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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40472829 No.40472829 [Reply] [Original]

Akamatsu Ken, the author of Love Hina and Negima, has won a seat in Japan's House of Councillors.

>> No.40472856

Didn't he run solely on 'muh censorship bad' as a platform?

>> No.40472874

Yeah. That was a major factor.
>“This month, a member of the House of Councilors asked me to ask a question, but a Diet member asked, ‘What kind of measures do Japanese comics need to survive in the world?’ From my point of view, ‘First of all, freedom of expression. Japan has the advantage of being able to create freely compared to other countries.”
He's a cunny chad.

>> No.40472894

shut the fuck up teen

>> No.40472910

This nigga had the balls to use his old lewd mangas as campaign material and actually won, what a king.

>> No.40472994


>> No.40473050

Now we're doomed to suffer legally mandated shitty tsunderes in all romance series.

>> No.40473709

I hope he still works on UQ holder despite this.

>> No.40474317

What are his policy? What is he running on

>> No.40474418

Opposition to american influence leading to censorship of japanese mediums I think?
I recall some comments of his regarding that just a few months back at least.

>> No.40474522

Lol, I'm actually re-reading Love Hina too. Isn't his wife a former idol too? This guy is doing quite well for himself.

I also remember him being a critic of foreign influence on Japanese culture, especially China and the US. I would vote for him.

>> No.40474563

>especially China and the US
holy based, hopefully he actually gets something done

>> No.40474783


From /a/


>1. Freedom of expression. He is against more strict censorship of anime, manga, and game depiction because there are already laws against real child porn, while ACG contents are not real, so it's not right to punish the creators when there are no real victims. Fight against outside preasure to censor ACG.

>2. Improve Japan GPD via exporting of Japan anime, game and manga. Cracking down on pirate anime and manga sites. Promote esports and pro gaming scene in Japan.

>3. Protect creator and fan creations. Doujins, cosplays ect. will not be considered illegal nor will the creators be sued for copyright infringement. Offer health benefits and better pay for freelancers in anime, manga sections. Have better health coverage for mangaka, and other ACG industry people. Create an archive for all ACG creations. Allow out of print, or no longer copyrighted books to be available as free.

>4. Improve Japan's technology. Put more focus on computer, and programing, AI research. Start a more advanced space program. Improve and standardize network infrastructure. Allow immigration to bring in more experts from overseas.

>5. Have games, anime, and manga do educational programs to educate children, and encourage them in those fields. Improve children literacy. Promote computer engineering, and IT fields for children. Promote work from home, and distance learning

Not entirely based as it seems.

>> No.40474791

Unironically freedom of speech. Points include protections for animated lolis and other extreme content (eroguro), laxer publication laws, resistance towards foreign influence on domestic entertainment media, IP laws that side more with the author than the publisher, and more legal protections for the doujin scene (fair use laws and such).

>> No.40475826


>> No.40476056

>anime and manga are niche hobbies that are looked down upon in nippon if you are over the age of 30
>manga authors are winning elections based solely on de-censoring anime and manga
reconcile these two statements /jp/. has the culture changed?

>> No.40476246
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Akamatsu-sensei is the reason I became otaku.
Glad to hear the man continues to be a legend.

>> No.40476354
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>anime and manga are niche hobbies that are looked down upon in nippon if you are over the age of 30
I really don't think that's true, from my personal observations while being there.
Maybe the stereotypical shut-in otaku lifestyle is, but the medium is so prevalent in everyday life - from salarymen crowding to read manga at the convenience store and playing anime mobile games on the trains, to seemingly every government or corporate buildings and signs having anime mascots and characters, television programming etc
Hell, there's anime girls on coca-cola bottles over there.

>> No.40476508

An /a/non described it this way.
>Depends on the anime/manga. It isn't strange in Japan to watch/read Doraemon or Conan, but watching/reading something like Negima is.
Only problem with the assessment is that it was the author of Negima who won.

>> No.40476526

>Allow immigration to bring in more experts from overseas.
good morning sirs

>> No.40476536

How can we show our appreciation? What is the best way to purchase his works so that he gains from it? We need guys like him to keep the world from spiralling into an sjw cesspool like it is trying to in the west especially.

>> No.40476667

Man he was so close but nope.

>> No.40476813

Apparently he is in favor of strictly controlled immigration of experts, but that's always how the slippery slope starts.

Buy Naru figmas.

>> No.40477028

Immigration of experts has always been a thing, it's completly different from importing cheap brown labour and killing your own nation in the process.

>> No.40477437

akamatsu is fucking shit
he was greatly responsible for the worst times of my life in school

>> No.40477489

go on

>> No.40478454

>3. Fuck copyright
>2. Muh copyright
needs to make up his mind

>> No.40478514

>so petrified of Evangeline fans that he's ran to join congress for added life protection
No bro, it doesn't work that way, now get back in the chair and finish UQ Holder you bastard.

>> No.40478533

he was behind the assassination.

>> No.40478570

It's very simple. Copyright laws don't apply on derivative works (doujin).
When the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) was approved in 2015, it was basically going to kill doujin for good because it deleted the grey zone that allowed doujin to exist in Japan.
Were it not for him, Yamada and another pair of politicians who pushed for some patches to the law, doujin derivatives would be a thing of the past.
Plus all the push to censorship that came with the Olympics to make Tokyo clean and palatable to gaijin. Even though the pandemic fucked them up.
Killing doujin means basically killing anime and manga in two generations or less. The doujin scene is were most of the authors grow up.

>> No.40478592

He's saying, If you want to make new creative works based on existing property, that should be allowed within reason.
If you just want to steal shit and not pay for anything, fuck you go to jail.

>> No.40478647

Seconding this. I need to donate to him directly.

>> No.40478839

Everyone arguing in favor of stealing Zuns game recently should go to jail honestly

>> No.40479140


>> No.40479411

Did you also get bullied for having N-A-R-U written in pen on your fingers?
I wouldn't know anything about that of course

>> No.40479860

I'm cheering for him

>> No.40480410

I have hopes but honestly i'm not expecting way too much out of it. Politics chew people up and as far as i'm concerned, he's a greenhorn in all of this.

>> No.40481732

He's responsible for manga z.
Even if he's against piracy at least he provides a viable alternative for out of print manga. The money from ads goes to the authors of those manga.
I've seen a bunch of people (not a lot but not really a minority, and mostly westerners) shitting on him without knowing much about him at all.

>> No.40481809

I just shit on him for creating Naru.

>> No.40482516

>Killing doujin means basically killing anime and manga in two generations or less. The doujin scene is were most of the authors grow up.
Killing piracy will do the same. You can't export anime and manga, no one would give a shit about it outside of kids cartoons and Ghibli trash that would be the only things they had access too. It would just be niche weird Jap shit and if anything the west would put more pressure on Japan to get rid of it altogether and replace it with Disney toons while meeting no resistance in making anime illegal everywhere outside of Japan. Piracy allowed western otaku to thrive and allows a base who will fight for the existence of anime in the world outside of Japan.

No one's going to pay for anything they don't know about.

This both unironically and ironically. I don't get the entitledness of some people who feel like the games should be freely accessible without paying. It's like those people who get upset when someone deletes their own art like it's the author's responsibility to keep the art visible to everyone forever.

At the same time, western 2hu fandom wouldn't exist at all, period, without piracy.

>> No.40482747

>Remove censorship
>Export their culture
>Bring inmigration
Nice can't wait till japan kill itself even faster by pandering to the west even harder
Hope the boomers just shutdown his new "policies"

>> No.40483068

>Piracy bad except when it's a creator I like

>> No.40484147

There are websites with legal simulcast in English for anime. Fansubs are part of the past.
More and more weekly/monthly manga publications also have legal English release. Scanlations still remain for most of the doujin scene.
This isn't the 2000's anymore, when everything was fansubbed and scanlated. Now the pirate sites mainly copy&paste from those legal sites.

>> No.40484698

Boomers die, anon.

>> No.40484902

Not Japanese ones.

>> No.40486716

The best part is that, to this day, Akamatsu is using it to host and sell half of the mangas banned by Ishihara/Inose: Aki-Sora, Oku-sama ha Shougakusei and Kareshi Sharing.

>I've seen a bunch of people (not a lot but not really a minority, and mostly westerners) shitting on him without knowing much about him at all.
And that's a good thing considering they'll never find out about the ton of loli hentai on Manga-Z

>> No.40487008

God bless him for actually doing something instead of just complaining

>> No.40487055

I'd gladly trade manga pirating for protection of content and ease of buying for gaijins.

>> No.40487176
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>> No.40487953

>There are websites with legal simulcast in English for anime. Fansubs are part of the past.
Whenever there's a shit show like funimation taking down Ishizoku reviewers episodes even on porn hub or any censored anime in general that ends up on those legal simulcasts, fansubs will still alive.

>> No.40488909
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but at what cost?


>> No.40490561

is this what he killed negima twice for

>> No.40491180

>Buy Naru figmas.
from where?

>> No.40493078

It seems that Ken winning a seat was surprising in Japan considering he didn't have an official support/organizational group (most Jap politicians rely on lobbying groups such as religious or corporate groups during elections).

>> No.40493450

>It's like those people who get upset when someone deletes their own art like it's the author's responsibility to keep the art visible to everyone forever.
deleting your own work to satisfy yourself is peak entitlement

>> No.40498562

So how is he going to deal with the fact that in order to improve Japan's programming knowledge they need to fix their English education because programming technology is rooted in it?

>> No.40498690
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we'll see about that

>> No.40499026

terrible posts

>> No.40499114

Out of curiosity, what religious or corporate groups back his opposer?

>> No.40499281

>his opposer
Jap elections in general rely more on lobbying groups such as those. Religious/corporate/small businesses/medical groups etc. Depends on the candidates.

>> No.40505346

Have you seen the "experts" nowadays?

>> No.40510421

One step closer to uncensored porn?

>> No.40510470

Possibly uncensored everything.

>> No.40515752

Looks like he's already working on stuff


>> No.40522320

I sure hope not. Badly drawn genitalia and overly detailed genitalia woudl ruin eromanga and VNs.

>> No.40523515

>A select team of experts will be formed to discuss the "legal preservation of past games in a playable state. The archiving and utilization of old content that is being lost
Everything not saved, will be lost. I'm glad he's aware of this issue, and not just in videogames
Now you will all know the suffering I've endured all these years as a connoisseur of finely drawn breasts of small to medium size.

>> No.40523537

extremely detailed genitalia would be amazing
my fapping would increase tenfold

>> No.40524143

Even if something changed legally that doesn't mean people will change their behavior. Influence outside the law could easily perpetuate censorship indefinitely. It's already referred to as "voluntary self restraint".

>> No.40524191

You vastly underestimate how badly mind warped Japanese people can get by their government.
Hell they still don't do any sort of charity work to this day, because of a doctrine from the Shogunate era.

>> No.40527965

>but that's always how the slippery slope starts
Not really; they've been trying to do that for a while. Like with how they relaxed the restrictions on applying for permanent residency that uses a point system to fast-track 'worthy' applicants.

>> No.40528965

Tax and economic reform?

>> No.40529120

yup , bound of venus is enough for me

>> No.40535709

the peer pressure there is kind of crazy sometimes, can't wait til they snap out of the mask craziness of the last 2 years

>> No.40535732

...You're trolling right?

>> No.40537348


>> No.40538019

no, I was in Japan in 2019 and outside on the streets maybe 10% of the people at most were wearing masks

it is ridiculous right now

>> No.40541200

10% of 125 million is still a fairly large number anon.

>> No.40545120

it isn't the total number that matters though, it is the problem of walking down the street and seeing 99% no smiles, faceless vacant expressions, an unconscious influence to avoid interaction, etc

if only 1 in 10 people you see on the train or street is wearing a mask, that makes a huge difference compared to the way it is now so uninviting towards friendliness and contact

>> No.40545325

>Have games, anime, and manga do educational programs to educate children

Pretty sure Japan is the only country capable of doing that correctly. By correctly I mean without the usual globohomo "education".

>> No.40561393

Only the third point could be pandering to the west. Arguably the second might, but conforming to modern western sensibilities would be too stupid to consider.

>> No.40562110

There's a stark difference between 'Hey maybe let's make protagonists who don't shy away from tits, sex, and all the things the men of the world do with women' and 'Let's insert a transgender character!'

>> No.40562164

The worst is when they put pixels over the entire thing

>> No.40565287

I hope he does something about censoring in erotic works. Maybe he can get rid of those fucking mosaics.

>> No.40565753

Japan has been doing this for a few years now. SEAniggers and chinks get imported to work in factories. Thanks, Abe!

>> No.40567710

I know, and I doubt they're that stupid to adapt to the west this way.
