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File: 31 KB, 640x480, good question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4028872 No.4028872 [Reply] [Original]

Family Project, the biggest disappointment of 2009.

>> No.4028915

But it's the "greatest visual novel of all time", how could it be a disappointment?

>> No.4028908

More like the most successful troll of 2009.

Im rolling on 2010 already though

>> No.4028932

It was awesome, Aoba's route warmed my heart like no other VN did before.
You faggots just have shit taste.

>> No.4028943

What is wrong with Family Project? I loved it to pieces.

>> No.4028967

The only problem with that is about 5 other games translated in 2009 were superior.

>> No.4028979

What five games pray tell?

>> No.4029054

Umineko episodes
Cross Channel
Sharin no Kuni

There, 6 (or 8 if you count Umineko titles separate)

>> No.4029060

>>Umineko episodes
Agree for the rest, but these 3 are near the top of their genres.

>> No.4029085


He said they were superior

>> No.4029094
File: 23 KB, 319x210, u fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha, no. Dear god no.
Sure, whatever floats your boat.
>Kira Kira
Def threat. Bunch of minus points for your everyday MangaGamer QUALITY though.
Welcome to 4 years ago. Do i even need to mention that it took a fucking hacking project thats not even complete yet to finish this one?
>Cross Channel

me > you

>> No.4029104


>likes cross channel
>is a faggot with shit taste

>> No.4029117

me > you

Youre also an asexual with no taste.

>> No.4029120
File: 43 KB, 638x477, no translation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Def threat. Bunch of minus points for your everyday MangaGamer QUALITY though.

Yeah, because Jast's QUALITY was just so great with Family Project, and it was censored to boot.

>> No.4029137

>*likes cross channel, is 300 pounds*

If you don't get it, I'm telling you to stop using quotes as emotes.

>> No.4029148

>Ahahaha, no. Dear god no.

Are you saying Family Project is better than Sengoku Rance?

>> No.4029157

What was wrong with Rance. It was a great game, with tons of re-playability, likable characters. Story wasn't all that, but the story in Rance was more or less just something that pushed you to fight and concur more land.

>> No.4029166

There's no need for any hacking project you fucking weeaboo.
Also Family Projct is a good game. Umineko is not, Japan agreed.


>> No.4029180

Japan loves both.

>> No.4029248

Family Project isn't a bad game, it surely is above average. However the problem is that most of us don't see it as anything better than above average, and when it was hyped, for 2 fucking years, as the greatest game of all time, we weren't exactly happy with just above average.

>> No.4029322

I never came across that and I 100% the game.

Because fan translations are so much better right? Pretty muc EVERYTHING past Edelweiss is pretty damned good. And the majority of errors would not be caught by ANYONE.

inb4: gtfo MG dev

>> No.4029391

japanese and the very few gajin eroge experts say something different.

>> No.4029397

Umineko 6, the biggest disappointment of 2009.

>> No.4029533


It's 600 lbs. now, noob
