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39815786 No.39815786 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say by a stroke of luck that one day you are randomly selected as if on the whim of a lottery of souls by the Dragon God and sent to become Emperor of Gensokyo, tasked to rule it with a just hand and help ensure stability. You are granted a mansion in the Human Village to inhabit and hold the village and the Hakurei shrine as your domain, with the divine right to command anyone there as you have their complete loyalty, and the Dragon God has allowed you to call on Gensokyo's sages to act as advisors when you find yourself in doubt. You are known as the ruler of all Gensokyo but nobody outside the village really acknowledges you as ruler, and Gods like Okina or Hecatia who come there don't seem to care much either. And, should you die, you may assign inheritance of the imperial role to whoever you please.

How would you go about ruling Gensokyo during your reign?

>> No.39815842
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I assign Flan my inheritance in my will and then kill myself so she becomes the empress of all Gensokyo.

>> No.39815949

You were supposed to guide Gensokyo, not lead it to its destruction!

>> No.39816086
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Ok, it started off good but then you started talking about Touhou.

>> No.39816174

Hard Mode: You can't kill yourself

>> No.39816324

So the emperor of an isolated community of hick's?

>> No.39816347
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I try to research into the history of Gensokyo and the hidden things that even Yukari and the gods must fear, and I leave the throne to any who dare to fight them after I awaken them.

>> No.39816777
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I make Moriya Shintoism the state religion and assign Sanae, Suwako and purple old lady the protectors of the realm.

>> No.39816832

Simple, put the villagers to work in state owned poppy fields, get every one hooked on opium and peace out to become a hermit now that I've ruined their society.

>> No.39816872
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I'm not really a leader, more cut out to do the kings dirty work for him. Prease undostando great dragon

>> No.39817687

Gensokyo is good due to it's current stability. No matter the fuckery, things end up fine again anyway. I guess I'd grab me some smokin' hot village bitch to have a couple kids.

>> No.39817809

I would think "well this isn't very different from my dreams" then go look for Yukari and get her to teach me everything.

>> No.39818115

I put forth the Cutesokyo act. Cutesokyo is now canon, non-compliant youkai are to be exterminated by the Hakurei Shrine Maiden.

>> No.39823349

Anon that sounds unironically grim.

>> No.39823414

Reimu just bops youkai on the head and drinks tea with them afterwards, it's only grim if you think it's grim.

>> No.39827769

Does nobody realize you could easily become the most powerful god around bar none if you successfully convinced all the villagers that you were an immortal emperor of legend ala Jimmu? You'd have the most worshipers and faith to live off of and that would only grow if you were to expand the human village and the population. Also anyone who doesn't use this opportunity to marry Keine or Kogasa is missing out.

>> No.39827860

I mean, unironically, I would probably just start plotting to break the barrier. Assuming that's not a option though, the main thing I would do would be trying to tech up Gensokyo by saving as many outsiders as possible. I would also try and put some serious pressure on the Hakurei Shrine Maiden and expose a lot of Youkai elements in the human village (Spies, Mami snooping around) without necessarily openly declaring war on anybody.

It would mostly be a game of improving the situation without uniting every youkai group in Gensokyo against you. Once you get a decent tech and population base going you should be able to start wiping out Youkai pretty easily.

>> No.39828403
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First thing I'd do is get myself some proper posture coaching. Emperors have to do that whole "still as a statue except for directed action" thing, after all. I also reread the entire Confucian classics (as well as Shang Yang and Hanfeizi) to see if I'm missing any vital info on how a ruler should act. I also acquire personal power by learning how magic and by directing Confucian-style rituals of reverence unto myself, which according to Gensokyo logic should make my danmaku stronger.
Next I promulgate my jurisdiction as the protector of all villagers, and that anyone who violates my protection should come to me to receive my judgement. Reimu and Sanae are to be tasked with helping the offending youkai reach me if they are too ignorant to understand my magnanimous and fair judgement or too weak to access it (or in other words, arresting youkai). I also promulgate procedures regarding my judgement: the right to call in representation, the right to question witnesses against oneself, that my protection only extends so far as my subjects are acting within reason, in good faith, without violating the personal and property rights of youkai or human, etc. etc.. Not trial by jury though, I'm the emperor and I am more impartial than any jury can be. My judgement shall be lenient in general, with penance to the victim or their relatives as the mainstay of my regime, rather than imprisonment or execution.
Once I have a reputation for fair judgement, I expand my jurisdiction to resolving any dispute the youkai have among themselves. I rig up a system where my judgement can be invoked through a ritual that can be performed anywhere, and then I shall be informed and can begin arrangements for a judgement. My goal is both to gain more power and to steadily erode the influence of the strongest youkai. Additionally, I have the opportunity to get Yukari in my debt, which will be important for later.
Once power and justice are sorted out, I need to develop my realm's economy. A tax on the unimproved value of land will provide me with the budget to get things done and give some impetus to enterprise. Gensokyo is agrarian, so my priority is farmers. With the "divine right to command anyone there as you have their complete loyalty", I should be able to direct the construction of an irrigation system or expand the currently existing one at minimum expense, by having the people dig wells or canals. At the first bumper harvest I establish an ever normal granary, which trades grain at the same prices always (selling for slightly higher than the price would reach during a typical year, buying for slightly lower). Once my finances are past the establishment of that project, I begin to loan money at a low interest rate to those who wish to invest in their lands by planting trees or mulberry bushes, buying animals, changing their crops, etc. The goal here is to diversify the land's production so we export more to the youkai world, have better diets, and can produce more clothing. This necessarily increases the land and labor constraints on the village's production of staple grains like rice and millet, which is a problem. For land, I will have all the traditional claims on the land surrounding the village catalogued, and in any situations where those claims overlap I will aim to resolve the dispute in favor of the most well-attested. This will enable villagers to buy land from youkai who were probably doing nothing with most of it anyway and allow us plenty of room for keeping animals and such. To alleviate the labor constraint, I'll get Yukari to gap us in some modern gm cultivars of rice, which should grow better, require less de-pesting attention, and be self-replicable in our own hands. I will sell these seeds to farmers with low-interest loans. I will also encourage the kappa to come down to the village and take requests for labor saving machinery from the village: the products of this policy should be idiosyncratic but it will help free up labor and also develop Gensokyo's industries on the side.
There. With that, I should be secure in power in the village, be well-integrated into the youkai world, and have noticeably improved the lives of the people. I have two ideas for projects after that (beginning power generation and opening up immigration from the outside world) but those are both very risky because they would anger or worry youkai. I would go for one and maybe start the other twenty or so years later when things have quieted down.

>> No.39828519
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i want this

>> No.39828699

Jeez, and I just wanted to institute a harem of youkai. We are operating on different levels.

>> No.39828996

That's the difference between a junzi and a xiaoren. Or in this case, between a Taizong and a Huizong.

>> No.39831383
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Thinking about it more, power might not be so hard. Underworld has a fusion power plant which is already connected to Youkai Mountain, and it shouldn't be too hard to buy my own connection. This allows me to do two things. One, I can get some electric mini-tractors commissioned from kappa or gapped in by Yukari. Two, I can foster the growth of industry. The kappa have the market for advanced engineering solutions sewn up, but more basic goods and components are not their style. Copper wire is the first priority and I think the kappa can make a rolling machine. After that, given some direction, local craftsmen should be able to make electric motors, fans, heaters, lightbulbs, ovens, and stoves. All things to make life in Gensokyo far more comfortable. Getting some machine tools made or commissioned is also important so that spare parts can be made for the tractors and other machines. In general, my policy shall be to encourage humans to improve their own production by offering loans to finance purchases of equipment and changes in processes. Not only will these products be useful for the people, they will also be good exports to the youkai world and further my plan to make the youkai more dependent on the village.
Just because elements like youkai and Reimu have different goals and desires from yourself does not make them enemies. In both cases they can be made to do as you wish with far less danger to yourself.

>> No.39841476
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Scramble everyone's brain, annihilate the scarlet devil manor, and take over the moon.

>> No.39841879

gather everyone under my banner, a lightning campaign with the outside world using nuclear weapons, then the total destruction of the lunar capital before they can ally themselves with the pussy humans

>> No.39841944

What makes you think you would succeed at destroying the lunarians when the Gensokyoans already launched a concerted attack and failed miserably?

>> No.39842064
File: 100 KB, 335x877, battle of lunar highlands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39842127

Because Lunarians lost to one man with a nine iron and he didn't even use the nine iron.

>> No.39842147

You'd first have to beat the current emperor of gensokyo ZUN in a danmaku to the death.
