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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 9 KB, 100x114, mugen_icon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4045920 No.4045920 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ I need your help... can you point me to a website with detailed instructions how to use marijuana... preferably with illustration or pictures for clarity... please, don't get the wrong idea... I just needed reference for a tiny /jp/ VN project... it's not like I'm gonna smoke it myself...

>> No.4045929

Arcueid and suigin are our experts about that matter around here. I can't help you, sorry.

>> No.4045932

By injection.

>> No.4045938


>> No.4045946

Hahahahaha, good way to start the morning.

>> No.4045948


>> No.4045950

Okay, I'm gonna nip a 200 post thread in the bud

Find yourself a pipe, this is the best smoking method for beginners, in my opinion.
You can even make a pipe out of something like an apple (just google for instructions)
lightly pack your pipe with weed, then wave a lit match or lighter closely over the top of the marijuana while sucking lightly from the other end of the pipe. Once it becomes lit, you're smoking mother fucker, breathe in and relax. Don't forget to inhale though, common beginner mistake is to just suck in air into your mouth (since it's easier and less abusive on your lungs) and not let enough of it into your lungs.

Enjoy drawing dead touhous being ten times funner.

>> No.4045959

How can you not know it? Are you trafficking heroine or something?

>> No.4045960

Winners don't do drugs

>> No.4045966

Thread prediction
>How do I smoke? segues into "you shouldn't smoke" segues into "smoking is for losers" segues into ten hour argument of marijuana users versus straight edgers

>> No.4045969

YOu really need instrutcion for marijuana?
Just get some smoking paper,, a cigarette butt and the marijuana.
Put the marijuana on the paper, roll it to make it look like a cigarette and seal it with saliva. The cigarette butt is optional. the just use the lighter and don't smoke it like normal tobacco, slooooowly is the best option

>> No.4045970
File: 13 KB, 1008x500, AnonOnDoping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4045978

Smoking is fucking stupid though

>> No.4045979

Trying to get a beginner to smoke joints is a terrible way to introduce them to weed.

Well really, joints are always a poor option for smoking.

>> No.4045986

Now delete that meaningless thread.

>> No.4045987

OK, Noted... thanks...

I know... but the main loli in my VN does... so I need reference...

>> No.4045992

Pffft this is a welcome sight to the pages of awfulness that are on at the moment.

>> No.4046000

/jp/ - Marijuana/Dope

>> No.4046002

>loli in my VN does

A loli wouldn't be smoking anything, let alone weed.

>> No.4046013

Just remember, don't set it on fire or anything. the bud glowing means the smoke is flowing.

I forgot to mention, you dont need to keep it lit. just take away the match once it's glowing and breathe in, the oxygen flow over the weed will keep it lit. Once you've had enough for one hit (this won't be much for a beginner) just let it go out and relight it your next hit (this is why lighters tend to be best for smoking or you'd use a shit ton of matches.

Just take it slow at first is the best advice.

Also: your first high experience may make you quite paranoid, but that will quickly subside in your next adventures.

>> No.4046014

It was her Dad who introduced it to her... in the future... Marijuana will be treated as a sort of therapeutic smoke...

>> No.4046015

Say it isnt so? I like to roll out the dutches every once in a while and smoke in public where toting a pipe or a bong would simply be impossible.

>> No.4046016

Where are you, Arc? This thread ain't worth shit without your trolling.

>> No.4046026

You're not fooling anyone though. Everyone within 30 yards of you can smell it. Marijuana has a very distinct smell.

>> No.4046029

Making your shitty VNs shittier? awesome

>> No.4046032

Marijuana always had Medical applications.

>> No.4046035

I can verify this. My parents used to smoke and it was VERY apparent when they did.

>> No.4046036

grar rar a story with drug use is automatically bad because a story certainly cant reflect the real world where drug use is a fact of life.

>> No.4046039


>> No.4046042


A parent would not introduce their child to weed. My parents were both stoner hippies, and they went out of their way to avoid smoking around me as a child. For good reason as well. A kid is about the only person in the world who doesn't need a buzz.

>> No.4046046


>> No.4046051

No shit? Id still rather act like its awwright than go through the hassle of setting up and then smoking a bong in a crowded pub or whatever. Go back to buying dub sacks of grub you douchenozzle.

>> No.4046055

I have a friend whose parents introduced their child to marijuana (not quite at a loli age, admittedly) Although they don't supply him with it, that's his own problem. Maybe your parents did it, but some do, especially in families with more relaxed attitudes.

>> No.4046058

The story is set far into the future... about 20,000 years from now... most accumulated knowledge were lost... including the known harmful effects of marijuana... In the future... it is sold everywhere... it will be a sort of past-time and sometimes used as a bonding tool for parents-kids...

>> No.4046065

Mugen your VN needs a straight edge character so they can be better then everyone else because they're Straight edge.

>> No.4046067

>known harmful effects of marijuana
Shitstorm incoming.

>> No.4046069

Also... doctors will use them to ease pains...

>> No.4046074


Then your friend is a retard. Kids have big mouths, and the reason you don't tell them is because they'll tell everyone.

>> No.4046076

Just invent some drug. Like refrain in Code Geass. You can give it the effect you want and use it the way you want.

>> No.4046079

Rub it against your face then dip your head in a toilet seat.

>> No.4046081

>20,000 years from now
Are you fucking stupid or something?

>> No.4046084

Well... it had to be easy to acquire, process and transport cheaply... marijuana fits exactly.

>> No.4046094
File: 306 KB, 890x768, Heavy Metal Girl Madonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not...

here she is... the one who will be using the marijuana and the main villain of the story.

>> No.4046102

Oh god. Its the Milli Vanilli project. Hooray for Muggie!

>> No.4046104 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4046109

You're a bandwagon jumping faggot and that will never change. You had no idea what Touhou is when you came here and you still have no idea which character is which. Your only purpose is trolling by acting like a retard, posting your "collection" of 40 images and using ellipses for no reason whatsoever. I swear if I ever visit Philippines you might as well forfeit your life. You will die the same way you like to see imaginary people die you morbid son of a whore. Reported.

>> No.4046111

Hmm... I'm still wondering how he do this spam thingy and still get away with it...

>> No.4046121

C'mon... not that copy paste thingy again...

Well... I'll go now... thanks again /jp/...

>> No.4046126
File: 32 KB, 300x225, 1261902135034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4046133

Delete your shit.

>> No.4046141

This thread is even less relevant than my thread about splitting /jp/ into /jp/ and /vn/ yet it is still here and mine gets deleted?


>> No.4046148


>> No.4046149

Janitors hate it when you try talking about splitting /jp/... as for why they don't delete threads like these, i don't know.

>> No.4046163

/jp/ is already a relatively low-traffic spinoff of another board.

m00t would sooner just delete /jp/ than further split it.

>> No.4046168
File: 225 KB, 800x1067, Japanese_janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese janitor taking a break.

>> No.4046208

>/jp/ is already a relatively low-traffic spinoff of another board.

/jp/ is actually faster than you give it credit for. It's no /a/ or /v/ yet, but given two years, it'll probably be right behind them. Compare it to some of the other >million boards that had a head start, and you'll notice that we're gaining on them quite considerably.

>> No.4046221

The Japanese janitor is too busy fapping to loli right now.

>> No.4046237

Goddammit! This thread is awful!

>> No.4046240

Can you have sex with her?

>> No.4046261

GTFO, attention whore. You know damn well you could have just used google to answer that question of yours, so posting it here is just trolling/attentionwhoring.

>> No.4046266


Yeah, after its inception /a/ took 3 years to accrue the number of posts that /jp/ did in one year

>> No.4046269

You're ignoring the fact that /jp/'s initial population came almost entirely from /a/

>> No.4046282


So? /a/'s initial population came almost entirely from /b/. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but I was agreeing with 4046208

>> No.4046288

Apparently yes. But mugen hasn't given us any cocktease yet ;_; (beside the main picture with the panties shot)

>> No.4046324
File: 38 KB, 300x225, he mad also.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4046335

There are plenty of other /jp/ artists that would be willing (and already do) that sort of thing

Unfortunately, those artists are more often ignored, and instead /jp/ just shovels tons of attention on the self-admitted attention whore.

>> No.4046428

I've never seen anybody on /jp/ making a drawfag loli pr0n thread.

>> No.4046435

That's why tripcode is very useful señor...

Officially no since I don't want to be labeled a pedo... but a patch will be released here on /jp/ the very same day to enable them...

In due time my friend... it is still premature to release screenshots...

>> No.4046447

Weren't you leaving?

>> No.4046473

Yes actually but I decided to check on this thread in case someone offered more tips/links on how to smoke marijuana since in google there are no clear illustrations or drawings or pictures how to use the bong and other types... I really needed to know in detail how to smoke marijuana... in two pages, I got redirected to some US government page with lot's of warnings.

Thanks!... I checked it

>> No.4046477

Why would you care what fucktards think of you?
Also people who read those type of stuffs usually are pretty open-minded about loli.
Also under 18 shouldn't be allowed to read those anyway.

>> No.4046480

Nobody has really asked me to draw any loli at all in drawthreads, mostly just stupid shit or Touhous. If you want to know why you need only look in the mirror.

>> No.4046486

Just get a friend to show you. Surely you must have some if you got some marijuana in the first place. I doubt you went out and found yourself a dealer yourself.

It's pathetically easy, I already described all you need to know in

>> No.4046488
File: 272 KB, 803x483, ohdesire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A week or 2 ago on /jp/'s flockdraw...

>> No.4046494

Go to 420 chan and ask /weed/ they'll make plenty of pictures, now get the fuck out.

>> No.4046507

Unfortunately, the only person I know who actually used marijuana has now migrated to Canada and I lost contact with him... currently researching the immediate effects of marijuana...

Oh by the way /jp/.... I have a question to people here who used marijuana... how does it feel... is it good?... can you describe it to me please?...

>> No.4046510

/jp/ easiest board to troll. Good job guys.

>> No.4046513


>> No.4046524

Oh god, this thread is so awesome, don't let it stop!

>> No.4046526

I can't really speak for everyone since it's not exactly the same for everyone. But if you're anything like me, you will be paranoid the first time. After that it will be a very relaxing "fuzzy feeling." You'll be in a better mood, and activities will be more enjoyable. Frankly, I think the "munchies" effect is a scam.

No, you will not really see things differently or hallucinate or lose your ability to coordinate yourself.

>> No.4046527

Whoa... no señor... I'm not trolling /jp/ I'm sincerely asking /jp/ for assistance since I figured maybe a few /jp/ers already used marijuana at some point based on the current quality of posts...

>> No.4046533

Noted... thank you sir...

>> No.4046538

This is NOT a board about drugs. Here is a board that focuses on marijuana and the people there probably do it daily. Seriously, why the fuck do you come to /jp/ for information on drugs?

>> No.4046549

Seriously just release it as adult only material. Screw the moralfag.

>> No.4046574

Fucking mod delete this shit.

>> No.4046586
File: 38 KB, 300x225, he mad too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4046589

Winners don't use drugs.

>> No.4046599

Look, another fucking dope thread.

>> No.4046618

/jp/ - Dope/General

>> No.4046668


>> No.4047084 [DELETED] 


>> No.4047125

I once got tricked into using marijuana by my mother when I was still experimenting with my mother's cigarettes and she found out. Other than that, why is this even here!

>> No.4047293

It's marijuana.

>> No.4047297

...Are you a smoker, MANkoto-kun? I won't have you smoking in front of our babies.

>> No.4047320

Please stop. I dont want to hide yet another thread. Cant you guys go and have your cute little chats on an IM client of your choice?

>> No.4047329

Marijuana and MANkoto goes in /jp/

>> No.4047332

Sage and reported.

>> No.4047334

How could you not have his this thread when you saw the words marijuana?

>> No.4047340

Bump and retort

why not sage and report every KS,JBCS,Umineko threads while you're at it.

>> No.4047346


>> No.4047359

yes, to marijuana

I can be a tripfag too

>> No.4047379

Mugen is always /jp/-related. I see no problem here.

>> No.4047402


>> No.4047411

>winners don't do drugs

Fuck yeah man, when I get cavities filled, I go sans anasthesia

When I got my appendix removed, I bit down on a sock and just grinned through it

>> No.4047503

Tell them about your pegleg too, manly anon.

>> No.4047520

My influence remains strong. Long live marijuana-users of /jp/ !!!

>> No.4048177


>> No.4048270

Hey, shut up.
