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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.12 MB, 274x200, 1209695537978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4045341 No.4045341 [Reply] [Original]

At least 30,000 people commit suicide in Japan every year, and the numbers are rising even more now because of the global recession.

How does that make you feel, /jp/?

>> No.4045364 [DELETED] 

The only good nip who doesn't produce OC is a dead one.
Also people don't when they're killed anime still makes me kinda made.

>> No.4045368


>> No.4045369

The only good nip who doesn't produce OC is a dead one.
Also people don't when they're killed anime still makes me kinda mad.

>> No.4045373

>>4045341At least 30,000 people commit suicide in Japan every year

Crap, that is a lot of people. I wonder if there's a connection with that high number and the fact that they are largely an unChristian nation?

>> No.4045378

feels good man

>> No.4045384

don't even start it man

>> No.4045385

There's not any connection.

>> No.4045388 [DELETED] 

The (mass) death of human beings brings a smile to my face. Fuck all of you.

>> No.4045389

are you trying to start a shitstorm?

>> No.4045390

155,000 people die worldwide every day. That's 56.5 million a year.

>> No.4045392

No, social pressures to become Salarymen quickly divide people into "cans" and "can-nots".

This gives the general Japanese population a feeling of highhanded bitterness or despair, depending on their side of the equation.

>> No.4045405

No, it's just being a Christian myself, I can say that Christianity brings hope to people. Also it's bad in Christianity to commit suicide. I just wonder if Japanese people don't have as much hope about their future since most of them aren't Christians.

>> No.4045411

Actually there could be, but probably not in the way that you're thinking.

Much of Western morality is shaped by thousands of years of Christian influence. Christian morality has created the idea in the west that suicide is morally wrong. Even people who are non-Christian tend to believe this pretty strongly.

Christian morality has never had much sway in Japan, the Japanese versions of Buddhism aren't so hardline on the issue, and Shinto doesn't say anything about it at all. There's no historical tradition of suicide being considered morally wrong, so it should come as no surprise that it's not generally thought of as wrong today. It's not unreasonable to expect that if suicide is not viewed as inherently immoral, more people are likely to do it.

>> No.4045412

Oh god not this shit again.

>> No.4045413

Not if you choose the middle route and go NEET! Become a shut-in otaku your whole family can be proud of! Have meals delivered to your door! Mooch off of your family until they die! Yatta!

>> No.4045417

lol christianfag

>> No.4045418

Suicide is glorified in Japan.

>> No.4045422
File: 40 KB, 344x400, top-10-countries-with-the-highest-suicide-rates-16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, the countries with the highest suicide rates in the world are predominantly indifferent to religion.

>> No.4045423

It's a troll. Nothing to see here.

>> No.4045424

>>4045411There's no historical tradition of suicide being considered morally wrong, so it should come as no surprise that it's not generally thought of as wrong today.


>> No.4045425

I'm very sorry good sir, while I see that you may actually have good intentions here, the religious beliefs of this board are spread very far apart, and usually extremist due to our hardline conservative nature.

I can tell you are not from around here, so I can clarify this moreso.
If you had made a post talking about "fucking niggers", or even better, "Fucking Americans", then you would get a warmer response than the subsequent discussion you are about to create with your religious post.

>> No.4045431


>> No.4045432

All but one of those is Slavic...

>> No.4045438

That's why crime rates are higher in countries like Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Japan than the peaceful US, UK, or Canada right?

>> No.4045439

It's the snow. It gets to you ;_;

>> No.4045440
File: 181 KB, 284x555, âïâöâBâA01a(Æå).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Finland was full a happy people?!

>> No.4045441
File: 48 KB, 800x600, penne rigate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panese bird cooking spaghetti

>> No.4045444


>I can say that Christianity brings hope to people

Umm...I'll refrain from saying anything more

>> No.4045447


>> No.4045450

Its also funny that in modern day Japan suicide is not bad because its immoral or inherently bad, but because it burdens others and causes them extra stress. I always giggle a little to the news where some family had to pay out of their ass because their angsty teenager son/daughter jumped under a train.

>> No.4045452
File: 78 KB, 500x393, 1262041757119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese bird contemplating 自殺してing

>> No.4045460

It kind of makes you wish there were clean, neat little booths a la Futurama

>> No.4045469


The fact that it burdens others is the reason for it being considered immoral in the first place.

>> No.4045470
File: 645 KB, 878x1172, hortus_deliciarum_-_hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it does. It also teaches that if you kill yourself, you go straight to hell. That certainly kept me from killing myself back then.

>> No.4045473

Not from a Christian viewpoint.

>> No.4045480

Dont forget
>lovers suicide = awesome
>i want to be a buterfly in my next life

they think some things quite differently than i do

>> No.4045486

Death always burdens others, that's unique to suicide.

We're all going to die someday, I don't see why it should matter if someone wants to have control over when their day comes.

>> No.4045487

I guess you do not also eat meat on Friday, lest you go to hell?

>> No.4045491

You'll be going to hell anyway. I hope you enjoy it. I certainly will.

>> No.4045492

What's a better reason to not die?
>I don't want to burden my family/friends

>> No.4045494


Ah, good for you then. Perhaps its me, but it's tiresome having evangelist staying near me and trying to convert everyone.

>> No.4045500


>> No.4045505

Burden in this case being loss of money, missing a powermeeting or being late from your love hotel date.

>> No.4045511

More rapes occur in the US than suicides in Japan, discuss.
>There were an estimated 93,934 forcible rapes reported to law enforcement in 2005

>> No.4045513

>>4045486I don't see why it should matter if someone wants to have control over when their day comes.

Well, for one thing, as long as you're not dead, there's always hope and the possibility for things to get better. Also Christians believe that God has special plans for each person to live a fruitful life. If you die then your life is over and you can't get anything else accomplished.

Also I'm not sure, but I think something like your life isn't your own, but God's, and that's why you shouldn't take your life.

>> No.4045514


Both are pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

>> No.4045510 [DELETED] 

>I don't want to burden my family/friends

>> No.4045518

So you got scared into it? Oh wow.

>> No.4045521

That just proves that a high pressure conservative culture like Japan isn't sustainable.


What, Finland? Finland is an awesome place to live. I guess suicide rate and quality of life aren't directly related. There are unfortunately other factors here... but I'd say in Japan it's definitely down to the stress.

>> No.4045531

>God is omnipotent
>God knows your future
>Your future is already known, therefore there is only one outcome
>There is no free will
>Suicide was part of the master plan

>> No.4045537

There is free will. Just because God knows the future doesn't mean that what you do isn't your own choice.

>> No.4045546

You didn't choose it, that "choice" was predetermined way back when God created the plan. You have the illusion of choice. Enjoy your play of a life created by God.

>> No.4045554

>More rapes are reported in the US than suicides in Japan

sluts are too brazen over here.
"She was drunk? That's rape."
"She decided she wasn't enjoying it right before you came? That's rape."
"She was coerced? Rape."
"She just really hates you and accused you of rape? That's rape."

>> No.4045556

>>4045546that "choice" was predetermined way back when God created the plan.

No, what I meant was God has a special plan for people. Whether they take that plan is up to them. Therefore, it's free will.

>> No.4045558

Don't read things in that aren't there. I never said anything about things being bad. I just said I don't see anything wrong with someone wanting to control the day they die.

Also, if you're going to suggest that I have no control over my life because it belongs to God, then you might as well be telling me I can't eat tacos on Tuesday because it'll upset my asshair thetans. I'm not interested in supernatural bullshit.

>> No.4045561

"If there is a god, it must be a man. Cause no woman can ever fuck things up this badly" - George Carlin


>> No.4045568

George Carlin was fucking awesome.

>> No.4045572

Then you admit that God doesn't know everything? That's not quite what the bible says.

>> No.4045577

lets kill god.

>> No.4045583

God is just like Bern. He's just fucking trolling us because he's boring.

>> No.4045586

God's been dead for a while. Or atleast he's been senile for a while.

>> No.4045588


>> No.4045591
File: 931 KB, 1000x1500, bern BAAAAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the hell dude?

>> No.4045600

Fuck, I mean
>because he's bored

>> No.4045601

>>4045558I never said anything about things being bad. I just said I don't see anything wrong with someone wanting to control the day they die.

I was just saying why it might be considered or be bad to control the day you die.

>Also, if you're going to suggest that I have no control over my life because it belongs to God

No I was saying that you should take care of your body since it says in the bible to treat your body like a temple since it's something God gave to you.

How did I admit that God doesn't know everything?

>> No.4045602

Bored and boring.
Humans are more creative in screwing themselves up/

>> No.4045604

Most philosophers agree (even the ones that try to hang on to god) that abrahamic religions as they are now can't be true. Dualism, problem of evil, etc...

>> No.4045617

>How did I admit that God doesn't know everything?
If god knows everything, there can be no choice. Since it's already been determined. The only way that there can be free choice is if there is uncertainty. But there is no such thing as uncertainty if God already knows the outcome of everything.

>> No.4045620

Except there is uncertainty....for us. God knows everything, but he's not the one making the choices. We are.

>> No.4045626

The Bible and other books are bullshit. Whether or not there is a god is uncertain.

>> No.4045629

It must be tough being Japanese.

>> No.4045631

>Japan's homicide rate is 0.44 per 100,000. The U.S. is 5.4 per 100,000.

Wow, that's a crapload more murders. I wonder if it's because they're a largely Christian nation?

>> No.4045633

Then there is no point of him existing.

>> No.4045641

That's an illusion of uncertainty, God already knows. For example, God knows that you will turn right at that next light, and then when you reach the light, you can consider going both ways but you can only ultimately go right. Illusion.

>> No.4045645 [DELETED] 

>If god knows everything, there can be no choice.
>God knows your future
>Your future is already known, therefore there is only one outcome

You're debating religion here. It's bad form to make assumptions about the nature of the universe.

>> No.4045644


>> No.4045650
File: 41 KB, 960x540, syahand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this turned into a trying to negate God thread.
Never change /jp/.

>> No.4045655

>If god knows everything, there can be no choice.
>God knows your future
>Your future is already known, therefore there is only one outcome

You're debating religion here. It's bad form to make assumptions about the nature of the universe.

>> No.4045657
File: 93 KB, 676x720, UndressHaruhi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she'd be pretty moe.

>> No.4045658
File: 474 KB, 543x964, 1bf7571cdfe80886c5dcd56f3d1ba6fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit you found me out.

>> No.4045660
File: 39 KB, 480x360, 1261131079911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of those deaths are niggers and spics

>> No.4045667

If the future is already known then how is it possible that there is more than one outcome? That makes for at least two possibilities, which means that there is an uncertainty. How can an uncertainty if God is all knowing?

There are two possible explanations:
1. God is all knowing and there is no free will
2. God is not all knowing, there may or may not be free way

>> No.4045668
File: 30 KB, 848x481, facepalm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it stop.

>> No.4045672

>>4045601 No I was saying that you should take care of your body since it says in the bible to treat your body like a temple since it's something God gave to you.

You totally missed the point of my statement. I was pointing out that invoking supernatural bullshit to prove your point does not prove your point.

How is the Bible telling me to treat my body like a temple on account of God more valid than this bar napkin telling me not to eat tacos on Tuesday on account of asshair thetans? Do you see where I'm going with this? If you're going to base an argument on some outside authority, you first have to establish that said authority actually exists.

>> No.4045675

It's not God's free choice, you dingbat. It's ours. Why are you talking about God knowing everything when we (people) can still have free will? It may not be uncertain for God, but it certainly is for us.

>> No.4045681

Have you read the thread? Where has anyone refuted God? The only thing going on is the questioning of the nature of God.

>> No.4045684

Take it to /r9k/ easy!

>> No.4045687


>For example, God knows that you will turn right at that next light, and then when you reach the light, you can consider going both ways but you can only ultimately go right.

If you turn left, thats where a different timeline splits

>> No.4045691

Jesus, you're thick. I won't waste time explaining basic philosophy to you. Good night.

>> No.4045698

You guys are fags.

God can control us but he won`t.
It is more interesting that way.

>> No.4045700

Can we all agree the Bible is bullshit and leave it at that?

>> No.4045703

>>4045672How is the Bible telling me to treat my body like a temple on account of God more valid than this bar napkin telling me not to eat tacos on Tuesday on account of asshair thetans?

Well, first of all, why avoid tacos just on Tuesday? That doesn't even make sense. Also if you don't believe that the Bible is an authority that's your choice, but there are plenty of people that do.

>> No.4045706

/jp/ - Robot 9000

>> No.4045709

Or perhaps there is no God and we do whatever the fuck we want, and the result is the same.
Why add him in the equation?

>> No.4045714

Whatever. It's not like what you were saying even made sense.

>> No.4045718

God is the ultimate troll. Only he could ever provoke such huge shitstorms.

>> No.4045720


Try this on for size. God knows all possible outcomes.

At the same time, all possible outcomes occur.

There is no uncertainty. There is still free will.

This defaults god to be a bit more calvinist, and more of a dick, as he only honors the outcomes where he knows you will accept him.

>> No.4045726

You're thinking of a theory about the nature of time, which does not involve god. If there is a split, then there are two choices, left and right. But then there will be uncertainty, ergo God does not know all, if what you said is true.

>> No.4045734

Humans provoke bigger ones.
Be it the internet or the real world.

>> No.4045730 [DELETED] 

Because i thing there is a big fat nerdy guy up there eating popcorn while he is watching us.
Like in a VN he will make choices for us now and then.

>> No.4045737

Because i think there is a big fat nerdy guy up there eating popcorn while he is watching us.
Like in a VN he will make choices for us now and then.

>> No.4045739


>> No.4045740

>>4045726But then there will be uncertainty, ergo God does not know all, if what you said is true.

And why wouldn't God know all in this case? Can you explain?

>> No.4045744
File: 220 KB, 550x730, 1218981671297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic unrelated

>> No.4045750

Wrong, "you" are ultimately stuck on one course, but there are other "you"s that experienced different things but still ultimately stuck to "their" timeline.

>> No.4045752
File: 11 KB, 413x244, rance god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our god is the same.

>> No.4045756

>>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ ttp://boards.4chan.org/r9k/ >>>/r9k/

>> No.4045757

I almost commited suicide after watching H2O

>> No.4045759

Uncertainty and certainty are mutually exclusive.

>> No.4045764

Not at all. I'm certain this is a terrible thread, but I'm uncertain how long it's going to stay on the front page.

>> No.4045765


As I said. It is bad form to make assumptions about the nature of the universe when speaking against religion.

In this instance, free will exists as if it didn't, neither would those outcomes. Even if in the end the end result is a linear path, it would not even have existed without free will.

>> No.4045766

>>4045667That makes for at least two possibilities, which means that there is an uncertainty. How can an uncertainty if God is all knowing?

The way I see it, God knows every possible way things can happen with every possible variable. That's how powerful he is.

>> No.4045774

Those are on two different things. Can you be certain that this board is part of 4chan and uncertain that this board is part of 4chan? No, you can't.

>> No.4045777

Are you talking about the Biblical God? He wasn't all powerful.

>> No.4045778


>> No.4045787

There is no God. The universe is deterministic, there is no free will.


>> No.4045788

>>4045726If there is a split, then there are two choices, left and right. But then there will be uncertainty, ergo God does not know all

But WHY would there be uncertainty if God knows everything?

>> No.4045792

There are lots of things in religion that don't make sense. Why does the God of Abraham abhor uncircumcised penises? That's irrelevant.

>Also if you don't believe that the Bible is an authority that's your choice, but there are plenty of people that do.
In the context of this argument, this carries one of two possible connotations:

1) The Bible is an authority because lots of people happen to think it is. This is stupid, because there are even more people who think it is not. That might be slightly more tenable if the majority of the world were Christian, but it is not.

2) Matters of morality are up to the individual. If so, why shouldn't a person commit suicide if he does not personally believe it to be morally wrong? This invalidates the God argument.

>> No.4045793

Read your whole bible instead of picking and choosing. You may learn something.

>> No.4045796

Look, retard/troll. Whichever. Pick "Free Will" or "God is all knowing", you can't have both.

>> No.4045809

holy loli! cognitive dissonance in a christian? say it ain't so~

>> No.4045813

>>4045792Matters of morality are up to the individual.

People have different ideas on what good or right morality is. Doesn't necessarily mean that they are all right about it. They just have their own opinions.

>> No.4045822

>would not have existed without free will
Now who's the one making assumptions? Splits in timelines are not necessarily caused by choice.

>> No.4045828


They don't understand how they're mutually exclusive. Not only that, they think they've tapped on a higher truth by believing in something that apparently contradicts itself.

>> No.4045830

Isn't our understanding of free will at the moment based on the uncertainties of quantum mechanics?

>> No.4045834

Remember Tears to Tiara?
Some day god will mindrape us like the white spirits did to mankind.

>> No.4045838

We aren't talking about the actual possibility/impossiblity of free will. We're speaking hypothetically IF god existed.

>> No.4045841

Just because there is no uncertainty, doesn't mean that we have no free will. We are free to do anything that is possible within our means and ability. Why would you even WANT to do something that isn't possible? We have free will in that we can accept or reject God and Jesus, and we can live a fruitful Christian life, or we can live a wasted life.

>> No.4045843

>implying it's possible to be "right" about morality

Also, this thread is full of faggotry. Go away.

>> No.4045847

Not really seeing any starting wars lasting hundreds of years, confusing everyone, and causing earthquakes and hurricanes. And to top it all off we can't even prove he exists.

>> No.4045849


I am the one arguing for an all-powerful invisible friend. The very basis of my argument is making assumptions.

You, however, don't have that option.

>> No.4045851

Implying it isn't.

>> No.4045854

In the Einsteinian universe, you could find the location and velocity of all particles at one moment in time and predict everything that would happen from then on. In the modern universe, it turns out you can have location or velocity, one or the other, but not both. What I mean to say is, yeah, I'm pretty sure modern science has proved that the universe is not pre-ordained.

>> No.4045861

>Just because there is no uncertainty, doesn't mean that we have no free will.
If you are free to do what you want within your ability, then that means not everything is certain

If there is no uncertainty, then your free will cannot exist

I suggest you jump off a bridge to your death

>> No.4045864

I suggest you do the same because you are fucking stupid and annoying. Take your uncertanity/cerntainty bullshit and shove it.

>> No.4045868

The world is a MMORPG.
Free will is just a bug the GMs are too lazy to fix.
Alpha males are hackers and good looking people are chash shop users.

>> No.4045869

What we are sure of is that we cannot predict quantum events. This doesn't mean they are not pre-determined.

>> No.4045871

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle, concerning position and momentum, eh?

>> No.4045872

>free will vs predetermination

Wow, THIS has never been argued before, especially not with these very same arguments being pushed back and forth by either side.

>> No.4045879

Ask yourself these questions:
1. Can you entirely choose what environment you grow up in?
2. Can you choose your genetics?
3. Can you entirely choose your socioeconomic background?
4. Can you entirely choose what influences you?
5. Can you simply ignore 1-4 to be "free" regardless of the above 4? True freedom does not exist.

>> No.4045881

Oh but it does. The universe itself doesn't even know how it's going to be configured the next second. It has an idea, but it doesn't know for sure.

>> No.4045887

Hey guys, I think we scared off the christfag. Can we go back to touhou and VNs?

>> No.4045889

>implying since humans can't do something it can't be done.

>> No.4045893

What about the amazonian tribes unaware that there's civilization out there?

>> No.4045894

>implying the universe is sentient

>> No.4045895

/jp/ - Philosophy/General

>> No.4045897

average atheist = 12 years old angsty teen, suicidal.
average christian = Mature man, happy in his life.

>> No.4045900

So, God knows that for a given event E, there could be any one outcome out of O[1,2,...,n], where n is the number of possible outcomes? That's simple enough.

Unfortunately, this argument assumes that God does not know the final value of O until E occurs, thereby invalidating the assertion that God knows everything. Put another way, while God knew all of O[1,2,...,n], God did not know that O[7] would be the actual outcome until it had already occurred.

>> No.4045902

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

>> No.4045904

"a lack of true freedom" and "pre-determination" are entirely different things. Just because you are dealt a particular hand of cards doesn't mean you play it the same way every time.

>> No.4045905

[statistical citation needed]

What do they have to do with anything?

>> No.4045910

Oh you.

>> No.4045917

You're confusing "Atheist" for "anti-theist". An "atheist" isn't necessarily one of those people that go after religion all the time, simply someone without belief in god.

Surely you aren't a christian. "Mature" people know the difference between those kinds of things or at least make sure they know the definition of words, right?

>> No.4045918

They are free.

>> No.4045919


>> No.4045922

What the flying fuck kind of logic is that?

>> No.4045926

I wonder how my computer works then. Those 1s and 0s are the same.

>> No.4045928

How does a lack of knowledge of outside civilization translate to free will?

You are so brutally retarded it pains me to know that you walk the streets of the world unrestrained.

>> No.4045933
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, 1228739183289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.4045937

Mature adult: Avoids speaking about religion of politics unless it's a good friend.

>> No.4045939

Saying "No, you're wrong!" isn't an argument.

>> No.4045942


>> No.4045944

Libertarian atheists are the cancer killing 4chan.

>> No.4045945

There may be more suicide in less-religious countries, but there's far more crime in religious countries.

In the United States, most criminals are religious (albeit non-practicing, ie, they didn't go to church last week, but they still say they're christian, muslim, jewish, etc.)

This paper was published in an accredited journal at Creighton University in Baltimore, Maryland, and backs up those claims.


>> No.4045949

I think the most important thing we can take away from this thread is that I'm gay.

>> No.4045951

Can we get this guy locked up? He can't comprehend 5th grade English or something, possibly mentally challenged or brain damaged and dangerous.

>> No.4045952

Now you realize 95% of this thread ist trolling.

>> No.4045953

Christians are the cancer killing the real world.
I know which I'd prefer.

>> No.4045957


It is a nonsense leap of logic with no conceivable bridge

>> No.4045961

Jeez, you're a slow one.

>> No.4045964

Just completed reading all of this.

>> No.4045972

I bet no half-wit would even take this thread seriously in the first place.

>> No.4045973

Hi guys, how do I learn Japanese?

>> No.4045975
File: 126 KB, 400x400, cirno_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD Exist!?!?!?! I sure didn't know that?!?!

>> No.4045977

I think the MMORPG argument was solid.

>> No.4045980

Embarrassingly enough I've never played Touhou or a single VN, I want to fix that. Can you guys tell me where I can start?

>> No.4045983

Japanese bird cooking spaghetti.

>> No.4045984
File: 97 KB, 1000x750, suwako ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot your archenemy?

>> No.4045990

GET 555555555555555555555555

>> No.4045991

Typical atheist = "God dont real LOLOLOLOLOLO"
Typical theist = "My God is exist LOLOLOLOLOLO"
Typical Agnostist = "I don't know but we should treat each other with respect"

>> No.4045993
File: 219 KB, 700x738, 1260769319671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a GOD? You're a mere frog

>> No.4045995

Where's agnostic? "there is insufficient evidence for either way, but God seems highly unlikely, however I will not outright say that he/she/it does not exist since disproving is impossible"

>> No.4045996

more like sitting on the fence unable to move forward lololol
It is a troll do not respond to it in a serious manner

>> No.4045997
File: 111 KB, 576x768, suwako cthulhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking great old one!

>> No.4046003

>i'm trolli'n LOLOLOLO

>> No.4046004



>> No.4046012

Skanon theory. Try to disprove it!

>> No.4046018
File: 36 KB, 465x334, 1258778057460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting...NOW DIE!

>> No.4046024

Can`t do that.

>> No.4046025

I heard Japan did some bad things in World War II.

>> No.4046028

Be careful. If you say anontaIk.com you can get banned for a day.

>> No.4046030


>> No.4046031

I know I'm late on this one, but I can't believe nobody called this guy on the fact that the vast number of unreported genuine rapes easily evens (if not outweighs) out the number of drunken slut "rapes".

I know this is /jp/ and 4chan in general is chock-full of raging misogyny, but come on.

>> No.4046034

Japanese literature = shit.

>> No.4046044

Saying that on a board full of people who read VNs? Eh...?

>> No.4046049 [DELETED] 


>> No.4046053

>Misspelling レイプ

>> No.4046054

>Because I haven't read any

>> No.4046068

I'm hitting the hay, /jp/. Fun thread!

>> No.4046071

I'm agnostic.

If there is a God, I'm absolutely certain it is not a personal God who made us in his image. It doesn't necessarily know we're here, it doesn't know of our problems, and it doesn't micromanage our lives. There's just too much evidence against a personal God when you look at the big picture.

I'm absolutely certain that every religion is a man-made fabrication.

The only noble pursuit is science, which is an attempt to reverse engineer the universe and get at the real facts. Everything else is bullshit.

I can therefore say, without uncertainty, that if there is a God or some force that triggered the creation of our universe, that scientists are in fact closer to it than any so called "holy" person.

>> No.4046078

What do you call it when you go with the null hypothesis when it comes to things like gods because I think I'm that.

>> No.4046097 [DELETED] 

I WISH I was a 2D girl, or at least a real girl so i can do sexy cosplay

>> No.4046090

Agnosticism is not a "maybe" midway point between atheism and theism. Stop using it that way.

>> No.4046100

Feels indifferent man. It's their life.

>> No.4046105

Note how I said I didn't believe their might be a God. I only stated what I believe given a precondition.

Just because I'm agnostic doesn't mean I can't explore different possibilities and weigh their probabilities.

>> No.4046115

I WISH I was a 2D girl, or at least a real girl so i can do sexy cosplay

AN HERO NOW, maybe my next life will be like that!!!

>> No.4046120

To clarify, I meant
>Note how I didn't say I believe their might be a God. I only stated what I would believe given a precondition.

>> No.4046127
File: 19 KB, 336x310, 1261730998437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4046131
File: 77 KB, 468x415, clam_shell_completely_worksafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religious discussion, in my /jp/?
It's more likely than you think!

>> No.4046145
File: 241 KB, 793x598, definately_not_elementary_schoolers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hard to believe that people can actually honestly believe there is an invisible man in the sky with the power to do anything, who loves everyone but will torture you for all eternitiy if you don't do exactly as he's told you, and if you don't donate a portion wealth to an organisation who are given special power and status in your life. From no other evidence besides your parents/teachers/society/otherpowerfiguresinyourlife telling you that it is true

>> No.4046157

Yeah, if such a God exists, he is an insane psychopath. I'd rather, in spite, spend eternity in his hell then worship him and his madness for eternity in heaven if he does indeed exist, which I highly doubt he does.

>> No.4046158

I guess true love(coming from god) must be in the form of S&M

>> No.4046169
File: 200 KB, 799x602, Teaching_elementary_schoolers_SICP_is_a_crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As Lenin said though, "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever". Since these myths were drilled into some people in the earliest parts of their life, they come to accept them as being something slightly more than complete nonsense. Even those who have the self will and determination to declare themselves not to be "Christians/Muslims/Jews/Scientologists" against the grain of their respective societies, will find themselves at times troubled by guilt since it was embedded in their minds to believe that, say, any sexual intercourse outside of consensual sex in the missionary position with the lights off, is wrong, simply because an old guy wearing funny robes said it was.

>> No.4046183

I didn't think there was any way to save face, but 奇跡がおこった

>> No.4046189 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 467x600, yotsuba_riding_a_cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mature adult: Lobbies politicians to force people to live by the rules spouted out by whatever robed maniacs they think spout the rule of the "true" God(s).
Fixed that for you.
Yotsuba riding a cock not related.

>> No.4046224
File: 114 KB, 850x680, sample-aaae2eb87c6035cf39a9a45e48bd1072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanon reference?
