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4019510 No.4019510 [Reply] [Original]

So now that the English patch is out, has anyone played this yet? How is it? I'm about to install it.

>> No.4019520

Galaxy Angel, so good.

>> No.4019526

Simple and entertaining.

>> No.4019528
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>Milfie's ending

>> No.4019556

Again, what's your impression supposed to be?

>> No.4019568
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>> No.4019565

It's pretty cool. It's well worth to finish it at least once.

>> No.4019557

Is it really easy-modo or am I just that awesome?

>> No.4019583

Only 2 missions/battles are hard almost regardless of the girl stats.
If you make a couple girls mood drop while raising others before these stages start, you can get fucked up (since they will miss almost every shot and get hot more, disastrous for someone like Ranpha)

>> No.4019590

When you get the option to ditch your girl before the final battle, do it.
Also, make sure you kick it up a knotch.

>> No.4019591

alright /jp/, you convinced me to try it.

where do I get it?

>> No.4019608

Pretty much all of the characters are very likeable, a good change of pace from most VNs.

>> No.4019621

Too easy, and the way it completely monopolizes my time (can't be run windowed without dropping to like 1 frame every minute, and crashes on alt-tab for fullscreen) is pretty annoying.
I'll probably never finish this.

>> No.4019622

You can get it at hongfire

>> No.4019717

Every part of the game is super-duper easy mode.
Then, the ships in the final battle get rid of 45% of your health in a few seconds.

What the fuck, man?

>> No.4019746

If they even manage to hit you at that point, you do something wrong.
Also, my Forte (chosen Girl) obliterated each satellite solo on 10 seconds (2 hits and she earned a special, thus BOOM)

>> No.4019760

I chose Milfie.
I don't know, al lI know is that I had to retry because the Elsior got tailed and died instantly

>> No.4019764

I run it in windowed just fine. Not sure what your issue is.

>> No.4019776

Elsior should have reached 3/4 of the Destination when the Reinforcements get close.
Most of the Satellites should be cleared (do not waste times on the very bottom ones), so you should spare 2 hard hitters (Milfie and your second best girl in that case)

>> No.4019786

Elsior DID reach about that far.
I guess because I went out of my way to use specials on units with max HP that it was targeted

>> No.4019832

You're fucking retarded

>> No.4019827

Every Girl's Special (apart from Vanilla's) that targets a single ship should floor it right away.
Only Satellites lose a bit more than half (or 3/4 from a good forte).
If you worry, you can try sending a couple girls with filled up Special towards the reinforcements before they even close in.
Or leave a single girl behind to Help the allied fleet and stall them while the others clear the way.

>> No.4019849

Mint is best. Her special is usually instant kill and also has some good splash damage.

>> No.4019864

Every maxed girl's special is instakill for anything but Satellites and a couple super-sized carriers.

>> No.4019867

I chose Milfie for her personality

>> No.4019885

Great. I'm trying to install it, but I'm not sure what to do after it seems to install the first CD. I tried mounting the 2nd CD when a sign pops up, but that doesn't do anything. Can anyone give me directions on how to install this? Also do you have to have the unicode setting to Japanese to install?

>> No.4019897


Yes, you need to set your system locale to japanese for it to install properly.

>> No.4019898

You need the Unicode, IIRC.

>> No.4019900

I only played Vanilla and Mint. Milfie is cute in a retard moe way but she's too old for me. Okay, Mint is 16 too but that doesn't count.
I also like how none of the Angels care when you make out with Vanilla when she's actually 13. Aaah~ I want to live in a world like that too.

>> No.4019902

Oh, ok I'll try that. Thanks.

>> No.4019919

There are no H-scenes, are there ;_;

>> No.4019920

If you do not choose Mint after seeing the scene where she cheers on your with her mascot costume[/spoiler[, you have no heart to HNNNNG with .

>> No.4019927

Let's go, let's go, Tacuto-san!

>> No.4019934

You screwed up your spoiler there but yeah, you're right. Mint's just way too cute. It really hurt seeing her when I played Vanilla's route.

>> No.4019945
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none will never understand Forte's beauty ;___;

>> No.4019947

Ever notice how people always do
but never
Although the last one is pretty retarded...

I would sage, but I don't want to have to change it back to noko afterwards

>> No.4019954

Everyone does.
But she's American

>> No.4019960

But sage is changed back afterwards

>> No.4019965

First path I did.
Now replaying for Vanilla.

>> No.4019967


>> No.4020071

>I also like how none of the Angels care when you make out with Vanilla when she's actually 13

They know that you're a perfect gentleman.

>> No.4020083

Is the main character 15 or something?

>> No.4020095


In Moonlight Lovers, Tact is 21 while Vanilla is 13.

>> No.4020099

He's 20 with a mental age of about 15.

>> No.4020104

I never got that option.

>> No.4020141

dicking around on hongfire left me with nothing.

a link for it would be appreciated, I'll figure out a way to repay you for it.

>> No.4020144


>> No.4020194

Is it as GRIMDARK as I heard it was?
As in, sad as shit, war story, character deaths, etc.
Note: I'm comparing it to the anime

>> No.4020205

>I am a retarded lazy faggot.

>> No.4020208

It's way more serious than the anime but I wouldn't call it GRIMDARK. Would you call the original Star Wars GRIMDARK?

>> No.4020210

better than anime if you want comedy

>> No.4020213


Compared to the anime, sure. Compared to most VNs, definitely not. It also most certainly does not have 'sad as shit' moments.

>> No.4020229

super great, give me a second.

>> No.4020239

First trilogy, yes. Second one, not so much.

So it's mostly a lighthearted comedy VN with slightly more drama than the anime, but still nothing to BAWWWWW over? Sounds awesome

>> No.4020309
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I hope you like insanity sex.


>> No.4020358

Which heroine makes the game the easiest when maxed? Ranpha is the fastest and can fire specials at every ship she fights. Vanilla makes everyone invulnerable.

Those are the two I know of.

>> No.4020379

so, how many of the galaxy angel games are translated?

>> No.4020373

Not everyone. She can't heal ships piloted by men.

>> No.4020389


Just this one.

>> No.4020406

This is Project GA right? The first in the series?

>> No.4020427

Forte and Mint are god tier, close behind them is Cheetos and Vanilla

>> No.4020432

Mint is the best pilot since her special is basically AoE and her range let's her fill it up from almost anywhere.

>> No.4020465

I did Vanilla's route and it was enjoyable enough. Nothing amazing. I haven't had the motivation to do another playthrough yet. The only other girl I really liked was Ranpha so I'll do her route eventually, but probably not any of the others.

>> No.4020515

Is there anybody thats translating the other G.A games?

>> No.4020539

The bmw group is moving on tho the second one.

>> No.4020546


Not to my knowledge, but the guy who translated this said he'll start working on the next GA game in a few months.

>> No.4020785
File: 142 KB, 500x574, 9f12cfe9849a6ad62145576ce61983c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did the first guy take to translate the first game?

>> No.4020833

i'll take a wild quess and say about year or half

>> No.4020843

Roughly 7 months.

>> No.4021255

Was I the only one surprised with Guiness Stout's voice? Never thought Nobuyuki Hiyama does voicing for VNs as well

>> No.4021885

So what is he working on right now? By the looks of his post, it seemed like whoever visited the IRC would know.

>> No.4022756

Eh, I uninstalled this game after the second battle. It's not for me. I find the characters annoying and very cliched and one-dimensional, I don't like the art style or character designs. The battles are ok but not that fun.

>> No.4022785

Doesn't he also do yaoi drama cds or something. I saw him once in a yaoi manga magazine.

>> No.4022866

I enjoyed the first playthrough, but after I reloaded my save before the ball then found out there is no actual difference in the battles besides one chapter, I lost interest. The game parts are too boring and slow for me to slog through for the more interesting VN bits.

>> No.4023928

So how do you unlock the extra Shiva scenes? I'm pretty sure they're all I have left in my CGs.
