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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40473659 No.40473659 [Reply] [Original]

Attention, citizens of /jp/! Daily reminder for all of you.

You do not belong on /jp/ if:

- you like 3DPD. You may not like both 3D and 2D, only 2D is allowed.
- You have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
- Openly not a NEET
- Support "anon is legion" mindset
- Don't like 2hu, complain about 2hu
- You enjoy/create/participate in the shit threads like sion botnet, cock, gay, LGBT pride, 3D cross-dress, "so ronery =(" aka closet normalfag, greentext stories etc.
- You wish to have a "normal" life and bitch about it on /jp/.
- You enjoy a social faggotry/ life experience stories on /jp/.
- You bump shitty threads/never sage.
- Get angry at usage of sage
- You seriously respond to shitty troll threads, turning them into a troll circlejerk. (Instead of reporting and hiding it).
- Think that shitty repost threads at 02:00 with a flanfly picture near it are funny. (No, really dude. If you think that they are funny, you need a serious help).
- Never get doubles
- Post /b/, /v/, /pol/, /vt/, or /a/ macros and reaction pictures
- Incorrectly use spoiler tags
- Incorrectly use greentext
- Post greentext implying.

This isn't an off-topic post. It explains unwritten rules of this board, so you can more happily enjoy your time here on /jp/.

Have a nice day.


>> No.40473694

>legend of galactic nothing
nice meme show retard.
also fuck /jp/ and japanese media.

>> No.40473707

>implying I am frustrated

>> No.40473806

when are we getting a doujin board?

>> No.40473810
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>> No.40473856
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This This So much fucking this
You read my mimd

>> No.40473886
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I wonder why we cant have him as our mod or change the rules of this shitty new site entirely

>> No.40473937
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How long are you going to be a single NEET. Will you still be doing this in your 40s? You refuse to evolve and improve yourself. You are rejecting valid criticsim of yourself by pretending like being a loser is a lifestyle choice. Go to the gym, man up and socialize, and get a girl friend. You don't have to live your life like everyone, that's not what i'm saying, but that's not an excuse to be a loser. It's like the people who are against fat shaming. I'm going to shame fat people because they shouldn't be proud of their unhealthy body.

And quit the crab in a basket mentality. Where you hate on people for being successful. Man the fuck up and stop being a loser. /jp/ was founded by people from old /a/, such as myself. (I joined 4chan in 2005). Long before waifu or ronery was a thing we used to make image macros and laugh at extreme nerds (pic related). We used to be alpha male nerds who made fun of other nerds.

>> No.40474177

Because modern 4chan is a government approved mental prison for rightoids and leftists to shit on each other.

>> No.40474433

Fuck. Im not a NEET as I actually have a job. But I like this place. Do I really have to leave? Can I at least lurk janny sama?
