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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40412192 No.40412192 [Reply] [Original]

Why do /pol/acks keep using Touhou images when there's straight up anti-capitalist rhetoric in Touhou?
Shouldn't they despise Touhou because of this?

Pictured: Magical Astronomy

>> No.40412197
File: 22 KB, 715x236, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CoLA Chapter 36.

>> No.40412202

/pol/ is the least 4chan board. They don't know what touhou is.

>> No.40412204

WBaWC music room.

>> No.40412206
File: 318 KB, 1280x960, unknown-177-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot the image.

>> No.40412270

Further proof we live in hell currently.

>> No.40412281

Posters: 2

Fuck off with trying to start shit. I play Touhou to get comfy and see cute girls and have fun. Retards like you, people who post Momiji wearing political hats, or twitter artists who darken a random touhou's skin color and have her waving some flag, you're all cancer who run counter to my dream of taking it easy.

Leave /jp/, and do not return. Of you want to discuss politics, go to anywhere but here.

>> No.40412285

This is literally official Touhou material, so I dunno what you're getting off about.

>> No.40412317

You already made this thread on /r9k/
Yes I will out myself browsing that shit hole if it means exposing you for browsing it as well. Now fuck off with this awful thread

>> No.40412378

You made a thread about posts on /pol/. It's completely irrelevant to /jp/. Why don't you ask /pol/ why they post what they do instead of making an off-topic thread here?

>> No.40412394
File: 26 KB, 419x296, Kuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off with this.
Don't try to inject your ideology into touhou.
Yes there is anti-capitalist leanings in Touhou, yes the Doujini aspect of it also is somewhat against that in the sense of it being against profits.
However Touhou is literally in Gensokyo or fantasy land, and is literally detached from the real world and has magical girls who can fly, are immortal, and don't face any real sense of scarcity.
For fucks sake one of the most memorable quotes is "There is no common sense in Gensokyo".

And if for some reason you want to decide to use Touhou to project your ideology anyway, the takes the official material makes are on par with some libarts major marxist who never self reflected on his own ideology nor really understands what he is against beyond calling it bad, oblivious to how universal many of the faults are.

In the end, you only ruin 2hu for people by tainting it with this stupid politics; far more so than ever putting Momiji with a silly maga hat ever could.

Now can we go back to talking about boobhus, the cirno bumpcult, and talking about how the characters live day to day?

>> No.40413116

Funny that you're saying that, because literally all I did was post screenshots of official Touhou material, and not some fan-created shit.
