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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.4052079[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone hate the Utawarerumono game?

>> No.4052095

I didnt

Its sure better than these other shitty ass vns people rave about like YMK, Cross Channel, and SnK

>> No.4052124

I don't hate it. Didn't think it was that great though.

>> No.4052129
File: 143 KB, 800x600, SayanoUta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4052132

It's my favorite visual novel; it's to bad Tears to tiara didn't live up to anywhere near it

>> No.4052138

I fuckig loved it. /jp/ hates it because it was the popular thing at the time of the split with /a/

>> No.4052159

I thought /jp/ in general liked it for most of the game. When you begin to fight mechs, and the story goes in a different direction, people seemed to dislike it.

>> No.4052165

I liked it, but I liked the anime better (one of the rare times that's occurred). Although it helped that while watching the anime, I was reading explanations from people who had played the game in Japanese (since the anime doesn't explain shit very well near the end)

>> No.4052190
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Well I loved the anime, and then finally played the game and wasn't left with anything that the anime hadn't already given me.

You have all these fucking awesome characters........................................................
........................................................Ok never mind you have Touka and Karura/Carrier and the game wasn't about them. Thats the problem.

Touka was my favorite character of the series, yet all she gets is one h-scene.......like everyone else.

Overall it just doesn't really have alot of depth. You play it once, there's nothing left to do. You can't examine the story anymore, cause it's not a particularly deep story, and the character development never goes beyond this character is cute and such.

>> No.4052200

Play on hard mode, get raped repeatedly on the first level

>> No.4052227

From what I remeber Touka had alot of little slice of life scenes in the game, h scenes never go above 1-2 if they are not the main girl.

>> No.4052249

I liked it. Every h-scene in the game was some kind of rape. I hate it when games only give limited encounters, though, so I enjoyed the TTT gameplay a bit more.

>> No.4052265

I really liked it myself. I'd prefer it over other strategy eroges (including Rance).

>> No.4052275

A few reasons:

1. Too much fucking filler.

2. Awful pacing. First 2/3rds of the game are slow as fuck, and the last 1/3rd has way too much shit happening too quickly.

3. Crap gameplay.

Other than that it was actually OK.

>> No.4052364
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>> No.4052376
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>> No.4052390
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Remember when /a/ was funny?
