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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39962823 No.39962823 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>39806274

>> No.39966053

PoO would be successful if it had male players fighting.

>> No.39967020

It would be successful if the girls didn't look like Bandori rip-offs

>> No.39967033

And replace idoling with magical girl battles

>> No.39967056

Male self insert and protagonists are here to stay, even if yuri tard cries most of these waifu mobage have one aduience: males that want to fuck cute girls. Simple as.

>> No.39967091

male gacha units can go to hell tho

>> No.39967135

Sales rankings show they're irrelevant

>> No.39967561

wait what, Tokyo Necro is ending service?
fucking Nitroplus man, could have just done an actual sequel VN.

>> No.39967581

What successful game has them? Uma, Genshin even FGO let you choose your gender

>> No.39967604

Does it have male self insert?

>> No.39967744

Wrong thread nerdlord. And they're selling a standalone version if you were too good to play it while it was alive, waiting for a translation on the original.

>> No.39967768

>Wrong thread nerdlord.
It's literally a mobage you absolute retard

>> No.39967794


>> No.39967998

Yeah but OG PriConne barely lasted one year.

>> No.39968031

How come yuri fans hate men in yuri series but yaoi fans don't mind women in yaoi series?

>> No.39968096
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No wonder Miko Note is already shutting down despite only launching this year.

>> No.39968106
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Why did they can Tales of Luminaria already when it was largely doing better than PuraOre until the shutdown announcement?

>> No.39968148

A man in a "yuri" series is just a run of the mill harem. Reverse harems a lot rarer so if you see a series with a lot of ikemen with big hands, you can just assume it's gay.
Difference in operating costs. PoO looks and is very cheap.

>> No.39968169

Can we declare Manaka to be /mbgg/'s mascot? I would have suggest Mana but there's already a general on /vmg/ and she's already double-dead.

On the other hand, perhaps Tiara has a better claim of being /mbgg/'s mascot?

>> No.39968293
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As an active Lapis player, I vote Tiara

>> No.39968544

It looked like garbage. I love mikos and I didn't want to touch it.

>> No.39968546

CUE revival when?

>> No.39968912

Barely doing better than hockey girls is probably not what Bamco was after.

>> No.39969265
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Is Whaleland going to be ok with a princess like this?

>> No.39969637

EXNOA is on an EoS streak
>check PoO, Blue Reflection devs

>> No.39970402

Huh? Isn't Pride of Orange Craftegg?

>> No.39970441

Aren't they just DMM games? They shit out so many kusoge that one more or one less doesn't matter.
Only the chara design

>> No.39971465

>check PoO, Blue Reflection devs

>> No.39971668

I'm pretty sure Sun is just developed by Gust

>> No.39973416

Some of it went to Kusopl. There is also no reason to whale aside making your favorite character(s) as strong as possible if you are only interested on the main storyt unlike most other kusoges

>> No.39973543
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I vote this girl instead.

>> No.39973676

Literally who?

>> No.39977819

>page 9

/jp/ isn't usually this fast

>> No.39979285

Yes it is

>> No.39979330

In the past it would take 12 hours to a day for this thread to hit page 9.

>> No.39982318

>Symphogear XDU to move from Pokelabo to Kingpawn
Pokelabo bros... Assault Lily next?

>> No.39983261
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No, posting a conspiracy from Symphogear general.
It looks like the guy complaining about the lack of voiceacting a few months ago was on too something. Assault Lily, or more likely pokelabo themselves, seem to have gone through a silent breakup with Bushiroad a few months back for some reason, There was never any announcement about this. But basicially
>Ever since april the bushiroad copyright mark has been missing from assault lily twitter posts
>possible lack of bushiroad voicelines when you boot the game, don't have the game installed anymore so I can't check
>Even the offiical website url got changed to remove Bushiroad from the url
>Symphogear XDU, which was run by Pokelabo for 5 years, is changing devs in a month all of the sudden and their website url and twitter posts still contains Bushiroad
>For some fucking weird reason Symphogear is having an assault lily collab in 2 days, but it's with the anime, not the game. This is after said game already had a Symphogear xdu collab themselves recently.

>> No.39983306

Damn, so Pokelabo gets AssLily and Bushiroad gets Geah.

>> No.39983379

>possible lack of bushiroad voicelines when you boot the game, don't have the game installed anymore so I can't check
It's real, I thought something was missing recently and that was it.

>> No.39983466

I'm guessing Bushiroad always had more control over Symphogear than they did Assault lily, since lily has Azone international or whatever involved.
Bushiroad seems to think the company switch is actually good for symphogear, they were retarded enough to announce it during the prelude to the 5th anniversary. But the average user was no idea about this conspiracy because both companies kept totally silent about it, they're assuming it means EoS is incoming.

>> No.39983488

Who are better? Pokelabo or Bushiroad?

>> No.39983519

One is a developer and the other is a publisher, anon.

>> No.39983534

I mean the game under them

>> No.39983551

Kind of an exaggeration since it's still on all their main sites.

>> No.39983579


>> No.39983646

there hasn't been an offical announcement so I don't see why it wouldn't be

>> No.39983722

can't really find any bushiroad shit on here, dunno what the anon is refering to
funnily enough though the website for the IP as a whole still has the bushiroad shit on it

>> No.39983803

The Bushiroad sites obviously

>> No.39983812


It still uses the old link which redirects to the new url

>> No.39983830

That's not weird. It's probably just the management of the game.

>> No.39983895

guess all that can really be done is to wait and see how things develop.

>> No.39983968

I don't want to lose my Nanoha again... not after MegiReco NA, Sengoku Asuka Zero and Toji no Miko...

>> No.39984002

that game makes too much money to shut down. If they've really dumped bushiroad it just shows you that they've decided they're fine without them, although the voiceacting thing is weird.

>> No.39984037

They still have to voice stock lines, battle lines anyway.

Although even collab units have Christmas etc lines already voiced, so they could have done all the voice recording they ever need already.

>> No.39984695

It's not like the VA are bushi's exclusive property.

>> No.39984713

Or just look at their ir...
Latest bushiroad IR has Lily in it so it's still a co-owned IP
As this anon >>39983830 noted, they probably bailed from the gacha but are still part of the bigger multi mix project with lives etc (aka post gacha world)

>> No.39984727

forgot - their latest IR is here: https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/7803/tdnet/2123775/00.pdf

>> No.39984771

they are called >>>/jp/Bushiroad Seiyuu for a reason

>> No.39984973
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>post gacha world

>> No.39985003

Selection Project doesn't even bother with a gacha. CUE will probably not come back either.

>> No.39985306
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There was a Compass news stream today but there was nothing of note for the main game.
The Ryza collab will be rerun from the 30th ~ 5th and June's season is themed around sprinters

>> No.39985692

>CUE will probably not come back either.
Then why did they not cancel the anime?

captcha: DRAGS

>> No.39985716

They use the anime to sell concert tickets.

>> No.39985871

When production committees shill seiyuu, lives and merch when they can't make their money back from the gacha after spending heaps on the anime, manga spinoff and collabs with infamous creators/writers/character designers/vtubers/twatter 'personalities' lol

>> No.39986441

>Selection Project doesn't even bother with a gacha.
And now it's already forgotten, unlike Idoly Pride. Anime series and concert tickets are much, much shorter term cash grab attempts than gacha games.

>CUE will probably not come back either.
It will.

>> No.39987636

Is sensei from Lapis trans? Why does he keep drinking the sex change drug for no reason? Happened again in Fiona's SR card story.

>> No.39992417

Will Shine Post succeed?

>> No.39992493

Need some recommendations for dying kusoges

>> No.39992817

Dragalia Lost is dying soon

>> No.39993032

Did Euden become Alberia?

>> No.39993699

They need to follow the Idoly Pride blueprint and make a fanservice game.

>> No.39993751

Will Ars Notoria's Wiz-sama (gender selectable) be in the Nanoha collab?

>> No.39994061

This general bullies Kidani too much. Meanwhile, Netmarble ruins decently made game with NFT, no discussion about it.

>> No.39994070

Idoly Pride first anniversary soon, as expected of the best idol game on the market.

>> No.39994224

But we love Kidani? He just can't make good male games.

>> No.39994357
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Kawasaki Sakura's sunny pee...

>> No.39994413


>> No.39994449

Should just make a Vanguard equivalent of Shadowverse

>> No.39994469

He prefers printing physical cards for Shadowverse

>> No.39994485

Full metal alchemist mobile

>> No.39994531

As expected from Japan.

>> No.39994721

Looks nice at least

>> No.39994823


>> No.39995907

>Sunny Peace is officially the strongest team in the current story.
Fuck this shit. LizNoir deserves better.

>> No.39996458 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.71 MB, 2894x4093, 96557079_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mana is so cute when she does her business.

>> No.39998372

Why did ArsNotoria flop?

>> No.39998599

Never heard of it

>> No.39998984

ReZero designs

>> No.39999158

For some reason only the main 5 girls have rezero face. The rest look vastly different.

>> No.40002224

Literally what?

>> No.40002232
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At least it's stable, I guess? It hasn't gone above 1,000 in weeks but at least it hasn't dropped out of the rankings entirely this month.

>> No.40003609

Post Ars notoria's 咲うアルスノトリア

>> No.40004290
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Doing much better than PoO actually

>> No.40004299

Impressive. Wonder why no one has heard of it.

>> No.40005669
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It clearly shows that there has been a drop in ranks between the two months.

Compare this to the 5-year-old Cinderella 9 if you want peak mobage performance. PoO really failed to find a hardcore audience.

>> No.40006142

Do you see going out of rankings entirely soon?

>> No.40006210

I really wonder if the Bandori collab wasn't supposed to happen so soon. Like, maybe they had planned it but they originally intended it to be later in the year but then decided to move it forward. Do you think that's possible?

>> No.40006434

Why is the OP pic grayscaled? Context?

>> No.40006725

Anon joking about EoS.

>> No.40006804

What do you mean?

>> No.40007286

Harder to predict because of the bandori collab, but I really hope for poobros that 622万G is its floor rather than the ceiling. That's Miko Note levels.
I don't play anymore, but I'm also convinced that's the case. Normally you'd give people some time to get some attachment to the orange girls before collabing, but I guess they needed to inject new players fast. Given the drop in the second half of the month, it wouldn't surprise me if they all left after the collab.
The end of service notice could come at anytime next month.

>> No.40007642

Tfw when I had to spark a 5*/SSR in my main kusoges but got a 5*/SSR in my side kusoges from 1st 10-roll or single rolls.

>> No.40010032

It's doing that badly?

>> No.40010050

So it's not necessarily ranks that are the thing to watch out for but rather the income?

>> No.40010309
File: 315 KB, 1239x1001, FT_hAMDUsAEPNya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass had an update yesterday with the new stage being added along with some card and hero balancing. Cards details are in-game, as for heroes:

>Hero ability defence buff effect for allies increased by 25%, radius increased by 2m and a visual indicator is applied to allies under its effect.
>Normal attack range increased by 0.6m
>Hero skill requires 4% less to charge
>Hero action activation time reduced by 0.2s
>Movement speed buff from HA increased to 18 seconds
>Hero action/ability chainsaw radius increased by 0.3m
>Improved the visual effect of the chainsaw explosion
>Increased hero ability bonus damage effect by 25%
>Hero skill requires 9% less to charge
>Hero ability bonus card damage increased by 13%
>Hero action bonus card damage increased by 8%
>Hero action range increased by 2m and the angle has been increased by 33%
>HA defence buff increased by 6%
>Hero skill requires 20% less to charge
>Hero ability effect reduced by 20%
>Hero ability damage increased by 8%
>Hero skill requires 13% less to charge
>Hero skill damage increased by 10%
>Hero action activation time reduced by 0.1s
>Modified the UI for easier positioning with her HA
>Health modifier increased from 0.95 to 1.00
>Health modifier reduced from 0.75 to 0.70
>Normal attack range reduced by 1m
>Movement speed reduced by 2%
>Minimum HA activation time increased by 0.2s

That's all for now

>> No.40012039

Is it me or is /jp/ faster than usual now? This thread is already at page 6 despite the last post being less then four hours ago, when we used to go as much as 12 hours before getting this low.

>> No.40012770

just like last time you posted, no

>> No.40012945
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When is the real camping kamige coming out?

>> No.40012960

That's one slutty elf

>> No.40013129

It's poll time everyone! Who should be our mascot?

>> No.40013559

Suggestions straight from an idol general

>> No.40013590

>two horses

>> No.40013603

Uma is the killer of kusoge

>> No.40015044

I wanna fuck Spe-chan

>> No.40015047
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When will they release Nagisa's game?

>> No.40016203 [DELETED] 


>> No.40016209
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forgot pic

>> No.40016391

Takagi has a mobage now?

>> No.40016426


>> No.40019149


>> No.40022668

are anime heads usually this huge?

>> No.40022669

How much longer will PoO LIVE?

>> No.40024653

Takagi mangaka is known for 5heads

>> No.40024659

Some info on the Yuru Camp

Remimds me of the Animcal Crossing mobage

>> No.40025651


>> No.40027540

Holy shit, Ars Notoria gacha characters have only 3% rate (the rest 97% are sigils), and Nanoha on rateup is only 0.24% (vs 0.16% non-rateup characters)
Pity is still at 200 rolls
This is something straight out of 2017

>> No.40028048

So you're saying they're more PTW than newer games?

>> No.40028149

It was launched last year lol. Literally newer than Uma Musume and Assault Lily, barely older than Idoly Pride etc.

>> No.40028168

Feels pretty standard. Most game still had 300 pity until like two years ago.

>> No.40028331

What are the chances of PoO making it to December 31, 2022?

>> No.40029046

Why did Blue Archive launch quite successfully and Girl Gun Cafe close to failure?

Meanwhile FGO JP didn't have pity until 5 months ago and it's 330 rolls.

>> No.40029239

Yostar has the Midas touch

>> No.40029317

Blue Archive doesn't do well enough for its popularity

>> No.40029330

It's just too F2P friendly.

>> No.40029452

The girls are sexier

>> No.40029556

Explain Priconne

>> No.40029570

Guild shit autism. Many people quit the game over it.

>> No.40029650

Not happening. Priconne remains strong.

>> No.40029683

What Not happening? Priconne is not F2P friendly if you are into Guild battles. Blue Archive is F2P friendly all around. That's why Priconne has better revenue.

>> No.40030010

Will Yuru Camp gacha be yuru or PTW?

>> No.40030149
File: 186 KB, 800x450, 68b08ec2-8fed-4752-a87d-3c42992658cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the gacha for? Camping stuff?

>> No.40030386
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Character outfits? The menu has Crafting and Shopping aside from Gacha.

>> No.40030419

Just saw the gacha banner literally says Santaku Ranger
Maybe they will mix in some vip camping stuff to fill the gacha pool

>> No.40034864

Daily 10 rolls in Lapis Re:LiGHTs to celebrate 0.5 Anniversary
Prease Play

>> No.40034929

I've been playing since day 1 anon.

>> No.40035808

Just let it die

>> No.40035821

>t. CN mobage Stan

>> No.40036268

assault lily will die before lapis

>> No.40036512

i will laugh my ass off if asslily eos before sinoalice

>> No.40036858

Is it true that the chink Girl Cafe Gun will end soon?

>> No.40036978

It's just sad at this point Lapisfag

>> No.40037032

Lapis will EOS before PoO

>> No.40038057

How are you sure?

>> No.40038394

so is this pocket camp with anime girls

>> No.40041373

>pocket camp
Apart from the camping aspect, how are they any similar?

>> No.40041466

They are both made by Japanese

>> No.40046980
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Memonto Mori is a coomer game?

>> No.40047695

Are girls not allowed to show a little skin appropriate for their character? Get a grip

>> No.40047726

ESG score of this Bank of Innovation Inc is gonna tank hard.

>> No.40047971
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Good news: PoO went above 1,000 for the first time in weeks on the 2nd
Bad news: it went below 1,000 the following day

>> No.40048069

I would be more worried about La piss than PoO if I were you
PoO has the backing of gacha giant Cygames and Japanese Ice Hockey Association
Lapis is easy throwaway for multi-media conglomerate Kadokawa

>> No.40048473

She is dressed like a prostitute

>> No.40048542

She is a Dancer
Dancers *were* prostitutes

>> No.40048593

But Lapis has better ranks and higher income

>> No.40048848

Cyberagent is not cygames and the JIHF is better off cutting this failed experiment short and pretend as if it never existed.

>> No.40048865

If I were the JIHF I would make the girls magical and fight, and have them wear figure skating costumes without helmets

>> No.40051576

I don't think fighting is much of a thing in Asian ice hockey

>> No.40051658

What should be the excuse for them to wear no protection then? Being magical would cover that aside from fighting.

>> No.40053312

Magic? In ice hockey? Not even the Mighty Ducks stooped this low.

>> No.40053626

After Momonga and Demiurge, Nanoha met another man (the sensei from ars notoria)... how do we cope, fellow yuri chads..

>> No.40053760

She's a girl though

>> No.40053815

But Nanoha has the ferret and other boys.

>> No.40053862

>self insert mc can be a loli
more games should have this option

>> No.40054596
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Its own mobage has been EOS'd long ago. Just let the franchise die.

>> No.40055014

Games from 2008 don't count

>> No.40056400

This UI gives me cancer

>> No.40057294

Wait until she appears in Lapis

>> No.40057711

Yeah... I'm convinced it's one guy, maybe two, who keep posting here about how much they hate dudes.

>> No.40057821

Wrong, there are three of us.

>> No.40058166

>Dude who hates men in general and says everything should be /u/
>Dude who's ok with male NPCs but don't want males in the gacha pool
Who's the third one?

>> No.40058506
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>> No.40058673

I have a feeling the anon is lying and that there really are only two.

>> No.40059038

Do you think an opinion can only be held by one person? What's wrong with your head?

>> No.40059160

Dude who is OK with male self insert but not NPC or playble unit

>> No.40059230

So we've moved on from talking about mobage to talking about the people who talk about mobage.

>> No.40059329

There's just one dude who is butthurt about some anons picking and choosing kusoge based on the genders of MC, gacha pool and non playable characters.
I would say it's no different than choosing games based on 3D vs 2D, chibi vs non-chibi, real time vs turn based etc.

>> No.40060237

Those dude haters weren't even here until recently, I bet they hadn't even played a single mobage until this year.

>> No.40060405

Heaven's Burned Red and Assault Lily brought a lot of them in.

>> No.40060584

Are you a bot?

>> No.40060717

Anon cooking up conspiracy theories because nobody could possibly dislike his blank slates or male spooks is the funniest.

>> No.40061268

Isn't it nice that the industry is reaching new audiences.

>> No.40061674

It's not that. It's that no one was complaining about dudes in this thread until they showed up over the last few months. Do you not find their sudden appearance weird?

>> No.40062797


>> No.40064606

No because that's not true at all

>> No.40065351

No because it doesn't matter.

>> No.40065900

Yes, it's all very sus indeed my fellow mentally ill friend.

>> No.40069031

Fuck off

>> No.40069213

What will be the next EoS I am starved for EoS news

>> No.40069271

Disney Tsum Tsum Stadium 2022年9月30日

>> No.40069276

Blade Xlord 2022年7月29日

>> No.40069280

VR Boyfriends 2022年6月30日

>> No.40070812


>> No.40070919

>Futsal boys
Doesn't that have an anime airing right now?

>> No.40071668

In that case, then that means you must agree with one of them. Who do you agree with?

>> No.40071793

Sensei is just a phase. Inevitably the girls will go back to munch each other.

>> No.40072192

I don't think you're replying to the right post, because your reply has nothing to do with what you're replying to.

>> No.40072260

I agree with that

>> No.40072312

Yeah, but you didn't answer the question.

>> No.40072385

That is the answer to the question.

>> No.40073318
File: 525 KB, 1613x1210, media_Df8C-aMVMAEnnIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to dig up information about failed mobage. There's a weird charm to games that no one can play anymore. It's fun to see how much effort and money were invested in their development and promotion. All for nothing.

>> No.40074095

How long did that particular game last?

>> No.40074198

17 months

>> No.40074575

How come Sora to Umi no Aida isn't on that site? Sure it ended service back in 2019, but that wasn't too long ago.

>> No.40075571

When did the Mildom streaming rewards turn from gems to Lily pendant tokens? (I have never done it tbf)

>> No.40075777

At around the same time they increased the cost of daily gems from the event medal exchange. Meaning this event.

>> No.40076040

Good for non-streamers, bad for streamers.

>> No.40076465

>tfw played gachas for so long that I don't even feel anything when rolling
Not sure if it's a good or a bad thing

>> No.40076694

It was last season

>> No.40077336

So another one killed by its anime adaptation. When will they learn?

>> No.40078589

Same but with poker.

>> No.40078979

Good. Shit rolls used to be soul crushing depressing but now I can just shrug them off.

>> No.40079180

Rolling is not what it used to be so not feeling is the correct response

>> No.40079912

Did anyone play this? https://game.bilibili.co.jp/eternaltree/
It's releasing in like 2 weeks, but it had a CBT not too long ago.

>> No.40081305


>> No.40081932

Another chinkware.

>> No.40082031

Chinese made one of /mbgg/'s favorite games Lapis too...

>> No.40083441

Doesn't count since it's Japanese spiritually

>> No.40083566

Lapis EoS when

>> No.40083634

Not without a collab with Nanoha, the harbinger of EoS.

Every modern witches and magic girls will eventually have to meet Nanoha...

>> No.40083661

Soon, be patient anon

>> No.40083694

>Nanoha, the harbinger of EoS.
Prove it

>> No.40084344

Imagine Nanoha and Fate calling (You) sensei

>> No.40085011

Idoly Pride EoS when?

>> No.40085342

>sex sells
>the only game of its dev
After Azur Lane EoS

>> No.40085712

They just launched KR. It's more a question of global when than EoS.

>> No.40086235

Official CP

>> No.40086542

Why would you launch a global version that's just there to lose money?

>> No.40087091

Looking for turn based rpg-ish mobage on android. (either available via qooapp, and no region lock, or just normally in Europe)

Playing Heaven Burns Red, but that game isn't really taking much time anymore, with the daily grind, and looking for something else. Tried Another Eden, because same dev, but didn't like it.

Seeing the google doc, Ash Arms is mentioned. Would like some more ideas.

>> No.40087153

Lapis Re:LiGHTs is turn based RPG

>> No.40088194

This is actually pretty neat. Now I kinda want to play it.

>> No.40088523

Lapis EoS soon sisters

>> No.40088920

Yuzuriha sex scenes will save Lapis.

>> No.40089063

With sensei?

>> No.40089074

Reminder that sensei would never have been an issue if the game had come out first.

>> No.40089616
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With her boyfriend

>> No.40089621

So, sensei.

>> No.40089643

Yes, me.

>> No.40089928

I guess releasing an adaptation better than the game afterwards is actually pretty common.

>> No.40090102

Which will die first: La Piss or PoO?

>> No.40090963

PoO is 3rd from bottom on DMM

>> No.40091914

What are the other bottom games there?

>> No.40091933

Imagine spending tons of advertising money, blowing loads of promotions, and making an anime series to shill your new game, only for said game to be a spectacular failure.

>> No.40092143

oh, i recognize this game, the original with those character arts died, and rumor is that the assets are sold to another company who continued to shit out games after games using the same art assets

>> No.40093240

Thanks, but I didn't like the anime and dropped it early.

>> No.40095403

But the anime was fun

>> No.40095926

with me

>> No.40096027

with sensei after drinking the genderbend potion
which the sensei already drinks all the time for no reason

>> No.40097523

Too old for the "let's put all the weirdos/weak guys into one party and do a from zero to hero" story. Always written conveniently, it just causes me headaches. Didn't it also have the absolutely lame separation of good and bad students or some shit. I like the writer(s) to at least try.

>> No.40101228

I wanna fuck Tiara

>> No.40101519

Calm down, Yue.

>> No.40102138
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>PC client available

>> No.40106261

>page 8

>> No.40109733

I love Mana

>> No.40111942

I love Yuzuriha

>> No.40112140

I wonder if she'll be playable before eos~

>> No.40112161

They're already bringing this upon themselves when they didn't release her day one

>> No.40112256

What do you mean

>> No.40112353

Gotta bait people into playing until she's added

>> No.40113153

Isn't this just Compass?

>> No.40113256

Definitely not, Compass is a completely different type of game

>> No.40113530


>> No.40113787

>Lapis Re:LiGHTs
No mention of lapis in-game

>> No.40113938

You mean she's still not playable?

>> No.40114079

"Lapis" sounds like some kind of disease.

>> No.40114528

Lapis is Latin for "stone" and Malay for "layers".

>> No.40114723

Sensei should look for the lapis philosophorum to have a sex change

>> No.40115872
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>> No.40115888

Is it just me or did JP kusoges start to region lock in app purchases? I used to be able to buy gems and shit but some of the kusoge I play already has a "This item is not available in your country" error after not buying shit for months.

>> No.40116056

Why do JP kusoges hate foreign players anyway?

>> No.40116150

Noticed last month. It's Google's fault not the game publisher's. As it says you need to switch your Play Store account to match the app region to perform the transaction.

>> No.40116157

there are international trade laws to uphold and even though digital purchases really should be free from all that shit they aren't because lawyers are kikes. Steam recently banned all germans from being able to buy porn games on there for example, because the government was bitching at them about how they need to code a better age verification system or they're breaking german law. Valve couldn't be bothered.
realistically nobody actually cares but theres always some fucking retard trying to start a legal battle for absolutely no reason

>> No.40116187

Fucking google forcing me to not waste my money.

>> No.40116205

Why do some kusoge like Idoly Pride and Lapis still allow gaijin money then? If it's google then all JP apps should be affected right?

>> No.40116312

Is it because of the new function that allows you to directly redeem google play points during checkout? Noticed that change around the same time people started to have issues. I guess if the account is not matching the region then it's tricky for Google to determine which points to apply, so they ended up requiring you to match it.

>> No.40116409

Even stranger it seems that I can buy gems in D4DJ but not the live pass.

>> No.40116803

Maybe it's buggy like >>40116409
I just went back to my foreign account and had no more apparent region problems starting a checkout. The problem either magically fixed itself or Google is dumb.

>> No.40116832

Bugs with Google as usual. I've had this problem on and off from time to time and they've always gone away soon after.

>> No.40117194

Looks like it's a separate issue because my bank doesn't connect to Google Pay. Those particular subscriptions require Google Pay for auto renewal. The non-renewing ones were fine.

>> No.40118057

Black stella

>> No.40119794

Is PoO really doomed?

>> No.40119912

Yes, especially now they have a superior copycat

>> No.40119917

Yes they jumped the gun with an ice hockey anime that barely had ice hockey.

>> No.40120644

Is it out?

>> No.40124589

Will it get a mobage?

>> No.40124918
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Hopefully. I will roll for the Karate loli.

>> No.40125041

Seven Arcs already is busy with a mobage

>> No.40127137

So they do many sports at once?

>> No.40127221

I wanna marry Tiara

>> No.40127271

Sounds like it. It's gonna be a trainwreck since they have to balance it with idol activities too.

>> No.40127284

Do you think it will be more successful than PoO?

>> No.40127337

Hard to do worse than PoO but it's not mobage related anyway.
PoO and Lapiss should fear Shine Post instead.

>> No.40127408

How is Shine Post doing so far?

>> No.40127676
File: 430 KB, 1221x1277, ShinePost_ch_d_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only an LN and a few live events out right now but for a comparison, their main Twitter has 27k followers to Puraore's 37k. Lapis has 61k and Idoly Pride 157k

>> No.40128423


>> No.40128426

I don't want Lapis to die yet bros

>> No.40128432

I want Lapis to live

>> No.40128439

Will that get an anime or will it die?

>> No.40128442

It's a reference to their magic

>> No.40128446

I self-insert as sensei and I don't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.40128452

Eliza is the shiniest Ray

>> No.40128457

Tiara is so cute

>> No.40128462

And so is Rosetta

>> No.40128470


>> No.40128756

I've been playing from day one and will play until EoS Lapisbros.
