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397994 No.397994 [Reply] [Original]

>Scarlet Weather Rhapsody debuted at Reitaisai 4, with a playable demo available to patrons. A demo was released at C72. No release date for the full game has been set.

Oh Tasogare, where is my full SWR release? I don't think I can even wait until Reitaisai 5 in May, let alone C74 in August.

Hopefully, they're working on adding more characters and tweaking the gameplay.


>> No.397997

They realised swr is SHIT compared to iamp, so hopefully they're redoing the whole game.

Watering a great game down by changing the combos into 5aaaa autocombos, taking away the importance of good zoning and making the movement awkward is not the way this shit should be done.

>> No.398017
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Movement isn't awkward at all, at least to me.

I first started playing SWR, then tried IaMP recently. Dramatic fucking difference in gameplay, and SWR just seems too easy and dumbed down now. Combos are ridiculously easy to pull off, and fights just turn into prolonged combo strings that are near impossible to retaliate.

Yet, if the game turns out to be IaMP with new characters, I'm not sure if I would play it frequently. I'd like to see something of a compromise between SWR's user-friendliness and IaMP's complexity. How that will be accomplished, I have no idea.

>> No.398033

I honestly just want IaMP with more characters.

>> No.398047

Compared to IaMP, projectiles seem to hold more sway than melee attacks. It feels more "danamaku" like.

>> No.398049

If Suwako, Kanako, and Sanae are not playable characters in SWR then TasoFro will cease to exist. Mark my words.

>> No.398063

So absolutely nothing stands to be changed or improved upon in IaMP?

>> No.398068

Mountain of Faith characters look fucking retarded and you should be ashamed. Instead imagine this: the entire Imperishable Night cast. All of them. That'd be the most epic cast in a fighting game ever.

>> No.398075

What about PoFV? I'd like to see some Yuka and Komachi action.

>> No.398107

IaMP had EoSD and PCB and was TH7.5.

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody is slated as TH10.5 so it'll have characters from 8-10. Except there are a metric asston of characters due to 8 and 9 have craaaazy numbers of playable characters.

From EoSD and PCB they added...nearly every boss character from stage 3 on. This means we can assume that (From Imperishable Night and MoF at least) we'll have a fair selection of Stage 3+ characters and possibly the playable characters as well due to the ones in IN all having been in IaMP already.

This means we'll probably get, from IN, Keine, Tewi/Reisen, Eirin, Kaguya, and Mokou. One of them likely won't make the cut (Probably Kaguya or Keine).

From PoFV it's a real problem since EVERYONE is a playable character. But of the ones not already covered who are more or less just from this game are Cirno, the Prismrivers, Mystia, Medicine, Yuka, Komachi, and Yama. Of these, the Prismrivers and Mystia are the most unlikely candidates.

Now MoF is fairly easy to figure out. Nitori is an unlikely candidate and is the stage 3 boss. Aya is the stage 4 boss and is already confirmed. This means we only have 3 possible candidates remaining. And as 3 is a pretty low number, it means they should be able to get in fairly easily.

This means we'll probably get the IaMP cast minus Meirin and Patchy, most of the major IN cast members, I'd say maybe 3 of the PoFV cast, and 3 of the MoF Cast. And the original villain for 10.5. So it's anywhere from 18 to more characters in SWR. And that's kind of a lot.

>> No.398110

They should put in everybody. I will wait forever if I have to.

>> No.398112

...including mid bosses and pre-stage 3 bosses?

>> No.398113

IaMP is a retarded turtlefest and SWR is a retarded turtle/buttonmashfest.

>> No.398115

EVERYBODY. Even alice's hot dead mom.

>> No.398117

Honestly, if they get rid of the universal 5aaaa garbage and brought back bombs I'd probably be a happy camper as far as the gameplay goes.

>> No.398119
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>Mountain of Faith characters look fucking retarded and you should be ashamed.
End yourself now. The Moriya Shrine characters are awesome.

It's not their fault they were in a horrible game.

>> No.398121
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>Mountain of Faith characters look fucking retarded

Go die, faggot

>> No.398123

Even the turtle?

>> No.398122

If you try to turtle in IaMP against anyone good, you die.

>> No.398125

But she's dead.

>> No.398128


Hahaha no, they're easily some of the most fleshed out characters in the series. ZUN simply said fuck it, and created characters that would give fans/doujin creators a lot to work with.

>> No.398131

You're not helping the argument by posting an image of Hina.

>> No.398132

Which is why you have to LEARN how to properly turtle. It makes up 80% of the matches.

>> No.398150

Sorry, but you're wrong.

But I'll go off of first-hand experience here. I had a reputation for being one of the most defensive players in the English IaMP community, and that's among the _good_ players. I'd sit around and fight for space and choose my battles carefully, capitalizing on mistakes the opponent makes rather than being outright aggressive. The exact sort of spatial turtling you seem to think the game's made up of.

Guess what, that shit don't work against people who know how to trap you. Sooner or later, you're going to guess wrong, and that's going to involve damage, so you _have_ to bring the fight to the opponent if you want to stand a chance. I've had to unlearn a lot of that playing style in order to be able to do damage.

Since all traps carry risk, you're not going to be 'turtling' doing them. But you have to understand what they are first.

>> No.398158

>Well, she's just a stage 2 boss. It's better to make her look a bit stupid.

>> No.398172

Are we talking about Cirno now?

>> No.398586

i just finished playing swr
i play it because its fun

you know, playing games for fun?
its a hard concept

>> No.398590

Tourneyfags don't understand the concept of having fun playing casually. They even ruined Touhou games.

>> No.398615

Why is Aya such a slut?

>> No.398635

What's wrong with stage 1/2 bosses?
What's wrong, too CIRCLE NINE for you?

>> No.398651


Cool for just shits and giggles. The novelty wears off, though.

>> No.398662


You're a complete fucktard if you believe your definition of fun is universal. My definition of fun is kicking massive ass in videogames. Yours obviously isn't the same.

>> No.398670

in before shitstorm

>> No.398686

meh, 6/10, could do better than that

>> No.398694

Eh, I want to feed him, but I'm not sure what to use for a good enough response.

>> No.398696

My definition of fun is avoiding fuckwits like yourself.

How's that?

>> No.398699

Actually, I've found that winning is fun. Playing good tourneyfags and losing is not fun. But generally most of them will help you get your game better if you ask them to.

>> No.398702

You guys are the worst trolls ever. Seriously. There's no passion behind those words, just baiting to get people riled up. You have to try harder than that!

>> No.398700

I was thinking more:
You must be one of those guys who gets a raging hardon for 'pwning' kids in checkers huh?

>> No.398707

The vast majority of us will respect it if you say you don't want to play people too far out of your skill range, asking for that is nothing to be ashamed of or bothered by.

I wish more players would understand that, rather than just labeling 'tourneyfags' as ruining fun. If you don't like them, you don't have to play them, y'know.

>> No.398737

The problem comes when the asshole tourneyfags (who usually suck compared to REAL tourneyfags) go around shunning other players and being, well, assholes. Weaker players can't tell the difference; thus they're all lumped in the same group. Same with powerlevels.

>> No.398746

Telling the difference is relatively easy if you're communicating via like IRC or something. On /jp/ it's a bit harder but still. Anonymous tends to help out Anonymous get better from the fightan game threads I've seen.

>> No.398772

Speaking of which, I've never seen anyone mention #iamp yet.


>> No.398779

Touhou and Tourneyfags = no ;__;

>> No.398780

casualfag does not understand that playing the game at a high level is fun.

>> No.398793

No you'll just get high blood pressure and die of a heart attack at a young age. Enjoy your adrenaline pumping through your veins and endorphin helping you let loose of your rage when you get defeated.

>> No.398798

Isn't that what people shoot for when they do EXTREME SPORTS like skydiving, for you know, fun?

>> No.398815

You know what the funniest part here is?

Most of the really good fighting game players I've met, regardless of what they're playing, are damned nice guys and, for all the shittalking that goes on, are not at all bothered by winning or losing - they're there for the game itself, not for the thrill of winning.

>> No.398874

Let me dig up the suicide reports...

>> No.398887

Yes, extreme cases sure are indicative of the whole!

Come on, now you're not even trying.

>> No.398894

don't be discouraged, I'd like to see them

>> No.398904

What are you talking about?

Everyone knows that anyone who watches an anime is an amoral child-raping fugitive.

>> No.398943

Earlier this month, gamer named Mitchell S.with the online screenname "Kujo" who posts on a few online videogame forums (including GameFaqs.com and MeltyBread.com) committed suicide. On January 2 he posted a message in both forums detailing his intent to end his own life, citing overwhelming complications due to his loss at a recent gaming tournament earlier the same week.

A very brief period of initial disbelief was followed by a barrage of replies from fellow forum members pleading that he not take his life, trying to talk him out of it.

For days, no word was heard from Mitchell. Fearing the worst, members and administration from MeltyBread began searching for contact information, spending hours on the phone trying to get in touch with him. Finally on January 4, Ryan K., an administrator at MeltyBread, got him on the phone and spent hours desperately trying to talk him out of it.

Sadly, Mitchell soon ended his own life by consuming antifreeze and painkillers.

>> No.399005



>> No.399008



>> No.399126
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I'd say Kujo was a better screen name. With a faggy screen name like Kuja105 it's no wonder he became an hero.
