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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40067 No.40067 [Reply] [Original]

You know what /jp/ is missing? A ronery thread. I'll kick it off with ronery kagamin.

>> No.40071
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>> No.40079
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>> No.40085
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>> No.40088
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>> No.40092
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>> No.40094
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>> No.40112
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now more related than ever, since it's from a vn

>> No.40293
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It's being reposted so fucking much because people are pissed off about this(image related)

Same for fucking touhou.

>> No.40444
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/jp/ was here!
/a/ is a loser.

>> No.40735
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Roneryfag from /a/ here, someone from /jp/ nicely invited us over to this thread so I guess I'll contribute a bit. I'm a hikikomori with no social life and a fear of social contact with females. I dropped out of college and am living off my mothers money. It sucks, believe me. Even if I wanted to change my life I would have to live in fear.

>> No.40776
File: 46 KB, 200x195, 1203676328349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a hikikomori with no social life and a fear of social contact with females. I dropped out of college and am living off my mothers money.

>> No.40831
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>> No.40991
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>> No.41468
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Alf likes you though.

>> No.41479
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just kidding...RAAAAURGH!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.40075

old .sage. thread hidden.

>> No.40077


Room: Cirno's Kingu

Go now for some late-night weeaboo fun.

>> No.40080


/jp/'s been pretty shit. Ronery me up sir.

>> No.40093


>> No.40103


>> No.40109

So just a question, is there any new, or is it all the old stuff?

>> No.40119

With all the deleting and 2Dvs3D /jp/ is getting kind of shitty. Remember when we were all one big community, sharing our stories on roneryness?

>> No.40139


I believe this was moot's goal. To give us ultimate DESPAIR and RONERY by not only reminding us of our failure, but seperating us from being ronery faggots together.

>> No.40148

an aria tread on /jp/ got deleted so I tried to start one on /a/ 45 minutes ago but it only got 8 replies. ;_;

>> No.40155

gtfo. /a/

>> No.40166

I thought /jp/ was going to be awesome because I thought it was for EVERYTHING Japanese and so mods wouldn't be nitpicking threads.

>> No.40173


Well, you know the common saying...

>> No.40174


But just a troll is nice sometimes
It reminds me that someone still cares about us /a/ rejects.
Even negative attention can good sometimes ;_;

>> No.40238

I haven't been to /a/ for months. Has it changed any?

>> No.40252


Well, an hour ago it was pretty good due to /a/ rejects flooding back due to /jp/ being shit at the time. Dunno now though.

But still, I'm the sexiest threads are being deleted(and formally banned)
Also, no touhou allowed, at all. No touhou art. No touhou doujins. Don't even say a single name.

>> No.40282

>But still, I'm the sexiest threads are being deleted(and formally banned)

Hmm, I wonder if that might have anything to do with 10+ repostings in 15 minutes.

>Also, no touhou allowed, at all. No touhou art. No touhou doujins. Don't even say a single name.

(forty pictures later, deletion)

>> No.40313

So... it gets banned, and now you post more... and are surprised when it gets banned again?

You lost me somewhere along the way.

>> No.40328


I'm being trolled, but still I reply anyway.
It's the sheer fact it got banned in the first place. He asked if /a/ changed.
Banning an incredibly popular meme that's been reposted every single day for the last year doesn't seem like a change to you?

>> No.40331

/a/ now officially is the nazi hypocrite board. They're going to drown in their own shit eventually.

>> No.40342

/a/ radio was popular, it got banned, people went on with their lives. Sheesh.

>> No.40347

we had an awesome dragonball powerlevel thread.

>> No.40350

Why would they ban I'M THE SEXIEST? :( Seeing it every day kidn of cheered me up.

>> No.40354

because mods and adminfags who have no idea whats going on anyways think this will improve the board

>> No.40358

I miss ronery threads ;_;
Has there been any on /jp/ so far? The closest I've seen to one is the hikki thread a day or so ago.

>> No.40361

I hate when that happens. had to endure that throughout middle and high school.

and lol gaijin!

>> No.40362

An I'm the Sexiest thread after that one was doing just fine until people decided to start spamming Touhou and more daily doses.

>> No.40364


There's been a good selection of them that have escaped deletion.

>> No.40381

There were a lot the first night, and they were awesome. Goddamit, /jp/ was so awesome the first night and now it's going shit. We need to take it back!

>> No.40383

when? the one's I've seen were basically image dumps

>> No.40424

we need an anime environment to remind us that we're ronery.

in here, it's pig disgusting 3d and random japanese crap, but not our favourite escapist fantasies.

>> No.40432


First night.
;_; Cirno abuse hand
;_; /jp/ mascot
;_; /jp/ radio
;_; Suddenly touhou everywhere

>> No.40447


>> No.40485



>>/jp/ was here!


>> No.40509

There was a rather good one kicked off by some nice writing by our tripfriend from Colombia.

>> No.40566

I keep missing them ;_;

>> No.40624

So ronery ;_;

>> No.40630


ronery thread bumped

>> No.40652

>I believe this was moot's goal. To give us ultimate DESPAIR and RONERY by not only reminding us of our failure, but seperating us from being ronery faggots together.

No moot, you are the anti-spiral

>> No.40660

And then Anonymous was geometry.

>> No.40688

Also, sup memegui. Avô Cantigas and Buéréré in your favorites? I like you already.

>> No.40698

Ramp no Buéréré.

>> No.40705


The saddest part is it's going to become true.

>> No.40732

If they ever dub Ghost Slide, "Fantasminha Brincalhão" should be the Portuguese OP for it.

>> No.40767

My problem is that I'm only attracted to 2D women. I had two opportunities to procure a date a few days ago, but I didn't take them. They were both quite attractive by most people's standards, and I tried to force my self to want it but... I just couldn't.

>> No.40771

Dubs are for faggots.
I'm not watching One Piece because of the dub.

>> No.40778

You missed the joke, faggot.

>> No.40780


That's the entire point of these threads. Ronery bastard circlejerks.

And I've got my cock gripped right now.

>> No.40786

Não me metes medo não.

>> No.40849

how has /jp/ been shit lately ?
I haven't been able to browse in a day

>> No.40858

>how has /jp/ been shit lately ?
pig disgusting 3d everywhere, threads even remotely related to animu getting related, generally too much unsuppressed weeaboo fail

>> No.40859

>how has /jp/ been shit lately ?
pig disgusting 3d everywhere, threads even remotely related to animu getting deleted, generally too much unsuppressed weeaboo fail

>> No.40863

sucks for the anime being deleted, it is japan related, after all...

>> No.40868

That janitor was even deleting VN and vocaloid threads.

>> No.40872

... I thought that was Kuuya for a minute there.

... Why is Kuuya so "Utawarerumono-Saber"?

>> No.40878

except she doesn't get her h-scene ;_;

>> No.40893

I just want to thank you, /jp/, especially the part of you that used to be /a/.

My life isn't entirely bad. I have a roof over my head and three meals a day if I want them. I have a bed and a computer.

But still, I wouldn't exactly say my life is great, either. I have no "real" friends. I have no hobbies, no interests. Where a "life" is concerned, I am simply dead in the water.

But, when I come here, I remember. It's not only me who's unsatisfied with my life. There are hundreds of us across the world like that, connected through a silver string of unhappiness.

And somehow, that thought makes me feel a little bit better.

So, thank you.

>> No.40900

No problem.

>> No.40901

and she becomes retarded.

>> No.40908


>> No.40912

So, I hear Cirno abandoned /jp/ and tried posting in /a/ again.

>> No.40919

Sakuya/Kuuya. I want a doujin where she's 'teaching' Kuuya if you know what I mean.

>> No.40921

Ever17 went back to /a/, there's been like 3 threads last night.

>> No.40922

Uh... you're welcome.

I have problems too, but they're wildly different from yours.
So the silver string is still there, I suppose. It's just that the reasons are different from yours.

>> No.40927

I'm super popular though.

>> No.40931

but we're working towards having a more satisfying life!

>> No.40933

Nooooooooo... If you're reading this, we love you Cirno. ;_;

>> No.40936


I hear /a/ still didn't want him and he wandered off into the sunset.

Probably much like we will.

>> No.40938

also, what the hell is happening, apparently there's a problem with the janitor?

>> No.40940


Post some anime. Watch it be deleted.
That's the problem.

>> No.40949

aww come on.
janitor if you're reading this, please don't delete anime, they're /jp/ related

>> No.40951

Some Janitor was deleting anything 2D, not just anime-stuff, but visual novel and vocaloid threads. At least they seemed to realize Touhou belonged here.

>> No.40957


Whoever that faggot janitor is, he's sleeping. Otherwise this thread wouldn't be here.

>> No.40962

sucks, I'd like it if we had a more direct way to speak with the staff.

>> No.40983

Somebody could e-mail moot I guess, but it seems that getting feedback just makes him more pissed off.

>> No.40990

best way to have the board shut down, I guess.

>> No.41006

weren't emails to moot the reason /jp/ was made?

>> No.41015


On the other hand, if complaints about /a/ made him do this, what would complaints about /jp/ do?

>> No.41028

/3d/ /2d/! SCOOOORE

>> No.41036

He'd more likely just axe the new board, sadly.

>> No.41058

» Dear mootykins:
» Please put visual novels and ronery back into /a/.
» /jp/ has too much pig-disgusting 3D.
» signed, anon

>> No.41065

the most reasonable thing would be to revert the changes made to /a/ and simply leave /jp/ as a bord for discussion about japanese culture in general.

>> No.41070


>> No.41074

I hope /jp/ stays just to piss you faggots off. I dislike 3D too but I'm not such a goddamned baby about it.

>> No.41076

are you guys really that bored in /a/?

>> No.41078

/jp/ would be great if people posted everything related to Japan, INCLUDING animu and manga, kind of like a work-safe, weeaboo /b/.

>> No.41100

>>/jp/ would be great if people COULD post everything related to Japan, INCLUDING animu and manga, kind of like a work-safe, weeaboo /b/.


>> No.41115

you mean like how /a/ was?

>> No.41116

tell that to the fags who were bawwwwing about /a/, which is why we got this schism in the first place.

>> No.41128

i didn't mind touhou, visual novels and other random crap on /a/, i wouldn't even mind pig disgusting 3d in here, if they weren't deleting anime related threads.

>> No.41136

my opinion too.
I can ignore threads but I can't stand seeing interesting ones being deleted.

>> No.41137

i didn't mind touhou, visual novels and other random crap on /a/, i wouldn't even mind pig disgusting 3d in here, if they weren't deleting anime related threads.

>> No.41132

i didn't mind touhou, visual novels and other random crap on /a/, i wouldn't even mind pig disgusting 3d in here, if they weren't deleting anime related threads.

>> No.41146


Agreement from me.

>> No.41154

same shit happens /a/ aswell. I made a KnJ manga thread which had a discussion going. It got deleted.

>> No.41170

anyway,did a new chapter come out ? 33 was the last I heard of.
mods always seem to be the problem on liberal boards like the kind we like.

>> No.41174

new chapter is out and translated.

>> No.41177

Good, I'll be looking forward to downloading it.

>> No.41275


There's the four and a half hour old thread where the OP gives links to KNJ c.34.

>> No.41299

I made one earlier. It was deleted. Probably some faggot mod/janitor who never read manga before and assumed it was loli porn.

>> No.41310

So I hear Giovanni just got deleted in /a/
I think I found where our wayward janitor went.

>> No.41334

Aww, Kagamin. :(

>> No.41354

memes aren't allowed in /a/. You either talk about naruto or get banned

>> No.41357


Ah man, What the hell are we gonna do when /jp/ gets deleted?

>> No.41374

just go back to the way things were before.

>> No.41379


You really think so? ;_;

>> No.41382

Sometimes I turn my computer chair away from me and lay on my bed. I look over at it and pretend that a girl is sitting there who loves me, but I just can't see her because of the high back of the chair. I lay on my bed and tell her to come over, and talk to her. But she never responds, she never shows herself. I make a deal with her; when I fall asleep she will come to lay with me. I fall asleep, wondering if I will ever feel her touch in my waking hours.

>> No.41388

we've been used to /jp/ too much to return to /a/.
that's one of the most touching things I've read all day.

>> No.41398

>that's one of the most touching things I thought I read but wasn't actually real all day.

>> No.41402

You're quick. I deleted to fix an error.

Sometimes I turn my computer chair away from me and lay on my bed. I look over at it and pretend that a girl is sitting there who loves me, but I just can't see her because of the high back of the chair. I lay on my bed and tell her to come over, and talk to her. But she never responds, she never shows herself. I make a deal with her; when I fall asleep she will come to lay with me. I fall asleep, wondering if I will ever feel her touch in my waking hours.

>> No.41403

I'll remember it anyway.
it was a nice thing.

>> No.41417

Your spell intrigues me wise mage.

>> No.41421

One janitor can't do jack shit against Anonymous.

>> No.41429

Sometimes I take the warm batteries out of my radio and hold them tightly in my hands... they feel like real humanhands... and then I close my eyes and imagine a girl who lays next to me and holds my hands and... and likes me. I close my eyes till the batteries are cold and remind my of my loneliness. I am afraid to open my eyes then, becouse I know nobody is laying next to me

>> No.41448

once I had batteries in my pocket.
unfortunately, I had coins too and they connected, making a resistance, my shirt almost took fire ;_;

>> No.41482

Damn, this is ronery.

>> No.41504

I have this ritual called "The Terminator"...

>> No.41520

No, /b/ copypasta

>> No.41521

You wear electric nipple clamps in the shower, amirite?

>> No.41523

>Sometimes I take a warm turd out of the toilet and hold it tightly in my hands... it feels like a turd hand... and then I close my eyes and imagine a giant turd who lays next to me and holds my hands and... and likes me. I close my eyes till the turd is cold and remind my of my loneliness. I am afraid to open my eyes then, becouse I know no giant turd is laying next to me

>> No.41524

I like to rub my socks against the couch and kiss doorknobs. The slight electricity is what I like to imagine a real kiss is like.

Protip: Doorknobs are not sanitary, use disinfectant first.

Protip: ;_;
