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4050265 No.4050265 [Reply] [Original]

Baka Squad, reporting in!

>> No.4050276

I prefer the term "Double-Digit IQ Squad" myself, but okay.

>> No.4050281

Which one is the least baka?

>> No.4050284

you mean the "baquartet"?

>> No.4050290


lol, nice counting there buddy

>> No.4050295


Wriggle, because he's not a dumb girl.

>> No.4050306

Mystia, because she can run her own business, despite being bottom of the food chain.

>> No.4050309
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>> No.4050315


All mere babies before Suwako.

>> No.4050316

Let's see, she's above lampreys. And humans. That's not really bottom, no matter how you look at it.

>> No.4050318

Other than the baka and the baba groups, are there any other groups of touhous connected through different games?

>> No.4050322


>Hag Club

Yes, I think I'll take the Guncannons, the Gaps, and the Youkai Jesus. Hold the sauce - I've got my own.

>> No.4050440

I don't think so. Unless Marisa's harem counts.

>> No.4050451

Team Nineball sounds better.

>> No.4050453

Byakuren doesn't fit as a granny. More like a wonderful oneesama the way Aki is to Sora.

>> No.4050461

Cirno can read, so she's not the most baka.

>> No.4050468
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eye am glad that you recognize my genius
