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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3968934 No.3968934 [Reply] [Original]

Get this for Christmas.
Do what.

>> No.3968938

Praise Jesus

>> No.3968940

Return it, it's not my size.

>> No.3968941


Put some warm clothes on her and snuggle with my doll-imouto on the couch.

>> No.3968937

Clothe it, it looks cold.

>> No.3968944

I'd rather stay a virgin all my life than lower myself to fucking a goddamn doll.

>> No.3968955

That's not very nice. Dolls have feelings too! ;_;

>> No.3968971

No thanks. Pig disgusting.

>> No.3968976
File: 106 KB, 749x1050, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a real one.

>> No.3968982

get a good look on it, see from what is made from, google the price of this things, sell it on ebay
Fuck it as soon im alone with it

>> No.3968984

jesus christ man, just save up a couple grand, and go to amsterdam. damn.

>> No.3968993

Or save up a couple of rocks and go to your local kindergarten.

>> No.3969003

I'd rather stay a virgin all my life than lower myself to fucking a goddamit human being.

>> No.3969008

Elementary students are better.

>> No.3969053

You can hire child prostitutes in Amsterdam? I thought you had to go to Asia for that

>> No.3969081

Yeah, it's legal, but it ain't a hundred percent legal. I mean, you can't walk into a restaurant, pull down her skirt, and start poundin' away. They want you to have sex in your home or certain designated places.

>> No.3969079 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3969088

The little differences between America and Europe are so interesting.
'Cept for Big Macs.

>> No.3969090
File: 1.66 MB, 640x2864, 1261109452556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3969094

This isn't /co/.

>> No.3969095

hire child hores?, here in brazil with a bottle of vodka you can have a fucking haren of little kids if you go to the right place

>> No.3969124

>bottle of vodka

wait, what? sure, you can get child whores, but how the fuck does that work?

>> No.3969147

some natives are willing for trade their kids for some alcohol

Go to their place, give them vodka and pick a kid (ore even his wife)

>> No.3969185

English lessons for BR:

- Sentences begin with capitalized letters.
- Whores, not hores.
- Harem, not haren.
- Or, not ore. (Ore is rock mined for its metal content.)
- Sentences should end in a period (.) when they don't end in a question mark (?) or exclaimation mark (!).

Still, your typed English is better than that of most native speakers on the internet; I don't mean to taunt.

>> No.3969195


its the internet, now gtfo troll

>> No.3969213

That's no excuse for not using proper punctuation.

>> No.3969222

Looks like you also need to read that learned anon's advice.

>> No.3969232

Ok, thanks Mr. Grammar Nazi

the "ore" you can blame on the fact that I'm typing on a touch based computer and sometimes i hit 2 keys at the same time

>> No.3969256

Acceptable, virtual keyboards with no tactile cues aren't easy to type with.
