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File: 183 KB, 528x768, fuyu_vest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4005076 No.4005076 [Reply] [Original]

More schools across Japan have now ordered slacks as a replacement for skirts. Skirts won't be completely discontinued, but rather gradually phased out. New female students will be issued slacks instead of skirts, while current students can still wear a skirt. However, they will no longer be issued to new students.

How does /jp/ feel about this?

>> No.4005082


>> No.4005086

No objection, but i have a feeling girls will bitch that its not feminine enough.

>> No.4005087
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Feels good man

>> No.4005088

ait, I call bullshit.

>> No.4005089

3D pig disgusting.

Skirts will continue to stay in anime.

>> No.4005091

Enjoy your ridiculously idealized bullshit

>> No.4005100

Girls don't have a say when it comes to their safety, health, and well-being. There are too many sexual harassment incidents that many school districts see skirts as the only say to truly curb fetishism. Skirts will be as outdated as Nehru collars and black Jojo caps.

>> No.4005101

I think the whole uniform thing is bullshit.

>> No.4005107

Good, women need more formal wear.

>> No.4005109

Who cares?

>> No.4005115

no, the real reason is schools want to appear more "business-like" and have their students dress like they do in offices...that's why you see a lot more blazers and ties than the traditional gakuran and sailor top...in regard to skirts, they could still have them, just do away with the broad pleated design and make them more form-fitting and business-like, you know like what the office ladies wear...however, slacks aren't an entirely bad idea

>> No.4005119

I feel like I've seen this thread before...
Is there anything wrong with that?

>> No.4005124

Slacks can be sexy on women, having been around that environment. But it still doesn't beat skirts. Maybe Japanese girls will stop wearing those god awful leg warmers.

>> No.4005129

I think it's good, but my dick is still sad, just like how they phased out buruma.

>> No.4005130

Its a good thing, finally Japan's getting progressive when it comes to girl's schoolwear. Then again, uniforms are retarded to begin with.

>> No.4005132
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I wouldn't mind if the new uniforms looked like this. But skirts are preferable.

>> No.4005136

Old thread, but today it's with black uniform.

>> No.4005143

that might b why alot of skools r usin slacks cuz of those disgusting loose socks

>> No.4005147
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Kids should just wear functional jumpsuits.

>> No.4005151

I'd wear it.

>> No.4005161

Are there countries that still issue mandatory skirts for girls? I feel only Africa does this anymore, but I'm not really into nigras.

>> No.4005182

Not mandatory. But plenty of school girls in the west still wear skirts as often as slack, almost interchangeably. Why doesn't Japan give out slack/skirts based on personal preference of the student? I'm sure student will still buy their own skirts. As I guy, I had several sets of uniforms, and I'm definitely sure chicks probably had one for each day... so vain.

>> No.4005185

South America. But even there its gradually dying out.

Sorry, but 2D imitates what 3D does. Therefore, 2D will eventually phase out the sailor suit as well.

(Also, Japanese schoolgirls' sailor suits are inaccurate. Real sailor tops have creases on the flap)

>> No.4005197

>creases on the flap

>> No.4005190 [DELETED] 

Why can't I wear a cape if I want to

>> No.4005204

I doubt that, as the bloomer has stayed, and will stay for as long as theres a market for ecchi. The seifuku is a symbol after all, just like the bloomers.

>> No.4005206

Who is stopping you?

>> No.4005209

Real sailor tops have three evenly spaced vertical creases running down the backflap. It facilitates easier folding and cleaning, and also looks really spiffy when actually instituted.

>> No.4005212
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I dare say those Prussian-inspired men's uniforms looked better than these plain-ass suits.

>> No.4005214

I doubt it will ever fade out in 2D, at least not any time soon. There are still bloomers in lots of 2D.

>> No.4005228

Japan is going to be probably the only country in the world not to give schoolgirls the option of slacks or skirts.

If anything, Japan is becoming REGRESSIVE.

>> No.4005232

I wish I had one to match my top hat. No stores around me sell any...

>> No.4005240

I feel like in the next decade, anything "girly" like pink will be seen as perverted.

Hurray for equality!

>> No.4005242

Well, in Japan, slacks have always been a special option for girls whose cultural/religious beliefs were incongruent with the wearing of skirts (Muslims, for example). But now, the Ministry of Education are pushing for prefectural governments to institute slacks for *ALL* girls.

However, private schools can still decide what their girls wear.

>> No.4005253

>Sorry, but 2D imitates what 3D does
3D Japanese women have no tits, 2D on the other had...
3D Japan banned guns and most swords, 2D on the other hand...

>> No.4005263

What the fuck

>> No.4005264

Being cute is wrong and demeaning to empowered women such as myself. You cannot expect modern, emancipated women to cater to men's fantasies of virginal girls in frilly dresses; we are people too, not your playthings. Now excuse me while I put on my gaudy make-up and ass-constricting jeans to hit up the closest bar.

>> No.4005281

Big city schools have many foreign students from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, usually the daughters of guest workers...many of which happen to belong to the Islamic faith

>> No.4005282
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Had me going there for a minute.

>> No.4005291

It's about time I say.
Girl uniform are one of the biggest fetishes of japan, and they seemed designed to be sexy and objectify the girls wearing them.

Skirts will survive in anime and porn as sexual fetish and nothing else.

>> No.4005296
File: 355 KB, 492x800, that girl from before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D Japanese women have no tits, 2D on the other hand...

Also have no tits?

>> No.4005309

Girls can still be cute and feminine whilst wearing slacks.

The measure of a real girl is how she can work it, regardless what she has on.

>> No.4005314
File: 566 KB, 829x1200, 0114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga plz, I said women not little girlz.

>> No.4005318

i hate it

>> No.4005329

Dammit, now because of VPLs Japanese girls will start to wear thongs more....ack

God dammit, it took the US 10 years to get rid of those ghastly things...

>> No.4005331


girl can be cute and sexy if she wants it,but it's not mandatory.
The key is the choice.

>> No.4005337

Who cares what they wear inside the schools? They're not going to wear them on the way to school and that's what counts.

Unless you like to sneak into schools and watch them sleep in the classroom.

>> No.4005344

idk Bro-ntasaurus Rex, if I was a girl that would be a total inconvenience for me, I'd just stay in trousers

>> No.4005354




>> No.4005360

Japanese schoolgirls always wear their school uniforms outside of school. It's not so simple.

>> No.4005364

Visible Panty Lines. Part of the appeal of thongs is that it produced limited VPLs. However, boyshorts do almost produce the same effect with a lot less skank-ness.

>> No.4005380

Skirts are cute, but not on all girls. Have you seen some of the legs beneath those skirts in Japan? Often they're disgusting. I'd prefer only girls who look good in them wear them, when they choose to do so themselves. Although I know this means even most cute girls will be wearing pants (and this makes me sad) I can understand that they do, because pants are just altogether much more comfortable and healthy than skirts. Also, like they said, you can't argue it doesn't look more professional. Plus no fear of some pervert taking pictures of your underwear or otherwise exposing yourself.

So, as a man I feel sad, but putting myself in a girl's shoes I can accept it.

>> No.4005390

This is the greatest, humblest post I've ever seen a 2Dfag ever post. Congrats.

>> No.4005402

this is bullshit i reject that this is happening

>> No.4005406

They also hike up their skirts and wear other stuff they'll have to take off in side. You under estimate how far japs will go to be sluts.

>> No.4005410

Denial is not just a river in Egypt

>> No.4005428

You all only look at cosplaying schoolgirls at best anyway. Nothing will change for you.

>> No.4005452
File: 53 KB, 250x279, transition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First two girls are wearing the current uniform, the last girl is wearing the new uniform that will be implemented to new students

>> No.4005459

im ok with this.jpg

>> No.4005461

That guy on the right should really cut his hair.

>> No.4005469

The last girl looks more like a boy then anything else.

>> No.4005474

So it's impossible to grope someone wearing pants now? I would say that's false.

So we want women and men to be presented the same? Enjoy your negative birth rate.

>> No.4005481

Women in formal wear is a fetish of mine. I am applauding this move.

>> No.4005489

I can already imagine everyone wearing those in school. A little army of miniaturized businessmen. All they need is a suitcase.

>> No.4005500
File: 20 KB, 650x580, high_bag_j11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4005503

Some of the girls might be happier with wearing slacks, yes. But you have to take into account the views of the male students too!
School life is the one window of happiness for the typical Japanese male, before they are forced to become salary men and spend their days working and their nights drinking to maintain status in the company, all to barely scrape together enough salary to afford a broom closet in Tokyo. Instead of happy days filled with beautiful sailor-fuku clad girls, you would take their one blessing away from them, and plunge them into a school life where everyone just looks like a man, so that some bitch doesn't have to get cold legs a few days of the year? Instead of this one period of happiness, you would consign them to a grey and dull life from cradle to grave, so that the women they will spend all their waking hours as an adult working to support will have an even more comfortable life? Have you no heart?

>> No.4005508
File: 181 KB, 696x1024, s-IMG_7599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fail. Its already been fetishized :)

>> No.4005513


Welcome to Japan.

>> No.4005519
File: 24 KB, 350x350, hermes-carbon-fiber-briefcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a briefcase. This is a briefcase.

>> No.4005522

After this happens reverse trap will be the only fetish intact.

I was ok with that, then I realized it's boring if every girl is a reverse trap.

>> No.4005527

They'll still dress like sluts outside of school.

>> No.4005529

Its a girl, the jacket buttons girl-style

>> No.4005541

They're just plugging one leak while others spring up. The more you try to restrict a teenage girl's dress, the more she's going to act out in an effort to be "rebellious" (unless you're in muslim-land).

Either that, or they're moving even closer to FUTURELAND where everyone is bald for hygiene reasons, wears a clean suit, and you can only tell gender by whether their ID number beings with a one or a two.

>> No.4005545


Men will always be attracted to women (and girls). No cure for it.

>> No.4005552
File: 149 KB, 1200x900, skirtsnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was part of the reason why slacks are replacing skirts

>> No.4005561

How long until we see the effects on the suicide rates?

>> No.4005564

Now they'll breed even less. lol.

>> No.4005569

You seem to forget that japanese girls wear those skirts much higher than that.

>> No.4005570


>> No.4005578

People will start to fetishise those tags, then.

"DUDE, imagine if her serial number's 2 were printed in Parchment font!"
"OH MAN, I want to slide the little piece of paper out of it's plastic covering, cum all over it and then watch her try and slip the soggy thing back in, crying, before the 992s come to arrest her!"


>> No.4005588

Unless you're gay.

>> No.4005591

The girl in this picture is adorable
This one, however, is pig disgusting and needs to smile more

>> No.4005593


You don't like VPLs? Are you not supposed to like them?

I like them.

>> No.4005616

thats where she poops from

>> No.4005642

Well, this is kinda stupid, considering Japanese girls are taught to be OLs and treat office jobs in their 20s as "husband farms" to retire to become housewives once they get married....no self-respecting Japanese man will marry a woman over 25

>> No.4005673

>no self-respecting Japanese man will marry a woman over 25

Duh, because they're not virgins anymore.

>> No.4005688
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>> No.4005691

What's wrong about VPLs? I like them.
and no VPL make a girl look like she's not wearing any panties, and is a slut.

>> No.4005694

Next you're going to tell me they're going to do away with ブルマ or すくみず?

>> No.4005700


That happened ages ago... unless you already knew that and you were just being a jerk.

>> No.4005701

They already did

>> No.4005716

an /sp/ meme on /jp/?

get the fuck out

>> No.4005719

So in essence, anime is already idealized bullshit...a universe that cannot be obtained. How sad.

>> No.4005732

>Maple Laughs

>> No.4005747


>> No.4005784

>anime is already idealized bullshit...a universe that cannot be obtained
Holy shit! What are you going to tell me next, that VN girls are just voiced sprites tailored for lonely nerds' fantasies?

>> No.4005805

any reliable source on that info?

>> No.4005816


Would you carry her home /jp/?

>> No.4005818

Enjoy your mandatory reverse traps, faggots.

>> No.4005833

If they all wear the same shit how am I supposed to tell them apart?

>> No.4005835

Looks good on them

>> No.4005844
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>> No.4005847


Meishi. Even they know they all look the same.

>> No.4005849

I will. I really will.

>> No.4005870

Since they all look like men now a feminist is going to complain about the lack of one's ability to "express their own feminism" And thus man's life long debt to feminists began.

>> No.4005877

Don't joke like that, you piece of shit.

>> No.4005892


>> No.4006028

>So we want women and men to be presented the same? Enjoy your negative birth rate.
I think considering the ever increasing rate of human population, we will.

>> No.4006040



>> No.4006049



There it is again.

>> No.4006061

I would like to correct a common misconception some of you seem to have. According to sartorial customs slacks are neither more formal nor more professional than skirts. The formality ranking for women's clothing has always been dresses>skirts>slacks>jeans.


>> No.4006066

What about the guys wearing skirts now?

>> No.4006068

At this rate even maids will one day exist only in anime.

>> No.4006075

Professionalism is probably what people are referring to, not formality

>> No.4006076

Kilts for everyone.

>> No.4006085

>I think considering the ever increasing rate of human population, we will.

Your ignorance is palpable. Go look at fertility statistics; the top nations are almost entirely in Africa or the Middle East. I don't remember the numbers off my head, but three of the top contenders are Niger, Uganda, and Afghanistan.

>> No.4006089

Honestly it just makes me hate how conformist asian society is in general. Hey guys, it's "sexist" for girls to wear skirts, lets have them wear the exact same thing as every guy too.

Some old fogey's having a right laugh and you know it. It's all bullshit.

>> No.4006099 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 640x594, kilts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if want

>> No.4006109

Didn't North Korea do the same thing just now? Something or the other...

>> No.4006141

The death of a schoolgirl golden age for Japan. The issue of traps will now reach unprecedented proportions.

>> No.4006211

Yea, it's also a river in Sudan

>> No.4006225
File: 37 KB, 334x338, 1261496424746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4006319

That doesn't matter, the global human population number is what matters. A negative birthrate in Japan helps to offset the 20-children-per-household statistic in Africa.

We could also just starve them.

>> No.4006329

No panties? Your waifu is a slut.

>> No.4006338
File: 244 KB, 596x811, to heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradition. Same goes with this.

>> No.4006375

Girls should be made to wear Kimono as a mandatory uniform.

Actually I love uniform. At least you don't have to decide on what to wear when you wake up in the morning.

>> No.4006386

But if they don't wear panties won't their testicles get droopy?

>> No.4006395

Women don't have testicles between their legs, bro.

They're on the back of their legs.

>> No.4006413

Citation needed

>> No.4006423

I agree with the second sentence of this.

It really should be up to the person whether they want to wear a skirt or slacks, though. I really can't see an issue with just making it a choice.

>> No.4006488

they won't be able to recognize men from women anymore

>> No.4006501

Take it to /cm/ or /y/. Or if you mean "won't be able to recognise [even without clothes]" /d/.

>> No.4006619


This is false logic since nothing is stopping you from wearing the same set of clothes every day anyway. Also, there's more than enough of people not making decisions for themselves nowadays.

>> No.4006685

>I really can't see an issue with just making it a choice.
Because Japanese people don't want to stand out, so they all have to go for one thing or the other.

Or, the authorities don't want to teach them that they have a choice. That would make sense too.

>> No.4006690

>Also, there's more than enough of people not making decisions for themselves nowadays.

I fucking hate to play the "marketing and media influences what people wear" guy, but it's kind of true.

I wish there had been uniforms when I was in school. The students basically segregated themselves (needlessly I might add) based on what little subculture group they thought they wanted to be a part of at the time. I think uniforms would have let kids blend a little bit more and leveled the playing field.
