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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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39632018 No.39632018 [Reply] [Original]

Will marijuana become legalized in japan in the next 50 years? They've already legalized medicinal which is the first step. As the older generation dies out i think it's possible.

>> No.39632229

*munches leave* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
*lets Sanae smoke the weed*

>> No.39632268


>> No.39632309
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I'm serious. It might be 40 years but it will happen eventually.

>> No.39633218

dude weed

>> No.39633262
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dude passing out in shibuya lmaoo

>> No.39633368

Will westernoids stop trying to turn people into junkies and retards?

>> No.39633394

see >>39633262

>> No.39634149

why are drugs such a huge taboo in japan anyways

>> No.39634757

they are degenerate

>> No.39634973

pretty much their entire society is degenerate in the first place

>> No.39635145


>> No.39635452

drugs are taboo is USA as well

>> No.39635692
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They're not even legal here yet and people are already the most miserable and suicidal in history. Somehow, as the "quality" of life improves, and we as a species have more comfort and material vice than ever, everyone is in abject, crushing despair. Almost as if creature comforts and worldly sensation do little to soothe an aching spirit. Weed? Who gives a shit, duh oh im high! Feels good uooooh! Finding new ways to escape into vice and intoxication is no way to live a life.

>> No.39635763

Maybe they should stop working their population like slaves for one?

>> No.39635927

You need to suffer in life in order for it to have meaning

>> No.39635955

Dont work, at least not for anything benefitting the establishment
Agreed. But that idea does not preclude limiting vices and indulgences like drugs. Suffering will come whether you're high or low.

>> No.39637164

Nobody on /jp/ of all places should be able to lecture people about vice or degeneracy.

>> No.39638003

there must always be a taboo for any society to work

>> No.39639115

why is jp full of puritans. its like you're being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian

>> No.39640181

I'm sorry about your crippling depression. I hope that taking out your frustrations on others helps make you feel just a little bit better.

>> No.39641744

Why not
Modern men want to kill themselves. They smoke/drink/whatever, and they still want to die. What's puritan about noticing that?

>> No.39642940

>why is jp full of puritans. its like you're being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
same with the retards on /a/. they think a jap kid getting 5 years in prison for smoking weed is ok because daddy japan says so.

>> No.39642965


>> No.39643018

potheads are actually incredibly annoying so that's fine and i implore more countries to do the same

>> No.39643043

no one cares what you think. more countries are legalizing instead of getting stricter you dipshit lol.

>> No.39643081

>Modern men want to kill themselves.

You aren't old enough to post on this site, lurk for the next 5 years and try again.

>> No.39643164 [DELETED] 
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today i will remind them

>> No.39643508

because they care about having a functioning society

>> No.39643527
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treating their population like slaves you mean.

>> No.39643604

Not alcohol anyways. Alcohol is very common in Japan

Narcotics like opioids are just bad though. No doubt about it. It makes people into junkies or dregs. They are dangerous and can very likely kill you

>> No.39643605 [DELETED] 

inaccurate stereotype burgers work more hours per week on average and have less worker protections, but you niggers will use any excuse to spread your degeneracy to foreign countries.

>> No.39643743

Imagine being so butthurt about America you have to bring in your hate for them on complete unrelated topics for no reason.

>> No.39643755

truth =/ hate

>> No.39643781

Maybe take it to /int/ if you hate them so badly. Your anti-American rants do not belong on /jp/.

>> No.39643807

You deny that suicidality, especially in first world nations, is at the highest rate in human history? Why do this?

>> No.39643868 [DELETED] 

your a faggot for removing my post, also not a rant or anti-american you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.39643964

sanest /jp/ poster

>> No.39644606


>> No.39644830
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Did they really have marijuana plantations in Japan back in the day? Samurai Champloo implied so at least.

>> No.39645867

hope not. I don't need it stinking of weed and being filled with MORE idiots. It already stinks of cigarettes and the teenagers are fucking annoying

>> No.39646487

Either you know why or your a non-sentient incapable of even the most basic forms of self awareness.

>> No.39646556

Japanese people in general don't give a shit about politics and voting. The same old conservative fucks will keep getting elected until japanese people start caring about politics which will probably never happen.

>> No.39646636

im not japanese but im korean
in korea even young people have stigma to drugs
we have ameriboos that get caught with weed all the time and people have no sympathy for them at all which is stupid
they say things like
'if you like weed just go to america'
i hate old people that brainwash the youth

>> No.39646681

whoa it's almost like the preteens at /pol/ have no clue about anything

>> No.39646715
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Weed doesn't impress me. I tried edibles the other day, and it was fun as a background high, but all it did is I was a little happier and I mentally regressed to 9 years old. DXM is unironically way better

>> No.39646743

keep being high and sedated, that's just what your government wants

>> No.39646756

I remember back when Canada legalized it, reading somewhere a reminder from Japan or Korea that smoking weed is illegal for them even if you do it elsewhere where it's legal.
Doctors are required to notify the police if they find any drugs in your system and it serves as an evidence in court, even if they don't actually find any drugs on you. It's fucked up.
Only way to get away with it is if you're Paul McCartney. He tried to smuggle a huge case of weed in the 80's, and they just threw him in jail for a week before sending him back after a pinky swear he's not going to try this again. These days if anyone else tries to do that, they'll not see the sun for at least 10-20 years.
But I feel like everyone's aware most major musicians are doing drugs, and accepting it, just as long as they don't get found out. Would be fun if they were all found out at the same time, then they'll probably do something to make it somewhat legal just to get some good music again.

>> No.39646796

>reading somewhere a reminder from Japan or Korea that smoking weed is illegal for them even if you do it elsewhere where it's legal.
that was korea but i'm pretty sure nips feel the same way. you can't just learn things for yourself!!

>> No.39646902

this, the last thing japan needs is to emulate the west, weed is not conducive to a hard work ethic and atmosphere of responsibility and achievement (and I am one that has smoked a ton over the years). Japan needs to keep law and order as a number one priority and do the opposite of the stupid woke west on almost everything. Same goes for tattoos.

>> No.39647799

I just can't understand any argument against legalizing weed. Take any argument and replace weed with alcohol or tobacco, and you get a good argument against them, but they're somehow socially acceptable. It's hypocritical and logically contradicting.

Also, at this point, weed is probably a low priority item on the list of things detrimental to society. The internet, particularly social media, is arguably a worse "drug" with worse consequences. Political rhetoric nowadays is just some pseudo ecstasy that turns people into blind drones. Productivism is a hallucinogen that tricks people into overworking and pursuing the impossible and destructive goal of unrestricted material growth. Let's not even get into religion.

Before I get misunderstood, I'm not being pro or anti weed. I'm just saying there are much more real and urgent problems to deal with if we want to criticize weed as detrimental to society. If we classify weed as harmful to society, then we necessarily must classify many socially acceptable things as harmful. But this is clearly a paradox, so it's pointless arguing for or against since both sides are simultaneously correct and incorrect.

Weed does have one thing going for it though: it makes people take it easy, a conc that's been forgotten but is sorely needed.

>> No.39647942

dxm is white trash shit, it'll fuck your organs quick

What Japan needs to legalize is stimulants. Those fuckers are suffering and they can only get it illegally for the most part.

>> No.39648116

Go back to school, it's too early for you to be here.

>> No.39648153

No, just until they and the old farts who care about politics die. The same is true for the rest of the world, if things don't get better by the next century there's no hope for humanity.

>> No.39649922

in my experience, most people who smoke weed close to a daily basis are useless at work and/or lack direction in life
I don't mind it being legalized but just knowing somebody smokes weed makes me feel bad for the person, the same way I feel about somebody who drinks a lot or needs to smoke to function

>> No.39650319

The alternative is them being so depressed that they just kill themselves.

>> No.39650783


>> No.39650834

you don't have a clue as to why Japan is a great country, it is all the little things, by bringing in western woke influence it will start to destroy everything that is great about Japan

>> No.39650929

>you don't have a clue as to why Japan is a great country
because NTR is their favorite genre of porn?

>> No.39651632

>Linking CNN of all fucking news sources.

>> No.39651747

yes I do, it is the grueling disciplinary work culture and ethic of responsibility that makes it great, as well as the clearly defined, rational gender differences and attitudes, etc. Japan is 1000000000 times better than North America

>> No.39653653

Being a slave for you goverment = functioning society

>> No.39656104

I feel like Koreans are more open to things like weed because Korean democracy is so new.
You guys are constantly moving against the government and trying to make things more transparent.
Japanese have this bizarre political security where everyone can pursue their ends within a constrained box and never feel any desire to see what lies beyond.
Every Korean girl I've ever dated has been really interested in trying weed, every Japanese girl I've ever dated has been super hesitant to even say マリファナ out loud.

>> No.39658430

If you want to be a slave to your country i guess.

>> No.39659879

capitulation to Western tobacco corporates

>> No.39659934

one could never be free in a former axis power country. they wont legalize it just to fulfill your dreams of anime and toke chill sessions in the land of the source material.

>> No.39659965

LOL so wrong, and no young Japanese say マリファナ anyways, you are clueless

>> No.39661095

Not accepting or promoting drugs is in no way puritan. It is normal, you pederast.

>> No.39664323

Hopefully modern civilization as we know it will have completely ascended or at the very least been destroyed by the next 50 years.

>> No.39664878

LMAO retard please turn your brain on before you post

1. i'm not wrong. combative democratization strengthens civil society which leads to more radical thinking
2. マリファナ・大麻・葉っぱといったりまったく関係ない the point is that vast majority of japanese people are thoroughly spooked by weed and thats probably got something to do with inward looking, insulated culture

>> No.39671154

if you actually hung out with Japanese young people you would never had used the word マリファナ

>> No.39680264

It's the only thing the west has known how to do for the past 500 years or so.

>> No.39680457

Weed and tobacco should both be banned, along with smoking things in general. Find some way to get high that doesn't involve being a lingering nuisance to others.

>> No.39680655


>> No.39682141

I feel bad for anyone who doesn't experience listening to music while high on a regular basis. If you never smoked, you basically never actually heard music.

>> No.39682776

Of course they all say ジャッズキャベツ

>> No.39682841

It's just that alcohol and tobacco are ostensibly non-drugs in how they are perceived, and small amounts of tobacco aren't causing noticeable damage, not to mention that there's an industry.
But for all intents they all are damaging.

>> No.39682863

>The internet, particularly social media, is arguably a worse "drug" with worse consequences.
Also it isn't. Fixing mental damage from idealogical problems isn't easy in the slightest, but it's not the same as damage from bio structure disruption.

>> No.39685232

Yes, they did in the past. Here is a link to an old video vice jp made on the subject.
That's a fun episode.

>> No.39685267

>I am deficient and need drugs to fully experience things
How pitiable. In fact it is not even you who is listening to music, it is the drug.
