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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40295471 No.40295471 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>40202147

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.40296295
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I don't get it.
Why didn't she just kill herself???

>> No.40297553

What VNs to buy on the Steam summer sale

>> No.40297905

Anything uncensored published by the devs themselves
...or so I'd say but since uncensored is illegal in Japan, anything uncensored from western publishers will do, the newer the better.
Alternatively, anything that you liked but were too cheap to buy from the japs directly.

>> No.40299463
File: 93 KB, 800x600, Minakami.Yuki.full.235140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they right? (Saihate no Ima)
also what books does romeo recommend on his blog? link?

>It's just doomer shit about how muh human nature is against us. I am pretty cynical myself but romeo's cynical arguments come off as really misinformed. It's okay if you're a misanthrope but stop using wrong historical evidence to back up your misanthropy(he changed some of his views here in jintai) . Romeo starts from human nature and works out from there up stream to talk about other larger social stuff. This is problematic on many levels, and not even gonna mention how his version of human nature is hobbesian and he uses Jordon Peterson's lobster tier arguments to showcase this too.
Read about the kind of books he recommends in his blog and you'll notice he is pretty dimwit tier in this regard. Imagine unironically recommending books like sapiens and guns, germs and steel and some other pinker's shit in 20 fucking 19

>Remember how in 90s people were excited about the internet and fall of soviet russia, but they were also depressed about 90s economic crashes . How the advancements in telecommunications industry was annihilating distances between humans and people were excited to predict what this would implies for the transfer of ideas, culture and most importantly global capital. How the fall of soviet russia for some reason signaled the rise of neoliberalism, radical individualism, the cruel rhetoric of personal responsibility, and extreme anxiety towards uncertain future in such a neoliberal hellscape. Political pundits were claiming we solved socioeconomic problems, that the future will be about solving culture issues and dealing with identity politics in a liberal democracy. How the technological and scientific advancements drastically slowed its pace because public funding got cut off. You know, how liberalism views humans as homo economicus. Remember how hobbes attached the concept of communal solidarity and claimed humans are wretched creatures who always want to fight each other, and how we cannot be trusted to each other, and we need to give up a portion of our liberties and accept the absolute power of the KING. What I mean to say is saihate no ima is a kusoge where romeo rambles about this without any proper story or characters(he basically agrees with most of this bullshit but rejects hobbesian solution).

>> No.40299609
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>> No.40300292

holy fuck this month is absolute shit in terms of releases

>> No.40300591

Everything got delayed.

>> No.40301111

Eagerly awaiting the next Study Steady 2 delay.

>> No.40301113

another one? it's already too overwhelming to get into

>> No.40301123

do nips really...

>> No.40302022
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, サクラノ詩-櫻の森の上を舞う-(27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely brutal mugging, I actually felt bad for Yuumi
I quite enjoyed the past narration scene, definitely a step up from Makoto and Rin's routes

>> No.40302375

I DEMAND Empress/SeiShoujo's new kamige RIGHT NOW

>> No.40302388

Is that supposed to be a boy and if yes, why does "he" have tits?

>> No.40302765
File: 31 KB, 913x351, pl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15-day freeleech on pornolab

>> No.40302898

I'm also a Ruski, and I think we both know that this tracker doesn't have shit.

>> No.40303192

there need to be more games where the protagonist gets caught in the act with heroines

>> No.40303214

I think there was a yuzusoft game with something like that. I can't remember which one since they all blend together.

>> No.40303463

Akshually, it does have a lot of shit, especially RPG Maker shit. What does matter is that besides said shit it still has worthwhile stuff from the golden age of VNs (and torrents thereof) which is bothersome to get from public trackers and various cancerous DDL (à la A-S) nowadays. So yeah, while nyaa is the go-to place for the modern stuff, things from early 2010s are often easier to get from pornolab and/or rutracker. Especially if you're from one of ex-USSR countries.

>> No.40303606

>especially RPG Maker shit
Release versions, never to be updated.

>> No.40303838

i think that was cafe stella
the only other i can think of is sort of in kana imouto, but i don't think they were just kissing or something

>> No.40303879
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>> No.40303978

i guess i'd prefer it to be dramatic than comedic, but yeah
like imagine the unstoppable kino train of, for example, setsuna walking in on kazusa and haruki
then it'd really be earning its reputation

>> No.40304009 [DELETED] 
File: 291 KB, 1600x900, Oni ga Kuru. ~Ane ga Hinshi de Pinchi Desu~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40304362

9 nine. It was disheartening when I thought about it, considering how much of a brocon Sora was towards Kakeru..

>> No.40304653

Only if it's my wife catching me fucking my daughter, then joining in

>> No.40305675

lump of sugar fucking doko

>> No.40305695

not enough good shit + it's not hard to support ratio on it, just stop being a pussy and get yourself AB account

>> No.40305846

>new 光翼戦姫エクスティア released yesterday
>another one at the end of next month
>apparently nobody knows about this

>> No.40305870
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>beating the shit out of an underaged girl after she potentially seriously injures herself from overrunning
Now this is Muv-Luv.

>> No.40306034

I've only played a few lump of sugar games, but they felt like standard moege from 15 years ago but in HD. Is that what they all are?

>> No.40308407
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any actually learning disability tier heroines like this retard that are so dumb you hottokenai?

>> No.40308808
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Choose your groomer

>> No.40309089

Is up on sukebei. The trial put me to sleep however.

>> No.40309113

do bakunyuufags really...

>> No.40309118

watermelon boobs everywhere
eroge is shit nowadays

>> No.40309196

Ha, that's not even close.

It's Atelier Kaguya, they don't have "small" in their dictionary.

>> No.40309220
File: 3.07 MB, 1899x1064, kotori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything bigger than this is bakunyuu

>> No.40309234

My cute daughter..... aigoooo~~

>> No.40309401

No, anything bigger than that is female. Might as well fuck little boys at that point.
Now this is literally bakunyuu, on a semen demon at that:

>> No.40309437
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>> No.40309469

1. no one cares about your kusoge (still)
>used goods

>> No.40309823

A certain character in Harukuru (it's a spoiler).

>> No.40310148
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I'm not in "the dumber the cuter" group personally so I went with the oppai narcissist in her game. No idea why would anyone want to breed the idiot for even more braindead offspring, but you do you.

>> No.40310597
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Toriko no Tsubasa is pretty good

>> No.40310757 [DELETED] 

>1. no one cares about your kusoge (still)
numbers tells otherwise
> 2.>used goods
kys, moefaggot

>> No.40310766

>also what books does romeo recommend on his blog?
Iirc guns, germs, and steel and sapiens lmao

>> No.40310786

Peak cringe

>> No.40310812

you know that numbers wise, suckling off the teat of moegods is the only reason your shitty ntr games exist, right?

>> No.40310823

i just want a game where the protagonist's wife dies before or in the prologue of the story and then he gets healed by superior young pussy

>> No.40310834

Fuck off, cuck. Stop posting your disgusting whores here.

>> No.40310871

damekoi kinda

>> No.40310878
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does it mean you hate used goods just because you're used good yourself after sex-capitalism ( moege companies) used you do make games with used goods?
>Stop posting your disgusting whores here
or what?

>> No.40310906

holy esl batman

>> No.40310915

Nukitashi 2 is next in my backlog

>> No.40310928

It is about tranny shit. Don't play it. They literally shill western gender ideology in it.

>> No.40310938

i'd bet 10 dollars nips thought the absolute surface level 'uhh be who u want 2 be transbros :)" 'philosophy' was revolutionary

>> No.40310951

Stay tuned for my blogposts

>> No.40310957

look, someone getting trig*ered!
they mention minorities few times, which makes sense when you talk about island full of sexual deviants, nothing unusual
not like japs gives a fuck about it

>> No.40310974
File: 626 KB, 1600x900, gender is a soycial construct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revolutionary for Japanese right wing propaganda porn slides

>> No.40310978

any good VNs that have been translated to chinese but not to english?

>> No.40310995

> literally 3 lines

>> No.40311003

Is the corruption process decent, or after a brief introduction they just get kidnapped and raped, put straight to filming AV?

>> No.40311009

>he thinks it's just those 3 lines

>> No.40311037

Fuck minorities. Why the fuck is a VN shilling for them? Are they trying to make an eroge or political propaganda?

>> No.40311059

Japan is compromised too huh

>> No.40311082

yeah damekoi was based and i want more games like it

it's too bad naruto only made 2 games that aren't cringe

>> No.40311129

I'd say Memories Off + Since Memories but
>all ages
See if Hikari Field translated anything you deem good:

>> No.40311185

>decent premise
many such cases!

speaking of, i saw a rom for the ps3 version of wa2 and am really curious how the cheating route works in all-ages format, but i can't be bothered autoscrolling to coda

>> No.40311190

>political propaganda
every vn is right wing propaganda retard, but you don't mind because your bigot ideology aligns that well with it
but add some lgbtq+ mention and you're soooo trig*ered

>> No.40311225 [DELETED] 

>right wing propaganda
That's good kind of propaganda

>> No.40311650
File: 294 KB, 1760x990, m9gKAk7tcG.mp4_snapshot_02.44.078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the usual corruption, some filming but mostly private escorts toys for baddies and whatever VIPs.

MC route had all girls (minus the oldest) involved with an orgy at the end, while oldest tries to get evidence on tax evasion

>> No.40311665 [DELETED] 

so you're just a fucking bigot

>> No.40311684

>Group Sex of One Female and Several Males
cringe bro

>> No.40311743

That just means she's a high value female

>> No.40311799

that could not be more opposite of the truth

>> No.40311802

Seems to me like a normal, "romantic", mentality involves deciding that one particular girl is, in fact, best girl. Evil type stuff with gangbangs and such is more pimp mentality, if it has a male protag.

>> No.40311883

You forgot to hide your MTL window, bro.

>> No.40311933


>> No.40312024

Sure, why not. Actually, enlighten everyone, what are your favorite kinds of VNs. I'm interested.

>> No.40312057

Thanks. I've read other Toriko works so know more or less what to expect. It's good if there is some corruption and JAV'ing. Good translation btw Kappa123

The protagonists are female with one kind of 'main' specially during common route.

>> No.40312115

I'm not that into it. I'll unironically take another Yamizome though.

>> No.40312124

>what are your favorite kinds of VNs
i like good vns, and dislike bad vns, what about you?

>> No.40312168 [DELETED] 


>> No.40312204

>oh nooo, what if I fall into some sort of trap if I answer the question

>> No.40312472

...this shit again, huh?
How does 12Riven compare to other Infinity games?

>> No.40312678


>> No.40312863


>> No.40312864
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moeniggers reveal their social ineptitude every time they sperg out about used goods. nukitashi only went wrong by not doubling down and showing at least the SS members engaging in dosukebe. considering it was qruppo's first title I don't blame them though

>> No.40313061

This. Imagine if the first scene was a casual orgy before the MC was even present.

>> No.40313086
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I still miss Eugeo, either he or Kirito should have been a girl though.

>> No.40313173

Is there an equivalent term of 'otome games' for games for men

>> No.40313178

bishoujo games?

>> No.40313292
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>either he or Kirito should have been a girl though.
Awful taste.

>Fuck minorities. Why the fuck is a VN shilling for them? Are they trying to make an eroge or political propaganda?
go cry, incel moebuta

>> No.40313331

if you like gay and transgender people and get mad when other people don't, wouldn't a website like reddit be more suitable for you? completely unironic question

>> No.40313354

This is a moebuta general bro

>> No.40313382
File: 226 KB, 1178x1687, IMG_20200910_071010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dislike nukitashi because of a few lines and get mad when other people like it, wouldn't a board like /pol/ be more suitable for you? completely unironic question

>> No.40313385

culture war shite here too? christ

>> No.40313394

i dislike it because of the used goods though

>> No.40313414

>This is a moebuta general bro
time to get some pussy and turn into a plotge general then

>> No.40313443

i lost my virginity to another virgin and she never cucked me or got raped, thus, i can only self insert into moege mcs

i'm literally too much of a chad to play chuunige

>> No.40313456

You try and stomach a plain otome game instead of gay shipping first. Fujos wilding eh.

>> No.40313577
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That's not surprising considering Romeo's brain is a murphy's law simulator where every possible plot thread fucks up in the worst way imagineable until ラブ fixes everything.
>and claimed humans are wretched creatures who always want to fight each other, and how we cannot be trusted to each other
Haven't read Saihate, but I can already say the solution is acknowledging the inherent purpose and chaos of society as a way to meet one's own needs to be stable human being. The imaginary construct of society running above the material individual's freedom and needs is an abomination.
Maybe he won't put it like that, but he knows Stirner-sama is right.

>> No.40314769


>> No.40316093
File: 116 KB, 1024x600, 能力不足.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start up 告白 right after kimiita because why not
>it's mostly just Michiru suffering
I mean I pretty expected this, but it's still pretty rough.

>> No.40316431
File: 116 KB, 800x600, クラス全員マヂでゆり(26062022_233748).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to larp as a finn
>still can't keep your russian in check
Must be hard these days.

>> No.40317441
File: 381 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the funny part - Nukitashi 1 and 2's message is "Be nice to other people and accept them for who they are and they should do the same to you in return". It's the most milquetoast, safe, 'wouldn't it be nice if everyone was nice', Disney-after-school-special message imaginable.
Yet somehow this moral of "treat others the way you'd like to be treated, it's okay to be who you are and believe what you want to believe as long as you don't force those beliefs on other people" is extremely controversial and makes people very upset.

>> No.40317511

>Be nice to other people and accept them for who they are and they should do the same to you in return
No one is upset at this message
People are upset that western political cancer is spreading to Japan
How can you still deny it when the writer is sharing US political commentators on twitter

>> No.40317572

Anon Japan is america's bitch since WW2, it's inevitable.

>> No.40317778
File: 659 KB, 1280x720, アマエミ-longing_for_you-_-_Ver1.0.0_2022-06-27_03-18-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the plotfag authors think this.

>> No.40317803

>believe what you want to believe as long as you don't force those beliefs on other people
Such a liberal brainrot
Living in a modern society itself means you're being forced to adhere to certain beliefs came up by 17th century retards

>> No.40317831

Sometimes it's true.

>> No.40317852

It's like they forgot the medium they're writing in. If they wanted to be respected they should've become novelists

>> No.40317866

Apparently WA2's theme is realism in soap opera according to maruto lol

>> No.40317901

They can't even become respected light novel writers lmao
Sca-ji's LN flopped hard
Jackson's LN got axed
No one cares about setoguchi's LNs

>> No.40317935

>killing bad
>just be happy
>just be nice to others
>don't kill yourself
>enjoy your seishun
>get a gf and your life will be fixed
>friendship power
>just follow your dreams
>value your nichijou
>love saves humanity
>muh family
Such complex themes
Much hard to understand

>> No.40317949
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Killing good, actually.

>> No.40317963

You forgot
>revenge bad
>pedophilia good

>> No.40318016

orcsoft games be like
>sex scene starts

>> No.40318032


>> No.40318059

is there anything hype coming out soon besides magatsubarai with porn, I have fallen into serious depression

>> No.40318071


>> No.40318079

JP lit fucking sucks dick, your average VN is better than a lot of modern lit

>> No.40318098

Not really. Just hold out brother.

>> No.40318117

work on your backlog

>> No.40318116

It's the same as any other language, some novels are good some are bad
Sounds like you read one bad novel and decided that

>> No.40318121

Is there any VN writer with mishima level prose skills?

>> No.40318132

Or maybe he can't like anything that isn't simple "boy meets his harem" romance stories with cute awawawa girls.

>> No.40318134

Muramasa did actually change how I think about killing, I didn't think killing was good or anything but I was generally apathetic towards it

>> No.40318142


>> No.40318145

Now what do you think about killing?

>> No.40318162

nah they just fucking suck. my problem with modern jp lit is that it has no ambition desu. they are fine with writing small stories instead of grand tales that take on the world or try to encapsulate all of human experience. im willing to read any recs if you have any but Ive read a lot more VNs with more ambition than the lit I have.

>> No.40318169

You need to kill to convince people not to kill

>> No.40318177

>modern [...] lit
I think I found your problem.

>> No.40318186

LNs are unironically better than Japanese novels at this point.

>> No.40318189

but you were the one that was saying that if VN writers wanted to write deep stories they should become novelists

>> No.40318192

That wasn't me

>> No.40318195

It's not good In all seriousness I took Muramasa's message being strictly in the context within war with it's message being that conflict and war is rooted in self-righteousness.

>> No.40318196

>day 4 after release
>new empress game still not on nyaa
>not selling on dlsite either
why cant the big eroge makers just embrace dlsite so we don't have to jump through a bunch of hoops with dmm?

I smirked

>> No.40318200

The writer is namedropping western philosophers. This must be a deep VN.

>> No.40318218

Self-righteousness is a meaningless buzzword without any analytical or explanatory value. Why did world wars happen? Just self-righteousness bro, no need to dig further. What is self-righteousness? Just something that motivates everything we do. Solution? Humans are doomed.

>> No.40318246

>material individual's freedom
Stirnerites being as stupid as always I see

>> No.40318263

People need simple one sentence explanations for everything

>> No.40318295

Yeah but that pursuit always results in some generalization of human nature, and hence no practical solution to anything.

>> No.40318335

Kageaki's final solution...

>> No.40318526

Ima juggles a couple of topics but if I have to summarize its main sentiment without passing any judgement:
Back when the internet was still a new thing in the market, you might remember people naively arguing about how it has the potential to unite humanity. But Romeo doesn't buy into any of that. He applies hedgehog's dilemma at humanity level. The more humanity tries to unite, the more it will hurt itself. He mentions about dunbar's number and how we have evolved to only be in small tribes and with increasing societal complexity we get crazy because we can't emphatize with all those people. Family, nation-state, capitalism, communism, all those ideologies, all of them will fail us. We're only left with tiny fragmented communities with like minded people and even those are always at the risk of collapsing. We'll not unite even in the face of disaster. But that's okay. We can still make friends and fuck them.
Looks like a half-decent point out of context but the way he goes about it is just lmao tier
why the fuck did you dig my shitposts from archives

>> No.40318574

Modern VNs are garbage too
Almost all ambitious good ones are from before 2012

>> No.40319584
File: 10 KB, 242x112, 84552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck did you dig my shitposts from archives
mental illness. please forgive me.

>> No.40319673

Setoguchi never wrote ln's though

>> No.40319728

i think he might have confused setoguchi with mareni.

>> No.40319814

>zero interesting eroge
even this https://miconisomi.xii.jp/summer/ got delayed.....
japan is owari

>> No.40319843

surely study steady won't be delayed a fifth time

>> No.40319883

His novels might as well be LNs

>> No.40319913

Now that more Role Player was announced I don't even care about anything else.

>> No.40320677

Anyone have Boku to Bokura no Natsu?

>> No.40324001
File: 217 KB, 1600x900, ZHlAHSHe9z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

お兄ちゃん, try to remember the basics of CQC.

>> No.40324147

Close Quarters Cuddling

>> No.40324589
File: 2.11 MB, 1829x980, いもおか.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like when I look up かにばさみ to see what it looks like I get pictures of crab scissors too.

Anyways, any lolichads playing いもおか? It's surprisingly high quality for a Doujin studio's first title.

>> No.40325547

>sex involving menstruation
I consider myself a proper cunnysseur, but nah. Also the loli mommy angle is weird.

>> No.40325576

In 99% of the cases it's that MC has sex with imouto who hasn't had gotten it yet and she gets in in the middle of sex, interrupting the scene.

>> No.40325587

Art is too weird for me.

>> No.40325628

Same here. They had a good thing going and the artist ruined it.

>> No.40327336
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>> No.40327409

Could've been worse.

>> No.40327430

how can it share characters and settings and shit with games from totally different companies?

>> No.40327675

unofficial relations

>> No.40327886

Where can I find the raw version of ikusa megami zero?

>> No.40327987

Or kamidori alchemy meister, the version on sukebei doesn't work. It's hard to find raw versions of eushully games

>> No.40327993
File: 1.17 MB, 4096x2305, FU3kVpCUAAESBue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer is owari, hopefully Kazuki Fumi will save fall.

>> No.40328046

Actually i'm fine with alchemy meister now

>> No.40328054


>> No.40328301


>> No.40328357

Is eroge sharing this fucking dead? It's not even an obscure game.

>> No.40328426

Nah he's just retarded

>> No.40328506

>loli mommy
Mommyshit is already pathetic, double so when it's a loli.

>> No.40328678
File: 332 KB, 689x630, F457DB79-246A-4CDD-A0DE-8E4D64265761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will japan make more edgy kino VNs like Dies Irae, Silverio Vendetta, and Soushuu Senshinkan Gakuen?

>> No.40328682

never because light is dead

>> No.40328907

>he doesn't know

>> No.40328926

Senshinkan isn't really that edgy imo. I get that some characters in it technically are pretty edgy, but overall it doesn't tonally feel that way.

>> No.40329409
File: 125 KB, 640x960, 9962730d8983b912c442f685979d9790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to read Nukitashi
>literally all it's been so far since I started reading is 'wacky adventures of how will we get home safely'

please tell me it stops being this its actually ruining my motivation to read this shit

>> No.40329427

Just don't read kusoge.

>> No.40329562

idk if this is the wrong thread to ask this but how do you play a VN on the switch that /has/ a translation with both japanese text and japanese voices?

>> No.40329563

It'll be like that throughout the common route
Gotta pad that shit bro

>> No.40329579
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, nuki1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I finally hit some fucking plot
hopefully it starts to get more interesting now that we've found the secret base

what's the route order for the game

>> No.40329602
File: 995 KB, 1600x900, 2PrTx7wiYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanase -> Himari -> Misaki -> True
Also the shitty pacing in the common route is mostly to give the routelets a chance to rape the MC.

>> No.40329605

dunno why I read that spoiler
i guess i'm not surprised though

>> No.40329623

It's not much of a spoiler, so don't worry. I think the game mostly spills it on like the first or second escape scene.

>> No.40329649

There's always someone new every week who reads nukitashi
is this the most popular VN these days?

>> No.40329662

Is nukitashi life-changing?

>> No.40329683
File: 431 KB, 2561x1440, kwBcEOHPB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of it is about Hentai Prison being considered very good, and people hearing that you should read both Nukitashis first.

>> No.40329718

Everyone who reads it ends up coming out with used goods/tranny fetish.

>> No.40329796

he said novelist, not light novel writer

>> No.40329833

And he said "they can't even"

>> No.40329894

yeah but how can you even compare when some neet writes an isekai self insert and instantly becomes a huge hit

>> No.40330028

What about critical acclaim like how shit like jintai, Iriya no sora etc are treated like muh kamiLNs instead of sales

>> No.40330049

>Iriya no sora
I couldn't stand this and dropped it partway through the third volume.
It's very well written, but it should be a crime to waste that kind of talent on all the juvenile garbage in it.

>> No.40330204

change the console language, most games should launch in Japanese

>> No.40330258

I want to do it for Somnium Files 2. Will this method work even if I buy the game from my normal e-shop account? If so, that means switching from english to japanese would be as simple as changing system language yeah?
I'm worried cause another jp game I have on the system (SMT V) remains in english no matter what despite all the other games switching to jp

>> No.40330268

おちまるぽ is the funniest fucking gag

>> No.40330370

Yeah lol the prose is too good for an LN
The dude went on to write actual novels and won awards anyway

>> No.40330506

The first 10 hours or so of Nukitashi when it's just "how are we going to get home today" before the actual plot kicks in are pretty rough.

>> No.40330595

AI Nirvana Project asks you what text language and what voice language you want to use on game start and you can change it at any time. You can buy the English version and play it in full Japanese without issue. It's the same game in all regions.

>> No.40330641

Thanks for all the help!
Been in a lull recently in learning Japanese so I decided to play a bunch of VNs in jp

>> No.40330795
File: 209 KB, 1565x2047, 20220620_181452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play KKK so bad bro...

>> No.40330827

>he hasn't already read it 3 times
step up

>> No.40331160

But...my JP skills

>> No.40331895


>> No.40331932

VN is a medium that can be bloated with unnecessary trite shit just to make it longer with LNs despite having a lot of vols you actually have to make each vol interesting otherwise it won’t sell. Laugh all you want at narou isekai authors but the top ones actually know how to make each vol entertaining. It’s just how narou works in general. Those hack pseud VN authors of yours couldn’t make someone entertained even if their life depended on it.

In this regard VN authors have mostly all been inferior and of course couldn’t make the switch to LNs other than actually talented ones like Kinugasa with his classroom of the elite. Say what you want about the guy but he is just pure solid whether it’s his characters or their 掛け合い/banter, overall plot etc etc etc he’s just solid at delivering entertainment.

>> No.40332022

you realize that you're basically saying
>tv shows are better than movies because every episode of a tv show has to be good or else you'll stop watching, while movies are bloated and filled with crap to hit arbitrary length limits

>> No.40332192

if you read it you'll end up posting screenshots from untranslated games on /vn/ ~20 hours a day

many such cases!

>> No.40332419

Did you lie to me? this screen doesn't pop up in Switch (had to look up a video on YT) and changing language and locale to JP does nothing

>> No.40332426
File: 587 KB, 1251x664, 1645474711581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.40332506

Thanks. Cute stuff.

>> No.40332547

On PC the game let's you choose the voice language in the options menu. Maybe there is also something in the Switch version?

>> No.40332767

Not that anon, but looking up on YT, while both PC and Xbox version have the language options, Switch seems to jump straight to difficulty selection. So much for being loyal to console.

>> No.40333765

Basically this.

>> No.40333781

Movies are criminally short to the point directors always end up cutting a significant chunk of important events. They aren't 30 hours like eroge.

>> No.40333977

>they are fine with writing small stories instead of grand tales that take on the world or try to encapsulate all of human experience.
So they're not pretentious

>> No.40334083

>Movies are criminally short to the point directors always end up cutting a significant chunk of important events.
This happens with VNs too
Romeo cut Akane's route in half in Rewrite

>> No.40334501

pretentious is a very meaningless buzzword especially when it is thrown around in these threads, but desu i think every great book is always a little pretentious as it kinda has to be. i would rather read something messy, imperfect, and ambitious rather than something tightly compact that i read once and forget two weeks after i finish. at least you can tell the writer is trying at something, even if they miss the mark. failure will always be a more interesting theme than success.

>> No.40335728

How long are Sakutoki trials and what are everyone's thoughts about them ?

>> No.40336996


>> No.40337392

I'm sure someone has, so maybe just ask the question you actually want to ask?

>> No.40337930

what're some games where it actually feels like the couples love each other a lot, like kazusa and haruki

obviously most moege are really shallow in that respect but even more serious romance type games usually don't give me that feeling

>> No.40338143


>> No.40338151

you're that desperate for a game where you get cucked by men and women?

>> No.40338179

now i want to read it even more

>> No.40338368

i just want a vn where mc has a practice girl gf to hone his skills then dumps her for pure qt

>> No.40338632

Used goods doesn't apply only to girls

>> No.40338721

it does

>> No.40338756
File: 1015 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2022-06-28 20.46.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40338805

more like フフcked in the ass later

>> No.40338875
File: 99 KB, 800x600, クラス全員マヂでゆり(28062022_232537).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this little idiot.

>> No.40338909


>> No.40338915

>selectable first person pronoun
What a great idea.

>> No.40338926

>pure qt
um bro?

>> No.40338947

Yeah I get mad whenever I see 僕 from my MC

>> No.40338955

Only for self-insert MCs

>> No.40338958

great for girls
unbearably cringe for guys
especially if, allah forbid, he's voiced

>> No.40338963
File: 638 KB, 609x589, OcHd1OIarg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When girls use 僕 it's great though.

>> No.40338969

I'm more of a 童 kind of guy

>> No.40338977

hey, you found your way to the right thread! enjoy your stay!

>> No.40338978
File: 342 KB, 1605x905, ChuSingura46+1_-忠臣蔵46+1-ChuSingura46+1 (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real best pronoun for women to use is オレ

>> No.40338989

IME fucked me over

>> No.40338996

A man of taste. That's my favorite too.

>> No.40339010

I just assumed you were a lolicon

>> No.40339011

And the best girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MSJWoHMfwM

>> No.40339026

i just want a vn where the mc thinks he's about to have gay sex with a man but he takes off their pants and it turns out to be a reverse trap

>> No.40339039


How do you use this as a pronoun.

>> No.40339043

The same way you use any other pronoun? There's only one way to use a pronoun.

>> No.40339057

oh it's わらわ

>> No.40339069
File: 1.26 MB, 1226x566, vn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this vn good? The characters are very standard

>> No.40339071
File: 680 KB, 552x770, 機神咆吼デモンベイン ver1.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40339086

i don't trust him...

>> No.40339092

best 妾 girl

>> No.40339098
File: 346 KB, 1600x1200, 機神咆吼デモンベイン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40339109
File: 113 KB, 800x601, HD-wallpaper-monobeno-sumi-kimono-blonde-room-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think she was one too was she?

>> No.40339110

i can tell just by looking at her eyes she either gets raped, cucks you, or both

>> No.40339117

that's what makes demonbane so good

>> No.40339119

This is peak romance.

retard but technically MC and her do get raped in a bad end so I guess you're not wrong...

>> No.40339127
File: 1.07 MB, 865x873, 機神咆吼デモンベイン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40339128

can't be a retard if i'm right

>> No.40339136


>> No.40339145


>> No.40339161

Damn, I didn't even know this was a tag.

>> No.40339181

I don't remember any names without pictures either, donmai

>> No.40339189

The main heroine in Magatsu Barai is a 妾 girl too in case you guys are waiting for the porn version next month.

>> No.40339192
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, 001_05062022_223741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your "male" friend, bro

>> No.40339196

isn't that the one where one of the heroines is MC's best friend turned into a girl?

>> No.40339208

Well no, he didn't know her before she turned into a girl. There's a pretty funny twist regarding that later anyway.

>> No.40340115

Is it cringe chuuni or funny chuuni?

>> No.40340265

Dunno what you really mean by that but tonally it's pretty light for the most part. The main villain is basically a big goofball.

>> No.40340374

Tried the new Sleepless game, it was alright. Man, Starless really was a flash in the pan.

>> No.40340486

Cringe chuuni - dies irae
Funny chuuni - nothing comes to mind, really. All chuuni is cringe.

>> No.40340539

Demonbane is funny chuuni

>> No.40341039

Fuck, I hate when a vn just freezes when you click outside of it.

>> No.40341225

Sometimes it's a setting in the config.

>> No.40341270

Yeah I know but sadly I'm talking about when there's no option for that in the config.

>> No.40341277

lmao I actually modded Ayakashi not to do this since it annoyed me so much.

>> No.40341431

Funny chuuni hands down goes to https://vndb.org/v5743

>> No.40341433

I need VNs to do that because if they don't freeze that means my 'hours played' will be inaccurate if I leave it running in the background.

>> No.40341528

that's the good part of it but I hate when I find a new word in a good scene because when i look for the definition of it the music fucking stops, kills all the atmosphere.

>> No.40341593

What? This series turns chuuni? I only played the very first one because I was horny.

>> No.40341662 [DELETED] 


>> No.40341670


>> No.40341924

Look it up on your phone using radicals, noob.

>> No.40342018

kid I been doing that for years now, i just would like the convenience to do it on my pc, that's all.

>> No.40342137
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1080, watch_v=HE7RsDirNPc_00_02_47.166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40342283


>> No.40342613

Kek, I just suffered through it. And happened a lot because the window is so small, like 640x480

>> No.40342635

>And happened a lot because the window is so small, like 640x480
I fixed that too. If anything that was the main point of my reverse engineering. Usually I just try to fix the window-mode resolution and make sure the game doesn't black screen from losing it's DirectX device.
Ayakashi was special though, also had to fix the full-screen mode fucking with other windows.

>> No.40343916

How do you guys keep track of how many hours you spent on a VN?
I assume there's some program for it.

>> No.40343925

my internal clock is accurate to the femtosecond

>> No.40343953

I carve a 正 for every ejaculation. Standard VN 1 per 2 hours, nukige 1 every hour.

>> No.40343964
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>> No.40344091

Good ol' stopwatch

>> No.40344896
File: 49 KB, 1600x900, 7eeKi9DTtN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into your skin?

>> No.40346430
File: 970 KB, 1920x1080, アマエミ-longing_for_you-_-_Ver1.0.0_2022-06-29_16-09-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By my professional calculations, the MC is supposed to be in his late 30s. That's a one babyfaced arafo

>> No.40346659

Are there any good, promiscuous, nudist or group sex nukige? Not nukitashi.

>> No.40346706

Nukitashi 2

>> No.40346784

nukitashi susuko append

>> No.40346812

I haven't played Yagai Gakushuu series myself, but it fits.

>> No.40346981

Is there a Bishop VN with a lesbian heroine? I like how they handle corruption and would love to see a lesbian get gradually corrected.

>> No.40347312

would nukitashi have been even worse if sol press managed to release a translated version of it

>> No.40347341


Yeah that's one of them, I guess I should try it

>> No.40347467
File: 15 KB, 582x87, 1635036127165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The English version would have been worse, yes.

>> No.40347497


>> No.40348140
File: 810 KB, 717x856, 1642399026996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't ask for this, but they're doing it anyway https://www.asa-pro.com/futakoi/af/

>> No.40348160

Same shit they did with koikari. Wonder if there's any 3Ps...

>> No.40348361

All the main heroines got a 3p scene in Royale's mini fandiscs

>> No.40348560

The worst one didn't.

>> No.40348683

Just got done with the anonymous code demo.
Pretty great. Even more hyped for the main now.
Also whoever's planning to play it on yuzu, yeah it runs with no issues.

>> No.40348798

>kinetic novel
no shit

>> No.40348892

Is Sakura no Toki going to be all-ages? Don't see any h-scenes in the gallery

>> No.40348900

Trial versions almost never have these galleries

>> No.40348911

Worse, there will only be h-scenes with the expired heroines from the first game

>> No.40348934

Gonna be a kamige regardless

>> No.40348944


>> No.40348955

not even the new qt JKs? damn

>> No.40348994

all aboard the kusoge train with your conductor, the most overrated retard ever, scatji

>> No.40349189

Gonna try it on my Switch later

>> No.40349442

Untrue, at the absolute minimum we know that Honma gets a h-scene too

>> No.40350073

Brethren, do you know of any heroines that sound like Ueno Koyori from SayoOshi? She sounds so cute and retarded in a way that doesn't get on my nerves, and I need more.

>> No.40350089


>> No.40350428
File: 149 KB, 430x259, 1636678616825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soukou Akki Muramasa – Shokuzai-hen is the sequel to muramasa
>can't find it anywhere

>> No.40350436

not a sequel, it's a fandisc-- in the literal sense, it was written by an actual fan

>> No.40350458
File: 64 KB, 222x265, 1634491674887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't it get the official a-ok?
Hell, i think they mention some elements from the fandisc in the spinoff

>> No.40350484

i mean nitroplus published it, i'm just saying it wasn't written by the original author or even anyone involved on the team, so i wouldn't take it too seriously

it's also all-ages and unvoiced, when everyone knows the whole point of muramasa is side character rape

>> No.40350529

isn't the manga-like something they already did with occultic nine ? I'm not much into the "I must save this girl I meet 5 minutes ago at all cost from the army" tropes but we will see

>> No.40350639

why do vas use like 30 different names for different eroge
i get using a different one for eroge and anime and stuff but if it's all nukige trash why bother using different names for them?

>> No.40350705

I imagine at some point it just became a meme and they do it for fun, Shimizu Ai has a twitter for her Kuruma no hito identity and she has no problem referencing all her different aliases there, though weirdly enough she doesn't talk about the work she did as Koshi Hikari in that account.

>> No.40350982

Looks like I'm not the only one who likes her voice. Best way I could describe it is like a natural non-pretending my-pace burikko.
If you're not allergic to gacha games, Gula from Magicami is like that too. https://www.magicami.jp/character/14/

>> No.40351938

Nitroplus had a fanfiction forum on their website. It was published there by the fan. Nitroplus then turned it into a game because the anniversary was coming up and Narahara had left years ago, couldn't even be bothered actually voicing the game. The reason you can't find it is because you're looking on the usual places instead the offical nitroplus website, its literally free. http://www.fmd-muramasa.com/shokuzaihen/

Also to be frank with you, Nitroplus giving the okay to something means fucking nothing with Narahara being gone. They have greenlit so much unbelievable fucking trash relating to Muramasa.
Did you know there's a manga that is a prequel to the fandisc where Kageaki has to fight timetraveling Samurai from the Shinsengumi and the like? Did you know it's revealed that the villain who summons them is revealed to be a Kageaki from another timeline who has spacetime powers because he got a splinter of the golden god in his eye? Did you know they bring Chachamaru back using timetravel and then she dies again? Did you know the final boss is Miyato Musashi who has his Tsurugi be the embodiment of the five rings? Kageaki killing him completes the rings and turns it into the ULTIMATE, undefeatable tsurugi that every military on the planet will want. This manga finished like 5 years after the fandisc was published which is why certain plot elements are pretty much ripping it off, and why none of the events are every brought up in the fandisc even though its supposed to be a direct prequel.
Did you know they greenlit a sequel light novel set in 2041 where humanity has advanced into space and is now fighting immortal aliens on their moon base?

>> No.40352500
File: 157 KB, 240x240, 1656058192010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew about the alternate world shenanigans, didn't know about musashi and ripping off fucking boruto
DESU it sounds like the kind of retarded shit nasu would write

>> No.40352510
File: 28 KB, 130x130, 1631062760679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also happen to know how to make this fandisc work? It crashes every time i try to start it

>> No.40352511

your post surely looks pretentious

>> No.40353002 [SPOILER] 
File: 398 KB, 1920x1080, サクラノ詩-櫻の森の上を舞う- (87).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of Sakura no Toki, I finally got round to finishing Sakura no Uta. It was a bit rough to get into at the start but once I got to Zypressen, I started to really enjoy it and was hooked. I can't imagine reading this in 2015 and waiting 7 years for the conclusion to Naoya and Kei's arc. It was kind of rough to see how everything fell apart towards the end and see Naoya waste years of his life in limbo until he got the spark to continue moving forward. If he had completely abandoned his and Kei's dream, that would had been extremely rough. Especially with how things ended with Rin.
Overall, it had some bumps but was a good read once it got going. I'm looking forward to November and hope it will get a full conclusion.

>> No.40353028

I read that shit in 2019 using this archive

it ran perfectly fine but all the bonus movie files you can watch were blackscreens, win 10, japanese locale for non-unicode, windows clock using japanese format. Nitroplus never released an offical win 10 version like they did for the main game because they're a gacha company now

>> No.40353077
File: 339 KB, 1080x1079, 1633830556255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friend

>> No.40354961

>see Naoya waste years of his life in limbo
Did he really though? Naoya's life really wasn't all that bad.

>> No.40355125

Henpri is much better version of sakuuta tho.

>> No.40355175

never fails

>> No.40355354

Funny how you can destroy me with facts and logic, so you need to apply to my ESLness. Pathethic. Qruppo >>>> makura
Even scaji on twitter accepted his defeat before henpri. And henpri developed over a span of just few years, while scajishit takes more than 7 years already. Scajifags lost before Qruppogods.

>> No.40355433
File: 87 KB, 800x600, クラス全員マヂでゆり(30062022_103343).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the kids are at it again

>> No.40355465

>Funny how you can destroy me with facts and logic
Funny indeed

>> No.40355539

preaching to the wrong choir, i think scatji and his games suck, it's just that esl qruppotards also suck

>> No.40355667

Nothing wrong with sucking big black cocks, anon. You should know that much if you're into Eroge.

>> No.40355669
File: 132 KB, 290x356, oWTc7v2B4z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are really upset by Qruppo existing. 仕方ない

>> No.40355697

shouldn't you be in the wrong thread? not enough attention to get here

>> No.40355704

Trap sprung. Go home, Kusomori-kun. You barely understand English, let alone Japanese.

>> No.40355709

If only every anon itt just read qruppo trilogy, so we all could just discuss qruppo games all day.
I was just like them until i actually read qruppo...

>> No.40355710

I wouldn't even know Qruppo exists if you autists wouldn't constantly try to smear your shit in each other's faces.

>> No.40355747

at least one of your exactly 2 (two) allies in the world is an esl >>40355354
you should think twice about insulting the linguistically challenged before there are only two of you retards instead of three

>> No.40355781

Lots of JSL are also ESLs, because when you already know more than one language, it's easier to pick up third. Lots of americatards would never gonna learn another language, since most of content already available for them in their native english language.
So no, your guess is wrong.

>> No.40355821

congratulations, you've made your least coherent post yet

i hope they make an /eng/ board for english learners such as yourself soon

>> No.40355837
File: 688 KB, 945x900, XriHuwy9oQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. When I was in a foreign language class in high school long ago, I had one of those crystallizing moments of wisdom when I realized, truly, that language is not a one-to-one conversion. From that point on, it was far easier for me to learn other languages, because I wasn't trying to constantly find a one-to-one mapping to English in my brain.

>> No.40355946
File: 2.83 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fault your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid, seething anon.
It's more about motivation imo, anglocucks already have access to the most of content as it is, so they don't know concept behind learning new language just to unlock more content

>> No.40355975

this guy's hilarious, he's taking that other guy's images and using them to insult people in broken english

>> No.40356084

i will read moby dick with a texthooker, esl sisters

>> No.40356548

hope you enjoy it anon, it's an amazing book

>> No.40356566
File: 1.69 MB, 901x1440, sdfgsdgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with her voice

>> No.40356633

Aji Sanma is great, but I mostly see it as a comedic voice, not very sexy

>> No.40358277

Until the shenanigans with the new art club starts and the business with the 櫻達の足跡 painting, he's just coasting through life he never came to terms with kei's death or confronted it, he's obviously still very troubled that he was never able to show the painting he put his all into to the guy who'd been waiting for him for 6 years and he's obviously anguished at how he never got to keep the promise about how they'd both be world-class artists and how Rin practically ran off and is working as an artist as some sort of atonement. Naoya pretty much, at least as far as I can tell from VI, gives up on chasing that dream and art (at least in the dedicated pursuit sense) for the most part until the aforementioned developments.
Of course with the Dickinson references and the final scene where he acknowledges he's no longer standing still and is walking at his own pace gives me hope he'll find some conclusion in Sakura no Toki

>> No.40359081

based qruppo new kouhai btfoing pretentious jaded cartel discord reddit twitter litfag kusogakis
I shall call you the rape correction master.

>> No.40359145


>> No.40359916

bout as late as it gets don't call it early

>> No.40359941

Fucking early thread maker.

>> No.40359981

bro i said to not do something and you did it, literally peak comedy!

>> No.40360628

making a new thread before the old one archives IS early

>> No.40360633

send paypal i'll buy you some tissues so you can cry about it

>> No.40360678

The fact that the best respose you can come up with is 'lol u mad' instead of any actual defense or justification or explanation is pretty telling.

>> No.40360695

alright you can send paypal too but you only get scratchy public school tissues
