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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 306 KB, 890x768, Heavy Metal Girl Madonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3988143 No.3988143 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /jp/... Remember me project?...

I just wanted to announce that the artwork will now be massively upgraded... I dedicate this project to you my friends at /jp/...

I would also like to use this thread and opportunity to reach out to you... like umm... exchange ideas and recommendations so I could improve this project... it will be a very awesome project /jp/...

>> No.3988151


>> No.3988152

Get the fuck out

>> No.3988157

Nice drawing..

>> No.3988158

And now I will sketch on the spot... possible hidden tripfriends spread throughout the VN...

Will be back...

>> No.3988160

i am sorry i hate to say this mugenbro
but less promises, more tangible vns

>> No.3988162

Who the fuck cares? Get out.

>> No.3988165


>possible hidden tripfriends spread throughout the VN

I lost interest.

>> No.3988180
File: 60 KB, 297x289, A Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is A-Jones... Numero Uno Pimp in Red-Light District... and the key to unlock H-Scenes

He is obviously the most difficult one to find...

More to come... sketching... will be right back

>> No.3988201
File: 59 KB, 220x289, BOOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is BOOF the AWESOME mechanic... He can fix anything... he is the easiest to find since he lives a few houses away... find him to get an early boost on sales...

>> No.3988208

Another OELVN trying to ride on the success of KS.

>> No.3988212
File: 425 KB, 1592x1610, wrigglebleedingtodeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mugen is there a place where i can get all your pictures. i just have this wriggle

>> No.3988229
File: 44 KB, 243x229, Kordox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why copy them when I can do something more AWESOME!!!

Oh... this is Kordox, The Collector... if you find something rare or interesting... he's the guy you should go to first...

>> No.3988234

Well... I have deviantart... but I haven't updated it in quite a while...


>> No.3988237

Another mugen trying to mugen on the mugen of mugen.

>> No.3988239

that'll do. thanks

>> No.3988243

There are several more but do not want to be spoilers you know...

>> No.3988264

butthurt KS dev detected.

>> No.3988274

I wish I was a character in the Mugen's VN.

>> No.3988278

wow, you draw some violent stuff..
hate touhou or were those requests?

>> No.3988283
File: 17 KB, 307x371, 1260315714030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Mugen. It's not 'violent' to him, it's sexy, he's one of THOSE types.

>> No.3988284

Please have ZUN run the local gay club.

>> No.3988286

Except for a couple of them... most are requests... I got several more I haven't uploaded yet...

>> No.3988288

Is Pygma-chan going to be in?
I won't read it unless my Pygma-chan is in it, you hear me

>> No.3988293

He just loves guro.

>> No.3988296

So, are you really trafficking drugs, mugen?

>> No.3988304


>> No.3988305
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 7497764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you take requests? i'd like a decapitated yamame with her body stuck in her web and her head dangling from a thread on the ceiling

>> No.3988310


>> No.3988315

I see...

well, all the same you do some nice work dude.

>> No.3988343 [DELETED] 

Well... for more info, you could try and visit my blog but this is more centered around VN and related activities... it is still very young but am working on it...


(remove the DOT part)

>> No.3988360

Thread Reported/Hidden

>> No.3988383

bump! continue the good deeds bro!

>> No.3988485

Learn to color better since your coloring style is generic as shit and not special at all. Also work on drawing the folds in your clothing a bit more realistically a lot of the times it looks terribly unnatural and stiff.


>> No.3988670

Something about mugen's lines as smooth as a baby's bottom, colors that enrich the senses, better than pixiv, etc.

>> No.3988709


>> No.3988722

That will have to wait until episode 2...

>> No.3988739
File: 45 KB, 271x433, sion89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jonesy, what would you like your theme song to be like? Tell me your favorite video game songs/soundtracks.

>> No.3988753

So, everyone supports mugen just to troll?, interesting. Let's see what happens now given that the fool is so gullible

>> No.3988835

Can you put that in english?

>> No.3988877


>> No.3988880

I got your back, if having a 'dude's opinion' matters. (ie, makes a difference in douchebags' minds) :P

>> No.3988883

No wait... nevermind... I googled it... I am getting better in english you know...

>> No.3988897

Emoticon faggot.

>> No.3989657 [DELETED] 


>> No.3989669

i just searched for emoticon faggot wondering who phantom bumped this

holy shit dude. you are dedicated. mad propz

>> No.3989676

Hey Mugen, how's the GENSOKYO CHENSAW MASSACRE going?

>> No.3989678


>> No.3989698

why am I not a character?

>> No.3989718

how are you posting. internet cafe?

>> No.3989745


>> No.3989850

ban evasion or too poor for internetz.

>> No.3989855

he was ispbanned

>> No.3989857

Sup China. How are you doing? Are you going to return any time soon?

>> No.3989862

good! we don't need tripfaggots anyway.

reported for ban-evasion.

>> No.3989887

.. no. he was caught up in a ban meant for other people. he was not the one the ban was meant for.

>> No.3989901

who cares! deep down inside, tripfaggots are good for nothing attentionwhores.

>> No.3989905 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 500x706, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh. troll-san

>> No.3989907

next time bully a shitty tripfag like me instead of bullying hong

>> No.3989912
File: 78 KB, 170x170, 1240347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't shitty bro.

>> No.3989916

True, but you seem to be even more dumb than they are.

Enjoy your frivolous report ban.

>> No.3989924

Are you going to put any Rance cameos in your game? That would be most epic.

>> No.3989925


Hello Suigin. Are you ready to take it to the next level?

>> No.3989926

Less talk, more work, Mugen. Get your pinoy ass back to work.

>> No.3989942

Look man, just come up with a playable release and share it with us first.

>> No.3989944

god, you are creepier than that guy who had a dream about me

>> No.3989948



>> No.3990136

Lists designated registered sex offenders in California.

>> No.3990360

The true heart of /jp/

Tripfags and mugen.

>> No.3990551

bump to counter encroaching KS spam.

>> No.3990562

STOP ABUSING ELLIPSIS YOU FUCKING TRIPFAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3990610

Well, looking forward to it. You have to admit the thought of having out own game is really quite amazing.

Also, >>3988229 looks like the guy in that "dad you don't understand my moe" comic from /v/.

>> No.3990636

Stop mentioning /jp/ on deviantSHIT, you FUCKING RETARD

>> No.3990656

/jp/ is not a secret club for you and your friends. Sorry.

>> No.3990688

I'm still puzzled why /jp/ seems to go autorage whenever mugen shows up? Other than his unusual abuse of ellipsis, he seems to be a decent and friendly guy. Makes VN and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.3990707

/jp/ hates everyone good. Only the most boring, mediocre trips are tolerated because anonymous himself is boring and he does not want to attack something that looks like himelf.

>> No.3990717

>Implying that guys has friends

>> No.3990718

/jp/ hate all kind of attention whore.

I am a girl.

>> No.3990722


His naivety. His complete inability to distinguish trolling from a normal post has inadvertently turned him into a troll as well.

In fact, if you track his posts back through the archive, you'll see that /jp/ actually inadvertently created the monster that is the modern mugen. From the tripfag tier threads to the original arrowed touhou threads with people egging him on, he is almost as if /jp/'s trolling has gained it's own sentience.

>> No.3990850

Ideas? Nudity. And make the h-scene available in the normal version too. Fuck the moralfags, they should grow up and understand the importance of H-content to make it a ADULT ONLY game.

>> No.3990885

Oh wow. Youre going places Muggie, i can tell that. Its amazing how you havent finished anything youve started during the last 12 months. I was always backing you up too, man. Go back to drawing KS fanart, son.

>> No.3990927

>/jp/'s trolling has gained it's own sentience.

I thought that was the AT bot?

>> No.3991422

on the contrary, mugen finished 3 projects this year alone. he even had his own tiny website.


>> No.3991466

Wow. Talk about a fan. Did you even look at his blog? Cause if you did, you wouldnt be posting your bullshit claims in here. Get out Mugen, youre one (maybe the only one?) fan short now, and theres nothing you can do to change that.


>> No.3991478

Who the fuck cares about your stupid trolling?

>> No.3991483

fuck yeah mugenjohncel

>> No.3991509

Fuck off moralfag/samefag. Just because you don't like the fact you can screw the little girl doesn't give you the right to whine about your shit here. You are the only one who thinks this way. Go back to gaia, where you belong.

>> No.3991514

What's wrong with being a dedicated mugenfan? He answered my renpy questions, even bothered showing me a sample script.


>> No.3991518

Geez, you could at least try

>> No.3991526

I can't hate mugen because he's some sort of 3D Ronove.

>> No.3991547

Holy shit, don't you dare insult Ronove like that!

>> No.3991558


All this talk just because mugen posted some random mexican loli. I didn't expect /jp/ to sink this low. GJ mugen! :D

>> No.3991569


>> No.3991584
File: 30 KB, 100x114, mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at him. All he needs is a monocle, shorter hair and some manly elegance. And yes, I think that's what he looks like IRL too.

Hey mugen, you should go cosplay as Ronove.

>> No.3991589

Are you stupid or something? you're the one who's samefagging, asshole.

>> No.3991616
File: 103 KB, 302x372, 1259794848798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3991622

Lacks monocle, short hair and manly elegance.

>> No.3991624

Haha no. You are retarded if you think anybody would believe your shit. Your samefagging saging always happen at the same time. It's obvious you are only one fat faggot saging this thread. Isn't high school back already again? Why are you skipping school you little shit?

>> No.3991647

Look >>3988883

Like elvis, mugen has left the building a long time ago.

Can we just sage this shit guys?

>> No.3991669



>> No.3991804

Nothing to see here, move along.

>> No.3991809

couldn't you have chosen a more appealing name then Madonna?

I know nothing of your project though.

>> No.3991839
File: 23 KB, 508x382, ANWA_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till you see his complete lineup of characters.

>Madonna Vanilli
>Tina Lauper
>Cindy Turner

Now tell me with a straight face that this is a serious project. Sure he finishes unlike other /jp/ projects but he's nothing but an elaborate troll who makes VN's for trolling like this one.

>> No.3993391

oh lawd, i seriously cracked up

>> No.3993886

Whats with the shitty 80's music act names. Why not Aerosmith or Bon Jovi or Axl Rose?

>> No.3993925

Milli Vanilli
Tina Turner
Cindy Lauper
Fetus (lol wut!?)
Varg (not sure if it fits in)

I smell copyright lawsuit brewing already

>> No.3994235

