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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 153 KB, 800x597, yukkuri_rl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4027149 No.4027149 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.4027175

OP you are such a tease.

No download link or name?

>> No.4027182

Link, name, or hash required.

>> No.4027185

Why did she steal Tenshi's rock?

>> No.4027187

(C77)(同人ゲーム)(東方)[AQUA STYLE] 不思議の幻想郷

>> No.4027190

Thanks you.

>> No.4027195

Reimu's really taking it easy.

>> No.4027218

Open world roguelike like Elona? Or your standard roguelike/dungeon crawler?

>> No.4027234

Pokemon Mystery Dungeons

>> No.4027260

Downloading at the speed of 200kbs

>> No.4027270


>> No.4027274


>> No.4027281

Here's another download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UMTREV0F

>> No.4027287
File: 126 KB, 1360x768, Clipboard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic again

>> No.4027290

300 kB/s
Seed harder, /jp/.

>> No.4027296
File: 542 KB, 800x600, hurk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 powerups away from laser FFFF

>> No.4027299

MU has a download cap, I can't get any faster than 200-400 at home.

>> No.4027310


>> No.4027322

What kind of game is this?

>> No.4027324

Reimu Yukkuri and Baka, does it matter what game it is?

>> No.4027336


>> No.4027354 [DELETED] 

When I tried to run this game, it just told me to reinstall.

>> No.4027350
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1261852971672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4027358

When I tried to run this game, it just told me to reinstall.

>> No.4027371


Maybe you are THAT bad on it.

>> No.4027374



>> No.4027472

Feels more like Izumi than a rogue but I like it anyway.

>> No.4027493

Have you install vcredist_x86.exe it's in the runtime folder?

>> No.4027553

Is your locale set to Japanese?

>> No.4027755

Is it possible to save between areas or do you always have to start back at level 1 floor 1 if you die? Cause that kinda kills the fun when you end up losing some good equips.

>> No.4027768


Nope, you always start at the bottom if you die. It's the way all of the games of this type work.

>> No.4027821

Oh god, that opening cutscene between Marisa and Reimu was epic.

>> No.4027915

How do you save in this game? Its like once you die, you go back to the beginning including becoming level 1 again. And that kind of sucks because all my work goes down the drain. Not like I could have advanced much further with the lack of food supplies.

>> No.4027930

I wish I could understand the description of the items before using them though.

Anyways, on what level do this game end?
Is parsee at level 666?

>> No.4027999

Welcome to rogue-likes
Get used to having a learning curve in games instead of pressing 'respawn' every time shit happens to you

>> No.4028205


This is how rogue-likes work. Also, the game isn't that long. If you play correctly, you can finish it in just over an hour. Once you figure out how to not suck, you're expected to be able to do this in one sitting.

>> No.4028226

Why hello there Cheat Engine

>> No.4028237

This is pretty much how I play roguelikes.

inb4 TOO HARD FOR YOU? toughdog.jpg

>> No.4028281


In my youth, I could have spent days on this crap (and have), but I just don't care anymore.

>> No.4028396

sadly, this

>> No.4028457


>> No.4028482

Ok, I really need some food. I bought some at the store but they only had one and I don't want to enter the next dungeon like this.

Any ideas?

>> No.4028502

aw, i don't like rogue-like games. I prefer them to be more real-time like zelda.

>> No.4029182

Is there a way to save some equips for later playthroughs in case you die like in Shiren for example?

Because I didn't get a single weapon/shield up to level 5 and Meiling two shot killed me.

>> No.4029399

Whenever I try to play the game it just stays as a black screen. Anyone know what's wrong?

>> No.4029453


>> No.4029577

English fucking where.

>> No.4029683

Oh damn it. Game just crashed during the shop scene after level 10 and I lost everything.

Had amazing equips and 10k yen.

>> No.4029893


Now here's my only problem. If it's a NO save roguelike, instead of a constant autosave, crashes fuck you over.

>> No.4029906


That just leads to save scumming. Though people who would save scum are likely to be the people who'll just debug/memory edit.

>> No.4030047

I'm working on the hacking. It shouldn't take long. Go find a translator.

>> No.4030127

Haha, some items are really broken. There is an accessory that makes you level up just by walking around.

Unless I accidentally activated cheat in the menu or something.

>> No.4030224

yeah ... just like the rest of the /jp/ projects ... remember this side scroller with those underwate passages? Someone said he would translate it and it never happened

>> No.4030353

Yeah, I'm no good at getting things done. Labyrinth of Touhou took a whole month and a half, after all...

From what I've seen, this game is trivial. Encryption is a single byte. The script files are included as the LUA files. They seem to be compiled, but it's still a fuckload easier than messing with the executable.

There's just one problem. Filenames are stored as Unicode. I don't know how to deal with unicode, especially since I'm using MinGW, which doesn't seem to fully support setlocale(), and I think that's what I need to use.

If someone can tell me how to convert the unicode filenames to Shift-JIS or something else I can just pass to fopen, then I can post the files for people to look at real fast. Otherwise I can just overwrite the names, but that'll destroy the extensions and obviously isn't good.

>> No.4030360

why dont you do it?



>> No.4030518
File: 600 KB, 797x595, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is whacky as hell.

After killing all those yukuris I ate something which a) confused me b) turned every item in the room into a Marisa yukuri for a while and c) summoned something way above my level.

>> No.4030550

It pisses me off that so many people think pokemon when they hear mystery dungeon.

>> No.4030567

Aaand it crashed again. Very annoying.

>> No.4030576
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>> No.4030597
File: 94 KB, 800x640, shiren1_l648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is the only Mystery Dungeon.

>> No.4030704

holy shit, I just got 3shotted by China ;_;

>> No.4030719

Yeah, don't engage unless you have a shield or are high level.

The good news is that she doesn't follow you out of the room.

>> No.4030756

Keep trying and see what happens.
I know it doesn't make sense, but after some light googling didn't find me anything usable, I just kept running it.
First it crashed on start-up, then after the splash screen, then after the intro, and suddenly it works. Who knows what happened, I don't care.

>> No.4030833

Can anyone post the enemy traits? Spoilered of course? It'd be nice to know what I'm up against when seeing them for the first time.

>> No.4030996

how do you restore hunger or fatigue or whatever the 5 stars represent? (other than eat food, since I haven't found any)

>> No.4031006
File: 369 KB, 800x600, spinnin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One room filled with 12 spinny Hinas equals rape.

No seriously they curse your stuff

And I will most likely never get this far again.

>> No.4031045

You can buy food most of the time and find some lying around randomly. If you're short on food, stop killing every single thing and run for the next floor.

>> No.4031075

If you're at the starving level, then using a medicine will bring you to half a star for a short while. If it comes to that though, chances are that you're screwed anyways. Sleeping in one of the areas between dungeon levels will also restore all your stars, though it costs money. There are no other ways to my knowledge.

>> No.4031388

The cutscenes, especially the danmaku battle, look incredible. And the audio for them was appropriate, as well as good voice work.

The in-game art, not so much.

>> No.4031454

I'll take mere good art. It can't all be incredible.

>> No.4031466

what the fuck
The art is awesome. ;_;

>> No.4031495

I just started the game and am not familiar with roguelikes.

Where and when can one buy anythign besides before starting?
How can you sleep? And what is "one of the areas between dungeon levels"? I haven't seen an area between, or does "dungeon level" not refer to anything you get to by using a blue teleporter, but something that happens after X teleporters?
3shotted by Meiling? I got an onbashira and ever enemy dies with one blow.

>> No.4031516

someone's opinion differs slightly from mine! qq more

>> No.4031613

Does your weapon change the power of your shot, or just your melee attack?

Also, where exactly is the shop?

>> No.4031616

You can buy and sell stuff after dungeon level 4, 9 and 19. You can sleep at Keines or Kourins for 1000 moneys I think.

If you are lucky that doesn't mean everyone is. Sometimes you just can't find a single weapon or shield until higher levels.

I just found a REIMU MUST DIE spellcard which levels every enemy on the map once. Oh joy.

>> No.4031655


>floor 20
>level 16

Well no wonder. Slow down. Try to keep your level around the same as the floor, if not higher.

>> No.4031760

I haven't gotten beyond dungeon 10 (thanks crash) but what you should look out for:

Meiling Very hard hitting and resists most ranged attacks. Kill quickly. Doesn't follow you out of the room
Eirin Ranged attack, quite nasty when in groups. Has a poisoned arrow that will slow you down. Weak to melee attacks
Chen Weak but very fast. Attacks twice every turn
Youmu Strong meele attack, kill from a distance. MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO OTHER ENEMIES AROUND WHEN SHE DIES because she leaves behind Myon who will posses the closest enemy making it way above your level. Avoid unless she is alone or you are sure what you are doing.

Someone add later enemies please.

>> No.4031803

Have you gotten further?

I think its entirely gear dependent. I found a ridiculous +22 atk log on level 2 and simply ran through the lower dungeons one shotting stuff. Being half the level of the dungeon was no problem.

>> No.4031817

Upper middle of the map. You'll get there after dungeon 5.

And some of the weapons have other stats than just attack value so who knows. Has anyone gotten the laser shot yet?

>> No.4031826

Game seems worthy of a wiki. I think I'll make one.

>> No.4032021
File: 96 KB, 806x625, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's what?

>> No.4032022

Laser sucks. It does little more than the normal one but can hit multiple enemies.

I'm sure there are some missing but here are the characters I remember:

Mystia can blind you. Nothing serious as you can still keep attacking.
Momiji can call for reinforcement. Doesn't go very far.
Alice can put up a doll that will attack you. Pretty annoying in groups.
Suwako is hopping around you and just doesn't care.
Minoriko transforms your items into FOOOD.
Letty can cast a blizzard that slows you down.
Yuyuko eats your precious FOOOD.
Moko-tan hits really fucking hard. Beware.
Baby-Pachery switches place with you and bombs herself on death. Kill on range.
Aya Is damn fast.
Suika has a ranged attack and can melee you from two fields away.
Tenshi can call an earthquake upon you.
Iku is nearly impossible to hit.

>> No.4032038


Get the patch first, dude.

>> No.4032056

>>4032022 Marisa CRASHES YOUR GAME

Son of a bitch

>> No.4032062

what do those eye items and talismans do?

>> No.4032096

You seem to be rather far. Got any tips for us lowly roguelike noobs?

Got a link?

>> No.4032129

Woah just watched the opening scene, pretty nice

>> No.4032154

She doesn't crash your game... she steals an item and then MASTER SPARKS YOUR ASS FOR 50 DAMAGE OVER AND OVER AGAIN

As a side note to newbies, use Youmu at F10 to grind. Enemies are too stupid to do the horizontal cross on the upper section- use this to your advantage.

>> No.4032171
File: 50 KB, 805x602, death_by_remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... fuck. At least I gap'd my 16 damage Kanako Stick of Doom and can use it on my next run.

>> No.4032181

>and can use it on my next run.
How do you save items for later?

>> No.4032183


Can someone make a list of what those yingyang pendants do?

>> No.4032232

Most of the game is luck anyway.
Use your ranged attacks against melee enemies.
Try to engage one enemy at once. Use the tunnels for that. Sleeping enemies won't wake up when you are not in the room.
If you cleaned a floor and have a lot of food left, wait for respawns and grind away. That will help a lot later. Buy every FOOOD item you find.
Try to get down which items can be used to heal. Will save your life.

I found some accessory that showed up everything on the map. Made exploring a lot less annoying, but I'm sure I wasted a lot of items because I didn't know what they do.

>> No.4032243


your range attack consumes food and does really poor damage

>> No.4032255

It crashes immediately when I try to open it. Help?

>> No.4032264

Second-tier baby Patchouli has a long range slow spell
Second-tier Rumia reduces your sight range to 0 if you're in the same room as her
Mystia deletes your map and blinds you

>> No.4032266
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x898, feedmiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4032323

What do the dimensional rifts do? I accidentally threw one to a wall and it gave me food and tea.

>> No.4032337

Depends. Some are use to allow you to use items in your next playthrough, some are just used to make cursed items disappear, some are throw-weapons... etc.
Learn moonspeak or bug Deranged to do an English patch or something.

>> No.4032375

Deranged is probably still busy with Touhou Soccer 2

>> No.4032402


So they're kind of like Diablo 1's shrines?

>> No.4032408


>Touhou Soccer 2

Come on, how long has it been?

>> No.4032432

About 20 days since he started.

>> No.4032491 [DELETED] 

Game always fucking crashes. I can't get past floor 10 without hearing Nanami's "EEEEH, SYSTEM ERRORO~". It's probably something I'm doing that always crashes it.

I'll wait for a patch.

>> No.4032512 [DELETED] 

Game always fucking crashes. I can't get past floor 10 without hearing Nanami's "OPO, SESTEM ERRORO~". It's probably something I'm doing that always crashes it.

I'll wait for a patch.

>> No.4032516

Those sound like pots from Shiren. I want a Gap of Holding.

>> No.4032520

Game always fucking crashes. I can't get past floor 10 without hearing Nanami's "UP, SYSTEM ERRORO~". It's probably something I'm doing that always crashes it.

I'll wait for a patch.

>> No.4032522

Could someone please link the patch page?

>> No.4032559

First game, I started off with no money and no items.

I went to the title screen, watched the intro again, and now I start with 5,000 yen and a ridiculous 18 attack glowing sword (Possibly the Sword of Hisou?). What.

>> No.4032636


Under the 12/31 update.

>> No.4032667

Thanks. Does it fix the crashes?

>> No.4032676

Finally beat this game. I guess the trick is to stock up on food and get lucky with picking up good items. One tip for getting food is from fighting Minoriko. She has a move that randomly turns one of your items into a big Ohagi, which basically fills up your food bar. If you have a good enough defense, try getting hit a few times until she turns some of your items into food. This move does not seem to affect equipped items.

>> No.4032691

Is there a way to turn off music?

I'd play but I can't get through all these C77 albums if I turn off fb2k so I have been playing Elona only.

>> No.4032693

Thanks, that will come in handy.

How many dungeons in total (spoilered)?

>> No.4032706

Most. We're apparently getting a new patch today (1.3) according to the site to fix more.

>> No.4032708

Get lucky? Stellar advice there.

>> No.4032709


There are 30 stages total.

>> No.4032740

Welcome to the world of roguelikes - where the Random Number God is in full effect.

>> No.4032742

Its a roguelike. In one of my attempts I had a +18 attack weapon, +8 defense shield AND the every direction shot by E5.

Luck is just a huge part of it.

>> No.4032778

I've played roguelikes before and know luck is a huge part, but I'd never list that as a playing tip because it's completely outside the player's control other than PLAY MORE GAMES.

>> No.4032823

Am I doing wrong to make enemies sometimes randomly upgrade?

Best advice: learn Japanese to use the spell cards properly.

>> No.4032841

Do weapons/armor degrade and get destroyed?

>> No.4032857

Hina can give -1 to your items.

>> No.4032865

Yes, some more than others. These huge logs are very powerfull but break after three dungeons or so.

>> No.4032879


No, thats just part of how it is. When you get killed something else is bound to level. Myon also levels up other characters when it merges with them. There is a throwing item that lowers enemy levels but I forgot its name.

Also on an unrelated note, try not to get power points past the multi-directional spread level. The piercing blast in the end is far less useful from my experience since it only goes one way.

>> No.4032926

Just found some ofuda that turned what they hit into Reimu copies. They seemed neutral at first, but I hit them as I was stuck in a corridor. The game shortly crashed thereafter.

>> No.4033064

fff what are all these Reisen doing in E8?

Can two shot me.

>> No.4033095
File: 161 KB, 806x630, what_to_buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... what should I buy here? And why is Yin-Yang orb 10x more expensive than that other thing when they both have the same attack stat?

>> No.4033127

Damage multiplier effect.

>> No.4033178


I still don't know what the gaps do. I've been sticking items in them but nothing happens even after the game is cleared. Probably just buy the green tea for some healing effect.

>> No.4033210


can someone explain to power levels? don't the higher level ones just waste stomach?

>> No.4033204 [DELETED] 

I got pincered between two tier 2 Eirins. One of them turned out to be the secretly higher TIER FUCKING 3 EIRIN upon my death. Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, die. That's bullshit.

>> No.4033224

At least you've yet to be SPARKED by a tier 2 Marisa.

>> No.4033234 [DELETED] 

On my spawn to a floor, I got pincered between two tier 2 Eirins and a tier 2 Youmu. Sleep, slash, sleep, slash, sleep, slash, sleep, die. That's bullshit. There's literally nothing I could have done at any level.

>> No.4033254

I don't know a lick of Japanese, but believe it or not, I think the gaps send items back to the shrine. There's a menu option when you're at the shrine to take items. I don't remember the kanji but it's not like there's that many options. You choose it and it gives you a menu that sorts the items by type of thing it is. In this way, you're supposed to gradually build up a stockpile that allows you to kick ass a lot easier through the first few levels.

>> No.4033266

oh and how you actually use the gaps is you select the gap, choose top option, the select the item you want to stockpile at the shrine and top option. i think.

>> No.4033310

god damn..i got killed by okuu's nuke :(

>> No.4033338

I accidentally killed Youmu. Then Myon possessed Udonge.

>> No.4033398 [DELETED] 

Damnit, this is actually the first time I seriously wish I knew Japanese.

>> No.4033405

Damnit, this is actually the first time I seriously wish I knew Japanese.

>> No.4033481

I just murdered a tier 2 Udonge and got 750 XP. The AI is retarded and can't cross diagonal narrow paths.

>> No.4033482


can't stand reisen. her confuse is stupidly overpowered

>> No.4033560

It wouldn't be a roguelike if there weren't enemies that make you cry.

>> No.4033564


At least you can still do stuff. Eirin's sleep means you just sit there for about 10 turns. With other enemies around, that's instant game over.

>> No.4033591

FFFFFFFFFFF a yuyuko just ate all my food

>> No.4033601


Even when you're confused, your danmaku should still go in the direction that you want it to. Use that to save your life. It'll be useful later on for Iku too since she has such high evade for melee.

>> No.4033622

Does anything improve your accuracy? Leveling? Equipment? Or is it based purely on the enemy?

>> No.4033628


One of the potions gave me 100% accuracy for a short period before. I know because I killed two Youmus in melee without missing.

>> No.4033669

Aside from the opening, are there any other cutscenes of that nature?

Even with the 2.5d look, that has to be the Touhou-related best treat for my eyes I've ever seen.

>> No.4033689

Pardon my /v/, but is this game as ragequit inducing as it seems to be?

>> No.4033708

No. You're just weak.

>> No.4033709

If you reach lvl 19 only to go to the next room to be filled with 4 youmu's. Fun crap that was...

>> No.4033716

I didn't even start yet, just going by people's posts.

>> No.4033717


You won't be quitting. You'll be dead. Many, many times. Though over time, you'll gap good items back, so you can start with them. 15 or higher attack weapons, 10 or higher defense shields, amulets with status preventing or trap stopping should be your first priority.

>> No.4033719

So what's the point? Overpopulated Yukkuri extermination?

>> No.4033725

I've gapped a lot of shit. Never comes back.

>> No.4033731

The point is for you to learn Japanese.

>> No.4033747

When I was in the sunflower levels, I didn't see yukkur number one. What's the deal?

>> No.4033749

I'd play a touhou let's learn japanese! game.

>> No.4033776


>> No.4033782

The game can screw you over in such a way that you spawn into a monster house *and* a Reisen trap at the same time turning everything into Yukkuri. In other words, OP is an unlucky son of a bitch.

Walfas released a learn English book.

>> No.4034240 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 802x601, ffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows why my text comes up garbled like this?

>> No.4034305 [DELETED] 

Translation from a post yesterday:

All shots consume food to use.

Normal shot - .5x damage multiplier. Direction you're facing. 8 space range.
Three way shot - .6x damage multiplier. Goes in the direction you're facing, and the two directions beside it. 10 space range.
Multi--direction shot - .7x damage multiplier. Goes in all 8 directions. 10 space range
Laser - .9x damage multiplier. Direction you're facing. Pierces. 15 space range.

>> No.4034308

Translation from a post yesterday:

Normal shot - .5x damage multiplier. Direction you're facing. 8 space range.
Three way shot - .6x damage multiplier. Goes in the direction you're facing, and the two directions beside it. 10 space range.
Multi--direction shot - .7x damage multiplier. Goes in all 8 directions. 10 space range
Laser - .9x damage multiplier. Direction you're facing. Pierces. 15 space range.

>> No.4034365

Items with a skull on them are too high level to use yes?

Oh and if anybody wants to be awesome person of the year then do a screenshot'd guide on how to send items back and take them with you on a new game.

>> No.4034403

So basically use shots once upgraded to the three pronged attack and if you can hit more than one enemy. Then it is food efficient.

>> No.4034407

items with a skull are cursed items. once you equip them, you can't equip other items. the only way to get rid of the curse is to get Unzan to upgrade it. if you equip the curse item long enough, you'll get instant killed at some point.

>> No.4034412


higher level shots takes more food too.

>> No.4034414


does anyone know where the save file for this game is?

>> No.4034417

Oh. Haha, good thing I didn't use it.

I should really wait for a translation.

>> No.4034448

If you're in a position where the 8-way shot is useful you should probably be more concerned with running the hell away.

>> No.4034459

Unless you are in a field of yukuris.

But yeah the laser is more useful for damage and penetration. Now I just need to figure out how to warp items.

>> No.4034474

Use the spellcard that reveals the map... or hell, equip the amulet that does that for 5 maps. If you can still say, "You can't be in situation where 8way shot is useful"- then you must have problems with drawing mental lines.

>> No.4034486


you have to start a new game to get the warp items i think.

>> No.4034521

I just found a melee weapon with a two field radius.

Pretty handy to hit two enemies at once or hit one without it being able to counter.

>> No.4034526

It's too bad that Suika's bottle only had +4. Takes quit a bit of upgrading to be awesome...

>> No.4034534

Mine had +8.

Of course I lost it since I don't know how to warp and got surrounded by Youmus ;_;

>> No.4034621

I like trying to save those items for later when I'm outclassed and running away from most fights. But yeah, I guess the 8-shot would be good with them?

>> No.4034650

Thing is, if you are surrounded by enemies you should start running and not stand still spamming AoE. And once the mobs form a line behind you the laser wrecks havoc.

>> No.4034681


A video if anyone's on the fence about this.

>> No.4034712

I don't even know what the fuck I'm reading on the menus.

>> No.4034724

Trial and error worked just fine for me.

The problem are the spell cards and charms. No idea what each of them do, I just sell all of them.

>> No.4034853

how to get this to work, /jp/? Downloaded the torrent thing but the setup doesn't work

>> No.4035087 [DELETED] 

Can someone post details on the Battler is trapped in the room mindrape?

That sounds really fucking insane. It also probably explains why Cape Battler had catatonic eyes.

>> No.4035161


Ill' try it on XP later on...

>> No.4035169

if it's the installer that's not working, try moving it out of the japanese named folder first

>> No.4035323

I made the Installer go in Japanese... But the game .exe isn't working, it opens a black box, then tells me that the program isn't running good, and closes... This is on windows 7 so far...

>> No.4035378

So did enough games get released at c77 in order for it o be a good idea to start a whole thread about it?

>> No.4035407

I died.

>> No.4035434

getting the same problem, got w7

>> No.4035447

fucking hell...i can't get past lv 12

>> No.4035523

"This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
*sigh* well isn't that nice

>> No.4035536

Open the runtime folder.
Instal lvcredist_x86.exe

>> No.4035682

this isn't english so i won't play it.

>> No.4036064


Have a large number of script files. I'll extract the rest of the files after I make sure I can do replacement.

As I thought, all of the script files are compiled. Fortunately I already wrote a tool for touhou unreal mahjong to replace binary strings in compiled LUA files; hopefully it'll still work. However it's still a pain in the ass to work with them, so I won't be able to do any text replacement without having a translator who can go through the game, find strings that need to be replaced (i.e. "霊夢") and what I need to replace it with ("Reimu").
I also can't use photoshop worth a damn, so someone will need to volunteer for image editing once the images get extracted and translated.

>> No.4036075


tbh might get a better reception for volunteers on poolshmer then here

>> No.4036617


Why did that moron equip a cursed shield on the first floor, where everything does 1 damage anyways?

>> No.4036631


He probably wanted to show the un-curse spellcard. Dumb luck he found one.

>> No.4036948

Wow, I browsed /jp after a month break and something epic actually comes across.


>> No.4037129
File: 129 KB, 806x625, text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone type up this text for me?

>> No.4037342


>> No.4037551

Items I put in gaps aren't showing up at Akyu's anymore. Is there a limit or something?

>> No.4037646

Are you using the same type of gap each time?
From my pathetic kanji-searching on item names I've found that some gaps imply "saving" or "conservation" while others are named after stuff like "synthesis". I've used the latter to unequip cursed items.

>> No.4037658


This. Not all gaps are the same. There are at least 4 different kinds from what I've seen.

>> No.4037682


Which gaps save items - the one with a house-like sign as the first character, or the one with a 1-shaped sign?

>> No.4037690


Is it possible that gaps work the same way as pots in Shiren the Wanderer?

Synthesis might combine items for instance, and saving might send them to an Item warehouse.

Shiren is a fucking big influence in Japan, so it wouldn't surprise me that this game borrowed a few elements.

>> No.4037782


If anyone wants to test Sukimas, here are some definitions I found:
保存 - preservation; conservation; storage; saving (e.g., to disk); maintenance
合成 - synthesis; composition; synthetic; composite; mixed; combined; compound

I haven't looked up the other ones really.

>> No.4037797

Google translated manual:


>> No.4037832
File: 177 KB, 816x640, lotusland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sukima to send items to the warehouse is 倉庫のスキマ

>> No.4037862


And which of these is the correct one?

>> No.4037899

They are both correct.

保存 lets you put in and take out items. Useful for storing food so it won't get taken by Yuyuko.

倉庫 sends your item to Akyuu.

>> No.4037916


Thanks, that explains everything

>> No.4037921

Thanks. I was too lazy to do that myself.
No, seriously.

>> No.4038165
File: 130 KB, 806x625, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are a fuckload of files. I trimmed the most obvious ones, but there's still 1,500 files. I think the most important ones are the script files in d000 (uploaded the ones from v1.0) and graphics in d400, so I'm gonna try only working with those 300. Since all of the text in the game is stored within the compiled LUA files, it'll be a goddamn bitch just to find all the necessary text. I can't type it up myself and AGTH wouldn't work, so I'm useless for that. I'll write up instructions on how to deal with the compiled LUA files and post the stuff here and on Pooshlmer.

Or, of course, someone could try asking AQUASTYLE for the source files.

>> No.4038253

I have a question.
That building that Keine is at when you finish the first 5 floors.
Is that to save?
Since Keine = history and everything...

>> No.4038271

I think it's an inn to recover HP with.

>> No.4038278

So then where do I save?

>> No.4038297

You don't, its a roguelike. You can only send back good items for a new playthrough later on.

>> No.4038302

Everything is fine and dandy until I run into three fucking Momijis and China.
Way to die in two turns.

Is there any way to save the progress?

>> No.4038305

I'd say the same way you save in Touhou, but this at least lets you recover progress.

What you're looking for, you can't do. To stop the game so you can resume it later, goto the menu, the bottom option, and then the first option. Confirm (top option, hai). Be careful though, because the other option before confirmation will end the game.

>> No.4038320

you should find rare items and store them in gaps. i learned that the hard way.

>> No.4038344


How do I recognize a rare item?
It all looks the same, just the moonrunes are slightly different.

Also, what do the gaps do other than items storage, and how do I store it anyway?

>> No.4038347

Do those gaps act like a bag in Nethack or like 4-dimensional pocket in Elona? I.e. do you have a set number of charges/uses, or can you indefinitely use a single gap to store and protect items?

>> No.4038413

Restore HP, food bar (the 5 stars), and your strength (力) or something

>> No.4038470

Whenever I start the game the game just stays stuck at a black screen. Restarting or reinstalling doesn't seem to fix this. Anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.4038474
File: 25 KB, 352x40, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of gap is this?

>> No.4038521

vcredist in the runtime folder, install it.

>> No.4038569

Ya so when i see the dialogue, its all bugged out. I only see letters and dots. Is there something i need to download to see the Japanese characters correctly?

>> No.4038582

Applocale, asian fonts, etc. That should be it.

>> No.4038600

吸い寄せ:to draw in; to attract.

Some sort of vortex sukima? As for what it actually does in-game, your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.4038619

Thx, i forgot about this. Had to use it for MegaMari on my labtop.

>> No.4038662

Are cursed items always good? Because I don't see any stats on them.

Thanks. Will experiment with some drinks.

>> No.4038669


吸い寄せのスキマ lets you grab any random item on the floor your on when you use it. There is a set number of charges so use it wisely.

You can use store and take out indefinitely. It's sometimes dangerous keeping your best stuff inside one because Marisa will most likely steal it if shes next to you.

>> No.4038673


In case anyone actually wants to go through the trouble of translating a game with only the compiled source files. I'm gonna try to see if anyone on Pooshlmer can write up an email to AQUASTYLE asking for the uncompiled source. Fat chance, but it'd be simple to translate if they are given out.

>> No.4038793

Nooooooo Patchouli what the fuck.

>> No.4038899


This isn't working. I'm using windows xp. Anyone want to help?

>> No.4038921

Any chance of a wikia being created for this game? So people can just put their tips/translations down once in the probably multiple threads that will follow this one once it descends into auto-sage?

>> No.4038923

Did you also use the directx_aug2009_redist? And then setup the directx components that came out?

>> No.4038954

What the fuck? I was in stage 7, level 12, wanted to level up to 13, but suddenly all enemies started to hit like 3x fucking harder, so Lily and two Minorikos fucked me up.

What was the meaning of this?

>> No.4038997


yes, I installed both files in that folder and the directx that came from one of the installs

>> No.4039018
File: 40 KB, 289x84, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what kind this is?

>> No.4039063

Have you set your locale to Japanese? If you already have then I don't have a clue on what's wrong.

>> No.4039342
File: 156 KB, 960x638, Tewi&Cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Tewi and Cirno are talking about.

>> No.4040119

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.4040207


Yea, I think. I was playing the game yesterday and today the game won't run at all. The only thing I've done was move the r00 file thinking it was the save file but I've put it back.

>> No.4040215

Where the fuck is my 15+ onbashira?

It fucking disappeared and left me barehanded against Minoriko Mk2 and two Youmus.

>> No.4040242


>> No.4040245

fuck yeah i can one shot meiling now..gonna upgrade my weapon the highest level possible.

>> No.4040256

Onbashiras break after a while. If they didn't they'd be way to powerful in compasrison to the other weapons.

>> No.4040301

For the people who've beaten the game, is there another cutscene like the OP in the end?

>> No.4040328

Has anyone found the "treasure" room?
Shit tons of enemies and god tier items.

It would be rather easy, but Eirin killed two enemies in corridor and leveled up TWICE.
Took me every fucking potion and spellcard to beat that bitch.

>> No.4040374

Is this game actually any fun or is just another touhou shovelware? Whats the fun ratio of this compared to Elona?

>> No.4040522


decent game that can keep you occupied for a day or so

>> No.4040534


translations for stuff in this thread

>> No.4040761

Is there a way to toggle the map? It's a bit bothersome having a very big fucking room stamped on the center of the screen.

Also, regarding Japanese text appearing as such. Is it normal that after turning the locale to Japanese, "\" turns into "¥" in some cases? Like when browsing through folders, the address bar looks like C:¥Program Files¥etc...Is there a way to set the locale as it was before and still read correctly the in-game text?

>> No.4040803

The yen-slash is something that always happens - though whether there's a way to stop it, I don't know.

>> No.4040900

Use AppLocale

>> No.4041529

It's good if you know enough Japanese to understand what items do. If you like Shiren, it's based off it so you'll probably like this too.

elona sucks so no comment on that

>> No.4041897

Ridiculously unbalanced.

In one run you find in the first four stages so many awesome items you can't even carry them all, in another you don't even have a fucking weapon or shield until stage 7 and after a while you starve to death.

It's fun, tho.

>> No.4042010

I bet you've never played Nethack, or at least haven't found a wand of wishing (0:3) in a shop on floor 2.

>> No.4042035

Shops are different as you aren't going to be able to afford good stuff at low level and shopkeepers have deadly wands.

>> No.4042058

Wish for a wand of death after wishing for your two blessed charging scrolls. Problem solved.

>> No.4042065

Wouldn't he attack you as soon as you used the wand?

>> No.4042157

You know what's annoying? The Tewi trap in the sunflower field that skips you a few floors forward.

Enjoy Youmu rape.

>> No.4042218

Of all the items Marisa could steal (full inventory), did it really have to be the gap with my +13 shield?

Fucking hell. Is there a charm in the game to prevent stealing? Because that really fucks you over.

>> No.4042222

He should be dead? No. I guess you might miss, but even at low levels you should be able to survive a wand of striking and shoot a second time.

Anyway, Nethack is boring and this game is not, so I hope it keeps getting updated.

>> No.4042298

Anybody tried running the game with AGTH + ATLAS?

Would make looking up kanjis for spell cards and stuff so much easier.

>> No.4042539

The game certainly has a potential.
Too bad my non-existent Japanese reduces it to something equal to Bomberman w/ random item usage.

>> No.4042627

The most important stuff is easy. You can see the attack and defense value of items when you equip them in the lower right corner.

The rest can be done with trial and error.

>> No.4042734

What exactly are the seals and amulets for?
