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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4012957 No.4012957 [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/

those of you who are not NEET and hikki, what do you do for a living? do you enjoy it? how does your lifestyle compare with the "typical" person?

>> No.4012960

Professional Student

>> No.4012973


>> No.4012986

iunno, I don't talk to those people

>> No.4013008

so we're all professional students forever continuing post secondary education?

>> No.4013009

Security guard.
yes, getting paid to watch anime is very enjoyable indeed.
Seems to be much better, everyone I have ever worked with can't help but complain about their hard life.

>> No.4013016

Hard life in what aspects? Money troubles?

>> No.4013023

Student - my parents give me some money and I get loans from the government

>> No.4013025

Government disability.

I hate these threads.

>> No.4013045

Sorry for making one. Just interested really as to what people (/jp/) want to do in the future when it comes to career choices. I, myself, have no idea what I -can- and want to do. Maybe do the NEET thing again for a few years...

>> No.4013048

Usually it's Money troubles, other times it's about ex-wifes and or family problems.

>> No.4013059

My teacher in high school worked as a nighttime security guard. He was influenced by a short story. Because of him, I've decided to become a nighttiem guard as well.

>> No.4013062

i`m in my last year of high school

havent gone all year

>> No.4013073

It seems like everyone needs a problem to keep their lives interesting... whether they consciously seek problems is what I find interesting.

>> No.4013074

I don't know why you kids think you can just choose to be a NEET (or even why you think it's so good to become one).

>> No.4013077

underage b& begone

>> No.4013086

im 18 dipshit

>> No.4013098

Being a nighttime guard really is awesome, usually you can get away with almost anything and it's much easier work, usually.

>> No.4013103

When you have the option to do so then I consider it a choice. Never meant to imply for it to be a good choice...

What does your daily life consist of? Are you happy?

>> No.4013107


I'm a winner at life.

Everyone else is dumb and boring.

>> No.4013114

The short story that convinced my teacher to become one basically portrayed the security guard life as a constantly high chillout.

>> No.4013115

What's the most difficult thing you've encountered on the job? Any skateboarding punks try to vandalize your turf?

>> No.4013124

That might very well be the case, I've been criticised more then a few times for wanting a calm, peaceful life free from fighting. Normals from /a/ would call such a life "boring"

>> No.4013130

I walk pass this bank everyday. There's the same security guard that stands there everyday. I guess that's pretty chill for a job, I'd find it boring though.

>> No.4013137

If he just stands there, yeah sucks. But usually you can watch movies, eat fast food, get high/drunk etc. If your partner isn't an asshole, that is.

>> No.4013155

Freelance Musician.

>> No.4013164

I'd trade problems for boredom any day. An extremely bored person may feel differently though.

>> No.4013176

yeah it really can be, and no joke but some security companies don't care what night time guards do at slow posts, as long as they just stay awake.

difficult? that would probably be my best friend (at the time) who was found staling from the mall more then a few times but kept coming back to talk to me.
skateboarding punks usually leave in a hurry if you pretend to call the cops.

>> No.4013189

Also, nighttime security guard = great pay, considering you're just sitting on your ass.

>> No.4013209

The boredom really does get to you when working those kinds of jobs, that and your feet will hurt like heck at the end of the day.

I've had worse, first security job was power walking in circles around a small mall non stop and getting made fun of by just about everyone that went for doing so.

>> No.4013259

thats a pretty cool work i would like to do something cruisy when i fail at student

>> No.4013281

That does suck. I've always had luck... just had to monitor some cameras while drinking with my partner.

I stole so much shit in the companies I worked at though :3

>> No.4013301


>> No.4013342
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Yeah those jobs can be really easy, but nothing beats getting paid to sit in you car all night with your laptop and psps.

>> No.4013356

This thread convinced me to become a nigttime security guard.
I don't have the right physique though ;_;

>> No.4013364

Getting fat is easy, Anonymous.

>> No.4013369

Being a night time security guard sounds awesome, I even have a decent physique, but I don't think anyone's going to employ a high school dropout

>> No.4013379

What does physique have to do with it?
I've worked with a guy that was so fat it took the company half a year to get him specialty sizes uniforms, and another that was so big he literally broke the office chair.

>> No.4013381

I think they will. If you have a university diploma on the other hand, they'll hesitate to employ you. Because why would someone with a good degree work as a security guard, right?

>> No.4013384

You'd be surprised.

>> No.4013385

I thought I'd have to look menacing or some shit. I have no muscles and I'm short.

>> No.4013406

Well it is true the manager at the mall I fist worked at got rid of guards just for not looking like guards (whatever that was suposed to mean) but she was just a dumb bitch..
The guy that replaced me there had a heart attack on the job a week latter (he was in his 90's)
Really, they'll hire anyone.

>> No.4013410

mechanical engineer

i genuinely enjoy some projects that i'm attached to, despite the stress and hard work it creates for me.

i travel like you wouldn't believe, so no time to do much besides catch the rare in flight movie or read manga on trains. i have an ultra portable microcomputer, which lacks any kind of significant storage or even an optical drive so no dvds or huge torrents of stuff.

>> No.4013412

A security guard that is too timid to even approach anyone is probably better than one that molests everyone.

>> No.4013421

I fit the former category. Unless we're talking loli.

>> No.4013435

They really empathize the "hands off" policy at some places.

>> No.4013458

Wouldnt height be more important than physique requirement

>> No.4013466

That's what I meant by physique. I'm pretty short.

>> No.4013483

worked as a security guard once at a night club, shit wasn't fun at all. At the end of my shift i wanted to buy new feet. That and having to deal with fucking drunk tweens made me ragequit (fucking bitch barfed all over my uniform)

I'm starting my new job as a waiter later tonight and I'm pretty fucking nervous since I'll be working at an exclusive night club.

>> No.4013497

>night club
It wasn't the job that was bad, it was the location.
Don't work in a night club. Never. Not in an exclusive one either... unless we're talking Forbs exclusive.

>> No.4013510

It doesnt matter
Most security companies only care about bodies.
pass the drug/background test and you're hired, even if you're 500lb, 2 feet tall or don't know anything about security.

>> No.4013526

Night clubs and malls should be avoided at all costs by anyone looking to be a guard, worst possible positions.

>> No.4013531

Do they do drug tests often?

>> No.4013547

Membership only, the place is pretty small so you need to schedule a reservation with some anticipation and shit's fucking expensive inside. I know some of the regulars from high school and honestly don't want to meet them again.

I'm only doing this because i need the money to leave this fucking country (mexico, don't worry ameribros, my dream isn't the american dream, so I won't go steal your jobs) as soon as posible.

>> No.4013556

I've heard some company's do.
Most just do it once when you apply.

>> No.4013562

How's G4S?

>> No.4013568

I didn't want to work as one, the guy who hired me is a relative under the impression i would be fine as one since i'm pretty big.

>> No.4013580

Well the job's not for everyone I suppose..

>> No.4013601

I work as a software developer from home. If I wasn't commanding an income, I'd be just another NEET. I barely leave my apartment, no friends, no family.

>> No.4013603

What are the easiest security guard jobs?

>> No.4013626

Size does not a good guard make. Unless you have good physical condition, size is an inconvenience.

As i said earlier, at the end of every shift all i wanted was a new pair of feet.

>> No.4013632

I have some feet

>> No.4013639

Car dealerships, as shown here >>4013342
Construction sites also, but they don't last very long..
Best bet is to stick to graveyard (night shift)

>> No.4013651

That is why guards should spare no expense with good boots and insoles.

>> No.4013666

Become a nighttime guard in Tokyo.

>> No.4013701

Becoming a security guard is good for some quick cash if you have nothing else, but it's not much of a career aspiration. I mean, it's not a high paying job, the moment you quit, you might have a month or two of savings before you run out, if you're lucky.

It's much better to find higher paying jobs that you only have to do once in a while.

For example, I knew one guy from college who would go work out at a local mine as a general laborer during the summer break. It was grueling work, but in two months, he had earned $12,000, before taxes/expenses. If you could do that for say 3-4 months, and then spend the rest of the year on vacation, that would be ideal.

I work as an independent software consultant, one contract might last me three months, but I can pull in $60,000 after expenses easy. I spend a lot of my time on break playing games/VNs/etc.

With something as low paying as a security gig, you're stuck working all of the time.

>> No.4013706
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I'm a programmer, working in my own little cubicle in an office on the other side of town.

I enjoy it. Programming is kickass and as a profession is dominated by a lot of similar people, so I like that aspect too.

>> No.4013716

>I work as an independent software consultant
What kind of work do you do?

>> No.4013727

I thought about becoming a bioanalyst.
as far as i know, they can choose to work alone or deal with people if they want to. It should be pretty diverse.
I also thought about becoming a nighttime-guard. Pay is better than normal guards, and you get to stay away from people, and have en excuse to not meet anybody in the day. Sounds like the ideal job.

>> No.4013749

I think he consults with the software.

>> No.4013763

It's one of those bullshit pseudo-jobs you claim to have to look like hot shit to your geek friends. I used to tell everyone I had something similar to that back when I was 14 and told everyone I was six years older than I actually was.

>> No.4013764

How easy is it to get into mining

>> No.4013771

Depends. Do you live in China?

>> No.4013776

Uh... I wouldn't really think about it. It might have a high pay, but thats because its dangerous and it wears you out.

>> No.4013778

Custom enterprise applications/solutions and mobile device integration (I do a lot of Palm/iPhone stuff) mostly.

The going rate I charge is $160/man hour give or take, plus other costs for things like software/hardware licenses, but I give out fixed-rate quotes based on how long I think it'll take me. I outsource the artwork to another guy I found on deviantart who also works over the Internet independently.

I mostly do work for around 5 regular customers now, but when I started out, I got my first bunch of jobs through rentacoder, linkedin, and similar sites. It was pretty low pay shit at first, but I've managed to get enough business where I could raise my prices.

>> No.4013797

I am a doctor.

Life can be good at times, other times it is horrendous. There are politics at work and bad patients that nobody would want to care for.

Even sympathy and empathy have its limit.

>> No.4013803

You just need a few OHSA certificates (you can get them from a community college and some you can do over the Internet, might take a couple of weeks of your time and a few hundred bucks) and a drivers license usually. If you want to operate heavy machinery or huge dump trucks, etc. you need to get special drivers licenses for that stuff.

And that's it, you don't need to go to school unless you want to become an onsite civil/electrical/demolitions engineer.

Another high paying job is working as a laborer at an oil rig. Offshore oil rigs are even more higher paying.

>> No.4013817
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>> No.4013829

oh, one other thing I forgot about with being a guard.
avoid become a "rover" it pays slightly more and they offer it as if it's a promotion but it's a just a job where you go fill in for people that call off sick or whatever and they expect you to go at a moments notice and they call you at random hours, might be 3am, might be 3pm You're also be sent on hour drives to far off city's to places you know nothing of, and the hours are completely unreliable, one week you might work 12 hours a day, seven days a week, next thing you know you've gone a mount without work.

>> No.4013836

I heard fishing ships pay quite well, though I doubt many of you could last a month without internet

>> No.4013850

Yeah, or merchant sailor is good pay too, but you spend months at sea and lots of time in unfamiliar places. And then there's the pirates you need to worry about.

>> No.4013864
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What countries do you guys live in where manual labor gets anything you might describe as 'good pay'?

Or is this 'good pay relative to the amount I make in my parents' basement'?

>> No.4013873

Do you get satellite internet this is important

>> No.4013904

U.S. and Canada. Note it's only mining/oil/forestry that are high paying, and certain other remote or dangerous jobs like window-cleaning skyskrapers.

And if you're an illegal alien, you'll probably get jewed into working for far less pay.

Regular construction workers don't get near as much income (average $35,000 year), but that's still more than working as a security guard usually.

>> No.4013923

On some ships, yes. But while you're at sea, you're generally working 12 hours a day so you don't have much time to yourself. But it's something that you could do for 4-6 months out of the year, and the rest of time you spend at home.

>> No.4013956
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I live in a student apartment with three roommates. Got my own room, no job. I get money by having drugs tested on me, and get around 2-4k for every drug I test. I stay home on the internet all day, play games on my PS3/NTSC-J 360, and read eroge/VNs.

Picture is an old picture of my room. Doesn't have my 360, but everything is pretty much the same.

>> No.4013971

How did you get the lab rat gig?

>> No.4013979

Jesus christ I have that same clothes hamper. Are we perhaps, twins?

>> No.4013988

Good god, me too! We must be triplets, separated at birth! Born to buy cheap chinese goods at large chain supermarkets.

>> No.4013994

I just sign up for tests they currently hold. I look them up at www.ppdi.com then call them to schedule an screening appointment. It's down the street so it isn't too much of a hassle. Stay there for a couple of days with my laptop, and use their internet. I'd bring my consoles with me but I don't want to carry too much. Honestly you just have to search for clinical trials in your area if your interested. I haven't gone to school/work since I graduated 2 years ago.

Maybe, but I think there maybe more since anons tell me this all the damn time.

>> No.4014045

My friend's mom did clinical trial things before, and as a result process almost died of blood clots and a heart attack. She's in line to get several hundred thousand in compensation, at least, but she's been waiting years for that payout.

>> No.4014054

Did she make sure they where bio-studies? I don't test anything that isn't already approved by the FDA.

>> No.4015265

I'm pretty normal actually. Senior in high school (18), I just have a genuine interest in Japanese-related things. I'd like to visit there one day. I definitely don't have all the time you guys do for eroges/visual novels but I occasionally read/play them.

>> No.4015314

I'm pretty hikki not because I fear the outside world or anything, I just really like it here at home playing mah games nad browsing the internet. I'm a sort of computer science crosses electrical engineer student. No idea how it's called in english.

>> No.4015369

I'm a mason with a specialization in welding.

And I'm in vacation right now due to winter. :)

>> No.4015401

Accounting Major.

I stay in my room fapping/watching anime/reading VN's/posting on /jp/, when I'm not in class (although I frequently do said posting on /jp/ in class as well).

Everything is paid for by parents, of course.

I keep up the appearance of a "normal" person when someone talks to me; I make it a policy to not initiate contact with others.

In other words, living the ideal /jp/ life, yet still hiding my powerlevel from the outside world and looking for all the world like a semi-successful university student.

>> No.4015426

Government, money, etc.

>> No.4015488

Work part time at the library, trying to get a MLS. It's stress free and I can listen to music while working so it's pretty nice.

>> No.4015518

I guess I'm technically a NEET, but I do have a source of income.


Though Casinos don't like it when that's all you do. Already got banned from one.

>> No.4015535

Modern History student here.

>> No.4015550

Chinese spotted.

>> No.4015560

If he was Chinese he'd be playing in mahjong dens wwwww.

>> No.4015576

Would you like to play a game of Lucky Hit?

>> No.4015611


And I'd hardly call it gambling. If you know what you're doing, it's the only game in the casino where the odds are stacked against the house.

>> No.4015624

I fucking lol'd. Good times.

>> No.4015626

You mean even with the house. The most you can get is 50/50 odds.

>> No.4015628

I thought about earning income by "gambling" on the roulette. With a little bit logic, it stops being a gamble, and you should be able to earn money with a 100% success rate. As long as somebody doesn't interfere, that is.

>> No.4015645

Gambling addicts actually believe they have control over the outcome of the game. It is this peculiarity that makes them throw away all their money and wonder what went wrong.

>> No.4015651

I don't even have a drivers license and I'm in my 20s so while the security guard thing sounds nice, it's still out of the question. How did you guys even learn how to drive? I don't even have anyone to teach me, which says a lot about how pathetic my life is compared to others here.

>> No.4015653

100% Roulette ?

>> No.4015675

Make sure to make a bawwpost when you need to sell your computer to continue gambling.

>> No.4015693

Go take driving lessons from some driving school. Driving is actually pretty damn easy, it's only just a matter of taking it easy and not being fucking stupid on the road. Oh, and being super careful when parking.

Also, you're already twenty but you don't have a license yet wwwwwww.

>> No.4015694

Ok. I've been doing it for 5 years though and have yet to run into any problems \but I'll let you know.

>> No.4015783
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>As long as somebody doesn't interfere, that is

>> No.4015816

Money is the true issue, my dear Anon.
At least, in my country you'll have to spend at least € 1-1.5k to get it.

>> No.4015848

I don't want to be bored - I just don't want to be "un-bored" by normal stuff.

Relationships, bitches etc.

If I want excitement, I want it to be grand and over-the-top - like romances on foreign shores, the discovery of unknown temples, treasure and battles against ruthless enemies.

If I can't have that, I'll take what is considered a below-average life.

ANYTHING but a normal life.

>> No.4015853

Grow up.

>> No.4015867
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>> No.4015958

The roulette is flawed, and its easy to exploit.
Bet 2 on black, if you lose, bet 4 on black, if you lost again bet 8 on black and so on. At some point you're bound to win, since the chance is 50-50. You might not win a lot by doing this, but can't really lose money unless somebody actively makes sure you're not winning anything.

>> No.4015976

>browsing /jp/ with me
>offering life advice

>> No.4015985
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>if you keep betting you will eventually win


>> No.4016003
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I work at Wal-Mart as an overnight stocker. Been doing it for almost 3 years now.

I'd have to say my life is rather reclusive otherwise. I have no friends, I live alone, and I usually spend my spare time either cleaning my apartment, cooking, or dicking around online. Woe is me.

>> No.4016005

Protip: that turns a series of high risk, high reward bets into a low risk, low reward bet. You still lose money over time, you just don't get the thrill of gambling.
If you actually believe you've circumvented probability, you're an idiot.

>> No.4016014

That...sort of makes sense. I guess.

Got any books on the subject? I've read everything on Blackjack, but it will require more effort than I have the time to put in or the will power.

>> No.4016025


lol gambler's fallacy

>> No.4016030

There is no way this plan could possibly fail or go wrong in any way.

>> No.4016078

/jp/ - Get Rich Quick Schemes

>> No.4016118

Let's discuss this.

I have various confidence tricks and cons rolling around in my head that I could use to make money off of people.

How about you, /jp/?

>> No.4016123

Blackjack guy here.

That is incredibly stupid.

Way to give us a bad name.

>> No.4016149


Learn a skill, market it

>> No.4016171

Well, if you assume you have unlimited money to spend, that'd be true.

Unfortunately, most of us here are not in such a luxurious position.

>> No.4016173

>honest work

>> No.4016187

>honest work
So easymodo.

>> No.4016207

and shitty returns for that easy work

i'd rather be a millionaire overnight.

>> No.4016226

Even if you learn a skill, marketing it is too difficult.

>> No.4016270


programmerfag here, didn't find it difficult

>> No.4016273

I'm a programmer. Programming is fun, so overall I enjoy it even if I have to do boring things every once in a while.

As for my lifestyle, I don't go outside except for work and groceries, so I imagine I am a lot more asocial than the "typical" person.

>> No.4016283

You're right, its not gambling anymore. Its just earning money, like work. Its tedious and it takes along time.
But as a NEET, earning money legally and easily at home is the point, right?

>> No.4016297


No, you'll still average a loss. look up gamblers fallacy.

>> No.4016302

You won't be. Ever.

>> No.4016314
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There's no way to "get rich quick." Even robberies takes a lot of preparation and time. /jp/ is better off doing it the honest way. Go to school, major in accounting and get rich eventually.

>> No.4016332
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>Programming is fun

>> No.4016386

I have schemes in my head that would bring good profits, but I don't publish them here in case I ever decide to use them.

It'd require a SHITTON of work, though, but I'd have have at least several million if all goes to plan. If everything falls apart, I can expect to be arrested and jailed for life like that Maddoff guy. Game over. :(

>> No.4016402

Right now I'm a high school senior. I'll probably be a full-time student in college, only working during the summer.

I'm a little more shy than other people, but besides that, I'm pretty normal.

>> No.4016403

I'm going to college for Zoology. Still live with my parents, but planning to move out as soon as I can once I have my degree.
As for a job, I work in a horse barn--I take care of the animals and such, and help the owner with riding lessons when she needs it.

Other than school and work I pretty much sit on the internet.

>> No.4016407

But I'm bad at mathematics.

>> No.4016418

Kindly terminate yourself from this board.

>> No.4016433


What? I'm not underage B&, I'm 18.

>> No.4016439

Like teenagers are any better than the underaged.

>> No.4016448


I'm not going to be significantly more mature in a year than I am now, so does it really matter? You're the one getting the thread off-topic.

>> No.4016451

Yes, you'll lose half the time. That the point of doubling the amount you bet, so that when you finally do win you'll always earn something.

>> No.4016461

It's a skill. You'll get better.

>> No.4016462

Then why not petition moot to raise the age limit to 21 or something? But it won't happen, because he doesn't give a shit. "Underage B&" refers to a person who is too young to access this site, according to the rules that nobody reads. Being 18 is a valid defense to this. (Though of course, not a valid defense to being an idiot.)

>> No.4016466

Lots of normalfags in this thread.
You all should get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.4016475 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.4016473

Actually, you lose a little more than half the time. If the ball lands on 00 everybody loses, correct?

>> No.4016488

Callahan's Crosstime Saloon?

>> No.4016500

>when you finally do win
That's not how odds work. It is 50-50 every time. If it has been red the last four rounds it's not more likely to be black the next time.

>> No.4016504


There is a house advantage (lol zero on your roulette etc), so even given infinite funds to cover losses, you'll lose money (fairly slowly).

In a more realistic scenario (i.e. finite funds), you might be able to keep this up for a while, but eventually you'll get a string of losses that will wipe you out.

>> No.4016508

>The roulette is flawed, and its easy to exploit.
Bet 2 on black, if you lose, bet 4 on black, if you lost again bet 8 on black and so on. At some point you're bound to win, since the chance is 50-50. You might not win a lot by doing this, but can't really lose money unless somebody actively makes sure you're not winning anything.

What? You've obviously never even played roulette, because you don't even realize that there are things besides black and red on the table.

The only way to reliably make money at a casino is to play Texas hold'em, where you're playing against drunk tourists instead of the casino.

>> No.4016528

I guess I cant argue with that, but the chance is only... 1/100 or something, right? and you're not supposed to make big bets. In any case, you should clearly see what I'm talking about, and it should in theory work. Its not fortune-hunting, its work.

>> No.4016529

Your text just oozes underage faggot. One can mature significantly in under a year.

Watch Kaiji. They have a character who is a slave to that kind of logic just like you.

>> No.4016538

Besides, he needs at least two years to stop being a teenager. He's supposedly 18, right?

>> No.4016553


No, in theory its the exact opposite. If you had infinite funds and thus would never be wiped out and could play forever, you will average a slow loss.

>> No.4016574

39 here, I'm 22. Does this make me an underage faggot? Maybe in some circles, but I'd be surprised if that were the case here. Seems about average, if anything. Now, you're free to call me an "immature faggot" if you like (though I'd have to wonder on what basis you are doing so, besides me calling you out on misusing a meme) but I don't think "underage" is terribly accurate.

>> No.4016576

Roulette wheels are numbered 1-36 plus 0 and 00. That means red has a 42% chance of coming up.

>> No.4016591

Personally, I much prefer
>I'm not going to be significantly more mature in a year than I am now, so does it really matter? You're the one getting the thread off-topic.
>Right now I'm a high school senior. I'll probably be a full-time student in college, only working during the summer.
>I'm a little more shy than other people, but besides that, I'm pretty normal.

>Your text just oozes underage faggot.
>Kindly terminate yourself from this board.
>Like teenagers are any better than the underaged.

Isn't the other guy supposed to be the immature one?

>> No.4016680

I remember when these threads were filled with jobless anons, lamenting their loneliness and going on about how women are all bitches and whores.
When did you become such a normalfag, /jp/?

>> No.4016695

Hey, Blackjack guy.

I'm interested in getting involved with Blackjack on the side.

How can I do this?

>> No.4016745

I sort of want to become a pastry chef, but I'm not too sure. I mean, I get decent grades, so it might be a waste. I have no idea how much it even pays, and if I could live off it...

>> No.4016783

see >>4016344

>> No.4016790

Very good pay.

You have to go through shit for years though. Shit as in 16 hour days without pay, or even you paying them.

The life of a proper chef is a harsh one.

>> No.4016882

I see. Thank you for the info, anon.

>> No.4017557

I work as a postman sometimes.

Usually its when they're taking on people for stuff like christmas.

>> No.4017697

As an actual NEET for years, these threads are fucking terrible and are nothing more than a bunch of kids wanting to be cool on the Internet.

It's these threads that really show how awful /jp/ has become.

>> No.4018969

>Then why not petition moot to raise the age limit to 21 or something?
