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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 600x436, lenxmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3969326 No.3969326 [Reply] [Original]

I got your Christmas spirit RIGHT 'ERE.

>> No.3969355
File: 139 KB, 680x800, k26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
k lol

>> No.3969365

You crazy German.

>> No.3969431
File: 119 KB, 600x600, fs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3969443
File: 72 KB, 648x513, mbac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny I just capped this for something else.

>> No.3969472



>> No.3969486
File: 86 KB, 403x396, gigglingkonata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally destroyed you there.

>> No.3969512

I've been wanting to get more into melty blood, but I can't decide on a main for the life of me. I'll probably just go for one of the less popular characters. Is Ciel overused?

>> No.3969521


>> No.3969547
File: 23 KB, 373x444, 1200731617155-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciel is way too complicated for beginners. Just pick Nanaya.

>> No.3969570

Eh, I guess I'll play another fighting game. It's not many people play this.

>> No.3969594

Fine. Fuck off then.

>> No.3969619 [DELETED] 


>> No.3969620


>> No.3969624

White Len go.

>> No.3969628

V. Akiha, W. Len and Miyako

>> No.3969640

Thanks for the response. I've always been interested in Miyako and V. Akiha

>> No.3969671

Also V. Akiha is one of the hardest character to use.

>> No.3969726

Someone was eating their wheaties today. Man, I'm so bad against Neros. And what the hell happened with Nanaya flying straight up into the air there? GGs at any rate.

Rehostan for a little longer.

>> No.3969741


I don't understand why. She's not exactly useless. Really bad reach, but not absolutely useless.

>> No.3969757

GGs. I know Nero is annoying to fight but I don't even like using him myself most of the time. I wish i didn't learn him first. At least he's more balanced in AA.

Are you going to learn her cat bnb and relaunch bnbs?

>> No.3969764

Oh that glitch was hilarious. I thought I was seeing things or something since it was so fast.

>> No.3969949

GGs, Tangent. Sorry if I wasn't quite the opponent you were hoping for. Oh the number of mistakes I saw and cried about. All the missed wake-up EX command throws (that would have whiffed). All the 236Cs I walked into. That one match where you repeated that same sequence of attacks over and over with Satsuki, yet still I would get hit by that throw. Getting hit my Satsuki Arc Drvies. Getting hit by a Last Arc. Oh well. I enjoy a thorough beating. More to learn from. Laughed quite heartily at that last WLen Akiha match where my EX command throw met your throw-range Arc Drive. That was fucking beautiful, regardless of the outcome. Thanks for the games. Had a blast. Hope I didn't bore you.

>> No.3969950


I know the black cat mixup and corner relaunch, I can just never get them to come out in netplay so I don't bother even trying to use them. I was also trying to conserve meter for escapes/punishing Nero's antiair stuff, but that wasn't going so well. Although I really do have the bad habit of not using 2B in my BnB that I need to work on. I also completely forgot about the teleport to get out of the damn corner zoos until at least the 8th or 9th match.

>> No.3969960

What's so hard about playing V. Akiha?

>> No.3969983

Lowest health in the game by a fairly large margin.

>> No.3969988

I heard she's a high risk/high reward character, she relies entirely on offense pressure. That sounds like the kind of character I like to play, plus she has two air dashes.

>> No.3969997

But she gets killed if the other character sneezes, so yeah.

>> No.3970459

Someone host

>> No.3970479

If you insist.

>> No.3970498
West Coast

>> No.3970738

GGs. I'm not used to playing with people with 0 respect...

>> No.3970745

Eh? Respect for what? Kouma's meaties?

>> No.3970749

Dude, you're playing Meltan... EVERYONE playing Meltan's an asshole.

>> No.3970750

And GGs

>> No.3970758

Yeah lol. I guess the games go faster that way...someone is going to take 4k damage.

>> No.3970762

Do you play MBAA btw, or any other fightan gaems>>3970750

>> No.3970772

I'm bad about shielding, so I'd rather play the OtG games than deal with his throw mixups personally.

>> No.3970806

I used to play a ton of GGX and Soul Calibur, but I'm kind of burned out on both. I've been trying to get into BlazBlue off and on, but nothing's been clicking for me with it.

>> No.3970955

You know there's an irc channel for mbac netplay right. Some people actually play there.

>> No.3970973

I know, but that would be incredibly terrible for both my spare time and most likely my ego.

>> No.3970993

Yeah, I know what you mean. Often times I regret playing.

>> No.3971014

I'd probably also have to drop all my gimpy BnBs and learn the real ones if I started playing against a lot of good people for that matter. I like my aborted half-assed Ciel and Hisui combos. They're comfortable.

>> No.3972421

