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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 324x418, polite korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3987986 No.3987986 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question.

Are any of you fuckers actually racist (i.e. discriminating against Koreans, Chinese and any Asian nationality that isn't Japanese), or do you just spew racist shit to sound cool and tough and feel closer to your inner Nipponese self.

Considering it's 4chan, I'm leaning towards the second one.

If you think being racist makes you tough or cool, you seriously need to re-evaluate your life.

Same thing with blatantly hating the gays or any sort of minority group.

>> No.3987990

Serious question about racism

Does not compute

>> No.3988000

>honest question

just get out.

>> No.3988005

Koreans are pretty racist. Most of them have less than stellar ethics as well. I have attempts made at short changing me by Korean store clerks on a regular basis.

>> No.3988007

All Asiatics are subhuman monkeys.

>> No.3988015

Other asians are dog races

>> No.3988021

So, /jp/, how are you enjoying your white privilege?

>> No.3988024

Str 3
Dex 7
Agi 6
End 4
Int 8
Wis 5

>> No.3988038


I am afraid I do not have time to enjoy it, I am trying to carry a negroid up a rather steep hill to a schoolhouse, as he has broken his ankle.

>> No.3988045
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Call the cops, CALL THE COPS!!

>> No.3988048
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Enjoying it just fine.

>> No.3988052

Good work, you'll have that white guilt gone in no time!

>> No.3988057
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Korea strong

>> No.3988077

I am Chinese and I go out of my way to be racist against Korean undergraduates to piss them off because they go out of their way to piss me off

Japanese undergraduates seem to piss each other off so no need to butt in their business

>> No.3988095

I hate gooks, chinks and japs with equal measure.

>> No.3988100

I don't really care much for Hispanic or african americans but I try not to say anything mean to often..
I don't care about other nationality's.

>> No.3988102

your school sounds pretty lame

>> No.3988104


So home fun boy korean man hear.

>> No.3988105

I don't have any problems with race.

But faggots have a mental disease.

>> No.3988128

I'm not racist, and I don't hate the gays although they do make me slightly uncomfortable.

>> No.3988136

I hate gay people, why should gay having fucking "equal" rights, I don't tell pedo bitching about right why should the gays be then.

>> No.3988140

Hispanics and Blacks annoy me, everyone else is all clear.

>> No.3988148

Nah, I actually dislike the koreans lol

>> No.3988155

>Are any of you fuckers actually racist (i.e. discriminating against Koreans, Chinese

Pretty sure there are alot of chinese /jp/ers.

>> No.3988161

I hate filipinos.

>> No.3988164

gay rights are nice but it's a terrible dividing issue that doesn't matter for the majority of people and there are far more important matters to attend to

thats my opinion hope you enjoyed reading it!

>> No.3988174


Chinese are kind of half and half. Some likes Koreans because of their MMO while the other half loves the Japanese because of there weeaboo shit.

>> No.3988175
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>> No.3988178

koreans are the worst race on the planet

>> No.3988181


Gay people don't make babys why should they pay less tax then?

>> No.3988185

Corean sux.

>> No.3988186

it might not be what you're looking for but try Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Mason Diamond

>> No.3988194

this would be better addressed by reforming the tax code

perhaps a flat tax or possibly a switch to the godl standard?

>> No.3988196

Saw this same shitty post on /v/ earlier. OP is just some retarded troll, ignore him.

>> No.3988198

I'm only serious when I'm talking about Singaporeans. They are the scum of the Earth.

>> No.3988221
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>> No.3988262

only people i'm openly racist against is french Canadians, buncha retards

>> No.3988272
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>> No.3988279

not surprising that there are a lot of raciss here :|

>> No.3988280
File: 112 KB, 566x800, Getout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, more liek this

>> No.3988294

well niggers should die

>> No.3988319

seriouspost: generalizing is bad guys. you shouldnt do it. call people shitheads cause theyre shitheads not cause they share skin color with some shitheads you met

hopefully you all know this but hey

>> No.3988344
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>> No.3988350


>> No.3988401

way to misunderstand

>> No.3988417

I am racist against sandniggers and those faggots deserve it.
I am internet racist against niggers, asians and other for no real reason but trolling.

>> No.3988425



>> No.3988442

why are you racist against sandniggers exactly

islam is the religion of peace man

>> No.3988470

I love that joke because some fags actually believe that.

>> No.3988496

please tell me why you are racist against sandniggers

>> No.3988509


>> No.3988522

I'm not the racist guy, but Islam is far from a religion of peace. If you want to die of alcohol poisoning read the Koran and take a shot every time Muhammad promotes violence.

>> No.3988527

<丶`∀´> You guys FAIL to understand us Koreans!

>> No.3988530

Wow, you read the koran? /jp/ is so well educated.

>> No.3988538

i come not to bring peace but ot bring a sword

>> No.3988543

<;`Д⊂ヽ Auuugghh! I hate you white people!
(    ノ

>> No.3988571

not really. most people here are definitely not, and the few that are sway you much more

>> No.3988596


>> No.3988597

I don't really like black people all that much.

>> No.3988598

I wasn't being serious. He was speaking of the Koran like if he had read it.

>> No.3988633

Serious answer:

I'm not actually racist, in that I would never deny anyone anything based on their race or ethnic background. I do not harbor any particular feelings of malice toward any specific group other than humanity in general.

I just happen to think that most ethnic slurs are hilarious. Particularly "nigger" is one of the most amusing words I know, and can be applied to just about any situation. I don't give two shits about how other people perceive me, so it's not about "being cool." I just happen to find them funny.

>> No.3988661

Black people make me nervous, even if they're just normal people.

>> No.3988667

Wise man once said, "Sacred cows make the best hamburger."

>> No.3988726

I'm not racist; I just find "nigger" to be absolutely hilarious, and racist jokes to be funny. I don't actually discriminate.

nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.3988740

Yes. After 9/11 because I wanted to figure out what the fuck Islam was supposed to be. Turns out the Koran is about as lolworthy as the Book of Mormon.

>> No.3988749

go hang around black people until you are not nervous.

>> No.3988755

Black people are really loud, so I don't like being around them.

Same for white trash.

>> No.3988758

I would but I don't want to be mugged/murdered/raped

>> No.3988770

yeah those fucking mexicans should die

>> No.3988797

see, what you did there, with white trash. could you do that for black people instead of just saying black people? thanks

>> No.3988913

basically this exact thread was on some other board

god damn trolls

>> No.3989144

I can't be a racist as I hate everyone equally.

>> No.3989636

same here, i wish to kill every quebequeers, it's my dream.

>> No.3989689

I will be the first to admit those people from French speaking Quebec are the worst in north America. I am pretty tolerant but them I have no room for.

>> No.3990507

You are white. You come across two men leaning against a wall, one white and one black. Seeing that yourself and the other white man outnumber the black man, you ask him to hold the black man down while you rifle through his pockets and pull out three dollar bills. Just then, another person steps up to you, and says "I saw what you did, you stole that money from that black man. That is racist and you ought to be ashamed." Your face droops and flushes with embarrassment. "You are right, I never should have discriminated against that man." You turn to the two men, holding the three dollars in your hand, distraught. Suddenly now they are both an opaque beige. Your heart skips and you freeze. "I- I-" you stammer, "I don't know which I took it from!!" "Are you serious?" the person asks you. "You stole it from that black man right there." You rub your eyes, looking at your hands and seeing that now you, too, share the translucent beige hue! And the interloper, she too seems to be seen straight through! "I... I can no longer see race..." you mutter, amazed, the three dollars still clutched in your fist. Unsure of yourself, you hand one dollar back to first opaque man, hand another to the second opaque man, and keep the last for yourself, to prevent yourself from unfairly if unwittingly preferring one or the other for the race you no longer see.

>> No.3990538

Str 6
Dex 6
Agi 6
End 6
Int 6
Wis 0

>> No.3990544

Hahaha, right. Niggers have more problems than just their skin color. With a layman's knowledge of monkey behavior patterns, you shoul easily be able to pick the nigger out.

>> No.3990573

You forgot to allocate the free stat points faggot

>> No.3990584

If i could make a difference between them, i would be racist towards them. But as it is, they all look like wonky eyed faggots to me, and thats how i treat them. Ching chong wing wong.

>> No.3990606


>> No.3990608

as an asian, I can guarantee you that we are racist against other asians

>> No.3990614

I like Japan.
I dislike South Korea and China.

>> No.3990615

Koreans are retards and believe in fan death.

Jaedong is an exception. He's a cool guy.

>> No.3990618

no shit. you're in /jp/. everyone here knows that stuff

>> No.3990623

I'm Korean and I admit that I am racist. Though it's something that I keep to myself or joke about with close friends only as I live in California and am surrounded by filthy niggers, chinks, and beaners.

Also, my mother believes in fan-death and is retarded.

>> No.3990631

Japanese dislikes Zinichi Korean in Japan.

>> No.3990637

Get out of /jp/, Gook.

>> No.3990640
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>> No.3990646


if you are a racist why don't you live in korea?

>> No.3990649

I'm genuinely racist towards everybody. Most hispanics I knew were violent druggies with a tendency to smoke huge rocks of crack.
It's impossible to gain any solidarity with black people because we all hate each other for various reasons.
Chinks, gooks, and zipperheads in general are slimy shitheads, Jews want to run everything, white people are generally annoying as hell...everyone sucks, really.

Stay in your house, kids.

>> No.3990652

>various race
>U.S blacks
just what the fuck

>> No.3990659
File: 64 KB, 600x359, articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South Korea Stretches Standards for Success

>> No.3990660
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>troll thread
>over 80 posts

/jp/'s seen better days, thats for sure

>> No.3990661

If they tested the billions of Chinese people in China the IQ for orientals would plummet.

>> No.3990669

I respect all people, and different cultures fascinate me. Also, I am American.

Anyways, I associate real deal racists with the extreme places like Stormfront, just like how I associate real deal newfriends with places like /b/. And I don't like any of those things.

>> No.3990671

A the awesome tripfag...

>> No.3990678

/jp/ dislikes Korean. lol

>> No.3990683

I don't see enough of minorities to know if I'm racist or not, sorry!

>> No.3990691


Because I hate being Korean for starters. Shit sucks when all the other "pure" Koreans know you were born in America and look at you in pure disgust.
Basically, I'm racist against everyone including myself. Everyone is just some walking stereotype etcetc.

>> No.3990694

do they make you uncomfortable? if yes, you are racist. congratulations.

>> No.3990702
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>> No.3990708
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>> No.3990709

I'm Japanese, but to be honest, it's hard to be really racist as a Korean, Chinese, or Japanese in any meaningful way since we're basically identical, at least the ones from first world countries. Facial structure can be somewhat different in some cases due to different languages using different muscles to different degrees, but other than that we're the same, biologically.

>> No.3990710

You're black? I always pictured you as looking similar to Arc

>> No.3990713

what caused those peaks?

>> No.3990715

I know you hate koreans man, but thats just pathetic.

>> No.3990726

Black panther, radical blacks, etc...?

>> No.3990731
File: 1.37 MB, 2816x2112, img_0663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Korean food.

>> No.3990739

No, they don't. Well I'm glad that was cleared up.

>> No.3990749

I like the BBQ.

>> No.3990750
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1399, 2728694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.3990762

I don't like nasty Kimchi.

>> No.3990764

I'm not a racist, period.
Sage for not Touhous or VNs.

>> No.3990769

Japanese dislikes rude Koreans in Japan.

>> No.3990778

Obsessed Christian Korean Mental Child Abuse

>> No.3990796

Almost Korean have a anger syndrome.

>> No.3990857

Corea Strong

>> No.3990923

Koreans are crazy.

>> No.3990940 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
lk.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3990946



>> No.3990951

ur mum is slut

>> No.3990973

A whore, not a slut.

>> No.3990998

you're mom is a slut you mean.

>> No.3991022
File: 99 KB, 555x800, W-SS-Misc-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My whole family are racists so fuck you

Racist for life
