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4021508 No.4021508 [Reply] [Original]

[ ] Seize the Rhineland.

[ ] Go to art school.

>> No.4021516

>[X] Seize the Rhineland.

>> No.4021520

[X] Go to art school.

>> No.4021527

Submissive Nazis ?
No thanks.

>> No.4021528

What am I looking at here.

>> No.4021529

Well, I've always wanted to not die in a bunker, guess I'll draw some scenery.

>> No.4021531

[x] Lose the war

>> No.4021536


Galzoo Island. Pokemon with girls made by the Sengoku Rance devs

>> No.4021545



A zoo of girls?

>> No.4021553


>> No.4021580


Intriguing. I assume there is rape?

>> No.4021605

nope, all the girls are monsta girls.

think pokemon...

>> No.4021608


Yes and No.

The girls lust for Leo (pokemon master) cock, so it's consensual.

On the other hand, they can get raped. In fact, the goal of the main villain is to knock up a girl, which he does in one ending.

>> No.4021612


Are you trying to imply nazis are monsters?

>> No.4021627

Are the monstergirls virgins?

>> No.4021629


in Alice Soft land, monster girl are indifferential from human girls. The only difference is they were outfits that can be considered cosplayish (like OP) that are part of their bodies and can regenerate.

>> No.4021633

Does that mean I can't knock them up?

Well that's not fair.

>> No.4021641


Most of them are. But they can revert to being virgins is they are reincarnated.. a process that opens a up a lot more potential fetishes

>> No.4021655

WELL...there are many ways to approach this question...

>> No.4021662


>But they can revert to being virgins

The physical aspect isn't really the point of having sex with virgins.

>> No.4021676

It isn't? I thought that it was because they're more tight.

>> No.4021677

I disagree.

infact, virginity isnt really that big of an issue imo.

although, taking in a different cock a day is a completely different matter.

>> No.4021695


You can.Here's where it gets kinky.

Normally humans can't impregnate monster girls nor monster can impregnate human girls. It's the the way the angry whale god made things.

But one of your monsters is a medicine girl who finds a way around it. By drinking a potion made out of male monsters err.. various organs it is possible for Leo to have sex with monster girls. (A process that would otherwise fuck up a normal human unless you're Rance)

Now if you don't pull out she gets pregnant.

Here is when it gets REALLY kinky. You see the main villain of this game has basically isolated the island in which this takes place so he can capture a bride and impregnate her. To ensure that no one gets to her first he has a casted a powerful spell preventing pregnancies.

Because of the logic error, the monster girl is forced to reincarnate.. She fuses her soul and body with the child she is carrying and returns to toddler size and a virgin once more. She even calls you daddy. And since she's a monster girl she grows very fast. Seriously kinky shit.

>> No.4021716

I am so hard right now

>> No.4021730

[ ] Lose war and commit suicide
[ ] Make sub-par paintings

>> No.4021747
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>She fuses her soul and body with the child she is carrying

>> No.4021842

I'm so very confused, but as long as I get to knock up a monster girl It's fine.

>> No.4021844

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
lk.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.4021845
File: 56 KB, 543x550, bn_a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting for a sequel

>> No.4021855

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
lk.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.4021856
File: 32 KB, 460x597, bn_k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Child form. Has lisp and misprounces words while in this form

>> No.4021893

So this is my... daughter-waifu?

>> No.4021912



Did I mention that each time you do this she gets stronger? It's like a New Game+ to her

>> No.4021930

Can you do her in daughter form?

>> No.4021931


Isn't that what all mothers and daughters are like?

>> No.4021940

Yamorin >>>>>>>>>>>>>> All other monstergirls

Yamorin's bath sex was the best sex in that game.
I make sure to impregnate her in the bath.

>> No.4021958


you can't with most of them, but there's a few kinky ones

>> No.4021974

That's awesome. I don't think I'd ever get tired of having daughter-waifus.

>> No.4021996

Fuck yeah, rapidshares are still active for this. Pity tyhey're only the full game and not the CG pack.

>> No.4022088

How many times can you do it? Is there a limit?

>> No.4022105


>> No.4022147


You can do it 7 times before she stops getting stronger abilites. IIRC, you can still do that after 7 times, but she won't gain any new powers.

There are some benefits. Childform gains 2 x EXP bonus, but they only have half the HP

But chances are you won't knock up the same monster girl seven times in your first game since there are around 20+ monster girls.

>> No.4022195

what a disappoint cg set, there are no blowjobs

>> No.4022317

This is quite interesting. A shame nobody will bother to translate it for us non-moonspeakers.

>> No.4022350

>[x] lose The Game

>> No.4022479

Although I found the idea arousing, the only problem is any creampie results in rebirth, making them virgins again.
I like to enjoy the progress of girls becoming sexually active, and not endure virginity loss every time.

If you pull out and not cum in, you can... but that goes against my belief.
I can't feel satisfied unless I see it ejactulated inside.

Anyways, it's a small pet peeve. I still loved GALZOO, and can't wait for Daiteitoku.
We haven't had a TADA directed game in a while.

>> No.4022551

That would be a waste of your precious seed.

>> No.4022835

Wait, so the point of this game is to impregnate a monster girl, and then impregnate your own daughter, who is actually the original girl reborn?

I just can't believe how awesome that is.

>> No.4022843

[x] Invade Russia.
[x] Blame my generals for everything going to shit.

>> No.4022844

There's one.
It's one of the earlier CG's.

>> No.4022875


>> No.4022932

Downloading this off hongfire, it's only 110 megs or do I have the wrong game?

>> No.4022942

when you impregnate a monstergirl, she births herself.
After a short loli period, she quickly grows back to the normal self, then you can impregnate her again and repeat the cycle.

She does retain all the memory through all the rebirths.

Here's the girls

Be warned this is Alice, so of course there are certain unavoidable tragedy that comes out of nowhere and slaps you in the face a few times.
You can even have your girlfriend NTR by big-bad-enemy boss and impregnated by him.

>> No.4022956

this is galzoo? looks nothing like the cover.

>> No.4022970

You are getting the CGs. Game is +3 GB IIRC

>> No.4022971

>she quickly grows back to the normal self,

I hate you AliceSoft so much.

>> No.4022987

Righto, will do another search.

>> No.4022989

>You can even have your girlfriend NTR by big-bad-enemy boss and impregnated by him.


>> No.4023002

GALZOO has multiple artists.
Onigiri-kun, Mutsumi (Mucchy), Orion (Rance artist), and Min-Naraken

The main artist is Naraken, and he does the cover as well.
Battlenote (OP pic) is I believe Mutsumi.

>> No.4023005

[x] genuflect

>> No.4023025

>You can even have your girlfriend NTR by big-bad-enemy boss and impregnated by him.

>> No.4023038

If she's just giving birth to herself, what does she need you for?

>> No.4023089


And the squid-girl goes through worse fate.

she gets forcifully impregnated by bunch of octos, and gives birth to eggs she crushes herself in despair, then later while trying to save her love gets splattered into bits and dies. Only H scene you get to see is when she got gang raped by horde of octomen. There is no way to avoid these events.

You gotta love them for throwing this in just when you thought you're having a peachy fun happy adventure.

>> No.4023150

It's not supposed to normally work that way.
This share the same world view as Rance, and same type of monster girls. Meaning, human sperm is poison to them and can kill them if taken in in large dose.
But the island's magic (to raise possibility of impregnation) mixed with an antidote the protagonist drinks to subdue human poisoning of monstergirls created a weird phenomenom where his sperm is not poisonous to monstergirls, but it impregnates them into rebirthing as themselves (but stronger).

>> No.4023186

Hmm I'm not seeing any gangbang or NTR in the cg-set I got... Anyone post a pic?

>> No.4023198

So the sperm basically just enables them to clone themselves? They're not taking anything from it like a real pregnancy?

>> No.4023212

hang on, gonna go grab my gamedisk and see

>> No.4023246

monster and humans aren't supposed to be able to reproduce in the first place.
so yeah, the monster just replicates itself but somehow gains enhanced ability from his sperm (due to combination of magic and drug)

It's the whale's soul based world, there might not even be a "DNA" in this world for all we know.

>> No.4023340 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 400x300, kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it but can't really post it as is without breaking the board rules, so here's a shrank and censored one.
gives you an idea of what to look for.

>> No.4023354

as for the NTR one, it's the one where Elina is being tentacle raped by giant squid
He turns her into a monster girl and impregnates her.
This one is avoidable if you get there in time.

>> No.4023361

Nope, that's not in the cg-set I got.
Some moralfag probably deleted it.

>> No.4023375

If they deleted this one, probably a lot of others got deleted too.
This game does have other violent/beaten rape scenes.

>> No.4023392

I guess I'll just go play the game.

>> No.4023397
File: 16 KB, 126x126, cheng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are board rules on /jp/

>> No.4023404

I see.

Well, it's slightly less fun sounding if the "daughter" isn't really considered your daughter after all.

>> No.4023406

Global rules. It's a blue board.

>> No.4023429

Let me guess. No english yet?

>> No.4023437
File: 68 KB, 475x516, yamasachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yama no Sachi in loli form looks so much like Yotsuba.

>> No.4023445

Nobody cares about this board. Worst that happens is your post gets deleted.

>> No.4023453

No English, ever.

>> No.4023455

I actually DID get a ban before for posting requested HCG, that's why I'm cautious dude.

>> No.4023477

I got banned for reporting porn.

>> No.4023486

In here? I used to post HCGs and never got banned, the pics just get deleted.

>> No.4023531

I think that's a case of janitors being around here more than mods.

>> No.4023546 [DELETED] 

I got banned for posting a requested upload.

The URL was fucking inappropriate.

>> No.4023571

Valkyrie's rape scene is..... gruesome.
Chained hooks pierced through butt muscles and breasts keeping her bound, thick pole thrusted into her vagina, blood squrting everywhere, etc.
Those scenes almost feel out of place in the game.

>> No.4023848


Now I'm turned on.

>> No.4024068

I'd like to make clonebabies with OP girl.

>> No.4025917

Elina? meh, the last time I chacked she was sleeping with Rance in sengoku JAPAN

what a slut

>> No.4025937


to get pregnant, obviously

to be totally blunt, she needs you to jam your p**** into her va**** and flood her insides with your juice

if you pull out she doesn't get pregnant

>> No.4025959

[x] Go to art school.

>> No.4025983
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is this from the same game? found it in a different board

>> No.4025990
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>> No.4025998

>A nice game about funny looking bad guys and cute monster girls.
What could possibly go wr-
Oh shit.
>Suddenly gore, rape, ntr, death, despair.
>Lolis !
>You can't do them !


>> No.4025999
File: 47 KB, 400x300, 1258301843711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4026024


It depends on what you mean by real pregnancy

To use an example, there is one girl that lays an egg in which she hatches out from. Original body vanishes after the act.

If you want scientific explanation (that will probably make God kill kittens) the monster girls gives birth to a daughter than inherits all of their memory genetically.

But yes, they do spit out babies (or eggs) from their vagoo

>> No.4026026

>Suddenly gore, rape, ntr, death, despair.

I don't follow

>> No.4026028

Your post is why we cant have nice things.

>> No.4026033

So, is this game like most Alicesoft's games, with no waifu endings and just some happy harem ?
Or are there multiple endings ?

>> No.4026034


That's battle note. The hair has been photoshopped into green.. for some reason.

>> No.4026059


There's a

Singular waifu ending.
Harem ending
Harem ending in which Erina becomes a monster girl
Erina ending
Sour bad(awesome?) ending.

The game wants you to get the harem ending, though.

>> No.4026065

Harems endings are for indecisive faggots, I'll take the single ones.

>> No.4026080


Harem endings are the only natural endings.

>> No.4026274

There's two kind of harem leads and endings in this world.
Indecisive ones and decisive ones.

The indecisive ones simply ends up with all of them because he can't choose.
Decisive ones, like say Rouga from Daibancho and such, simply decides in a manly fashion that "all my bitches are mine".
