important and will be returned as soon as possible!

>> No.40599117

has a japanese female said 愛してる to (you) today

>> No.40599133

sorry we're hard at work scamming lonely otaku

>> No.40599157


>> No.40599175

that’s why we all きらいs them

>> No.40599181
File: 1.46 MB, 2500x1217, 1639045947232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cock vores you for bring /pol/ to djt*

>> No.40599187

i would パンパン her

>> No.40599202
File: 2.96 MB, 518x866, 165807885347769.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based sauce me bro
lmao based
yes several actually

>> No.40599203

why is bepis eating car

>> No.40599212

that's a bus

>> No.40599226

why is bus eating car

>> No.40599229

its a bus and she explains in the pic

>> No.40599242
File: 377 KB, 1280x1832, 1658355977896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot. anyways, it's time for my reps.

>> No.40599246

the bus tried to run when it shoulda played dead

>> No.40599269

check out /vt/ all your fellow ecelb worshipper friends are there !!

>> No.40599291

nature can be so unforgiving

>> No.40599313

you know the presence of that massive cock vein really breaks the immersion here by highlighting the level of cardiovascular work at play
there's no way her heart could pump enough blood there

>> No.40599327

she's using gear 3rd

>> No.40599328


>> No.40599388

>insane ramblings at the slightest provocation
>loves japan and japanese stuff
>posts sexy children
yeah im thinking based

>> No.40599413

She's an inspiration for all of us

>> No.40599440

same same
right word is eloquent though

>> No.40599592
File: 2.08 MB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found my gf.

>> No.40599622

for me its when obasans watch shonen and maybe some slightly ecchi stuff

>> No.40599633

true true same same i i agree agree with with that that

>> No.40599728
File: 9 KB, 156x253, nanikore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I type 古参 with Google IME

>> No.40599763

i can't type any fucking lewd words with google ime and it's ridiculous and for YEARS no one on djt has helped me and i know for a fact some of you remember me posting about it before

>> No.40599768



>> No.40599799

how the fuck do I learn how to conjugate?
it seems like no matter how much I try and practice the rules never make sense and they're all made up at that moment just to spite me and make me feel stupid

>> No.40599805

Just ignore that shit and read a lot

>> No.40599813
File: 53 KB, 506x758, 1417537176357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read more

>> No.40599829

but conjugation is grammar and I struggle hard trying to learn it

>> No.40599841

imagine typing lewd words

>> No.40599852

my phone often suggests i type lewd japanese words

>> No.40599858

reading is ez listening fucks my boy pussy. hate hearing a line in a show, turning on subs to check and understanding it instantly

>> No.40599895

you will learn grammar to perfection without studying it by reading and listening to Japanese for thousands of hours, just like your native language
this is the only way that works

>> No.40599930
File: 807 KB, 400x225, clap_flop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to read
>struggle to read
>get told to learn more grammar
>struggle learning grammar
>get told to read

>> No.40599974

Reading as a beginner is always going to be hell. Looking up particles and such in DoJG or whatever just eases the pain a little bit.
Conjugation on the other hand is irrelevant since it would only be "hard" if you're trying to produce too early

>> No.40600012

a line comes up that you dont understand, look up the aspects you dont understand. after looking everything up, move on. go to the next line.

>> No.40600121

listening is easy
if they say something i couldnt catch i just say ん? and they explain

>> No.40600275






>> No.40600285
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its reading all the way down
listening works too but thats about it

>> No.40600334
File: 2.58 MB, 640x360, 1655441987686.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

us just picking up jks like bros

>> No.40600394

When do you actually get to start understanding most words in a VN's sentences? I am at about 1500 into a core deck and I still know less than half of the words in most sentences I read even in the easiest VNs according to the moe site's lists.

>> No.40600430

us beginners in the intermediate thread (getting eaten)

>> No.40600446

おg uses わだす every time im done with her after work

>> No.40600545

once you've read a whole vn

>> No.40600557

true, once I finished hanahira it was like the hand of cure dolly suddenly reached down and pumped knowledge into my brain
was kinda scary

>> No.40600642

once youve watched a whole korone endurance stream

>> No.40600886


>> No.40602004

Just don't pay attention to anything cure dolly says. He teaches grammar in a way that makes understanding Japanese even more confusing. Tatsu says to read All About Particles, maybe you need that.
Hanahira is proprietary and thus malware. Avoid and stay safe.
