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File: 137 KB, 1024x768, space_shuttle_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4053322 No.4053322 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of mankind's 2D achievements rival the sheer magnificence of space flight?

>> No.4053325

i fail to see what's so magnificent about space flight

>> No.4053331


>> No.4053340
File: 63 KB, 589x580, jb_modern_subj_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the most impressive achievement in all of human history.

>> No.4053342
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x1024, Kingdom's End.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space fucking rocks!

>> No.4053344


You idiot, why did you alter the sound channels?

>> No.4053345
File: 69 KB, 674x482, 1262340909521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4053346

Propelling tons of waste into the atmosphere just to beat the gravity pull is not my idea of "sheer magnificence".

Come back when there's actually a viable and efficient form of space travel.

>> No.4053349


>> No.4053350


Go suck up some vaporized mercury from your sorry excuse for a lightbulb, ecofag. We'll be up here EXPLORING THE MOTHERFUCKING COSMOS.

>> No.4053351
File: 23 KB, 244x269, 4a6464yh5u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn treehugger.

>> No.4053355

Speaking of space travel, the first international space hotel is supposed to launch at 2012.

>A three-night stay -- featuring 15 sunrises (one every 80 minutes) -- will cost €3 million, which includes an eight-week training course on a tropical island.

Think about the brilliance that this will be in about 30-40 years. Im stoked man, soon enough well have colonies on Mars and shit. Just wait anon-kun~, you will have the chance to live through Planetarian yourself in the future!

>> No.4053356


Stupid Americans.
This was meant to be a jumping-off point to greater achievements, not a goal. Why the fuck did you cut all the funds afterwards only to get your ass kicked by a bunch of ragtag gooks?

>> No.4053363

I wanted the space program to keep on thriving.

>> No.4053364


We're going to mars in the next decade, and the space program has kept up the pace as far as research is concerned.

>> No.4053373

The shitty thing about all the space stuff is that most, if not all of us, will be dead before it gets awesome. Maybe while some cool stuff happens, but nothing Planetes-tier going on in our lifetimes.

>> No.4053382


Planetes was about an orbital garbage scowl, far from glamorous.

>> No.4053390


>> No.4053392

Have you been watching Discovery? They had a bunch of fascinating programs about the "Mars tech" that theyre building and testing currently. The first manned flight to Mars will most likely happen in 2012 if not sooner. Big things popping, the EU has their own space program that works together with NASA and i think the Asian countries are supposed to form an alliance as well. By the end of 2010's well be looking out of Milky Way and beyond!

>> No.4053394

You must not have watched the series, as only the first half really is related to that - plus while the characters jobs themselves may not be awesome during that part of the series, the rest of whats going on in space is pretty damn cool including the nice-as-hell colony on the moon where moe Nono lives.

But seriously, watch it before reading some shitty wiki or ANN summary.

>> No.4053401


Lolwhat? The Orion won't be in service until 2015, and the shuttle is simply unable to make the trip to mars.

>> No.4053404

>implying FTL travel will ever be possible
Oh, but if you weren't referring to travel,
>implying we aren't already looking way beyond the Milky Way

>> No.4053405


I watched about 6 episodes before I got bored and slagged it.

>> No.4053406
File: 25 KB, 239x298, 1262497104483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then don't bother commenting on it, enjoy missing out on a top-tier series.

>> No.4053407

>You must not have watched the series
>CurryButt !CIELBE/jzM

>> No.4053408


Sure it will, we just can't expect to actually go faster than light. We need to be sneaky. Artificial wormhole generation, space folding, etc.

>> No.4053448

I can't believe the same guy that did Planetes does Vinland Saga.

>> No.4053473

rocket science is nazi achievement
usa and sovietunion just stole the german scientists after wwii

>> No.4053506

This is why I say you are all morons, instead of wasting time on futile technology why don't you start thinking like >>4053408?

With some luck we might be able to leave this planet and explore the cosmos through the Warp.
