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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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401120 No.401120 [Reply] [Original]


Although he's a faggot who rolls his r's, he's right.

Is there an anti-koharu coalition?

>> No.401134


My god, she looks like a fucking bird.

>> No.401144

lol another MM thread

>> No.401187


>> No.401180


>> No.401205
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>> No.401208

Where did all the MM threads go?

>> No.401236

That should be pretty old, around 2006. Also, WOTA-RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE (also known as Nerd Rage)

See >>384600

>> No.401246


>> No.401273
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Holy shit, this guy needs to chill! I don't get this worked up about anything that isn't fatal or career-ending.

DO you guys think the internet creates this emo/temper-tantrum blog shit or does it just let people throw hissy fits to the whole world?

Also: Kon-Kon FTW

>> No.401286

Needs more Koha

>> No.401297
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They joined some AKB48 threads along with their owners.

>> No.401309
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OK, here is some more Creepy-Chan...

>> No.401358
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You see a lonely Koharu in an empty train. What do you do?

>> No.401368
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H!P has had a round of bad news, but it also has some mis-management issues to go with it. Most of the bad news is from the idols rebelling against the bullshit policies of Up-Front and H!P.

Aibon was a special exception, but all of the Fridays that happened were not scandals as much as just stories about BFs or dates or a criminal brother. The H!P response was Idol-Seppuku.

Also, the latest Momosu picks have been for looks or special interest selections. You can't do too much of that and still have a good musical group.

That being said, my favorite Momosu is the girl picked because of her sprit and work-ethic (KonKon), so I guess even a wota can root for the underdog.

I have been paying more attention to AKB48 of late because they have that sense of fun and production that old-school Momosu did. Good music, the idols seem more like real people and less like products, and the shows and such feel more fun.

I would LOVE for AKB48 to go on Utaban and take over the magic MM once had there - it is obvious that MM is no longer welcome there - and I can see why.

pic related

>> No.401383
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>> No.401397

This thread has made me feel better about myself by comparison.

>> No.401415
File: 60 KB, 290x547, 1207446447792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was Reon Kadena there for a moment.

>> No.401417


Yes, I am sure that beating off to girl-get games is much more productive than enjoying bubblegum pop and cute girls.

Thanks for sharing, fucktard.

>> No.401423

well, the guy who created AKB also produces Utaban

>> No.401421

>I would LOVE for AKB48 to go on Utaban and take over the magic MM once had there - it is obvious that MM is no longer welcome there - and I can see why.

Of course, this has nothing to do with AKB48's producer also producing Utaban...

>konkon-cutest grin evar.gif
Well, at least one good thing came out of this.

sage for ytmnd

>> No.401429

It's wierd how they did so well through 4 generations of newcomers but suddenly from 5th gen on none of the new girls had anywhere near the personality or charm of the firts 4 sets. Fujimoto was the exception, but she started as a soloist. Was it Tsunku/UFA focusing attention on newer acts? Different training staff surrounding the girls? The loss of DANCE*MAN? Did the demographic of girls who tried out for the auditions change?

>> No.401430


>> No.401456

whoa, things changing, way to figure it out SHERLOCK

>> No.401467


Then he needs to get their happy asses on there sometime. Maybe they have been and I have just not seen it, but Taka-san and Naki-kun can launch a musical group with ease.

>> No.401472

Is this copy/pasta? I feel like I've read this exact same thing before...

What fucking AKB48 threads?

>> No.401482

i think it's because tsunku kept bringing in young kids. it was okay with asuka, maki, tsuji, and kago since there were more adults in the group. the 5th gen just lowered the average age and destroyed any mature image they still had left.

>> No.401510


>> No.401512

This guy's voice sounds weird



>> No.401548
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That and the last few appearances were really tepid, IMHO. The one with Johnson announcing she was going to have a baby was about as good as it got.

It is clear Taka-san favors the older members.

>> No.401571


The AKB48 posts on Hello-Online mostly...

>> No.401612


kill it with fire

>> No.401642


>> No.401660
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>> No.401665

Whoah, what led up to that image?

>> No.401673


Pig-disgusting 2-D!!!

>> No.401736


Koharu can't fucking sing.

>> No.401778

He sounds like he's crying rather than angry.

>> No.401829

Tettekette cried a lot at KonKon's graduation. ;_;

>> No.401851

nice try, 5/10

>> No.401845

What's up with the Japanese and the "V" signs? Every fucking picture on /jp/ has them doing it.

>> No.401867

I think she has a lovely singing voice:

>> No.401873

lol @ rebelling

>> No.401883

No seriously why do they always do it? Is it like saying cheese over here?

>> No.401946

this picture looks like sayu

>> No.402082

doi takako desu

>> No.402166

i lold

>> No.402173
File: 295 KB, 1475x2072, 1207454037188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will crush your skulls

>> No.402180
File: 76 KB, 800x612, 1207454180315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this thread needed this picture.

>> No.402525

I rofl'd.

But seriously, Koharu sounds better when she gets up into the higher note range.

>> No.402707

You have no fucking idea what you're tlaking about do you?

It's like she has trouble breathing or some shit.
