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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4029333 No.4029333 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/, I'm that guy who posted last night about going on my first date in years.

It happened, it sucked, I'm $150 poorer and didn't even get so much as a hug.

>> No.4029342

And you can't beat Air Man. Your life really is pointless, huh?

>> No.4029340

No one cares.

>> No.4029343


>> No.4029349

Did you date a prostitute?

>> No.4029356

>my first date
>I'm $150 poorer
>didn't even get so much as a hug
What did you expect exactly?

>> No.4029354

>I'm $150 poorer and didn't even get so much as a hug.
Yea, the problem is because you seem to think that your material compensation will "earn" you love. You seem to have massive misconceptions about how females operate, most likely from browsing websites like this too much.

>> No.4029352

I care. What went wrong and what did you spend $150 on? Seems a bit much for a first date but what do I know.

>> No.4029351


>> No.4029358

Dinner, movie, drink, car rental.

>> No.4029362

Sup OP?

>> No.4029365


>car rental

You went the whole 9 yards. Didn't you?

>> No.4029366

Serves you right, going on a date, hmph.

>> No.4029372


No matter how many times I try.

>> No.4029375

>car rental

Ahh, thats the problem. She could tell that the car was not yours because it did not smell of failure and uselessness.

>> No.4029378
File: 48 KB, 400x450, ayair man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's pretty much how it's supposed to go.

>> No.4029393

So any idea what went wrong?

>> No.4029403

Youre a failure that no one can love.

>> No.4029421

OP here,

Maybe I expected to much. I at least wanted a hug, maybe a kiss on the cheek. A simple "I had a great evening" would of been nice. All she did was blah blah about how great Avatar was and how much mankind sucks.

I picked her up, gave her a 20x16 photograph (framed) that I took, dinner at a Irish pub/restaurant, then to the movies.. and home. I mean, I tired...

She hasn't even contacted me since last night to let me know if she had fun or not.

>> No.4029427

You went on a date with %%%%.

♪ You feel your relationship with %%%% has grown stronger!

>> No.4029429



Sorry for the typo.

>> No.4029432


Now where did I leave nelsonhaha.jpg...

>> No.4029438

Shes a woman, =3

>> No.4029442


It was the exact opposite. I bet he forgot her birthday or something.

>> No.4029447

You didn't even talk about your incest fetish? Thats where you went wrong.

>> No.4029454

>gave her a 20x16 photograph (framed) that I took

What the hell was that about?

>> No.4029455

Man you're a real dick to laugh at the misery of others
I loled

>> No.4029460
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>She hasn't even contacted me since last night

It's like you're really the girl here.

>> No.4029470

sounds a bit like she was just in for the free movie and dinner.

>> No.4029474

You had the wrong expectations and I bet you weren't really paying attention to what a dork you seemed like. Were you smooth at all? Did you connect? What you spent, what you gave her, where you took her, that stuff isn't as important as dating sims might make you believe.

>> No.4029475

That's pretty cold - I guess she just used you as an ATM to have a good time and couldn't care less about you or your feelings.

Still, it can't get much worse next time, right?

>> No.4029477

We were talking about photography awhile back, showed her some of my work, she really enjoyed a few of my pieces so I decided to give her a framed print as a gift.

>> No.4029482

It was a picture of a loli. I thought she would like it.

>> No.4029492

Lulz, she probably thought you were a closet pedo and couldn't bring herself to tell you since you were buying her a free dinner and movie.

>> No.4029496
File: 195 KB, 433x336, aponehicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if this isn't /jp/ related. This is hilarious.

>> No.4029502

Some people will do anything for pussy.

>> No.4029518

Reported for relationshit. Back to /r9k/,

>> No.4029530

It was a picture of her as a small child, I thought it would be romantic.

>> No.4029542

>All she did was blah blah about how great Avatar was and how much mankind sucks.
You picked the wrong girl & the wrong route...
Geez get back to training with some more VN

>> No.4029547
File: 5 KB, 126x126, 1244587125730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Are you guys like childhood friends or something? How did you guys even meet or go out on the date?

>> No.4029555

>I at least wanted a hug
Your body language probably didn't welcome hugs.
>A simple "I had a great evening" would of been nice
It sounds like your idea of a date is unrealistic. But it was rude of her not to mention that she had fun. It meant she didn't, but even so, the polite thing to do would be to put on airs.

Q.E.D.: she doesn't like you. Move on to someone else. Or your hand. Whatever.

sage for /r9k/ shit

>> No.4029567
File: 1.06 MB, 1276x957, blackdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, this is the picture I gave to her.

>> No.4029565

Why haven't the "it's 3D, it only loves your money" image not bee posted yet

>> No.4029572

>It was a picture of her as a small child
>implying a pic clearly saying : "u fucking slut, u should go back being a little girl so i could really appreciate u"

>> No.4029589

We've known eachother since gradeschool, never had any classes together, but talked on and off through the years. Recently spent a lot of time talking to eachother (we're in our 20s now) and I asked her out on a date to celebrate her birthday.

>> No.4029585

so the fagget didn't even noticed that the woman wasn't interested in him at all and had to endure how he was dragging her around in a rental car

>> No.4029592

Anyone have a link to the last thread?

>> No.4029598

The picture is the problem, it embodied your character too accurately. The broken down house shows your capabilities as a person. You are cold, desolate, and capable of breaking down at any time.

>> No.4029604
File: 21 KB, 163x237, 1243092206450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did she call it a 'date'?

It feels like I'm back in middle school, OP.

>> No.4029613

If the guy buys dinner, it's a date.

>> No.4029614

On average, sex tends to go for $1000 spent on dates. You still have a long way to go.

>> No.4029620

Ah, so "she"s a dog.
Sorry, but animals don't work in real life like in Wanko. Your puppy girlfriend won't hug you or tell you she had a good time.

>> No.4029625
File: 17 KB, 360x286, 1262175903617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We've known eachother since gradeschool
Well there you go, OP, you're in the friend pool.

>> No.4029627


How does dog know what movie is?

>> No.4029634

>u u u

Get the fuck out, Maria.

>> No.4029633

that's not how Q.E.D. is used.

>> No.4029638

you're just messing with all of us, aren't you

>> No.4029641
File: 8 KB, 191x316, Bush look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id go back to middle school with you.

>> No.4029647
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>> No.4029650

So you fucking freaked her out because she never considered you as a potential partner. Good job aniki, you have succesfully entered the /jp/ route aka final destination

>> No.4029651

But we never ever considered eachother "friends", we just knew eachother existed. It wasn't until recently we started talking and found out we could carry on an enjoyable conversation.

>> No.4029654
File: 87 KB, 181x220, Imenjoyinglife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suspect the girl you went out with isn't the affectionate type, assuming you didn't do some kind of faux paus.

I'd recommend just forgetting about her unless she calls you. If your first run was that cold I doubt it'll work out. Don't think too much about what you did wrong, you guys didn't click and there's not too much you can do about it aside from creating a fake persona just to hook up with chicks or something.

>> No.4029660
File: 1009 KB, 1032x720, 1258839498868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, let me try that again.

>> No.4029667

I wish I could see a video of you on your date. I bet you were laughably uncool.

>> No.4029678


As if /jp/ would know what 'cool' is.

>> No.4029688

reasonable, sound advice somehow looks totally out of place if you post with a pic of Rance.

>> No.4029692

>I at least wanted a hug, maybe a kiss on the cheek.
Yeeeah, hug/kiss on first date = slut....Which you probably wanted. Human beings don't accumulate relationship points over dates, your first mistake. Taking her out to eat on her -birthday- without dating before = free food.

>> No.4029702

You gave her a weird 'generic nostalgia' picture and took her to Avatar and an Irish restaurant. That sounds so stale it wouldn't stir anyone's loins. No wonder she didn't do anything to you.

>> No.4029709
File: 60 KB, 343x278, umadlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She hasn't even contacted me since last night

act like nothign important happened last night and dont call her, use myspace or twiter to post how much fun your having, if she reads that on the web, she might get jelous and want to be apart of your life.

PROTIP: try going somewhere original if ur going on a date, like the beach or a park, dont take her to dinner and a movie you boring fuck, what are you like 90??

>> No.4029710


He should have taken her to the aquarium or the amusement park.

>> No.4029713

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>> No.4029743

depends on what girl he's going for; maybe she has a winter event at the movie theater?

>> No.4029756


I think you just tried too hard. Makes you look desperate and inexperienced.

>> No.4029768

OP was to deep for her. She is a shallow whore.

>> No.4029772

Don't give a "personalized" present on the first date. That looks so pathetic. Save those for like six months in.

>> No.4029770

You probably didn't even neg her. Amateur. Negging her on her birthday... bitches love that.

>> No.4029777

One anon says "lame, take her someplace MORE exciting"
Another anon says "you tried to hard, tone it down"

You fuckers don't know anything about women yet you've let this topic reach 60+ posts.

>> No.4029782

>Depends on what she's going for

OP, you need to know what she likes and dislikes, and tailor your date to suit that. If you don't know what she likes and dislikes, finding that out should be your objective, not getting hugs.

>> No.4029820

It's funny because you don't know that those aren't mutually exclusive like you're >implying

>> No.4029823

I really wish we had never abolished arranged marriages.

>> No.4029833
File: 574 KB, 1100x800, 1261990990030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty troll thread by some desperate greasy idiot in the wrong board
>80 replies

Truly the worst board.

>> No.4029839
File: 4 KB, 119x109, Asamatteroffactmyopinionisbetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A hug and kiss are just various signs of affection women may or may not use. Aside from the obvious signs a better warning of a slutty girl is how over dramatic she may act towards certain subjects. This can key you on how she might like to be " taken away " on a night of passion by some dark and handsome stranger.


They're both right, the key thing is what's the personality of the girl he's going with. Does she like more excitement or does she just want to be with a confident guy? Perhaps she wants both? We only have a vague idea of what her personality is like.

>> No.4029841


They're not really abolished. They're just not legally enforceable.
