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3963742 No.3963742 [Reply] [Original]

Great -hisa brother, or Greatest -hisa brother? Also, wasn't he the only one who survived in True? I saw his brothers die but I never actually saw him bite the bucket. Could be wrong though.

Still, he's a bro after anon's own heart, and with fine taste in women.

>> No.3963831


>> No.3963837

Calling a Shimazu woman-thief a bro after anon's own heart is hopefully a stretch.

>> No.3963848

He eventually charges the bridge alone if you wait long enough.

>> No.3963856

Are you sure he doesn't die?

>> No.3963869

Yeah, after you rescue Kurohime and wait a while, he'll charge the Tenma Bridge and die.

>> No.3963868

True History has him die. You're supposed to wait until Kou starts talking about the Plan and after you've sealed Soul Binder and fucked Kurohime.

>> No.3963879

it's canon he is dead

>> No.3963904

they're all dead and that makes me happy.

>> No.3963914

The only good Shimazu is a DEAD Shimazu.

>> No.3963926

They would be bros if they didn't steal my women.

>> No.3963930

That's why they all die.

>> No.3963933
File: 91 KB, 718x557, rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wont call him a bro if he stole one of your more impotant woman

>> No.3963984


I never got that scene, I guess it's because I attacked Morroco and not South Africa, and ended up getting browbeaten even with my strongest team fighting.

>> No.3963989

Because by story rights, you should head straight for South Africa, where Xavier's base is in, and also where Soul Binder is.

>> No.3963999


That's sort of counter intuitive, because South Africa would supposedly be the most heavily guarded area, whereas Morroco is not.

I avoided SA simply because I didn't want to initiate a boss battle I would lose, yet going into Morroco did that very thing.

>> No.3964009


You're not thinking like Rance. Rance would just charge straight to the enemy commander.

>> No.3964026

You mean you guys didn't conquer the whole map your first playthrough?
And dunno how long I spent preparing for Tenma bridge, but it can't have been more than a couple turns of finishing dungeons. My Rance was decent level by that point already, so yeah.

>> No.3964066


I couldn't beat the monster commander, and by the time I fought Xavier I had to reload until he went down to level 50 to win.

>> No.3964072
File: 270 KB, 920x723, i own.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3964079

How can you play with that blur?

>> No.3964082

It always amuses me how many people don't know about rance's built-in screencapper.

>> No.3964087

Cool Spoileral, broseph.

>> No.3964170

First game canon commanders:

Rance, Suzume, Kanami, Kikkawa Kiku, Naoe Ai, Kawanoe Mine, Kawanoe Yuzuru, Natori, Nogiku, Orime, Noir, Omachi, Ogawa Kentarou, Ashikaga Choushin, Shigehiko, Sanada Tourin, Sakamoto Ryouma, Gon, Dokuganryuu Masamune, Ii Naomasa, Honda Tadakatsu, Sakakibara Yasumasa, Sakai Tadatsugu, Hattori Hanzou, Houjou Souun, Yamamoto Isoroku, Uesugi Kenshin, Kouhime, Seigan, Genri

>> No.3964664

What is this, I don't even

524k G?

>> No.3964793


That's unusual? In normal ranked or one star games where you don't have to pump up your troops if you focus on stats, getting that muc G is not out of this world.

Of course that anon is cheating, but that's beside the point.

>> No.3964832

How do you focus on stats, Wouldn't you have to raid dungeons and shit for books? I barely have enough fans to raid so I get enough points in the end.

>> No.3964859


I used pass permits so I could devote my action fans to "impose levy on [province]", which cycles through the text books.

>> No.3964894

levies give you a random lvl 1 book, not speed though.

>> No.3964988

Always or once it also reaches 5000?

>> No.3965338



>> No.3965353

How do I lifted the curse on Mouri Motonari?

>> No.3965367


Capture Takuga first, then click the purple event in Izumo where Ryouma mentions Daidaara caused Mouri's curse. Then, wait until 3G says Daidaraa is in Road to Hades. Charge in there to about level 7 and kill Daidaara. Mouri's curse will be lifted.

>> No.3965382


>> No.3965406

Bite the bucket?
You mean bite the bullet or kick the bucket?

>> No.3965630

He's so awesome he bites buckets.

>> No.3966895

That's not as awesome as kicking bullets though.

>> No.3966910

Fuck them NTR guys.

>> No.3967588
File: 124 KB, 800x600, ALCG0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate him after this fight. It took me whole fucking five tries to win this one. 6000 troop bushi units are hard to deal with.

>> No.3967598

glad he is dead

>> No.3967609


Hmm...So oily...

>> No.3967617

at least try and use two proper footsoldiers instead of one half assed one

>> No.3967631

It's a defensive battle. One mishap and you'll hurt badly.
Elina + Aburako Dousan = total defense;
Souun for diviner backup, 2 tacticians for buff and debuff since speed matters.
Don't forget morale shot since that's the only way to win.

>> No.3967641

I had used the rest on previous attacks and had to keep a few on reserve for their conterattack. That fight wouldn't be a problem at all with the best lineup.

>> No.3967655

>You're not thinking like Rance. Rance would just charge straight to the enemy commander.
You're stupid. The game doesn't have Rance act like that. He does a fair amount of planning in the game. The only time he wanted to do that, Sill's being frozen was making him dumber than usual.

>> No.3967660

Case in point, Rance's plan X in getting women to his castle. Man knows his economics.

>> No.3967677

He seems to do a great deal of planning only to end charging the enemy commander.

>> No.3967728

Charging at enemy commander =/= isolating/trapping enemy commander so he's easier to kill later

>> No.3967748

I finished the first game. (Xavier kept buttfucking me for 2 days and there wasn't any tips on alicesoft.)

I got 5 points.

Should I spent now, or accumulate them for later?

>> No.3967752

The maximum number of points you earned are always available for spending, so don't worry about wasting them.

Get Elina.

>> No.3967765


Does she do anything special?

>> No.3967768

She has All-Guard,mShikigami attack is deadly early on, and she can be used for the permit too.

>> No.3967773

her shikigami makes early castle fights easy, she's easy to clear and unlike other bonus characters, shes' also convenient later because of all guard shikigami

>> No.3967774

She will absolutely wreck the beginning houses

>> No.3967776


Oh nice

But of the off chance, who else is interesting besides her in the list?

>> No.3967782

The Tactician, since he has Battle Rating manipulation, and the monk who has GREAT stats, can restore action points and learn counterattack 1.

>> No.3967791

the monk has good stats and has youkai ward and the tactician's battle rating down can be very useful. Other's are pretty much useless imo. When you have more points after clearing 1-star, I suggest getting an extra action fan, more national power and hidden character bonus to get the best ninja in the game instead of bonus characters other than Elina.

>> No.3967796
File: 949 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leila is super useful, but if you clear her she can get kidnapped and raped by Xavier when her unit is weakened while fighting the demon army

>> No.3967800

I see. Guess I'll settle for the diviner for now.

Plus since im on the 2nd games, I can start the IF routes now right?

Is Xavier still gonna be the end boss on these?

>> No.3967804

Not necessarily, no

>> No.3967806

You really want to be spoiled?
I'll tell you this:
None of the end game bosses is harder than True Route Xavier.
Who or what you will face, you should see for yourself.

>> No.3967814

you don't want to be spoiled. Do the Ran route first since it's the worst one; you enter it by capturing Ran before the fifth gourd breaks.

>> No.3967829
File: 47 KB, 524x597, cg10181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3967876


moar sill

>> No.3967879

Play the game!

>> No.3967957

>None harder than True Route Xavier
>Probably has never fought Orochi

>> No.3967958


i did

stupid xavier battle :(

>> No.3967962

He's talking about the last bosses.

>> No.3967965

ENDGAME bosses, idiot.
Gunnagan and Orochi are optional.

>> No.3968110
File: 143 KB, 800x600, a (72).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, is it me, or is the cgs for Rance02 feeling a bit jumbled?

>> No.3968137

Technically, in True History Inukai also somehow survives but that's besides the point. This is verified by mini game released after Sengoku Rance by Alicesoft where Kanami and Senhime both go to the main continent together at the end.

>> No.3968158

CG pack where?

>> No.3968231

hongfire or e-hentai

>> No.3968246

Is there a wiki or something for that yet? My moon in woefully inadequate, so navigating the menu's and all that shit is pretty much not happening with me.

>> No.3968290

Highly doubt it.

>> No.3968412

How do you acquire Aburako? Reinforcements?

>> No.3968417

Hire the Mino Three.
Then you can get her like you get reinforcements. "Recruit Dousan-chan" is what you're looking for as far as I remember.

>> No.3969013
File: 221 KB, 800x600, senhime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck man? Mai waifu said she wanted to lose a few battles and then this.

>> No.3969027
File: 109 KB, 801x639, what the hell, Senhime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is incompetent, when it comes to losing.

>> No.3969062

Hey Rance, looking pretty awesome there.
Broken sword and yet he still keeps a look about him
