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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3983084 No.3983084 [Reply] [Original]

>get mid-term marks back from uni
>Japanese class: 98%
>slack off every day

Goddamn this IS an easy language to learn.

>> No.3983090

oh man I did pretty well with hiragana too bro

>> No.3983089

Of course it is when you are a gigantic weeaboo.

>> No.3983092
File: 62 KB, 300x176, 1260916255026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get nothing back from uni
>dropped out forever ago
>slack off every day

>> No.3983091

I topped NSW's Japanese continuers in the HSC, I don't study either.

>> No.3983097

Congratulations, you can read and write Hiragana like any japanese kindergartner.

Please come back when sentence structure and kanji come into play.

>> No.3983100

there. an unironic congratulation. hope you're happy.

>> No.3983102

Hell yeah me too!!

>> No.3983111


It is easy stuff like hiragana and katakana (we only learned like 20 kanji so far), but to my credit, the average is 62. We've done a lot of vocabulary and sentence structure (although most sentences are like "bill's car is red" or "she goes to university" and etc).

>> No.3983122

i totally memorized the hiragana table check it out みんなさん

>> No.3983127

Well good on you for being honest, I guess.

A low average could mean a lot of things, professor/TAs not doing a good job, people who are taking classes pass/no pass and don't really care, etc

>> No.3983129
File: 415 KB, 1549x948, japareview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, if it's any indication of how much I know in Japanese, I constructed this image to use as a study guide for the final exam (everything on it was relevant to the exam).

>> No.3983132

Learn polish kurwa

>> No.3983133

you totally forgot something

>> No.3983135

It's still easy even then. Kanji takes time but isn't difficult, and I have no idea why you think Japanese sentence structure isn't easy.

>> No.3983136

日本語 general discussion thread

I got a question. Do they use 彼/彼女 a lot or is this online educational program deceiving me?

>> No.3983137

for Christ's sake, get out

>> No.3983139


>> No.3983146
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>not including wi or we

>> No.3983151

japanese expert is in the house

please watch warmly

>> No.3983152

like anyone's ever going to use ゐ or ゑ!!

>> No.3983154


>using katakana for colours instead of kanji

>> No.3983155


>> No.3983166

Good job! You know hiragana!

>> No.3983170


My god, there's so many problems in this.

>> No.3983179 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 386x557, 1237519957432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take your /v/ meme
>back to /v/

>> No.3983188

I'm not the one belittling the OP while bragging about something that isn't difficult to begin with.

>> No.3983194

still watching warmly

>> No.3983201

what's a 炉マジ
why do you put a 人 after 英語

>> No.3983205

OP: abandon ローマ字 right away, it will do nothing but hurt you.

>> No.3983209

get off your throne dude, he's taking beginner classes. If it got him 98%, it's fine.

>> No.3983208

炉マジ = romaji
英語人 = in English

As far as I know the above is true. I didn't learn a lot of kanji (mostly numbers) so I go by whatever Word autocorrects to. 人 = jin, as in eigojin.

>> No.3983227

I don't get your logic OP. I got an A+ in European History 111, that doesn't make EH easy. Beginner classes are meant to be a buffer for later classes that rape your GPA.

>> No.3983230
File: 72 KB, 720x720, 1255309779326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're an idiot.

>> No.3983234

sorry man, didn't mean to tease you. it's good to make mistakes! it's one of the best ways to learn.
Some corrections.
炉マジ actually sounds like "serious fireplace" or something, really it's nonsense. the proper way to write it is ローマ字, as in >>3983205 Note the 字! It's the same 字 in 漢字!)

I don't think I quite understand why you're putting 人 after 英語, the way you're using it, 英語 is the only part that's required. If you wanted to say "English-speaking people" you might say 英語を話す人.

And farther to the right you start using 判例 before 英語人, why's that?

>> No.3983238
File: 31 KB, 713x489, niggergana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I got a 100% in my Japanese class! Here was the exam.

>> No.3983240

maybe he meant serious fireplace

>> No.3983242

nicely done

>> No.3983248

your ち almost looks like a す

>> No.3983254


I know it's riddled with errors, but for the most part it helped me on my exam. I know how to utilize word order in simple sentences (ie I go to university, the car is red, I am hungry), but short statements and long sentences I have no idea. This is why I didn't know if it was 判例英語人 or 英語人判例. Normally I'd have a particle to help me, but since the statement is only two words I had no idea.

For the record, it was suppose to mean "example in English".

>> No.3983273

whatever I'm yukkuri shiteiru da ze

>> No.3983283



Real classy, /jp/.

>> No.3983291

for "example in english" would 英語の例 work?
As in
An English example was written.

>> No.3983343

へいしゃ? who taught you that?

>> No.3983350


The internet. My prof didn't even touch pronouns so I had to Google them myself.

>> No.3983361 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
k.com thanks in advance have a nice day

>> No.3983359

Spoilers: うそだ

>> No.3983370


うそだ = Lies ?

>> No.3983376

うそ だ
(It) lie is.
It's a lie.
Good job.

>> No.3983386
File: 222 KB, 1280x1024, ad85c077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3983390

Fist semester is cake.

Welcome to second semester aka Kanji cramming. You will fail on a monumental scale if you don't study.

>> No.3984769 [DELETED] 


>> No.3984797

it could also be plural "lies"

you can't translate that without context

>> No.3984835

The thing which was not

>> No.3984906

this is the first semester of japanese?
shit, I've learned more barely using rosetta stone and being a weeaboo

>> No.3984981

Such an imformative thread.

>> No.3985044


"Was written" (passive) is 書かれました

>> No.3985418

If you don't get it, using いました instead of あれました implies that you wrote it.
